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America is Just Going to Have to Learn to Accept Good News mu, 10/21 199m arse SUMMARY KEYWORDS people, progressive, voting rights, aspirational greg, big, mederates, america, biden, question, fels, members, polices, president, congressman, package, view, week, flibuster, country SPEAKERS David Rothkopt, Greg Sargent, Kavita Patel, Advertisement, Re Khanna © rereriement o000 word and © cova rrriops o110 Well 28 to 23. This is deep state radio coming to you direct from our super secret stud Inthe third sub basement of the Ministry of snark in Washington DC and from other undisclosed locations across America and around the word Hello and welcome to a special edition ofthe podcast. We are joined today by Congrestman ro Khanna California. How are you today, Congressman? Good, Well thanks for having me back on, © coe rtriops 0150 Very glad to have yeu back on. You're one of eur favorite Congress people. Also because it's Thursday, of course, Di. jon, formerly of the Obama White House, how are you today? Good beat off Kavita Patel of the Brookings Institut @ Kevia rats o202 Very excited te have the congressman and you frst, and Greg and Greg. Grant @ covisrorhopr c2oe indicate, else our frend Greg Sargent of The Washington Post © Forrenne 0224 | read Greg's towel sto find out what's going on and they say, where's Banshee? We're siting over. Me too, So lat me ask you a couple of quick questions, Congressman, and then well turn te Greg and Kavita two things. One, the house, just 05 we're recording this on @ late on Thursday afternoon, has just passed contempt, | guess what resolution regarding Steve Bannon, and | quest! be referred to DOJ. How do you feel about that? And do you think Ie wil have consequences? @© Fokrana 0259 | do | mean, | feel when Congress calls yo testy, you should show up to testify. Let me give you en example. in our committe, we have the CEOs of bg el Exxon, Chevron, and BP shell al coming to testify, they didnt want to show up. But when they found out that there may even be a threat of further action, they showed up, that's usualy what people do. And to defy Congress is to defy the American people. t's to say |have no sence of accountability to our democracy So 'm glad that we're taking action to preserve the people’ ight to understand information, An Im lad that there's finally going to be some consequence to define congressional subpoena. Wi Thanks © bovia rtriopt 054 to thot, we may follow up on that ina itle Bit But the other big question of today, but onthe big issue of this week, in the past few weeks has to do with progress towards the build back better package, the reconclation package, and it's been a it of elftanger, end every | don't know Greg Sargent writes @ column every 20 minutes or so ‘bout this it oom to me but many of them have had me rather depressed. And I've talked to people in the Cedminisration, and | cant say they were super optimistic earlierin the week. And yet, today, Speaker Pelosi seemed quite confident and recently we've at least seen some reports that perhaps there Is some acknowledgement by Senator cinema that, you know, we're going to have to rire some taxes to pay fori which seems emall concession, but realistic. What do you think? What do you think about where we are? © roxanne 0637 | emerged very optimistic after Tuesday after we had I think it was Tuesday, early inthe week where we had a two hour meeting withthe President 10 of 10 progressives that he met later with 10 maderates. And what made | think any oF Us opUIMIs 1 NeW engaged ne was, medn, nes Meraly sting there with a char ne em, xnowing each dolla figure In saying he's absolutely committed, and he needs this deal before going to overseas, and we've got to get it done. And I think many of us fll don't get the President's disengage, he's going to be able to get it done. progressives indicated a willingness to compromise. mean, as you know, that number is going to be below 35 trillion ignifiantly below and people say, Okay, we have to do what we have to do, but we have to get the principles in there. But ital pends on him being able to convince mansion and cinema, a a fstinstance, on even the compromised framework, And it seems like that is sil an ongoing challenge. David Rothkopf 05:37 Yeah, Ihave te

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