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Potable water supply

and distribution

Ductile iron pipes
and fittings system
DN 60 to DN 600

Extension to DN 350 to 600
STANDARD Vi anchoring DN 350 to 600

Editorial......................................................................................................................... page 1

Stick to your principles........................................................................................ page 3

A material you can trust...................................................................................... page 6

PAM Natural, a complete pipe system................................................... page 8

Ductile iron, new generation............................................................................. page 9

NATURAL blue iron............................................................................................. page 10

The solution for potable water...................................................................... page 12

Safety........................................................................................................................... page 13

Joints........................................................................................................................... page 14

Performance........................................................................................................... page 16

Natural, a complete range......................................................................... page 17

The NATURAL STANDARD and EXPRESS range................................................

The NATURAL UNIVERSAL range. ...............................................................................

Visit the site
Coatings for extreme situations. ...................................................................................

Connecting and repair pieces.........................................................................................


From the early seventies, the realisation that natural resources are not inexhaustible has

grown and is now shared by an increasing number of players.

The signs are become evident: difficulties in recycling some products at the end of their

useful life, exhaustion of fossil fuels, increasing shortage of water resources, climate

change caused by greenhouse gases, etc.

Faced with these issues, local authorities need to consider the long term environmental,

financial and social impacts of the public decisions they are making.

The information available regarding the condition of the water systems is still not

accurate enough in view of the high stakes. Statistical studies that have been conducted

on the installed system show that the potable water supply networks alone represent

more than millions km of pipelines, out of which 1/3 are in questionable condition, with

the average leakage rate being estimated at about 25 %.

The networks are ageing and it would take over a century to replace them completely,

at current rates. Scenarios are being prepared, based on a realistic time scale and on the

evaluation of the costs that will be incured.

Initial replacements in the networks are carried out for statutory reasons and priority

replacement will probably be the relatively large diameters in more densely populated

regions, in other words the most critical and expensive.

Within the next few years, these priority renewals and others - some grey iron pipes are

over 100 years old - will lead to a sharp rise in the sums allocated to water issues by the

These studies highlight the need to invest in sustainable systems and take into account

true investment cycles, quite unrelated to accounting amortisation periods.

Stick to your principles

In 2000, PAM launched the NATURAL range, a ductile iron pipeline

system, from DN 60 to 300, with a patented anticorrosion external
coating. At the time, the innovative multi-layer coating on NATURAL
pipes represented a major technical revolution.
Whilst retaining the traditional advantages of ductile iron:
• robustness and reliability of the pipeline systems,
• quick and easy to install push fit joints,
the NATURAL range offers several advantages:
• it considerably extends the field of use of ductile iron pipeline systems,
• pipes can be installed without a systematic soil survey and without
additional on site protection, in over 95 % of the ground types
• it significantly increases the lifetime of the pipeline.

In many countries, cast iron is a historic reference material, used in the

first water systems. PAM is itself a technical reference: for more than
150 years, the company has capitalised on the exceptional qualities of a
material which has stood the test of time whilst continuously striving
to improve and develop it. The permanent search for perfection and a
concern for quality mark out PAM as the world leader.

Since most water supply work is carried out in the diameters DN 60 to

DN 600, NATURAL pipes are now coated up to DN 600 in order to build
even longer lasting homogeneous networks.

PAM NATURAL blue ductile iron pipe system is THE simplest and most
universal system available on the market.

PAM is currently extending the NATURAL range with a series of major

• Extension to diameters 350 to 600,
• Standard Vi self-anchored joints extended to diameters 350 to 600,
• NATURAL UNIVERSAL for the most demanding applications,
Stick to your principles

PAM, 150 years of history and know-how

Founded in 1856, PAM is the world leader in the manufacture and commercialisation of
ductile iron pipeline systems.
The emphasis placed on research and development has enabled the company to combine
traditional know-how and technical innovation to continuously offer its customers high

