0 - Project and Lab Fluid Mech

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‫بســم هللا الرحمـن الرحيــم‬

Project and Lab Report
MCE_3403_Fluid Mechanics

Dr. Hassan Abdulmouti

May. 2020


(Course Materials)
All materials are available in: BB
I- FWA: Black Board → Course Collection/Getting
Started then you will find everything such as:
1. Course Outline
2. Course Syllabus
3. Formula Sheet
4. Laboratory Forms/Templates
5. Assignment Coversheet
6. Useful Links
7. PLO Attainment (CLO)
II-Black Board → SJM: MCE 3403 - Hassan
Abdulmouti → Dr. Hassan materials

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
–CLO 1- State and explain fluid properties.
–CLO 2- Explain pressure and its measurement for
an incompressible fluid.
–CLO 3- Calculate the hydrostatic forces on a given
–CLO 4- Understand buoyancy and flotation.
–CLO 5- Apply continuity and energy equations.
–CLO 6- Analyze fluid flow through a piping


Week Topic TLM PCQ CLO
8 Determine hydrostatic force acting on plane surface PL 3
immersed in water when the surface is partially
submerged or fully submerged
10 Locate the position of Metacenter of floating body PL 4
11 Bernoulli’s Theorem PL 5
14 Determine the relationship between head loss due to PL 6
fluid friction and velocity for flow through smooth bore
pipes and to confirm the head loss predicted by a pipe
friction equation
15 Determine the head loss associated with flow of water PL 6
through standard fittings used in plumbing installations


Scoring the Lab Report

# Objective, Bonus
Lab report format

Name and ID

Team work




Should be your own work

% % % % 20 % 10 % %
10 10 20 10 20


✓ The deadline to submit the project:
For Fall Semester is Nov. 15th.
For Spring Semester is April 15th.
For Summer is June 25th.
✓One design or research project to be assigned for this course.
✓Late project is not accepted. Early project may score higher.
✓Students are engorged to submit a draft of the project where
the instructor (will have a chance to/can) check and give
remarks/notes before they submit their final project. The
deadline to submit the draft for correction is Nov. 1st for
Fall and April 1st for Spring, and June18th for summer.
✓There is a big different in writing design/research project and
a report of collecting data.
✓The project is to apply your knowledge and information
from reference to real life application (specific topic).

Project Process and Progress

✓ Students are required to select a group of at less
2 students and not more than 3 students for Lab
report and project.
✓ The group is required to select a project topic
within one week after the semester stars (from
now). And students are required to write a draft of
their project outline after collecting references
related to the project topic. Then the instructor
agrees and approves the group and the topic.
✓ Students are required to discuss with the
instructor the progress of their project.
✓ The progress of the project will be scored.


Scoring the Project

The following points are important and considered when
scoring the project:
✓ A specific project, clear objective, clear conclusion.
✓ The idea, data, information, explanations of the topic,
figures and system network (piping system).
✓ how do you convince your audience and how do you
express your topic.
✓ How to write the project report (format: as will be explain
in the next section).
✓ project copied only from reference will receive no/or little
(0-2) credit. Applying the knowledge and information from
reference to real life application.
✓Extra score will be given for a functional model or a real
design of the project. Or a research/design project given by
the instructor.

Scoring the Project

# Project Objective, Bonus
students in the project
Team work and no. of
Figures for the design
Specific project, or

calculation. Early
Project format
Name and ID

Result, Prototype


Discussion, cost, Of bonus

Adv. and disadv. projects,
and conclusion other
Should be your bonus
own work
% % % % % 30 % 10 %
10 10 10 10 20



How to Write Projects/Lab Report

1) Title one the cover page
2) Abstract
3) Objective
4) key words
5) Introduction (could be from references)
6) Methods, condition and estimations The
- Explain with figures about the topic main
7) Design: each parts with function and part
how to design ….) (body)
- The network if applicable of the
8) Results project
- Advantages and disadvantages.
- Cost and efficiency, comparison.
9) Conclusion
10) Acknowledgement
11) References

1- Title
Should express the project topic.
Should give a general idea about the topic
1- Light System for the Mechanical Engineering
Department in the UOS by Using Solar Energy.
2- Design a Refrigerator for Storing 50 Ton of Apple
by Using Solar Energy.
3- Heating Water for Villa of 400 m2 by Using Solar
4- Design Elevator to Carry 10 Persons Using Solar
5- Surface Flow Generation Mechanism Induced by a
Bubble Plume.



