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FORCE DÉMOCRATIQUE HAITIEN INTÉGRÉ • Tel. : 509-4622-9863 • Tel. : 215-833-0499 •
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Monday October 25, 2021

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmond Burke (1729-1797)

Haitian people, Haitian youth, Haitian diaspora,

We are all more than aware of our current dire situation which we have never experienced in all of our history as a people.

We have certainly seen the rise of evil, when we were all deluded with the idea of democracy as we shied away from despotism. We
were a people still too young to grasp the impact that the murder, of the Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines on October 17, 1806,
will have on our future, 215 years later; and we were too stupid to understand that freedom, in the collective, remarkable, sensational
and incredible pursuit of our ancestors, had a price to pay.

About ten years ago, we wanted to move away from reckless morality to embrace immoral and brutal deception to plunge deeper in
2015 into the false hope of domestic production to even deeper deceptions in a major historic act of the disappearance of a sum
known as Petro Caribe. The Petro Caribe affair is a surprising offense to the Haitian nation. It is in total violation of our national
integrity and human rights resulting in a massive distribution of military weapons to our young people whom we quickly qualified as
bandits or organized gangs. Subconsciously, we have all looked at the results of their actions rather than looking at the cause of their
motives for engaging in criminal actions. They are the victims of their suppliers who wanted at all costs to create a climate of terror for
total domination thus making it impossible for anyone to live or survive in HAITÍ. Thus enjoying their new status (Weapons of war,
cash, rolling logistics etc.), these armed young people lose themselves in perversion and even do not care about the consequences
of their actions and their life for them has any importance.

The results are evident today as we witness an increase in kidnappings, multiple cases of sexual abuse of women and underage
girls, multiple murder cases to include that of a de facto president, destruction of private and public properties. Due to the mostly
increased cost of basic necessities like rice, cooking oil, beans and now to include gasoline whose price per gallon has reached up to
Gdes. 1,500.00 (US $ 15.00). The people have no choice but to demand better conditions and better government to ensure a decent,
safer and more affordable way of life. For them, an economic and social crisis of this magnitude of basic needs is something very
difficult to understand.

Today, October 25, 2021, marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the Haitian people who will no longer be able to
endure these conditions. Now is the time to stop the foolish deaths. Now is the time to fight to live.

More than three months ago, a president was cowardly assassinated in his home and yet today, the National Palace is still without a
president as prescribed in the Article 138 of our Constitution which says: "The President of the Republic is the guarantor of
national independence and territorial integrity”.

Why today are we still without a President at the National Palace? The question we should all ask ourselves today is: where are the
defenders of the people, where are the radical oppositions, the moderates and the less moderates ... and why the people,
with a de facto Prime Minister, found themselves suddenly alone and forgotten in these exponential conditions?



Jovenel Moïse unfortunately created this mess and Ariel Henry presented himself with eminent authority as executor and with a
fascist position, he and his consorts remain well above the law and do not care about the people as well as their daily worries.

Well, today, the political party Force Démocratique Haïtien Intégré-FDHI and several groups of people representing different
political parties, groups of political parties and sectors from the Civil Society have decided to join the people in their fight for justice,
economic freedom and a higher standard of living. We all support the demands of the various union groups and the people who have
the legal right to protest against the continued rise of the corruption machine that has been intentionally erected to destroy the hope
and the future of our nation. As we say NO to what appears to be a modern philosophy of Adolph Hitler, we propose the following to
be executed immediately before our eyes, in order to avoid a revolution that could literally destroy millions of Haitian lives and
a sudden forced expatriation to other foreign borders to deal with new insults as recently reported on the borders of Mexico
and the United States in Del Rio, Texas.

1- Mr. Ariel Henry and his consorts must withdraw immediately and remain in the country, available to clear their names in their
alleged implications in the assassination of the de facto President, Mr. Jovenel Moïse.

2- The immediate installation of a Transitional Government of three (3) members: a CNG (National Council of Government) headed
by Joseph Mécène Jean-Louis, classified as the oldest judge of Court of Cassation with two other members to be designated by the
Civil Society.

3- The formation of an Executive Council with two (2) members per department to include two (2) representatives of the Diaspora
with the mission of supervising the actions of the Transitional Government.

4- The development of a very detailed plan on how insecurity, urgent social assistance, temporary employment, the revision of our
international relations and the preparation of the future general elections will be approached and organized.

Haitian people, we have been saying for too long that we must be masters of our destiny and our country. We must recognize that we
are a nation that needs to build a state and establish the democracy to which we aspire. Today as we are overwhelmed by the
systemic corruption that is the basis of the nation's concerns, we continue to face the unsustainable results of repeated social and
political crises that destroy what little remains of our youth. We must fight the enemy within ourselves; we must unite around a
single common vision: HAITI, in order to create a better environment for this generation and those to come. In this way, and
only in this way, we will be able to build a nation comparable to our neighbors in the Caribbean and finally able to open our doors
safely and serenely to the whole world.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. »Edmond Burke (1729-1797).

With the good deeds in a united front, the Haitian people will survive.


Dr. Eddy Delaleu, D.D
Secrétaire Général, FDHI

Mb : Dr. ED
cc : Bureau Exécutif National
Coordination Nationale
Diaspora Unite, LLC
Dép. Géraud Charles, Opposition Nationale d’Haïti-OND’H


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