Ductile iron
Ductile iron is an iron/carbon/silicon alloy containing pure carbon in a
spheroidal graphite form.
➔ Exceptional mechanical properties
• Elasticity (Re ≥270 MPa)
• Breaking strength (Rm ≥ 420 MPa)
• Impact strength
• High elongation (> 10 %)

➔ A fully recyclable natural material

An alloy of iron, carbon and silicon, ductile iron is a "noble material"
that can be 100 % reused, indefinitely.
It can be completely recycled with no loss of
properties and for the same application, in
non restricting and non hazardous industrial
Recycled cast iron is used as a raw material in
traditional steel and iron processes.
The Pipe Division of the SAINT-GOBAIN Group
produces a large volume of cast iron in its European
plants, mostly derived from recycled ferrous materials.

1 2 3

1- In "ductile" iron, the graphite

particles consist of small spheres,
which prevent the risks of crack
propagation. The material is no longer
"fragile". It is "ductile" and strong.
2- Ductile iron can cope with major
deformations: torsion of a bar.
3- Deformation under exterior load of
a large DN pipe.
A material built to last
Buying a pipeline is a major investment. The installed network must
therefore be durable.
Thanks to the qualities of ductile iron, the pipelines can withstand
unpredicted occurrences on site and unforeseen changes in operating
• Increased service pressure (increased requirements).
• Accidental excess pressures.
• Water hammer.
• Migration of the trench bottom, placing the pipeline in contact with
rocks likely to pierce the pipe or cause breaks.
• Future work, carried out nearby, damaging the pipeline (for example,
by a mechanical shovel).
• Ground movement, settlement.

Equipped with elastomeric joints, ductile iron systems form adaptable

and flexible systems which can withstand external loads caused by the
backfill, whether the depth of cover is large or small, as well as the site
contingencies which may occur despite the precautions taken.
Installation of PAM ductile iron networks, simplified by the use of
modular and fully compatible components, guarantees achievement
of design performance levels, even under the most difficult laying
The mechanical properties of ductile iron are stable over time and
remain constant throughout the life of the network.
The zinc-aluminium anticorrosion coating, adopted by PAM, is another
factor which significantly increases the lifetime of the pipelines.

By choosing a strong and reliable material, with a high safety factor,

the water undertaking makes a responsible decision guaranteeing
continuity of service and the long-term future of the installation.
1 2 3 4

1-2- Ductile iron pipelines offer a

safety margin which allows them
to withstand certain contingencies
without damage.
3-4- Easy, safe laying guarantees
that the pipeline will be
watertight first time.

A material you can trust
A material which has stood the test of time
Ductile cast iron combines the traditional longevity of cast irons with exceptional mechanical
properties: elasticity of the metal, bending strength due to high elongation capacity, resistance
to ovalisation, solidity and proven performance of over a century.
Due to these exceptional mechanical qualities, ductile iron is suitable for all types of terrain
and can withstand high stress without damage (deep or shallow depths of cover, traffic
loads, other site contingencies, etc.).
This explains why ductile iron, and now the Natural range, has long been considered as the
reference material for hydraulic networks, and especially pressure pipelines.
Over 10 000 km of PAM-designed ductile iron pipelines are laid every year from DN 60 to DN

For PAM, the notion of performance extends far beyond the products. It involves the
entire company, from product design through to delivery.
The PAM Quality Assurance system is based on the standard ISO 9001-2000 which
certifies control of the main processes (design, production, commercialisation).
All the plants responsible for manufacturing products in the NATURAL range have
been awarded this certification, issued by an external organisation.

The PAM Quality

Assurance system is
based on standard
ISO 9001-2000
PAM products comply with national and international standards EN and ISO. Compliance is
certified by third party organisations.
These standards define the product or service in terms of result; each product, pipe or fitting,
is individually tested in the plant, during an internal pressure test.

Specification French or European standard International standard

Recommendations and test methods EN 545 (1) ISO 2531 (2)
Cement mortar internal lining EN 545 (1) ISO 4179 (1)
Zinc-aluminium outer coating of the pipes EN 545 (1) -
Joint gaskets – Material specification EN 681-1 (1) ISO 4633(1)
Locking system - ISO 10804-1

(1) Compliance certified by a third party organisation. (2) Except class 40 thickness.

