2 - 6th First Partial First Quimester ENGLISH

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Unidad Educativa Particular del Valle

First Block – First Quimester

Level: Basica Media Basic Grade: 6th Basic Grade E.G.B Teacher: Juan Narváez
Area: Foreign language Subject: ENGLISH
Student’s name: Date:
Performance criteria: make and respond to invitations, suggestions, apologies and requests.

1. Listen and mark (√ ) Ricky’s sleeping problems. 51 _____ / 4

2. Make a list of Ricky’s problems. _____ / 2

1. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________

2. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________

3. Look, read and fill in the blanks. _____ / 4

My cat, Fluffykins, sleeps more than I do!

He sleeps on the bed with me, and generally he
________________________. But he moves a lot in
his sleep! The vet told me it’s probably because
he _________________________. The problem
is that in the morning, he’s no longer on my
bed; he________________________. He also
_______________________ a lot. It’s so loud!
Performance criteria: Identify the meaning of specific content-based words and phrases, with the aid of visual support.

4. Read and circle. Then look and number the pictures. _____ / 6

1. A dolphin appeared / was appearing when I swam / was swimming in the sea!

2. I ate / was eating soup when suddenly I saw / was seeing a worm in it. Yuck!

3. I fed / was feeding the fish when it started talking / was starting talking.

5. Look and complete the sentences. _____ / 4

1. In my dream, I __________________________________________________. (eat/land)

2. __________________________________________________ (look/turn into)

3. __________________________________________________ (take/start/float)

4. __________________________________________________ (watch/start/ring)
Total: /20
Elaborado por:

Prof. Juan Narváez Lcdo. David Sánchez Lcda. Alison Villavicencio

English Teacher English Coordinator Viceprincipal

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