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Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

Prepared Attack Rotes:

 Prepared Spells - Time 2 - Prepare a spell in advance for quicker casting later. + Prime 2 -
Cast a spell in advance for quicker use later. Successes denote number of spells that can be
 Hydro-Bomb - Matter 2 - Fill glass with water. Turn water into acid. Throw glass. Glass
shards + acid = bad for people in immediate area.
 Heat-seeking Matter Missile - Matter 2 Force 1 - Create a mist with a spray bottle. Turn that
spray into napalm, a corrosive acid, or BZ ("Agent 15": effects include blurred vision,
delusions and hallucinations (that appear to be realistic, distinct, panoramic, and difficult to
distinguish from reality), slurred speech, disorientation, and ataxia). Guide the mist around to
various targets with heat signatures. Return mist to simple water vapor and release.
 Alter Accuracy - Matter 2 + Craft - Improve the balance of an item (throwing knife, stone,
martial missile, etc), granting 9-again rolls to be made.
 Enchant Weapon - Prime 2 - enchanted weapon will do no more damage than mundane
counterparts, but strike directly to Patterns of their targets, inflicting aggravated wounds.
 Glimpsing the Future - Time 2 - Gain insight into your next action, improving chance of
success. Roll twice.
 Acceleration - Time 3 - Drastically increase speed or reaction time. (vulgar)
 Burning Fists and Feet - Brawl + Force 2 + Time 1 - Deliver super heated charges upon
contact, using and exacerbating your own static charge. + Prime - Deliver these electric
blows direct to the target's pattern.
 Kinetic Efficiency - Force 2 + Wit + Ath - Direct and focus the kinetic energy of your whole
body towards a task. Add your Forces to Strength related rolls, as well as increasing your
effective strength for running, jumping and throwing objects. Each success allows one
Force-enhanced action during the Duration of the spell.
 Prime Punch - Brawl + Prime 2 - impact of a punch can be delivered physically and
ethereally to the target's Pattern. +Time 3 - Increase speed of attack.

 Stone Fist - Brawl + Forces 3 + Matter 2 + Prime 2 - Transforms the kinetic energy around a
thrown punch into a solid mass of stone. +2 STR.
 Summon Sword of Darkness - Forces 3 + Prime 2 + Occ - Summons a sword from the
nearby shadows and creates a kinetic weapon that strikes directly to the Pattern. Deals
electrical and cold damage: ________ aggravated dmg.

Battle Rotes

Attack Rotes:
· Bad Guy No Treat - Matter 2 - change the water in a bottle to chloroform. Pour contents onto
sleeve (particularly inner elbow) of hoodie. Clasp arm over target's face. Good night.
· Educated Ricochet - Force 1 Matter 1 Time 1 - Using your understanding of the
aforementioned Spheres, throw or kick any object which will hit the target after multiple
· Irritable Exhale - Matter 2 Time 2 - Exhale smoke onto target with timed release to become
an alternate substance, i.e. psychochemical gas, sleeping gas, mustard gas, laughing gas.
· Irritable Expectorant - Matter 2 Time 2 - Spit liquid onto target with timed release to become
an alternate substance, i.e. acids, drain cleaner, gasoline, lime, or chlorine.
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

· Irritable A-choo - Matter 2 Time 2 - Sneeze onto target with timed release to become an
alternate substance, i.e. pepper spray, mace, or chemical spray.
· Hobo's Revenge - Matter 1, Forces 1, Prime 2 and Time 3 - you can create a field of space
where certain substances move faster through time than others. Given that force=mass x
acceleration, and given that acceleration is a function of time, you could, for example, make
that field apply only to zinc and metal. You could create a space where pocket change acts
like shrapnel when thrown.
· Kinetic Blow - Force 2 - Give a bashing weapon lethal damage.

· Holy Stroke - Prime 2 - create an ephemeral, glowing weapon of prime energy or simply fire
pure power at a target. Particularly effective against supernatural opponents.

· Rubbing the Bones - Prime 2 - Disrupt the flow of prime through a body, causing the Q to
ripple and surge. No lasting damage, but lots of pain.

· Flash Bang - Force 2 Prime 1 (Dex + Ath) - Gather light from your immediate vicinity,
compiling it in your hand and infusing it with Q through Prime to form a ball of bright light.
Throw this at your target's face and blind them.
· Fire on Contact - Force 2 Prime 2 - Pull fire out of the ether and administer directly to
flammable target. + Phlogiston Phlux - Make any target flammable.
 Friction Curse - Forces 3 - turn a subject's motion into heat energy (preventing the subject
from moving and causing them to heat up until they burst into flame).