Sanitary compliance
The materials used by PAM intended for contact with drinking water (coatings, elastomers,
lubricating paste) have received Sanitary Compliance Certificates in France, United-Kingdom,
Germany, Netherlands, ...
The advantages of a complete range
For over 150 years, PAM has developed unequalled know-how in the field of water
supply, building up countless project references. Based on this experience, the
company is in a position to offer:
➔ c omprehensive, uniform ranges to cater for all types of site configuration,
 odular pipeline systems, with coherent design:
Pipes, all types of fittings, flanged connection parts, connecting and repair pieces,
Express 1/8 bend parts for valves and fire hydrants. All PAM products are fully compatible, playing
their part in the construction of watertight, durable structures.

Trenchless pipe Laying of ductile

iron pipes by
laying! microtunnelling.

Tee with 2 sockets

Inspired by the
Express-flange techniques used
for laying flexible
cables, trenchless
pipe  laying
techniques can be
implemented when
laying ductile cast
iron pipelines.
In both the "microtunnelling" technique, used to cross single points (roads,
Flanged spigot
waterways, etc.), and the "trenchless pipe replacement" technique, used to
replace an old pipeline, a tapered pulling head pulls a line of cast iron pipes,
pre-jointed and self-restrained by anchoring, through the ground.
UNIVERSAL Ve pipes protected by the TT coating are perfectly suited for these
laying techniques.

Euro 20
type 21
PAM provides a local service through its Regional Offices.
Always available, the company's teams of engineers and technicians offer
technical expertise and support to customers in Europe and throughout the
world: design support (hydraulic calculations, mechanical calculations, water
analyses, soil surveys, etc.), on-site assistance, after-sales service, etc.

Tapping collar Logistics 7

Efficient logistics is based on the ability to reduce the time between expression
of need, delivery, commissioning.
The numerous regional depots cope with the significant increase in the number
of requests and guarantee immediate availability of the standard products.
Whenever possible, PAM also delivers ready-to-lay components: delivery in kit
form of EXPRESS and EXPRESS Vi junctions in the NATURAL range as well as kits
of flanged joints simplifies work on site.
A complete pipe system
for DN 60 to 600
Increased versatility
Capitalising on the company's research, knowledge of soils and skills in the field of alloys,
PAM proposes with NATURAL a full range of ductile iron pipelines, compatible with more
than 95% of the most frequently encountered soil types. NATURAL is a complete range:

 hich removes the need for systematic soil surveys,


 hich can cross corrosive sections without risk, with no need for additional protection using
a polyethylene sleeve, and therefore with no extra site cost,

 hich simplifies the management of small diameter pipeline inventories,


 hich limits the number of cases where the STANDARD TT range must be used.

Remark: The few cases where the

NATURAL range is unsuitable are easy
to identify by a simple qualitative
examination of the pipeline layout.
These exceptions, for which we
recommend the use of the STANDARD
TT range, concern:
• ground located in a saline water
table, Range 60-600
• acidic peaty ground,
• METALLIC ZINC • ZINC aluminium
• subsoils polluted by uncontrolled (PIPES) BLUE epoxy
mining or industrial waste, (PIPES)
• subsoils with uncontrolled stray
In this case - and in the absence of
any additional information - use the
STANDARD TT range (pipes coated by
coextrusion with a thick polyethylene
dielectric coating, bonding to the The NATURAL range is
ductile iron, in compliance with the now available from DN
European standard EN 14628-2006). IDEM 60 à DN 600

Ductile iron,
new generation

The external coating of NATURAL pipes

NATURAL pipes benefit from a new generation of active zinc-
based external protection offering far greater performance.
This blue coating consists of a zinc-aluminium alloy and an
epoxy coating developed in our Research
and Development Centre, tested under real
conditions. While remaining robust and
easy to lay, NATURAL ductile iron pipes are
easier and safer to use and are suitable for a
broader range of applications.
Detail of the structure of the
external protection of NATURAL

