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~cribe,ithe chemical method of separation of 1°, 2° and 3° amines HISSAN PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION -2067[2011]
from their mixture by Hoffmann's method? [51 Grade: XII F.M.:75
30. a) What is titration? How is a suitable indicator selected for a particular Time: .3 hrs P.M.: 27
titration? [2+3] Chemistry [212]
b) Define order and molecularity of a reaction. A first order reaction is Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
40% complete in 30 minutes . Calculate the time require for 80%
completion of the reaction. [1+1+3] Attempt all the questions as instructed:

31 . Write short notes on any two: [5+5] Group-A

i) Laboratory preparation·of chloroform. Attempt any fifteen questions:. [15x2 =30)
ii) Faraday's law of electrolysis.
l . /Predict the molecular geometry of H20 based on VSEPR model? [2)
iii) Electrochemical theory of rusting.
2. What is nucleophile? Explain why alkylhalide give alkyl cyanides
i) Extraction ofMercury.
when treated with KCN,where as with AgCN alkylisocyanides are

-- The End--- obtained? fl+l]


;·, ( "" . rr, -1 y What is iodoform test? Write any two compounds which give positive
iodoform test. [ 1+I)

What happens when chloroform is treated with [1+1)

~ a) Acetone b)aq.NaOH
5. How can you convert phenol into ortho or para hydroxybenzaldehydc? 121
6. Predict the major products in the following reactions; II+ II

a) CzHsOCzHs o,'l Atr >

b) CH30C 2 H5 PCJ,
.,:__._ . ""
---rr-- ·

~ Name the compound (A),(B),(C) and (D).
CH30H }' +I, A _KCN ) B L tAIH. ) c
f ~

I ·~.~
. r'J· '

Why is cthylamine more basic than acetamide?
Wt itv an example of Perkin condensation reaction.
WJil l' down the open chain structure of glucose and fructose . Which one of
v- Describe how can you distinguish between propanol, pr~~arl-2-ol, and tert-
butyl alcohol by Victor's Meyer's method.
24. Define the term Faraday . Calculate the weight of copper metal deposited

tlli 'l g iV\!:; posi tive Fehllng solution test? [2] during the passage of 3 amperes cun-ent through a solution of copper
~I Whiil is peptide bond? What happens when tri-peptide is acid hydrolysed? sulphate for 60 minutes . (atomic mass of Cu = 63 .5). [1+4]
(iiv\! chemical reaction. [1+1] 25 . What is meant by normality factor? Calculate the value of ' x' when 12.6
l>cfine ' thermoplastic' and 'thermosetting plastic' with example. [1+1] gm of hydrated oxalic acid (H 2C 20 4 .XH20 ) was dissolved in water and
I low many Faraday of electricity are required t'o discharge Mg+Z and Fe+3? the solution was made 1000 ml, 15 ml of this solution required 30 ml of
Whatis salt bridge? Write the function of salt bridge? [1+1] Nil 0 NaOH for complete neutralization. [1+41
' nlculate the pH of 4.5 x 10' M HCI? [l+lj 26 State second law of thermodynamics. Calculate the enthalpy of fonnation
I (J. What is meant by spontaneous process and what is the criterion for
spontaneity of a reaction? · [1+1)
· ofN 20 5 (g) on the basis of the following data. [1+4]
ii) 2NO(g) + Oz(g) ~ 2N0 2 (g) ; .6.H =-114.0KJ 0

I 7. Define activation energy and threshold energy . Draw energy profile iii) 4NOz (g) + Oz (g)~ 2Nz0 5 (g) ; .6.H" = - I 02.6 KJ
d iagram also. [1+1]
iv) Nz (g) + 0 2 (g)~ 2NO (g) ; .6.H 0 = .<;.. 180.4 KJ

d What is the role of CO in the extraction of iron? [2]

I <) :I What is meant by the term Galvanisation? Give one of its important uses. .
2~ive the preparation, properties and uses of white vitro!.
N , .t-·N -- ) ('-...,a _,

0. Give chem ical reactions showing amphoteric behavior oflitharge. [2]
Attempt any two questions: [2x10=20]

2y How is nitrobenzene prepared is laboratory in pure and dry state? What are
\ the different products obtained by reduction of nitrobenzene in different
A1tcm pt any five questions: (5x5=25]
medium? [6+4]
Compound (A),C 7H 9N, undergoes diazotization with NaN0 2/HCl at 0°C to
A .,
29. a) Consider a reaction
gi ve (B),C 7 H 7N 2 Cl. Compound (B) on tre,atment with CuCI/HCl gives (C),
C 7H1Cl. Compound (C) is an ortho- disubstituted benzene which on
oxidation follovved by heating with soda-lime gives (D), C6HsCL Draw
v SOC1 2

,r structures of(A), (B), (C),and (D) with their name.

Describe the preparation of ethoxyethane in laboratory?
B, C, D & E with logical explanation. [5]
~ ,. "v .


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