 Arc light - Force 3 Prime 2 - create a small pattern of electricity and move it from target to
target, doing aggravated damage from the primal imbued power.

 Silence Cannon - Force 3 Prime 2 - emit devastating blasts of countersound, which not only
causes damage but also temporarily render a region free of all sound.

 Bio-plasma burst - Forces 3 - release a burst of highly agitated plasma at a target. Damage
= stamina + forces dice worth of damage. Each Q adds another die to the damage dice pool.

 Just like TV - Forces 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 - Ember uses kinetic force to double or triple the
damage of a kick or punch "tv-style", charging her target with a temporary Matter + Prime
spark that allows them to crash through or into whatever they land on. This added touch
makes the attack appear coincidental, as most people equate those two things together with
an action sequence in TV or movies.

 Ember Goes Ender - Forces 3 Prime 2 Matter 2 - (only works in smallish enclosed spaces)
This rote negates gravity for the room, lifting everyone into a gravitation-less float. Ember's
Forces 3 abilities allow her to move competently through the changed space as though she
were in one of the battle simulators in Ender's Game, while those without these skills will
flounder helplessly. (How do I make this coincidental, you ask? I paint a big 3D button on the
wall that says "do not push: anti-gravity simulator".)

 God hates you - Forces 3 Prime 2 - A column of Prime energy leaps from the sky and
incinerates the target. Hey, it happened in the bible a few times. Forces amplifies the fire,
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

adding extra potency to the damage (extra damage die per hit success). Rather vulgar, but
God works in mysterious ways...

 Telekinetic Strike - Forces 3 - Strike an enemy without touching them.

 C.O.B. Attack - Forces 3 - Alter the gravity around the target to throw the target off balance.

 Animate Force Wall - Forces 3 - cast a shape and move an invisible sheet of force to push,
lift, squeeze, or pull.

 Primium Fan - Forces 3 - summon rapidly whirling fans of blades made of primium energy
that looks like a flickering, semi-transparent circle over each fist. Deals cutting damage to

 Rust in the Cogs - Forces 3 - Alter the H20 in the air into a fine mist of muriatic acid, rusting
any metal it comes in contact with. + Time - speeds the rusting process so that it happens in
seconds rather than minutes.

 Electric Loop - Forces 3 - Draws electricity from local source and sends it arcing from one
target to the next. Difficulty of loop drops when target’s are susceptible to electrocution (i.e.
metallic, wet, touching).

 Incendiary Cloud - Forces 3 - a cloud of roiling smoke and white-hot embers that obscures
sight and deals fire damage.

Defense Rotes:
· Counterspell - Prime 2 + Int + Occ - Counter spell from any Sphere.
· Unseen Aegis - Matter 2 - Gain armor from nearby matter, helping to shield you from attacks.
· Heart's Blood - Prime 1 - sense the flow of Q through your body and use your health towards
points of Q. (Damage may only be healed by time and bed rest.)
· Dispel Magic - Prime 1 - dispel magic.
· Shield of Chronos - Time 2 - Shield yourself from temporal viewing, including precognition,
post-cognition, etc.
· Time Ward - Time 2 - area spell that "muddies the waters" to make surrounding time stream
· Shifting Sands - Time 3 - Rewind time 1 turn to take a different action
· Unseen Shield - Force 2 - Create a field of energy that protects you from attacks.
· Energy Shield - Force 2 - Invisible, but blind; Silent, but mute; etc.
· Insulate - Force 2 - Reduce damage from electricity by 2 dot of forces.
· Diverting the Blow - Force 2 - Redirect energy of an attack, returning it to the attacker who
can be made to strike himself.
· Yielding Grasp - Force 2 Prime 2 - Turn target's force against him when grappling,
increasing your strength in relationship to his. (Each success boosts strength by 1 during
grapples and throws. Can be used to immobilize, disarm, or throw a target, but not to do
 Cacophony - Magnify shouts at a target to disorient the enemy, adding 3 to his difficulties for
the duration of the effect.
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

· + Prime 2 - The shouts add damage.

 Dysnomia - Forces 3 Prime 2 + Occult - Throw out a ball of destructive energy that explodes
outwards into a disruption pulse. Effects include loss of balance, sense of direction, extreme
general destruction, a lingering sense of disorientation, and random fluctuations in gravity.

