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 Do you like animals? Yes, I like them very much
 Do you have pets? Yes, I have 2 dogs and 3 cats
 What are your pet’s name? I have 2 dogs, their names are Manchas
and Cody, and 3 cats, Garritas, Sombra and Arenita
 What is your favorite animal? For me, my favorite animal is cats, since
I was little

Read through statements 1-11 below and decide if they are true or false. Watch the video
and see if your predictions were correct.

*It's always easy to own a pet. FALSE

Siempre es fácil tener una mascota.

*Before you buy a pet, it is important to think about whether or not you can provide it
with what it needs and whether your home would be a suitable environment. TRUE
Antes de comprar una mascota, es importante pensar si puedes proporcionarle lo que
necesita y si tu hogar sería un entorno adecuado.

*Cats should not be kept next to a very busy road. TRUE

Los gatos no deben permanecer cerca de una carretera muy transitada.

*Rabbits don't need much space. FALSE

Los conejos no necesitan mucho espacio.

*Dogs like to be kept inside a lot. FALSE

A los perros les gusta mucho estar adentro.

*An animal owner is responsible for their pet for the rest of its life. TRUE
El dueño de un animal es responsable de su mascota por el resto de su vida.

Animals need fresh food and water every week. TRUE

Los animales necesitan agua y alimentos frescos todas las semanas.

*It's cheap to own an animal. FALSE

Es barato tener un animal.
*Vets bills can be very expensive. TRUE
Las facturas de los veterinarios pueden ser muy caras.

* All animals like to be kept with other animals. FALSE

A todos los animales les gusta estar con otros animales.

* Some animals are very hard to look after. TRUE

Algunos animales son muy difíciles de cuidar.

3 Characteristics
Paws: Almohadillas
Mane: Melena
Legs: Piernas
Back: espalda, lomo
Whiskers: Bigotes
Horns: Cuernos
Claws: Garras
Turtle shell: Caparazón
Feathers: Plumas
Wings: Alas
Beak: Pico
Ossicones: Osiconos
Tail: Cola
Ears: Orejas
Dorsal fin: Aleta dorsal
Tailfin: Aleta de cola
Scales: Escamas
Hoof/hoves: Pezuñas
Antlers: Rastas, cuernos

Animal Riddle
It is a big animal, it is
poisonous, it has fins, a
tail, its body has white
spots, it is thin, it is blue,
and some live near the
beaches: Stingrays
We use the Present Simple when speaking about nature (Facts)

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