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The nurses assigned in each unit assume total responsibility for patient care.

This mode of organizing the patient care refer to:

● Case method Nursing
● Team Nursing management
● Primary Nursing
● Functional nursing
According to “KAT”, which of the following fundamental skills a manager should have in dealing with people and how to get along
with them?
● Conceptual skills
● Human skills
● None of the above
● Technical skills
Which category level when a hospital provides ancillary services such as primary clinical laboratory?
● Level I
● Level II
● Level III
● Level IV
Which of the following information listed below are considered sensitive information? EXCEPT:
● Individual’s health
● Individual’s color
● Individual’s face
● Individual’s gender
Nurse Manager Marie submits a report to her department every month to the chief nurse. What channel of communication is she
● Diagonal
● Upward
● Downward
● Horizontal
Nurse John asked his supervisor what are the most important keys to effective leadership?
● Knowledge, art, and skills
● Attitude, skills, and values
● Working strategies and chacryer attitude
● Trust, confidence , and communication
A company is in need of 15 contractual workers. Manager X whose responsibility is to hire qualified workers signed their
Memorandum of Agreement for one year. According to “Mintsberg: manager X is performing which of the following basic roles?
● Informational role
● None of the above
● Interpersonal role
● Decisional role
You are asked by your clinical instructor to classify moderate care or category 2 patients. Which one is correct in the patient
classification system?
● The patient is only requiring diagnostic studies and minimal therapy
● The patient is already recovering from a serious illness and requires some assistance
● The patient is unstable and acutely ill and has high demands for nursing car
● The patient needs close monitoring and requires complete care in most activities.
The major concern of Scientific management was that on increasing efficiency in production, not only lower cost and raise profits,
but also to make possible increase pay for workers to increase productivity/
● True
● False
The hospital is a place devoted primarily to the maintenance and operational facilities for the diagnosis, treatment and care of
individuals suffering from illness, disease or deformity. What RA pertains to HOSPIRLA LICENSE LAW?
● R.A. 7416
● R.A. 2246
● R.A. 4226
● R.A. 5626
What elements of the communication process initiator communication?
● Encoder
● Decoder
● Massage
● Recorder
One leadership theory states that “leaders are born and not made.” which refers to which of the following theories
● Situational theory
● Trait theory
● Charismatic theory
● Great Man theory
Who is the father of scientific management theory?
● Henry Fayol
● Frederick Taylor
● Adam smith
● Max weber
The statement below explains the principle of transparency in data privacy act?
● The processing of personal data shall be allowed subject to adherence to the principle of transparency, legitimate
purpose, and proportionality.
● The data subject must be aware of the nature purpose and extent of the processing of his or her personal data, including
the risk and safeguards involved, the identity of personal information controller, his or her rights as a data subject and how
these can be exercised
● The processing of information shall be compatible with a declared and specified purpose which must not be contrary to
law, morals or public policy
● The processing of information shall be adequate, relevant, suitable, necessary and not excessive in relation to a declared
and specified purpose. Personal data shall be processed only if the purpose of the processing could not reasonably be
fulfilled by other means.
Which one described the qualities of a leader who uses laissez-faire?
● She tends to be passive and puts the responsibility and decision making to others
● She would foster independence in your team by promoting motivation and creativity
● She oversees everything to come up with good quantity and quality of output but provides little autonomy and self-
motivation to her members
● She involves the group in planning and in decision making
Which of the following pertains to written communication?
● Only relevant information should be conveyed
● The speaker must be able to speak slowly, pronouncing the words clearly
● Comes in a form of memorandum, documentation record and reports
● Clearly understood words should be used instead of too technical terms
Which type of leadership emphasizes “we” rather than “i” and “you”?
● Democratic
● Authoritarian
● Permissive
● Autocratic
How will you classify the national kidney and transplant institute?
● General clinical services
● Special hospital
● Departmentalized special hospital
● General hospital
The following organizational activities are forms of formal communication; EXCEPT
● Receiving incoming calls
● Talking to someone at the coffee shop
● Conducting employees interviews
● Attending conference meeting
What skills refer to the manager’s ability to prioritize work to work efficiently, to delegate appropriately?
● Technical
● Interpersonal
● Time management
● Conceptual
● Decision-making
When a nurse communicated during ward endorsement the message must be factual and specific she utilizes the principle of:
● Courtesy and complete
● Complete and concrete
● Consideration and clarity
● Concise and correct
As head nurse, you have been dealing with a lot of people, which of the following is the most important communication skills?
● Listening
● Questioning
● Assertiveness
● Affirmation
What type of ownership and control when hospitals are directly under the office of the president?
● Provincial
● Government
● National
● Regional
Which of the following condition exists shall only be permitted in the processing of the personal information EXCEPT”
● The process of personal information is necessary and is related to the fulfillment of the contract
● The processing is necessary in order to response to personal emergency
● The processing in necessary for clients with legal obligation
● The processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interest
The term is defined as the ability to take action by combining knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and experience acquired as a nurse
and viewed as an integrated performance reflecting the nurse’s feelings, thoughts, and judgement. This refers to:
● Nursing qualification
● Nursing competency
● Nursing standard
● Nursing safety
What type of leader who demonstrates passion for serving her staff rather than being served and takes time to listen, prefers to be a
teacher first before being a leader?
● Charismatic leader
● Transactional leader
● Servant leader
● Transformational leader
Which of the following nursing competency standards under outcome-oriented professional relationship domains?
● Care of client, ethical, motal, legal practices, and personal and professional values
● Collaboration and team, communication , and transcultural nursing
● Personal and professional development, resources management, and redearc
● Communication, research and client care.

