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HomeworkLib (/) Search millions of homework answers here Homework Help Question & Answers The shear stresses in (kPa) of four specimens taken at various depths in a clay stratum. The shear stresses in (kPa) of four specimens taken at various depths in a clay stratum are given by Depth, meter 18 a aT 66 ‘Stress kPa 14a 287 7 at (a) Find the value of m ifthe Newton's third divided difference is-0.73. (10 marks) i 2 (b) Hence, estimate the shear stress at a depth of 4.5 meter. (8 marks) Vimages/viewer (c) Using the value of m obtained in (a), (Approximate the shear stress at a depth of 4.5 meter using second-order Lagrange interpolation. (Smarks) (i) Estimate the second-order derivative using most appropriate numerical ditferentation at a depth of 6.6 meter. (Smarks) src=//img.homeworklib.com/questions/c094b790-ff93-1 1ea-8e9b-£318c7e99718,png?x-0ss- process=image/resize.w_560/format,webp) The shear stresses in (kPa) of four specimens taken at various depths in a clay stratum are given by Depth, meter 1.8 6.6 Stress kPa 14.4 28.7 m 43.1 (a) Find the value of m if the Newton's third divided difference is -0.73. (10 marks) (b) Hence, estimate the shear stress at a depth of 4.5 meter. (5 marks) (c) Using. the value of m obtained in (a), (i) Approximate the shear stress at a depth of 4.5 meter using second-order Lagrange interpolation. (5 marks) (ii) Estimate the second-order derivative using most appropriate numerical differentiation at a depth of 6.6 meter. (5 marks) science (https://www.homeworklib.com/topic/science/questions) Advanced-Physics (https://www homeworklib.com/topic/: ittpsi/muw.homeworklib.com/questions/favorites?id=1552920) _(https://wwwshomeworklib.com/edit/question/1552920) ‘Add a comment (hitps:/mww.homeworklib.com/question/comments/1552920) (https:/Awww-homeworklib.com/qaa/1552921/to-illustrate-the-effects-of-driving-under-the) (httpsi//www.homeworklib.com/qaa/1552919/113-vuesuur-jj-firms-price-560-570-51800-1650) Homework Answers Sort answers by oldest ‘We have given data and asked to solve through three different ways, ‘LNewton's divided difference law 2. Second order lagrange interpolation 3. Appropriate numerical differentiation All three laws have different ways to solve for the function so i have written notes for step by step solution. Kindly go through them : ay cm | Vimages/viewer? homeworklib.com/questions/2b38c4a0-11d1-1 1eb-b1ef-4df86F1.cec55.png?x-0ss- ‘age/resize,w_560/format;webp) Vimages/viewer? src=/fime.homeworklib.com/questions/2d598710-11d1-1 1eb-92fb-e38423e00f10.png?x-oss- process=image/resizew_560/formatwebp) / Vimages/viewer? src=//img.homeworklib.com/questions/2df65960-11d1-1 1eb-a8cc-Ob2ddff4dféd.png?x-oss- process=image/resizew_560/formatwebp) src=/simg.homeworklib.com/questions/2f035750-11d1-11eb-85ac-73170087a3ef png?x-oss- process=image/resize,w_560/format,webp) Vimages/viewer? src=//img. homeworklib.com/questions/2{08310- 11d1-11eb-a4b3-f2695fda3bb.png?x-oss- process=image/resizew_560/formatwebp) Vimages/viewer? src=//img.homeworklib.com/questions/30dc06d0-11d1-1 1eb-8442-89523a50df36.png?x-oss- process=image/resize w_560/format,webp) src=//img.homeworklib.com/questions/31e9ed40-11d1-1 1eb-923a-d52b542c74e8,png?x-oss- process=image/resizew_560/formatwebp) Please like this answer if you found it helpful Thanks ‘Add a comment (https://www.homeworklib.com/answer/comments/1166154) Know the answer? Add Answer to: The shear stresses in (kPa) of four specimens taken at various depths in a clay stratui Your Answer:

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