Summative Part 2 - Algebra MYP2

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Summative Part 2:

Making a Game on Scratch
Note: Task 1, 2 and 3 may be attempted in groups of 2s or 3s. Task 4 has to be
attempted individually.

Task 1:
Given the prior knowledge that you have of Scratch and flow charts, decide on a
game which you can make on Scratch.
1) The game that you decide must incorporate Algebra.
2) Most importantly, the game that you think must be executable using the
knowledge of Scratch and flow charts you have.
Write down your idea and how you will make sure of the 2 points written above.
Task 2:
Make a flow chart of the game idea that you have written above.
1) The flow chart must be readable.
2) It should have all the components that we have discussed in class.
Task 3:
Execute your game in Scratch and upload it on LMS.

Task 4:
Write a report on your game implementation.
Your report must include:
1) Relevant factors that you need to account for while making this game.
2) How you execute any calculations in this game.
3) The degree of accuracy of your flow chart and game.
4) A comment if it makes sense in the real life context.

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