Which of the following are methods of destroying the patient records?

● Pulping, sun burning, hand washing
● All listed are methods
● Burning, boiling, and crushing
● Shredding, pulverizing and demagnetizing
Complete the title of the Data privacy act of 2012. “AN ACT PROTECTING INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL INFORMATION IN
● Collaboration system
● Privacy system
● Communication system
● Management system
If Zamboanga City Medical center is a departmentalized hospital, what category would you consider?
● Accredited residency
● Non-accredited residency
● Training hospital
● Non-training hospital
Leadership styles are basic approaches to management. The extent to which the leader influences his or her subordinates in
achieving their objectives of patient care, depends on the leadership style the leader exhibits. Which leadership student is highly
motivated professionals like those in research?
● Autocratic
● Laissez faire
● Democratic
● Participative
Communication is described as a two-way process, yet in an organization, it is four dimensional. Which line of communication deals
with information that flows from the caregivers to the patient?
● Outward communication
● Horizontal communication
● Downward communication
● Upward communication
Nurse X practices the democratic leadership style because she wants to give as much as possible the autonomy to nursing
personnel in carrying out assigned tasks. This is possible in which one of the following modes of organization patient care:
● Case management
● Team nursing
● Functional nursing
● Modular method.
Mrs. De Jesus was appointed to be the new Medical nurse manager, she gathered all the staff for the first formal meeting of the
year. She greeted and told the unit staff that she was tasked to bring improvements into the unit. She then gives out the list of tasks
that she made for each and everyone gathered. Which types of leadership style does the new nurse manager present?
● Permissive
● Democratic
● Autocratic
● Consultative
What is the principle of management FAYOLS explained that the workers/employees must be in pain sufficiently as this will serve as
motivation and thus greatly influences productivity?
● Remuneration
● Scalar Chain
● Unity of Command
● Unity of direction
The hospital you are working for is implementing the methods of patient care modality. What is the functional method all about?
● The nurse has the responsibility for giving nursing care to the client from admission until discharge
● It is one on one constant patient care for period of time
● A team leader has the responsibility for coordinating the total care of a group for patient
● one nurse is responsible for giving bedside care, another one for administering medication and another one for treatment
and so on
Nurse Tricia has been promoted from the4 staff nurse to being the nurse supervisor of the Obstetric ward. What part of the
operating level Nurse tricia now?
● Middle level management
● First line managers
● Top level management
● Operating level
Jane is a manager in the pediatric unit. She is aware that behavioral management is important in dealing with the staff. What is the
perspective of behavioral management theory?
● Is concerned with improving the performance of individual workers
● Is a framework for organizing knowledge an providing a blueprint for action
● Emphasizes individual attitudes and behaviors and group process
● Proposes that workers respond primarily to the social workplace.
This refers to a person managing the information or organization who controls the collection, holdin, processing or use of personal
● Personal information controller
● Data information
● Personnel recorder
● Privilege information
A contractual worker was absent for three days now without notification. Prior to his absence, he had a serious misunderstanding
with his co-worker. Manager X is expected to handle the situation to resolve the problem. This best explains the role of:
● Informational Role
● None of the above
● Decisional role
● In

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