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Nguyen Hue Primary School FINAL TEST ENGLISH 4

Name: …………………………………….……… School year: 2017-2018

Class: 4…… Time: 35 minutes

(Not including Speaking test)

Skill Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total


Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

I- LISTENING (3 pts)
Part 1: Listen and colour. There is one example.

Part 2: Listen and tick ( ) A, B, or C. There is one example.

0. Where’s the boy’s cat?

1.What’s the weather like today?

2. Which Lan’s living room?


3. Which Peter’s family?


4. Which is Sarah and her pets?

Part 3: Listen and number from 1 to 4. There is one example.

Part 4: Listen to each question and circle A, B or C for the best answer. There is one example.

AA. It’s my grandfather. B. It’s very nice C. It’s a table.

A. Yes, it is. B. It’s near HaNoi. C. No, it doesn’t.


A. He likes playing football. B. He’s playing tennis. C. He plays chess at breaktime.


A. No, they aren’t. B. It’s my picture. Yes, there are.


A. I have a truck. B. He has two planes. C. I’m in the playroom.

Part 1: Look and read. Write the correct words next to their descriptions. There is one

0. I have four legs. You can sit on me with a back. …chair…

1. When it’s hot, you need me to make cool. …………….

2. You can see yourself when you look in me. …………….

3. I have colourful feathers. I can copy your sayings. …………….

Part 2: Look at the picture. Decide the whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
There is one example.

0. Hoa has a doll and a teddy bear.

1. It’s windy today.

2. Nam is sleeping on the bed.

3. My cat is next to the armchair.

Part 3: Read the passage and circle A, B or C.

Hello! My name is Phong and this is my house. It has two floors – the ground floor
and the first floor. On the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a
room. My bedroom is on the first floor. I share it with my brother, Nam. There is
also my parent’s bedroom and a bathroom. There is a swimming pool in front of the
house. The garden is behind the house. It is beautiful with many colourful flowers and
a big tree. My father makes white fence around the house.

0. How many floors are there in Phong’s house?

A. 1 B. 2
B C. 3
1. How may people are there in Phong’s family?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6
2. Which room is NOT on the ground floor?
A. The bathroom B. The living room C. The dinning room
3. Which is in front of Mai’s house?
A. The garden B. The swimming pool C. The fence.
Part 1: Reorder the letter to make a word. There is one example.

0. nsynu 1. raibtb 2.cldoyu 3. waberdor

_ sunny ___ ________________ ______________ _______________
Part 2: Read the passage. Then write ONE word into each gap for each picture. There is
one example.

It’s (0) sunny and windy today. My friend and I are in the park. We are doing

many things. Phong is playing (1) ............................ while Mai is singing. Hoa is

(2) ................................. in the playground. Under the tree, Quan and I are

...................................... We are all very happy in the park.


Part 1: Getting to know each other.

The examiner asks the student the following questions below:
1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Part 2: Talking about a familiar toy.

(Use pictures of some toys such as: truck, train, kite, plane, … )
The examiner gives out the pictures and asks the student to choose one and answer
three questions below: (Please take one picture of the toy you like.)
1. What is it?
2. What color(s) is it?
3. What toys do you have?
Part 3: Describe the picture.
The examiner says, “Now you have 30 seconds to look at the picture.”

The examiner asks the student the following questions below:

1. What’s the weather like?
2. What is the boy doing?
3. What do you often do at the weekend?
Part 1:

A: Do you have any toys, Mai?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Do you have a ball?

B: Yes, I have a blue one. It’s over there.

A: Oh, I see an orange teddy bear. It’s lovely.

B: Thanks. It’s my birthday present.

A: The green boat beside it is nice. Is it your birthday present, too?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Is the yellow doll yours?

B: No, it’s my sister’s.

A: Is the pink train your sister’s, too?

B: No, it’s my brother’s.

Part 2:


Son: Where is my cat, Mum?

Mum: It is over there, on the bench.


Mum: Where are Jimmy and Jenny now? Dad:

They’re playing in the rain outside.

Mum: Oh, dear. Let me ask them to come in. I don’t want them to get sick.


A: How many sofas are there in your living room, Lan? B:

There is a sofa. And there is a picture over it.

A: Is there a table there?

B: No, it isn’t. There is only a big mat in front of it.

A: What is your family doing now, Peter?

B: We are watching TV together. I’m sitting on the floor. A:

Where are your parents sitting?

B: They’re sitting on the sofa.


A: Sarah, do you have any pets?

B: Yes, I have five pets.

A: Great. Do you have a cat?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Do you have any dogs?

B: Yes. I have two dogs. One of them is very big but lovely.

Part 3:


A: Are you reading a comic book? B:

Yes, I am.


A: Is Linda drawing?

B: No, she isn’t. She is playing the piano.


A: John, your music is too loud. Turn it down!

B: Yes, Mom.


A: What is Mary doing?

B: She is watching television.


A: What are you drawing, David?

B: I’m drawing a cat.

Part 4:

0. Who’s that?
1. Is Ninh Binh near Ha Noi?

2. What is Tony doing now?

3. Are there any pictures in the living room?

4. What toys do you like, Jack?

Part 2:

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C

Part 4:
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A


Part 1:

1. fan 2. chair 3. parrot

Part 2:

1. F 2. F 3. T

Part 3:

1. B 2. A 3. B


Part 1:

1. rabbit 2. cloudy 3. wardrobe

Part 2:

1. guitar 2. skating 3. reading


Kỹ Nhiệm vụ/ Mức/ Điểm Tổng số

năng M1 M2 M3 M4
Kiến thức cần đánh giá câu, số
điểm, tỉ
lệ %

1. Listen and colour. 4 16 câu

teddy bear – orange, doll –yellow, 1đ 4 điểm

boat – green, train –pink
40 %
2. Listen and tick. 1 3

What’s the weather like 0,25đ 0,75đ

Which is Lan’s living room? Which
is Peter’s family? Which is Sarah
and her pets?
in the rain, sofa, table, mat, sitting
on the floor, sitting on the sofa,
two dogs
3. Listen and number. 4

watching TV, listening to 1đ

music, playing the piano,
drawing a cat
4. Listen to each question and 4
choose the best answer.

Is Ninh Binh near Ha Noi? What
is Tony doing now?
Are there any sofas in the
living room?
What toys do you like, Jack?They
are over there, on the chair.
1. Look and read. Write the 3 9 câu
correct words next to their
0,75đ 2,25
fan, mirror, parrot
2. Look at the picture. Decide the 3
whether the statements are True
(T) or False (F). snowy, sofa, on 0,75đ

Đọc 3. Read the passage and circle A, B 2 1

or C. 0,5đ 0,25đ
people, bathroom, living room,
dining room, garden, swimming
pool, fence, in front of, behind
1. Reorder the letters to make a 3 6 câu
0,75đ 1,5đ
wardrobe, rabbit, cloudy
Viết 15%
2. Read the passage. Then write 3
ONE word into each gap for each
picture. 0,75đ

guitar, skating, reading

Nói 1. Talk about you. 2 1

What’s your name? 0,5đ 0,25đ

How old are you?

Do you have any brothers or

2. Talking about a familiar toy. 2 1

What is it? 0,5đ 0,25đ

9 câu
What color(s) is it? What toys do
you have? 2,25
3. Describe the picture. What’s 2 1
the weather like? What is the 22,5%
0,5đ 0,25đ
boy doing?

What do you often do at the

Tổng 8 16 11 5 40 câu

20% 40% 27,5% 12,5% 10điểm


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