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Migrant Crisis

What is the migrant crisis? Why do people migrate, and what are the causes? The migrant

crisis is the difficult or dangerous situation to arrive in a country or destination due to the

movement of a huge number of immigrants to escape or to protect themselves from struggles

such as war, economic hardship, political situations, and social situations. The two major causes

of the migrant crisis include war and the economic difficulties of people fleeing their home

country, and migrant crisis affects the economy of the origin and destination countries in

negative and positive ways respectively.

First, the war in a country is the main cause of the migrant crisis. People who are living in

a war-ridden country are always seeking a way to immigrate because war brings with itself

backwardness, hopelessness, unemployed, and even death. Many or most people are afraid of

losing their beloved ones during the war. Afghanistan and Syria are the best examples of war

thorn countries, which have greatly contributed to the migrant crisis in the world. According to

Bowen (2015), for more than four years on the biggest challenges are coming from Syria, the

Middle East, and Africa. The world’s most powerful nations are trying to find a solution.

Refugees and immigrants are at the center of these problems. Meanwhile, the European Union

realized that it is impossible to not accept the immigrants from Syria and it is impossible to avoid

the effect of war and civil war of Syria next to the doors of Europe, while most of the people are

trying to cross the borders (Bowen, 2015). To point this out, these days our home country,

Afghanistan, is burning in war, and the Taliban regime has taken over the country. Most of the

people are seeking a way to migrate. For example, my best friend with her family left the country

to go to Pakistan on the first of September. They faced a lot of struggles on the Pakistan border

as the Pakistan army hit while passing the border. They passed the border crying, begging, and
forced. Now they are living in Pakistan with no home and no proper food to eat in a mosque

along with many others. So, they are still waiting and hoping to find a way to leave Pakistan for

a peaceful life in Europe away from the war in their homeland. Hence, war is considered a major

cause of today’s migrant crisis globally.

Secondly, economic hardship is another considerable factor that causes the migrant crisis

worldwide. Economic hardship causes unfavorable life. It forces people to relocate to have a

higher income and a good economy. To illustrate, labor standards, unemployment, and the

overall health of a country's economy are all linked to demographic and economic migration.

Higher earnings, greater job possibilities, a higher standard of living, and educational

opportunities are all pull factors. If economic conditions are unfavorable and appear to be on the

verge of worse, more people will likely relocate to countries with a better outlook. Migrant

workers, defined as persons who travel intending to find employment, numbered around 164

million globally in 2017, accounting for nearly two-thirds of all international migrants, according

to the United Nations International Labor Organization. Almost 70% were discovered

(, 2020). In 2015, my friend, Fatima left the country along with her family

after her father realized that he could no more fund his five children’s education. Fatima and her

family moved to Iran and migrated to France from there. Now, she is happy because her father

and brothers have better jobs there, which support them financially. Thus, poverty or a low

economy is another major factor that causes the migrant crisis.

The economy of the origin and destination countries are affected in negative and positive

ways as a result of the migrant crisis. The host country's economy may profit from the cheap

employment, or it may suffer when immigrants work for illegal incomes, fueling social and

political animosity. The host country's social and political landscape might also be drastically
transformed. Bad economic consequences, such as a shortage of skilled people, may be felt in the

country of origin. Also, the young force could decrease in the origin country (

Therefore, the migrant crisis affects the economy of countries worldwide.

In short, war and economic hardship are major reasons for the migrant crisis. Most of the

people are escaping from war to refuge in other countries. Luck of employment and low income

are other causes of the migrant crisis. Besides, the migrant crisis affects the economy of both

countries, host and origin countries. If the world does not think of solutions to deal with the

causes of the migrant crisis, I anticipate it will be a huge problem in a few years.

Bowen, J. (2015, September 9). Migrant crisis: How middle east wars fuel the problem. BBC

News. Retrieved October 21, 2021, from


Exploring migration causes – why people migrate: News: European parliament. Exploring

migration causes – why people migrate | News | European Parliament. (2020, October 30).

Retrieved October 21, 2021, from


IAC Publishing. (n.d.). What are the causes and effects of immigration? Reference. Retrieved

October 21, 2021, from


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