The external coating of NATURAL pipes is based on the principles and experience
gained by PAM over 40 years with zinc coating, recognised by European and
international standardisation organisations.
It greatly improves the efficiency and scope through 3 effects:
 etallisation of a new zinc-aluminium alloy on the surface of the pipe. The type
of two-phase alloy chosen (85 % zinc and 15 % aluminium by weight) has been
optimised to obtain:
• the galvanic protection effect of zinc (damage protection),
• increased ability of the coating to heal itself in a wide range of soil types
due to the presence of aluminium,
➔ t he quantity of protective alloy (400 g/m2) has been doubled compared with
PAM's traditional zinc coating (200 g/m2 of zinc) and tripled compared with the
minimum level set in standard EN 545-2007 (130 g/m2 of zinc). The benefit on
the period of active protection is considerable, proportionally far higher than
the increase in quantity,
➔ t he finishing layer now consists of a blue epoxy pore sealer. Perfectly compatible
with potable water, the blue epoxy replaces the traditional black bituminous
paint and ensures correct operation of the active protection.
Metallisation is carried out by spraying on the liquid zinc-aluminium alloy.
This unique process, developed by PAM, guarantees optimum efficiency of the
external protection.
NATURAL blue iron
DN 60 to 600
Anticorrosion performance
PAM has demonstrated the performance of Natural by tests carried out in the
laboratory (accelerated corrosion) and in natural ground for more than 30 years. It is
based on PAM's unique expertise in this field, acquired with zinc coatings.
A few illustrations are given below:
➔ t he double effect of the amount of protective metal and the type of alloy extends
the field of use well beyond that possible through the use of zinc alone.
Coating weight (zinc or zinc-aluminium)
Example of behaviour
in a given corrosive
environment Zinc - Aluminium



Standard Active protection

ZINC 200 (years)

➔ t he galvanic protection of the zinc-aluminium alloy selected protects the

ductile iron (as with zinc) even when it has been damaged.

1 2

1- Without zinc Ductile iron pipes after horizontal

2- Zinc-Aluminium protected scraping after a period in very corrosive
resistivity 1200 Ω x cm according to
Dr HEIM (91) (accelerated test - 1 year-
HILDEN fresh water).
The galvanic action of the zinc-aluminium
alloy protects the pipe even when it is

➔ b ehaviour in corrosive ground: example of a severe test carried out in highly

corrosive ground (beyond the normal field of use of zinc!).

3 4

3- Zinc coating pipe Ductile iron pipes after horizontal scraping

4- Natural pipe after a period in extremely corrosive
environment: resistivity 50 Ω x cm
according to Dr HEIM (91)
(accelerated test -1 year- sand + seawater).
Galvanic protection of the damage
by the zinc-aluminium alloy, retaining
a far greater reserve of protection than
zinc alone.
Coating of fittings in the NATURAL range
NATURAL blue iron is a coherent range: the NATURAL pipes with STANDARD joints
are used with EXPRESS or STANDARD joint fittings and accessories, for which all
components (body, glands, bolts, etc.) are given reinforced coatings.
With their zinc-aluminium coating, NATURAL pipes have an extended field of
use. Due to the method of manufacture (sand cast) and their complex and varied
geometry, the coating used on fittings is not technically identical to that used on
pipes but fittings in the NATURAL range have also benefit from a new protective
layer, replacing the traditional black bituminous paint.
This new coating is formed by combining chemical treatment of the ductile iron Standard fitting
surface and a blue epoxy coating deposited evenly by cataphoresis. of the NATURAL range

➔ On leaving the foundry, cast parts are carefully shot-blasted before treatment.