 Circle of light - Force 3 Prime 2 - build a circle of prime fire around yourself which attacks
everyone who tries to cross it.

 Inertia Bomb - Force 3 Prime 2 - convert motive energy into inertia, this making movement
impossible within the bomb's area for the duration of the effect. Falling objects are also
frozen in place.

o + Time 2 - allows the mage to move freely through the frozen space while the
surrounding individuals are unaware of the freeze.

 Cycle of the Five Agents - Forces 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 - Change one element into its partner
in the creative or destructive cycle. Can be used to put out fires, perform other elemental
transformations, neutralize elemental effects instead of using countermagic. Element can be
changed once per turn.

 "Take me!" - Forces 3 Prime 2 Matter 2 - In the midst of a storm or natural disaster, Ember
can raise her arms and jump into the fray. Lightening, tornadoes, whirling dervishes, and
earthquakes absorb her and deposit her elsewhere. Successes define whether she has any
control over where she ends up. In the midst of this, metal weapons are deflected and
unarmed or metal clad foes face electrocution. This is a last ditch Armageddon escape
attempt. Not to be used lightly. After all, lightening can strike several miles apart and fault
lines can stretch for several hundred miles. Requires 3 successes.

 Turn Projectile - Forces 3 - Alter the source of a bullet, etc.

Stealth Rotes:
 Basic Cloak of Shadows - Ember draws all the darkness in the area to herself,
"disappearing" or "appearing suddenly" at will into or from darkness. This rote allows her to
hide in darkness and muffles the sounds of her footfalls. Arete successes add to total
Arcane and/or stealth totals. Only works in dim light. Coincidental and unsettling.

 Advanced Cloak of Shadows - By bending the light around her, Ember can disappear into
daylight as well (think cloaking shields). However, this is vulgar if she is right in front of a
mundane when she disappears, or if evidence of her being there is inexplicable by other

 Darklight Projection - Force 3 Prime 2 - mix different frequencies of the electromagnetic

spectrum in the proper ratio, she was able to generate fields of darkness to propagate the
way light does. The only way to see through this darkness is by viewing along the darkness
wavelength; UV and IR will not work.

 "I am the shadows..." - Forces 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 - Similar to "walking through walls", Ember
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

encompasses herself in a "cloak of available shadows" - effectively "disappearing" from

view. + 3 difficulty to spot. This shadow veil makes her appear on forces reads as nothing
more than a change in pigment. She cannot be detected on IR views. She can only be
detected by viewing along the darkness wavelength or by searching with Life magic. This
rote remains effective for the duration of a scene or until dispelled.

 Blackout - Force 3 - shorts out all electrical systems in a building/room/vehicle/block/etc.

 “Who turned the lights out?” - Force 3 - creates a cloud of inky air around the target’s head,
preventing them from being able to see.

Preparatory Rotes
Defensive Measures:
· Bulletproof Clothes - Prime 2 Matter 2 Force 1 - Make your clothes strengthen their
molecular patterns whenever and wherever force is applied, to whatever degree force is
· Temporal Dodge - Time 2 - Tweak the flow of time around you to protect you from physical
 Shadow Flash Mines - Forces 3 Prime 2 - Enchant the available shadows to explode into
light bursts when stepped on.

 “Sucks to be you” - Forces 3 Prime 2 - Creates a shield around self that sends projectiles
back along their trajectory to the source of their kinetic energy. (i.e. what you throw at me
goes back at you)

 Fire Trap - Forces 3 Prime 2 - creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy triggers
the spell by entering the area, the spell creates a fiery explosion.

 Cold Trap - Forces 3 Prime 2 - creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy triggers
the spell by entering the area, the spell creates an explosion of frigid air.

 Electric Trap - Forces 3 Prime 2 - creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy
triggers the spell by entering the area, the spell creates an electric explosion.

 Acid Trap - Forces 3 Prime 2 - creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy triggers
the spell by entering the area, the spell creates an acid fog explosion.

 Party Sphere - Forces 3 - globe of sparkling light and rhythmic music distracts viewers and
compels them to dance.

· Heat Tracking - Force 1 Time 2 - Track a living target based on the trail of heated
air/footprint/handprints they leave behind. Lets you track a target beyond the immediate area
for up to 2.5 minutes.
· Detect Substance - Matter 1 - Know the location of any nearby objects of a specific
substance (iron, plastic, gunpowder, etc) or even a specific object you're familiar with.
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

· Psychometry - Time 2 Matter 1 - Learn entire history of an object by touching it, including
notable events that occurred in its presence. (Information usually hazy or fragmentary:
glimpses of former owner, snatches of highly emotional conversations in the object's
presence or quarrels where the object was thrown.)
· Invisibility to machines - Force 2 - Elude electronic surveillance. Successes add to stealth
and Arcane totals.

