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2021. 02. 22.

Syrian army Units secure Deir Ezzor – Palmyra highway – Syrian Arab News Agency

Syrian army Units secure Deir Ezzor – Palmyra highway

 3 February، 2021

Deir-Ezzor, SANA-Syrian Arab Army units work to eliminate remnants of Daesh terrorists and secure the
strategic Deir Ezzor – Palmyra highway that connects Damascus to al- Badia reaching north of Syria.

The highway has recently come under many terrorist attacks that targeted public transport buses.

A field commander told SANA that the Syrian Arab Army units are working on two fronts, hunting and
eliminating the remnants of Daesh terrorist organization in Syrian al- Badia and securing, protecting the
international highway of Deir-Ezzor – Palmyra, Homs-Damascus by establishing new points of support to

boost the military posts as well as running 24/24 hours’ patrols along the highway.

The commander added that international Deir Ezzor –Palmyra highway became safe and the movement of
cars, transport buses and cargo trucks is running smoothly and safely.

A group of terrorist remnants deployed in the Deir Ezzor semi-desert had attacked the buses and cars of
civilians and soldiers during the last month. 1/2
2021. 02. 22. Syrian army Units secure Deir Ezzor – Palmyra highway – Syrian Arab News Agency

Bushra Dabin/ Mazen Eyon 2/2

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