➔ T he parts then undergo surface passivation (zinc phosphating) by passing

through a bath.
➔ A layer of blue epoxy resin is then electro-deposited by cataphoresis, producing
a layer of highly regular thickness (especially on the corners, etc.).
➔ The epoxy coating is 70 microns thick.
➔ F ittings coated with blue epoxy 250 µm, according to EN 14901, can be supplied. Express fitting
of the NATURAL range

EXPRESS fittings are only available with cataphoresis coating. STANDARD fittings
are available with cataphoresis or with epoxy 250 µm. NATURAL UNIVERSAL
and TT , STANDARD and UNIVERSAL, fittings are only available with blue epoxy
250 µm.


All parts associated with the NATURAL range are protected:

➔ d uctile iron glands for EXPRESS joint by blue epoxy deposited by cataphoresis (70 µm),
➔ d uctile iron bolts for EXPRESS joint by black cataphoresis epoxy (70 µm),
➔ d uctile iron nuts for EXPRESS joint by galvanisation (70 µm),
➔ b ranch collars and valves by epoxy powder coating.
The solution
for potable water
Centrifuged cement mortar
The standard internal protection of NATURAL pipes consists of a blast furnace
cement mortar applied by a centrifugal process.
The centrifugal process offers the advantage of producing a compact mortar and
a smooth internal surface.
This process results in the following properties: ➔ low porosity of the mortar,
➔ e xcellent adhesion of the cement,
➔ low surface roughness.

The internal cement improves the hydraulic flow

The internal surface of the cement mortar has low roughness, which
improves flow and reduces head losses. This mortar guarantees
consistent hydraulic performance over time (absence of deposits).
The roughness coefficient (COLEBROOK formula) of a pipe alone is
k = 0.03. In practice however, PAM recommends using the value
k = 0.1 when designing networks, to take into account the singular
head losses of a complete pipeline.

The internal cement protects the pipeline and the potable water
➔ P rotective mechanisms
The cement internal coating does not act as a simple barrier, but protects the
ductile iron by a passivation mechanism: after being put into service, water
gradually saturates the cement mortar and becomes richer in alkaline elements;
on reaching the metal wall it is no longer corrosive.
➔ F illing of cracks
Crazing which can be seen on the surface of the mortar, even when formed during
transport, storage or laying, closes up under the combined effect of two reactions:
• swelling (fast) of the cement mortar on filling with water,
• hydration (slow) of the component elements of the cement.
Special cases
European directive 98/83/CEE concerning water intended for human consumption
sets water quality criteria. However, if the water transported is aggressive
The PUR range
(hardness < 5°F) or corrosive and if the residence time in the network is abnormally
is available in the
long (more than several days), or if the chemical composition must not change
during transit in the pipeline (mineral water), the NATURAL PUR range should be
Resistance to internal pressure
➔ In compliance with the specifications of the standard EN 545, the pipes PFA = Design bursting pressure = 20 x e x Rm
and fittings offer a significant safety margin beyond their nominal SF D x SF
operating pressure, the PFA (Allowable Operating Pressure): the safety
SF safety factor = 3
factor is greater than 3.
e = minimum thickness (mm)
➔ In addition, ductile iron does not age and retains its mechanical Rm = tensile strength = 420 MPa
strength over time. D = diameter (mm)
➔ T he PFA values* of pipes and fittings in the NATURAL range comply PFA = allowable operating pressure (bar)
with the standard EN 545 (Appendix A) and is always greater than
40 bar in sizes DN 60 to 300 and greater than 30 in sizes DN 350
to 600.
* refer to the table on page 16 for the PFA values and the internet site.

Safe, economical laying

A buried pipeline is subject to vertical loads (weight of backfill, traffic loads)
which it transmits to the ground via the trench bottom and the backfill.
Considerable forces are involved and there is an interaction between pipe
and soil.
Generally, to perform their role the layers must be chosen and compacted
according to:
➔ t he pipe's ability to withstand local forces: risks of piercing or damage
which could lead to cracks or create faults in the pipe wall,
➔ t he rigidity and strength of the pipe.
Robust and strong, ductile iron pipes minimise the trench bottom and
surround work, so the work involved in laying is safer and cheaper.

