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(Formally Known As ‘Bill Me Later’)

A Detailed Step By Step Guide On How To Perform

Successful PayPal Credit Transactions And Withdraws.
Overview :

This guide will give you an overview of PayPal credit accounts and
what you need to know to use them successfully. Please remember
that due to PayPal’s strict rapidly changing account security the
more time you take cashing out your credit balance the more
success you will have at doing this. Be sure to come back here as
your guide and manual to understanding PayPal credit security
tactics. Use the information gathered as a valid point of reference to
complete the process of draining funds successfully without error.
Please take your time and enjoy.
Setup :

The first thing to do before logging into the credit account is having
it set up correctly for PayPal access. PayPal security constantly
monitor accounts for unauthorized access attempts, for this we
need to access the account from an IP address close to the
accounts real location and from a browser that hasn’t been logged
into PayPal before

What you need :

● SOCKS5 (For this guide I will be using ​​)

● Proxifier (Download from ​​)

● CCleaner (Download from ​​)

● Bit Bleach (Download from ​​)

● Virtual PC (Optional but highly recommended)

● Time with a pinch of Patience

I will use a fresh Virtual PC for each PayPal account I’m working
with, it makes it easier to switch between accounts and retain
browser cookies but if you’re not using a Virtual PC program then
you can create a new windows user account on your PC for each
PayPal account you’re going to access.

Before you start, run CCleaner and then Bit Bleach to clean any
browser history/cookies that could be already saved and installed
on your computer system.
Next open up Proxifier which will ensure all your internet traffic is
sent through SOCKS5 without leaking your real IP address to
PayPal, finally open up your SOCKS5 client (In this case Vip72)
You need to select an IP address to use near the accounts real
location, if you can find the town listed in the proxy list then you
might need to look on Google maps and see what the next close
town is to use. Once you have selected an IP you need to check its
not blacklisted (In Vip72 you can right click the address for a
Blacklist check)

The final thing to do here is change your computer's time to the

correct time zone for the account you’re using as this info is
broadcasted by your browser, then and only then you’re all setup
and ready to login to the account for the first time.

Login and Use :

When ever you first login to the PayPal account you will see the
accounts credit balance on the left hand side under the accounts
actual balance, since PayPal ungraded their front end dashboard
sometimes the balance doesn’t show if you are connecting from a
slow proxy, you will need to click on the PayPal logo in the top left
corner of the screen to reload the home page for it to show if this is
the case or not.

The main thing to remember with PayPal is to take your time, the
PayPal credit involved in some accounts can be thousands so
PayPal of course have security systems in place. The biggest tool
we have to use the account is time, the longer you take before
using the balance the more success you will have.

The basic idea of using the credit involves us taking over the
account and then transferring the credit balance to another PayPal
account so we can spend it or cash it out.
To do this you need to :

1. Update the accounts email address to a fresh email you have

created, I usually recommend Google or yahoo mail accounts
because they are most common however it doesn’t matter,
once you have verified your new email (Click the verification
email PayPal send) you need to make this email the Primary
email address and remove the old one(s). Following this step
is not a requirement but only if you feel comfortable with the
account being under a email your fully control.

2. Update security questions and answers - you can perform this

under the security tab within PayPal and you will only need
the accounts password to complete the process.

3. Wait – We have now made two big changes to the account

which will raise some security flags, if we try to make more
changes now or use the balance a security limitation will be
triggered. You’ll need to wait at least 48 hours for these flags
to clear but I suggest the longer the better, for example I open
a account but wouldn’t use the balance for 1 – 3 weeks.

4. Build cookies, while we are waiting for the flags to clear up

now is a good time to build up browser cookies, each day (Or
a few times a day) you can login to the account from the same
Browser and (Virtual PC or Windows User) to do this.

5. Transfer – After completing the above and being patient you

can now start to transfer the credit out to another PayPal to
buy or cash out, again you must take time at this stage. If
quickly moving thousands security checks will be risen. I only
recommend transferring 25% of the funds in the first transfer,
after 48 hours you can proceed with another, and carry on like
this until you have drained all the accounts available credit.
Tips :

● Don’t ever change the accounts email and password together,

this will always trigger a security alert. This type of activity is
unusual and appear as if a hacker has overtaken the account.

● If when you first login to the account, you get a screen asking
you to verify your ID with either security answers or a phone
call it means you haven’t passed the location checks. Logout
clean your browser (With CCleaner and Bit Bleach) select a
new IP address and then try this again.

● When working with static IP addresses which is the worser

option compared to a dedicated IP address, you must let the
account rest in between logins and storing cookies to increase
chances of a successful withdraw.

● Depending on how old the PayPal account is you might need

to add a Valid VCC and confirm it to the account to make a
transfer but this isn’t always the case.

● A major shortcut in gaining paypal’s trust as a valid member is

by performing normal transactions on your account. This can
be small purchases $5 to $25 items from ebay multiple times
with either your paypal balance, attached VCC or VBA. With a
history of you performing transactions while neglecting to use
paypal credit you will begin to notice paypal advertising paypal
credit as payment option more vigorously, Which is a good
sign it’s time to do some draining.

● I can’t stress enough to take your time; PayPal’s security can

be very sensitive. The longer you take mixed with frequent
transaction history the easier it will be to drain the account.

Good Luck!

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