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Art 30- Drawing Unit Plan Art ED 3601 1

Art Education Unit

Title of Unit Drawing Grade Level 12

Teacher Ms. Kendra Berg Number of Lessons 3 lessons

and Classes 21 classes
Overview of Unit & Rationale
Learning Objectives:
Throughout this unit students will learn different drawing techniques to create meaningful, insightful, and creative
compositions. The introduction of new and different techniques will help students gain art knowledge and insight into
using these techniques to foster their own artist styles.

Students will gain knowledge and practice expressing themselves through different art techniques, for example, using
shading and highlights to create three-dimensional look on two dimensional objects, and creating an interesting
composition with different perspectives like a worm’s eye view and a macro view of an object. Students will attempt
to portray introspective thoughts and feelings and how emotion can affect their artworks. Looking into themselves will
encourage their relationship building with themselves and getting to know who they are as artists and a human being.
Learning how to express yourself through art can be therapeutic and challenging. They will challenge themselves to
think about the deeper meaning held within artwork, and how looking within themselves can create phenomenal

This is valuable for student growth and learning about their own art practice as artist. The process of creating and how
they felt during the progression of their piece is of equal importance. The process of a drawing and how students
come to an end result can help students gain knowledge about themselves and learning to persevere through
challenges they may be having with the composition.

The purpose of this unit is to allow students to make decisions for themselves on what they want to be drawing and
creating. This will support their learning and growth in art especially if students want to continue into university level
art classes. Even if students do not continue with their art in an academic way, allowing them opportunities to be
creative and express themselves will support their mental health.

The art room should be a safe and supportive environment for all students to grow as individuals; this includes
socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Students engaging in tangible and visual activities allows them to take risks
and learn without any judgement. The ability to tap into one's own emotions is a valued skill in many aspects of life.

The attention to details and intentions this unit focuses on will help students to realize the importance of planning and
meanings within their own artworks. These ideas will be reinforced when students move through a critique using
“Critique cards” that prompt them to look for details and intentions through the artworks as well as analyzing the
effect they have on the overall interpretation (mood, emotion, effect). These will be given to students to help them
with their reflections when writing on their artworks. This unit will help students develop their ability to portray
emotion and their perceptiveness when it comes to observing content as well as increasing their knowledge of art
techniques, allowing students to explore new mediums and learn how different objects can be used to make
interesting and captivating artworks.
Art 30- Drawing Unit Plan Art ED 3601 2

Statement of Inquiry/Unit Question

How can you use different techniques and mediums to integrate our personal experience to create a meaningful artwork? 

Alberta Program of Study

GLE Drawing:
Record: achieve personal style.
Investigate: develop and refine drawing skills and styles.
Communicate: exhibit a personal style through in-depth studies.
Articulate and Evaluate: use the vocabulary and techniques of art criticism to analyze and evaluate their
own works in relation to the works of professional artists.

GLE: Composition:
Components: use personal experiences as sources for image making.
Relationships 1: develop and solve design problems.

GLE: Encounters:
Impact of Images: question sources of images that are personally relevant or significant to them in
contemporary culture.

Summary of Lessons

Lesson 1: Introduction and Drawing (8-9 classes)

*Students in the 3-credit course will have more time on this artwork while students in the 5-credit course will move into
lesson 2
The first lesson is an introduction about me and the students. First, I will introduce myself and then there will be a
small ice breaker for the students to get to know each other. Secondly, I will go over the course outline and
expectations within the class, and the required sketchbook assignments that are collectively due on December 16 th
(tentative date). Then time permitting, I will introduce the first assignment that they will get started on the next class.

Assignment: Students will be creating a Worm’s eye view drawing of a chosen scene. Examples will be shown for
students to understand the concept on the worm’s eye view and a group discussion. Students will be able to take a
picture of a scene of use their imagination for this artwork. This needs to be a fully developed artwork including
Students will have a medium to large piece of paper to work on.