Unstable ground


The pipeline layout may include soft or unstable ground (marshy areas, subsidence caused
by pumping ground water, mining ground, consolidation of road backfill, etc.).
Pipelines must adapt to the ground movements and be able to withstand the mechanical
stresses applied during these movements.
Within their limits of angular deflection and withdrawal, the STANDARD socket joints allow
the pipeline to adapt to the deformations imposed by the ground movements.

Choice of elastomers
The EPDM elastomers used for the joints gaskets are fully compatible with the
transport of potable water, and are selected by PAM according to strict criteria
taking into account their intrinsic physico-chemical characteristics and their
durability over time. They ensure that the joints in the system are completely tight
to internal and external pressures throughout the lifetime of the main. The joint
gaskets comply with standard EN 681-1

The STANDARD joint

The STANDARD joint is a push-fit joint. Watertightness is produced by compression
of the elastomeric gasket during assembly by insertion of the spigot in the socket.
The joint is designed (servo-action) so that the contact pressure between the
elastomer and the ductile iron increases as the pressure in the main increases.
During a destructive pressure test, the pipe will burst before the joint leaks.

The EXPRESS joint

The EXPRESS joint is a mechanical joint. Watertightness is achieved via radial
compression of an elastomer joint gasket, using a gland tightened by ductile iron
Little force is required to assemble the EXPRESS joint.
Orientation and final positioning of the fitting are easy before tightening the
bolts, making this joint highly appreciated in cramped conditions and during
maintenance work.

Flexible joints
14 The STANDARD and EXPRESS joints can tolerate a high degree of angular deflection,
to negotiate large radius curves without the need
The angular deflection
for fittings and adapt to any changes in layout.
of STANDARD joints
increases from 3° to 4° in Combined with the end play, these joints can also
the range DN 350 to 600! absorb ground movements or expansions of small
Self-anchored joints

The Vi solution for self-restrained pipelines

Self-anchored pipe and fitting joints (STANDARD Vi and EXPRESS Vi) can
be used to produce self-restrained ductile iron pipelines.
This represents an attractive solution when construction of concrete
thrust blocks would be difficult (land with poor cohesion, risk of future
excavation work, problems of space) or when this would delay the
The advantage of STANDARD Vi and EXPRESS Vi joints is that they can be
fitted on any pipe or any fitting in the NATURAL range.

The STANDARD Vi joint gasket for anchoring The STANDARD Vi

The STANDARD Vi self-anchored joint gasket and the range is now
STANDARD joint gasket have the same shape and fit in available up
the same pipe socket. The STANDARD Vi gasket, however, to DN 600
has metal inserts which bite onto the spigot of the
inserted pipe after assembly and pressurisation.
It can be used from DN 60 to 600 for pipes and fittings.

UNIVERSAL Standard for anchoring at very high and

extreme pressures
When the network operating pressures exceed the performance of the
Standard Vi or Express Vi systems, UNIVERSAL anchoring must be used.
In the UNIVERSAL range, sealing and restraint are achieved in two
separate chambers, in order to reach unequalled performance levels.
UNIVERSAL is available for pipes and fittings.

UNIVERSAL Vi for very high pressures

Anchoring is obtained by a system of inserts housed in a UNIVERSAL Vi range 15
chamber located upstream from the sealing chamber. now includes
DN 80 to 600

UNIVERSAL Ve for extreme pressures The NATURAL

Anchoring is obtained by a system comprising a metal UNIVERSAL Ve
ring housed in a chamber, located upstream from the range now includes
sealing chamber, which presses against a metal bead DN 100 to 600
on the spigot of the pipe or fitting.
Standard Vi Express Vi
Standard Express
anchoring anchoring
PFA* Deflection PFA* Deflection PFA* Deflection PFA* Deflection
DN Class
(bar) (degree) (bar) (degree) (bar) (degree) (bar) (degree)
60 C40 64 5 64 5 25 5 25 4
80 C40 64 5 64 5 23 5 23 4
100 C40 64 5 64 5 23 5 23 4
125 C40 64 5 64 5 22 5 22 4
150 C40 62 5 62 5 18 5 18 4
200 C40 50 5 50 4 16 4 16 3
250 C40 43 5 43 4 16 4 16 3
300 C40 40 5 40 4 16 3 16 3
350 C30 35 4 25 3 16 3 - -
400 C30 32 4 25 3 16 2 - -
450 C30 30 4 25 3 13 2 - -
500 C30 30 4 25 3 11 2 - -
600 C30 30 4 25 3 10 2 - -
* For applications at pressures greater than the allowable operating pressures (PFA) indicated, use Universal pipes or contact us.

