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Nombre: _Julian Reyes________4.

Fecha: _5/11/2020_______________________

Directed Situations. (2 pts. each)

Pretend that you are a doctor. Respond tothese situations in Spanish.
1. Tell a patient that you need to take an X-ray to see if there are any broken bones in her arm.
Buenas seño el doctor dice k se tiene k hacerse un radiografía para ver si tiene huesos roto en su brazo.

2. Tell a young teenage boy that you think that hehas broken his ankle and that he needs to haveit put in a cast.
Joven yo creo k tiene su tobillo roto y tiene k ponelo en emitir.

3. Ask a patient if she is allergic to penicillin. Askher also if any member of her family suffersfrom any other allergies.
seño usted es alergica a la penicilina. Y tiene alguien k sufre de algun alergias?

4. Tell a patient to be calm, not to be afraid, thatyou are simply going to give her an injection forher asthma attack. Tell
her that it will not hurt.
Mire seño tenga calma k solo le voy a poner un inyeccione para su attace de asma solo guarde calma k no va a doler.
5. Ask your patient, a woman of sixty,whether she has received a vaccination forsmallpox or for measles. Ask her if
sheremembers the year, or the name of the doctor.
Seño usted a recibido vacunacion contra la viruela o el sarampion. Usted se recuerda el año o el nombre del doctor?

Pretend that you are visiting a clinic. Respond to these situations in Spanish.
6. Ask the nurse if you can see the doctor rightaway. Your daughter has broken her left leg andis in great pain.
Enfermera sera k puedo ver un doctor orita porque mi hija tiene una pierna roto y esta en gran dolor.

7. Tell the doctor that you have been havingsevere headaches for two weeks. Sometimesyou get nausea and dizzy spells.
Doctor mire ve yo a tiendo mucho dolor de cabesa por 2 semanas y en beses me pega nauseas y mareos.

8. Tell the doctor that you are not feeling well. Youthink that you ate something last night that hasgiven you stomach
doctor mire ve yo estoy bien solo k a noche comi algo k me iso mal y me duele la pansa.

9. Tell the doctor that you suffer from hay fever. You sneeze all the time and you have a high temperature at times
Doctor yo sufru de fiebre del heno y cada rato etoy estornudo y en beses se me sube la temperatura.
10. The doctor asks you to give your medicalhistory. Tell him that you had vaccines againstpolio, tetanus, and smallpox.
Tell him that you do not suffer from any allergies, but that your mother is asthmatic.
doctor yo me ise las vacunos contra la poliomielitis, el tetanos y la viruela y no sufro de nigun alergias pero mi mama
es asmatica.

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