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(2021 – 2031/41)

Current Age:……………………………

Age by 2031/41:……………………………

Habakkuk 2:2–3 (NKJV) — Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets,
that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will
not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

God first showed Abraham what his future could be like. He then asked Abraham to take action to possess the
future. God told Habakkuk to clearly write the vision. Similarly, we can envisage our future and write down the
steps we want to take to get there. What kind of future do you see for yourself?

This planning guide is designed to help you plan the next 10/20 years of your life. You can amend it or use
it as it is, regardless of how you approach it, take up the challenge of planning your future. No plan is perfect.
You cannot control all the variables of your life. However, your plan, like the compass is to a pilot will help
you navigate the times you’ll be thrown into. When the storms come, your plan, will help you keep your eyes
& energy on your desired destination. The future will one day become your reality, so take time to plan for
it, trusting God for guidance and clarity – Psa. 32:8.

A compelling vision and an action plan to reach it will help you succeed & be more satisfied with your life. Vision
is what you want to create of yourself. If you don’t identify your vision, others will plan and direct your life for

In planning for the next 10/20 years, think carefully about these questions. They will provide a good
framework for setting your major goals. In the next 10 years…
1. What kind of person do I want to be? CHARACTER
2. What do I want to achieve? ACCOMPLISHMENTS
3. What would I want to be doing? OCCUPATION/MINISTRY
4. What do I want to own? ASSETS
Section 1 – Conduct a research on yourself
Before you write goals or even think about your vision, take time to research what you care most about, desire,
and can do – use Template #1 below.


Things I Really Enjoy What Brings Me The Two Best Moments Three Things I’d Do If I
Doing Happiness/Joy of My Past 1year all the money I want
helping people disc-
over themselves
teaching and couns-
cooking/trying out
new things
taking pictures
creating new dresses
traveling to new places

Issues or Causes I My Most Important Things I Can Do at the What I’d Like to Stop
Care Deeply About Values (Circle) Good-to-Excellent Level Doing or Do as Little as
Serving/pleasing God
Being fit and healthy
Having a nice home
and assets
Impacting my world
Having fun
Making others’ lives
easier/more pleasant
Enjoying my family
Others? (Add)

Did these questions trigger ideas about what you’d like to be doing with your life in the next
10 - 20 years? Don’t rush this process. Keep thinking about the questions and your answers, and
talk about your findings with someone you value. When ready, go on to Part II.
Section II - Crafting a Personal Vision Statement
In this part, you are required to pull together your research findings in section 1 and summarize what you picture
for yourself, by writing a Personal Vision Statement. Your vision must be unique and appropriate for you and
compelling. See a sample vision statement below;
“I need to be physically fit, improve my capacity to impact my generation, get actively involved in a personal
relationship, worship and serve God more passionately, and make enough money to cater for me, while helping
the needy, doing what I love”

Use the PERSONAL VISION STATEMENT (Template #2) below, to distill the research you’ve done on your values,
passions, abilities, and things you definitely don’t like. Write your Personal Vision Statement. Change it until it
sounds and feels right to you. If you can’t decide on one vision, write down more than one Personal Vision
Statement. Just make each Statement specific.


Based on my personal research, these are the main things that motivate me/bring me joy and

My greatest strengths/abilities/traits/things I do best:

At least three things I can start doing/do more often that use my strengths and bring me joy:

This is my Personal Vision Statement (in 50 words or less):

Finish TEMPLATE #2, and share it with one or two people you trust (mentors). Stop and celebrate this important
milestone in your life! Think big, and hold onto your excitement. In Part III, you’ll take your Statement and turn
it into a plan of action.
Section III. Writing Your Personal Development Plan
If you completed the first two exercises, you’re now ready to write a plan of action. Studies indicate that you’re
much more likely to carry out your plan when you write it down. Follow the steps below.
a. Read over your completed PERSONAL RESEARCH and PERSONAL VISION STATEMENT again. Do they still
hold true? Feel free to make any adjustments. What do you see yourself becoming, knowing, doing,
owning, being surrounded by, and enjoying 10/20 years from today?
b. Review the sample PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN below for guidance.
c. Complete TEMPLATE #3.
• On the blank DEVELOPMENT PLAN, write one goal in the space, “My goal.”
• In the first column, write up to three steps/objectives that will help you accomplish one key part
of that goal.

Write the objectives as skills, knowledge, or attitudes to attain. Some people choose easy objectives
that can be reached immediately (in order to build success and momentum). Others choose the
most important objectives that will ensure they’ll master the goal. Don’t get stuck writing perfect
goals and objectives. Start somewhere and know that you can change them later if you want. Be as
specific as possible so you can take a step right away and know when you’ve reached your

d. For each objective, choose a measure/proof to show you’ve reached it, at least one
learning/development activity (class? book? internship? job shadowing? Web research?), some potential
mentors who could help you, and finally a target completion date (a year from today?) by which you’ll
reach the objective.
e. Talk to someone you respect about your proposed Plan, and make changes as needed. Be sure your plan
is challenging and compelling enough to excite you every day but not so difficult that you won’t do it.
My goals:
1. I’ll make significant progress on my formal education by the end of this year.
2. I’ll start preparing for a future position in the IT industry.
Knowledge to Proof Development Resources/ Target
Gain/Skills to (How will I know I Activities Potential Mentors Completion
Build/Attributes to did it?) (How will I actually (What and who Date
Develop gain/build/develop might help me with (When will I be
(What these?) my development?) there?)
must I
1a. Enroll in an List of programs Research Web Mary (did this last End of month 3
appropriate Internet Acceptance letter Challenge potentials year)
based degree program Certificate of Submit transcript Abdul (knows Web)
completion Identify best & Apply

2a. Gain knowledge Written description of Research current/ Someone at Career End of month 2
about marketing as opportunities projected IT Center
a career positions
Interview 4 IT
people and 2 HR
1b. Complete 2 Final grades Do all assignments Assigned Ends of months 6
required courses for (at least B+) instructors and 9

2b. Get feedback on Written analysis of Summarize my Jack (retired teacher) End of month 3
my “fit” in marketing my current learning, Charlene
view of me qualifications, & Eugene
desires re: marketing Ben (works in
Chart of formal marketing for startup)
feedback received Get formal objective
feedback from
professionals and peers
1c. Complete 1 elective Final grade (A) Do all assignments My spouse End of the year
course that counts for Teach my sister the Assigned instructors
degree subject

2c. Develop my
marketing expertise List of skills, Job shadow 2 marketing Charlene End of month 9
knowledge, professionals Eugene
attitudes, and Volunteer to work Dr. Gonzales?
strategies I observe on committee doing Books
marketing project Books on tape?
Read 2 marketing

Goals and dreams may sound alike, but they are very different. Goal-setting is the brains, while
hanging onto those dreams is the heart. You will need them both to get where you want to go.
Lara O’Connor - author
My goals:

Knowledge to Proof Development Resources/ Target

Gain/Skills to (How will I know I Activities Potential Completion
Build/Attributes to did it?) (How will I actually Mentors Date
Develop (What gain/build/develop (What and who (When will I be
must I these?) might help me with there?)
acquire/improve?) my development?)

Use a separate sheet for every goal you set.

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