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CHAPTER 1 “Concerns for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of scientific

chief interest of scientific endeavour…

in order that the creation of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind”
ENERGY Albert Einstein


Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, the student will be able
1. To discover the three main types of thermal energy involved in changes undergone by matter.
2. To distinguish between heat capacity and specific heat capacity.
3. To relate heat, specific heat capacity, mass and change of temperature.
4. To perform calculations involving heat absorbed or released by a substance as its temperature changes.


1.) Sensible Heat ( Qsensible ) – amount of heat involving change of temperature only without physical
transformation or chemical reaction.
Illustration: 100g H2O(l) at 25oC → 100g H2O(l) at 100oC

2.) Latent Heat ( Qlatent ) – amount of heat involved in the physical transformation of a substance at constant
temperature without chemical reaction.
Illustration: 100g H2O(l) at 100oC → 100g H2O(g) at 100oC

3.) Heat of Enthalpy of Reaction ( ΔHrxn ) – amount of heat involved in chemical changes or chemical
Illustration: 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2O(g) ΔH = −484 kJ


– The amount of heat needed to change the temperature of a substance depends on its heat capacity.
• Heat capacity of a substance is the quantity of the heat required to raise the temperature of the whole
substance by one degree.
Where: c = heat capacity
q = heat
∆𝑇 = change in temperature

• If the mass of the substance is unity then the heat capacity is called Specific Heat Capacity or the specific

• Liquid water has relatively high specific heat (4.2 J/g oC), most metals have lower specific heats
(usually less than 1 J/g oC). Specific heat of a substance varies somewhat with temperature. However,
variation is usually small enough that it can be treated constant over a range of temperature.
Specific Heats of Common Substances at 25oC and 1 bar

Substance Symbol (state) Specific Heat (J/g oC)

H2O (g) 1.864
Water H2O (l) 4.182
H2O (s) 2.108
Nitrogen N2(g) 1.040
Air Air 1.007
Oxygen O2(g) 0.918
Aluminum Al(s) 0.897
Carbon Dioxide CO2(g) 0.853
Copper Cu(s) 0.385
Iron Fe(s) 0.449

The specific heat of water is 1 calorie/gram °C = 4.182 joule/gram °C which is higher than any other common
substance. As a result, water plays a very important role in temperature regulation.

• Knowing the mass of the substance and its specific heat, the amount of heat, q, entering or leaving can be
determined by measuring the temperature change before and after the heat is gained or lost:

Heat Capacity: 𝒄 = ( ∆𝑻)

Specific Heat Capacity: 𝒄 = 𝒎 ( ∆𝑻)

q = (mass of substance) × (specific heat) × (temperature change)

q = m c ΔT = m c (Tfinal − Tinitial)

If a substance gains thermal energy, its temperature increases, its final temperature is higher than its
initial temperature, Tfinal − Tinitial has a positive value, the value of q is positive, and the process is an
endothermic process.

If a substance loses thermal energy, its temperature decreases, the final temperature is lower than the
initial temperature, Tfinal − Tinitial has a negative value, the value of q is negative and the process is an
exothermic process.

Hence, Two Kinds of Changes based on the Utilization of heat

1.) Exothermic or Exergonic Change – any physical or chemical change that liberates or gives-off heat

Ex: Condensation, cooling, combustion, etc.

2.) Endothermic or Endergonic Change – any physical or chemical change that absorbs heat

Ex: Vaporization, melting, etc.


• Exercises:
1. A flask containing 600 g of water is heated, and the temperature of the water increases from 21oC to
80oC. How much heat did the water absorb?

Given: mH2O = 600 g

Ti = 21oC
Tf = 80oC
Reqd: q
Soln: q = c × m × ΔT = c × m × (Tfinal − Tinitial)
q = 4.182 J/g oC [600 g][80oC – 21oC]
q = 148,042.8 J Ans.