· Darksight - Force 1 - perceive IR, UV, radio waves, x-rays, radiation, etc.
· Quantify Energy - Force 1 - sense the type and amount of energy at work around you.
· Read Matrices - Force 1 - perceive magical resonance and flow of energy (electromagnetic,
heat, gravity, etc). + Matter 1 - See how other Patterns interact with and create forces. Force
1 Prime 1 - See how Q flows to create forces. + Time 1 - Determine the last origin of various
forces and figure out how long they last.
· Receiver - Force 1 - Listen to sounds beyond normal hearing, i.e. sub/supersonic
· Matter Perception - Matter 1 - Insight into the nature of any material object, i.e. how big, what
it's made of, solid or composite, damage level, how it interacts with other objects, if
anything's hidden inside.
· Find Hidden Hoard - Wit + Craft + Matter 1 - Find hidden compartments, doors, etc.
· Craftsman's Eye - Matter 1 - Understand the workings of any object with moving parts.
· Dark Matter - Int + Occ + Matter 1 - Gain mage sight, with a knack for interpreting "heavy" or
"dense" resonances.
· Fragments of Dream - Matter 1 - Perceive the patterns of things rather than their physical
· Discern Composition - Matter 1 - Know the elemental make-up of an object.
· Chronicle Resonance - Prime 1 Time 2 - Discern local sources of resonance over time,
determine past magical events.
· Watch the Weaving - Prime 1 + Perc + Awr - Detect the weaving of etheric threads. Then
see the magic being woven. Attempt to identify patterns and discern the magic's intent, as
well as possible affiliations of the caster.
· Supernal Vision - Prime 1 - mage sight, see Quintessence flow. Identify nature of aura.
· Sense Quintessence - Prime 1 - detect magic, determine when coincidence was the result of
magic, see the flow of magic as it is shaped and cast. [Ember sees Quintessence as an
unnaturally vibrant prismatic effect.] + Time 2 - Sense if magic has been used where you are
or if it will be in the future.

· Temporal Eddies - Time 1 - Mage Sight, plus the ability to tell perfect time.

· Temporal Wrinkles - Time 1 - Detect nearby temporal disturbances

· Time Mark - Time 1 Matter 1 - Know the age of an object.

· Precise Dating - Time 1 Matter 1 - Determine when an object attained its current form. +
Forces 1 - Determine last time an electrically powered object was used, created, or changed.
+ Forces 1 Prime 1 - Determine the last time an object, electric or not, was used, created,
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

changed, or affected/altered/created magically.

· Augury - Time 2 - Gain minor information about the future of a specific object.
· System Havoc - Force 2 - Shut down/destroy electric machinery or power distribution
· Hidden Doors - Force 2 - Find the doors that are hidden in every surface by drawing a
handle on the surface.

Assist Thy Neighbor Rotes

· Eyes of the Earth - Matter 2 - Allow target to view matter and matter magic at work around
· Quintessence Bond - form a bond with a living creature, track back on the Q link as long as
it exists. Magical GPS.
· Primal Flow - Prime 2 - Allow target to view primal energy at work around them.
· Temporal Shift - Time 3 - Cast "Temporal Dodge" on others, to protect them from physical
· Eyes of the Matrix - Force 2 - Allow target to view forces at work around them.
· Bestow Unseen Shield - Forces 3 - Cast Unseen Shield on someone else.

