Gatsby and Daisy Had Known Each Other in The Past

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Gatsby and daisy had known each other in the past, but they culd not be together

After a long times and after Gatsby becomes friend with nick , nick invites daisy to his hiuse to reunites
with Gatsby . and after that they feel comfortable .

Tom and daisy attend in gatsbys party and tom always ovserving his wife

Wilson’s wife was killed by Gatsby’s car but , daisy was driving

Wilson kills Gatsby at his house

Color white; nick belives he is the only honest person in the novel that’s why he is wearing white color

But its strange to talk about ur self like that because in this time the reader doesn’t know anything about
the reality except his words

Yellow , death depravity , corruption

Wilson’s house … the ony crazy I was was …

Gatsbys car was yelllo

Green : hope

Nick sees Gatsby standing in his lawn which a world of imagination] and watching the green light , and
always hoping to get daisy back, and get back to their relationship in the past

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