UNIVERSAL Vi and Ve joints

Universal Vi Universal Ve
anchoring anchoring
PFA Deflection PFA Deflection PFA Deflection
DN Class
(bar) (degree) (bar) (degree) (bar) (degree)
80 K9 64 3 60 3 - -
100 K9 64 3 56 3 64 3
125 K9 64 3 52 3 64 3
150 K9 64 3 48 3 60 3
New range 200 K9 62 3 43 3 52 3
NATURAL 250 K9 54 3 39 3 46 3
UNIVERSAL 300 K9 49 3 34 3 41 3
Pipes and fittings 350 K9 45 3 25 3 38 3
400 K9 42 3 20 3 35 3
450 K9 40 3 16 3 32 3
500 K9 38 2 16 2 30 2
600 K9 36 2 16 2 27 2

Flanged joints
They are fitted on the one or more ends of some fittings (Tee branches, Flanged
socket, Flanged spigot) to allow connection to flanged devices. PAM offers for the
NATURAL range:
➔ adjustable flanges for the fittings,
➔ metal-reinforced gaskets.
NATURAL, a complete range
PAM offers a comprehensive solution to build complete ductile iron pipeline systems dedicated
to the supply of drinking water, irrespective of your site configuration.

Natural Natural Natural PUR Standard TT Natural Universal Universal TT

Aggressive Aggressive High High pressures
Field of use All soils excluding exceptions
waters soils pressures Aggressive soils
Junction Standard Express Standard Standard Universal Universal
DN 100, 150, DN 80 - 600 DN 80 - 600
Pipe DN 60 - 600 DN 100 - 600 DN 60 - 600
200, 250, 300 Uni Vi - Uni Ve Uni Vi - Uni Ve

Bend DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 80 - 600

Taper DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 100 - 600

Collar - DN 60 - 600 - -

Tee with DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 80 - 600

2 sockets PN10, PN16, PN25 PN10, PN16, PN25 PN10, PN16, PN25 PN10, PN16, PN25

Tee 3 E DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 100 - 300

DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 -
DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 80 - 600
Flanged DN 60 - 600
DN 60 - 600
spigot Not self-anchored, Std Vi et Uni Vi - Self-anchored: Uni Ve
DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600
Reduction DN 100 - 600 DN 100 - 600
plate PN10, PN16, PN25 PN10, PN16, PN25

Non self-
DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 600 DN 80 - 600
anchored joint
self-anchored DN 80 - 600
DN 60 - 600 DN 60 - 300 PCU* DN 60 - 600
joint Uni Vi - Uni Ve
* PCU: please contact us
Special coatings for extreme situations

lining coating

Connecting and repair pieces

For further information
• connection sleeve LINK GS about the PAM NATURAL
• flange adapters QUICK GS PFA 10 and 16 bar range, please visit the site
• flange adapters QUICK GS self-anchored PFA 16 bar
• very large tolerance connection sleeve UltraLINK NG and contact your sales agent.
• very large tolerance flange adapters UltraLINK NG

Head Office

54000 Nancy - FRANCE

Marketing Department

tel: +33 (0)3 83 80 73 50

91, avenue de la Libération

21, avenue Camille Cavallier

- 0 7 / 2 0 0 7 - N AT- C AT- 2 6 F / 5 0 0 0 ex . The drawings, illustrations and weights shown in this document are not contractual. PAM reserves the right to change the characteristics of its products to improve them, without notice.

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