2. A piece of unknown metal weighs 500 g. When the metal piece absorbs 7.5 kJ of heat, its temperature
increases from 23.1oC to 45.6oC. Determine the specific heat of this metal.

3. 80.0 kJ of heat are added to 850.0 g of water initially at 25.0oC.

Calculate the final temperature of the water. CH2O = 4180 J/kg oC.

• Calorimetry is the technique used to measure the amount of heat involved in a chemical or physical
• Calorimeter is a device used to measure the quantity of heat transferred to or from an object.

Coffee Cup Calorimeter

Bomb Calorimeter

The total heat given off in the reaction will be equal to the heat gained by the water and the
qrxn = − qcal
Heat gained by the calorimeter is the sum of the heat gained by the water, as well as the calorimeter
itself. This can be expressed as follows:
qcal = mwater Cwater ΔT + Ccal ΔT
where: Cwater = specific heat capacity of the water
Ccal = heat capacity of the calorimeter


1. A 248-g piece of copper is dropped into 390 mL of water at 22.6°C. The final temperature of the
water was measured as 39.9°C. Calculate the initial temperature of the piece of copper.
Assume that all heat transfer occurs between the copper and the water.

Given: mCu = 248 g

VH2O = 390 mL mH2O = 390 mL [1 g/mL] = 390 g
Ti H2O = 22.6oC
Tf H2O= 39.9oC
Regd: Ti Cu
Soln: qrxn = − qcal
qcal = mwater Cwater ΔT + Ccal ΔT
q(Lost by Hot Metal) = – q(Absorbed by Water in the Styrofoam Cup)
mmetal Cmetal ∆Tmetal = – mwater Cwater ∆Twater
where: Tfinal for both metal and water are equal after thermal equilibrium mixing.

248 g [ 0.385 J/g oC ] [ Tf Cu – Ti Cu ] = – 390 g [ 4.182 J/g oC ][ 39.9oC – 22.6oC ]

Ti Cu = 335.4 oC

2. A student heats a 5.0 g sample of an unknown metal to a temperature of 207∘C, and then drops the
sample into a coffee-cup calorimeter containing 36.0 g of water at 25.0∘C. After thermal equilibrium
has been established, the final temperature of the water in the calorimeter is 26.0∘C. What is the
specific heat of the unknown metal? (The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g ∘C)

3. A 59.7 g piece of metal that had been submerged in boiling water was quickly transferred into 60.0
mL of water initially at 22.0°C. The final temperature is 28.5°C. Use these data to determine the
specific heat of the metal. Use this result to identify the metal.


1. How many joules of heat are lost by 3580 kg granite as it cools from 41.2 oC to –12.9oC?

2. The combustion of 5.00 g of coke raised the temperature of 1.00 kg of water from 10 oC to 47oC.
Calculate the heating value of coke. Ans 31 kJ/g

3. A sample of silver with a mass of 63.3 g is heated to a temperature of 384.4 K and placed in a
container of water at 290.0 K. The final temperature of the silver and water is 292.4 K. Assuming no
heat loss, what mass of water was in the container? The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g oC and of
silver, 0.24 J/g oC.
CHAPTER 1 1-10

4. Assuming that 50% of the heat is useful, how many kilograms of water at 15 oC can be heated to 95oC
by burning 200 L of methane, CH4, measured at S.T.P.? The combustion of methane is 891 kJ/mol.
Ans. 11.9 kg

5. An unknown volume of water at 18.2oC is added to 24.4 mL of water at 35.0oC.

If the final temperature is 23.5oC, what was the unknown volume?
(Assume that no heat is released to the surroundings; density of water = 1.00 g/mL)

6. A 30.5-g sample of an alloy at 93.0oC is placed into 50.0 g of water at 22.0oC in an insulated coffee
cup with a heat capacity of 9.2 J/K. If the final temperature of the system is 31.1oC, what is the specific
heat capacity of the alloy?

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