Sample projects from Dr. Hassan

1) Surface Flow Generation Mechanism Induced by a Bubble
Plume (Bubble plume/ bubble flow/ multiphase flow
(literature review).
2) Concentrate Solar Sphere Design to Generate Electricity
(literature review).
3) (literature review) on Multi-Junction Solar Cell
(definition, components, functions, types…..) for
Concentrate Solar Sphere Design to Generate Electricity.
4) Research projects: There are many methods to calculate
the efficiency (find all explain and how) FOR the
Concentrate Solar Sphere Design to Generate Electricity.
5) Others


2- Abstract
• The purpose and the objective of the project
(Specific project).
• What and how did you do your project.
• The project should be summarized in the Abstract.
• The most important results of the project should
be clear in the abstract.
• No references in the abstract.



2- Abstract (example)
The technique of using a surface flow generated by the
bubble plume is utilized as one of effective ways to control and
collect the surface floating substances in naval systems, lakes, seas,
rivers, oceans, as well as in various kinds of engineering processes
handling a free surface. In the past, however, the detailed
mechanism of the surface flow generation process has not been
measured. The motivation of this paper is the demand to know the
characteristics of the surface flow, which depends on the gas flow
rate, the bubble size, and the internal two-phase flow structure of
the bubble plume. In this paper, the two-dimensional flow analysis
based on Eulerrian-Lagrangian model and the particle tracking
velocimetry measurement have carried out in order to elucidate the
surface flow generation process in detail.


3- Key words
Usually key words give general idea about the
project topic.

ex. Multiphase Flow, Bubble Plume, Surface Flow,

Flow Visualization, Particle Imaging Velocimetry
(PIV), Numerical Simulation, Eulerian-Lagrangian
Model, Bubble, Free Surface.



4- Introduction
1- Introduction and historical background about the
project from references. References should be
appear in the introduction (citation).
2- What is the project.
3- What did scientists (researcher) do in this topic
with references.
4- What did NOT scientists (researcher) do in this
5- Why did you select this project.


4- Introduction (example)
A bubble plume (which is one of typical bubbly flows) is
observed in various engineering disciplines, e.g. in industrial,
material, chemical, mechanical, and environmental applications.
The following systems using the bubble plume were discussed in
several literatures. Taylor[1] introduced that bubble-breakwaters
were operated by means of a surface jet produced by a bubble
plume. Jones[2] mentioned that prevention of clean surface of
rivers or lakes from freezing over, oil pollution, and underwater-
explosion damage were possible by using a bubble plume. Marks
and Cargo[3] mentioned that bubble plumes were also available
for keeping swimming areas free from slow-moving objects such
as sea nettles. Another interest in bubble plumes arises in the
consequences of context of rectifying oil-well blowout.



5- Method and Conditions …..

1- Explain in details with reference, figures, tables
and data.
2- Method and Conditions
3- Design (About the topic, many parts, ideas)
4- Networking system
5- Advantages and disadvantages.
6- Is the project applicable, is it economic…Cost
and efficiency,
Comparison your project/ methods with others
7- Results and how did you get your results in
8- Discussion.


Samples: Figures and system/network/piping

system: How the system is working?



6- Conclusion (Concluding Remarks)

1- Summary of what you have done.
2- The most important conclusions, usually about
the results.
No explanations, no references.


6- Conclusion (Concluding Remarks) (Example)

The detailed structure of the surface flow generation
process induced by a bubble plume is investigated by
using flow visualization and image processing including
the PIV measurements. The measurement of the
averaged surface flow velocity is introduced in detail.
The flow structure is sensitively modulated by the
bubble generation conditions (gas flow rate and bubble
size). The main results can be summarized as follows:



6- Conclusion (Concluding Remarks)

1- The velocity of the surface flow induced by the bubble plume
in the vicinity of the free surface is larger and stronger than that
in other regions.
2- The width of the upward flow induced by the bubble plume is
larger than the thickness of the surface flow.
3- The highest kinetic energy is generated in the center of the
bubble plume and in the area of the surface flow where the flow
changes its orientation from the vertical into the horizontal
4- High vorticity distribution, high shear strain rate and high
shear stress rate are generated by the surface flow, which induced
by the bubble plume, and these phenomena appear in a layer
under the free surface.


5- Reference
1- Reliable references.
2- Web references are not acceptable.
3- Author names. Year. Title. Journal name. Pages.
[1] Taylor G. I.. (1955). The Action of a Surface
Current Used as a Breakwater. Proc. Roy. Soc. A231,
pp. 466-478.
[2] Hassan Abdulmouti, Yuichi Murai, Ohno Yasushi,
Fujio Yamamoto. (2001). Measurement of Bubble
Plume Generated Surface Flow Using PIV, Journal of
the Visualization Society of Japan. Vol. 21. No. 2. Pp.



Thank you



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