Students will write a reflection in their sketchbooks about their artwork answering the following questions:
o Why did you choose this scene?
o What importance does this scene have to you?
o What were you trying to accomplish during this assignment?
o Did your artwork turn out how you imagined?
Art 30- Drawing Unit Plan Art ED 3601 3

Lesson 2: Macro Drawing (6-8 classes)

Assignment: Students will be creating a Macro Drawing. Students will choose an object (eye, fruit, plant etc.) that has
a lot of detail in the image. Students will choose a specific area and focus on that for the drawing.
This will be a small to medium piece of paper for students to really focus on the details.

Lesson 3: Sliced and Diced Drawing (5-8 classes)

Assignment: Students will create a sliced and diced drawing of a shape (example below). They will need to creatively
slice the image keeping the outside shape intact to allow the viewer to still see the shapes but dice it up in an
appealing way. Students will focus on minimum 3 shapes on a medium piece of paper. This can be pencil only but
needs to include a full range of values from black to full white, by choosing a consistent light source.
Art 30- Drawing Unit Plan Art ED 3601 4

Unit Mapping
Lesson 1 POS Lesson 2 POS Connection Lesson 3 POS
(8-9 classes) Connection (6-8 classes) (5-8 classes) Connection
GLE Drawing:
Introduction and GLE Drawing: Macro Drawing SLE: Sliced and Diced GLE Drawing:
Drawing SLE: Record: achieve Drawing SLE:
Record: Group discussion on personal style. Record:
First class: achieve Investigate: achieve
macro view Group discussion
Teacher intro personal style. develop and personal style.
Investigate: refine drawing on sliced and diced Investigate:
develop and Pre-planning in skills and styles. drawing develop and
Ice breaker sketchbook
refine drawing Communicate: refine drawing
skills and -choose an object exhibit a PPT with examples skills and
Outline -find reference photos
styles. personal style or performance task styles.
Class expectations Communicate: through in- Communicate:
exhibit a Creating final copy depth studies. Pre-planning in exhibit a
personal style Articulate and sketchbook personal style
Sketchbook Reflection in
through in- Evaluate: use -choose 3 objects through in-
assignments sketchbook
depth studies. the vocabulary -draw mini versions depth studies.
First assignment Articulate and and techniques Articulate and
Evaluate: use of art criticism Create final copy Evaluate: use
the vocabulary to analyze and the vocabulary
and evaluate their Reflection in and
Second Class:
techniques of own works in sketchbook techniques of
Worm’s Eye View
drawing art criticism to relation to the art criticism to
analyze and works of analyze and
Group discussion on evaluate their professional evaluate their
what ‘worms eye own works in artists. own works in
view’ means relation to the relation to the
works of GLE: works of
Performance task professional Composition: professional
artists. SLE: artists.
Student’s pre-plan Components:
in sketchbook GLE: use personal GLE:
-choosing a scene Composition: experiences as Composition:
and idea SLE: sources for SLE:
-finding reference Components: image making. Components:
use personal Relationships 1: use personal
Art 30- Drawing Unit Plan Art ED 3601 5

photos experiences as develop and experiences as

sources for solve design sources for
Creating final copy image making. problems. image making.
Relationships Relationships
Reflection in 1: develop and GLE: 1: develop and
sketchbook solve design Encounters: solve design
problems. SLE: problems.
Impact of
GLE: Images: GLE:
Encounters: question Encounters:
SLE: sources of SLE:
Impact of images that are Impact of
Images: personally Images:
question relevant or question
sources of significant to sources of
images that them in images that
are personally contemporary are personally
relevant or culture. relevant or
significant to significant to
them in them in
contemporary contemporary
culture. culture.

DBAE DBAE Connections
Connections Connections

Art Literacy Art Literacy

Art Aesthetics Art Literacy Art Aesthetics
Art Making Art Aesthetics Art Making
Art Making

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