Survival Rotes
· Recharge Battery - Force 1 Time 2 - Rewind a battery to a period in time when it was fully
· Conjure Basic Item - Matter 2 Prime 2 - Bring a simple object (e.g. rock, ice pick, etc) out of
the ether. (Make coincidental by pulling the item out of "pocket, purse, tall hate, etc").
· Straw into Gold - Matter 2 - Weave base matter into valuable substance. Improve the quality
of an existing object.
· Steel Windows - Matter 2 - Alter the transparency of an object.
· Good Eats - Matter 2 - Drink gutter water or eat food from a dumpster. It won't kill parasites
that have gotten in, but it'll make the non-living bits tasty and healthy.
· Store Quintessence - Prime 1 - Sense the strongest currents of Odyllic Force and align
yourself so that they flow into your Avatar. Store free Q.
· Momentary Flux - Time 1 - Slip between a past event or one in the future (up to five turns
ahead or behind) to check if a choice is good or bad and be able to decide what the best
option would be.
· Perfect Timing - Time 1 - Know the perfect instant to perform an action, gaining a die bonus.
· Flip of the Coin - Time 2 - Automatically succeed on simple, uncontested actions with only
two possible outcomes, where the outcome of the event is based on the timing of an action.
· Time Warp - Time 2 - pull time into a loop, causing a small area to suffer a local "rewind" of
· Receptacle for Lesser Forces - Force 2 Prime 2 - Fill a consecrated flask, jar, or statue with
a force of your choosing. When the seal is broken, the force will be set free. (Booby trapped
electric or heat box. Magic flashlight. Etc.)
· Transmission - Force 2 - Hijack an existing radio transmission and transmit your own words
along it.
 Clean up crew - Matter 2 Prime 2 - convert evidence of a troubling scene (e.g. dead bodies,
expended shell casings, blood stains, broken tables) into prime energy and soak it all up.
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

 Pass through walls - Forces 3 Matter 2 - align the atoms of Ember's body with that of a solid
object, allowing her to pass through the spaces in between.

 Walk on water - Forces 3 Matter 2 - alter the surface tension of the water to allow the liquid
to bear weight.

 Spidey-skills - Forces 3- Ember negates the effects of friction and gravity, allowing her to
climb up walls and hang form the ceiling, spider style.

 Your wheels are mine - Forces 3 Prime 2 Matter 1 - remotely take control over a mundane
vehicle. Successes are derived by Ember's arête versus the driver or pilot's strength + drive
roll. If there is no driver, it is simply an arête roll.

 Wet wheels - Forces 3 - Enchants tires with the inability to grip, making them incapable of
propelling the car forward or back.

 Q for all - Forces 3 Prime 2 - Ember absorbs and translates all expended forces energy
around her into quintessence. This means bullets fired, punches thrown, things blown up,
etc - all these forces become useable sources of prime energy.

 Perfect Fuse - Forces 3 Time 3 - Enchant fuse so that it discharges at will.

 Slow Fall - Forces 3 - Eases the force of gravity so that falls become manageable.

 Howling chain - Forces 3 Prime 2 - creates a chain of hyper dense air tethering target to a
particular place. The more the target struggles, shouts, beats, or otherwise uses any force
on or around the chain, the stronger and more solid the chain becomes.

 Net of Shadows - Forces 3 Matter 2 - form a net of shadows and cast them over target,
transmuting them into a solid net as they land.

 Hypnotic Pattern - Forces 3 - creates a twisting pattern of subtle, shifting colors that weaves
through the air, fascinating targets.

Fiendish Rotes
· Primal High - Matter 2 Prime 2 - Create a substance that forces the user to have a raw
creation experience. The effect will change spending on the Spheres of the person taking it.
· Melt and Reform - Temporarily render an inviolable object into a similar but more
accommodating substance, i.e. stone into clay, statue into butter.
· Images in Motion - Matter 2 Time 2 - paint images on a flat surface, the paints will move and
spread across the surface after they are applied. Once the effect ends, the figures stop
moving and become normal paintings. + Prime - for lasting effect. Ex. Melting walls, eyes
that move, bird wings that shift and rustle.
· Ephemeral Image - Prime 2 - create a 2D illusion over a flat surface.
· Supernal Scribe - Prime 2 - write text/draw images only the Sighted can detect.
· Invisible Object - Force 2 - Make stationary objects invisible
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

· Permanent Shadows - Force 2 Prime 1 - Permanently place shadows of objects in place so

that they do not move regardless of a change in light source.
· Mirage Trails - Force 2 Prime 1 - Make the light over certain sections of floor ripple as though
a mirage.
· Finger Painting - Force 3 Matter 2 - Transform the kinetic friction of your fingers over
canvas/stone/brick/etc into paint.
· Glimmerdust - Matter 2 - makes dust shimmer like gold flakes
(Rotes with a more occult bent:)
· Shape Liquid - Dex + Occult +Matter 2 - Shape a liquid or mist into an eerie form you choose
and control it thereafter.
· Water Blessing - Matter 2 Prime 2 + Occ - Splashing or spraying a target with cold water will
wash away evil. Water soaks into the target and its power becomes primal energy, cleansing
the Pattern of the target's magic of evil intent. + Time 2 - can cause this effect to "wait" until
the target tries to use an evil spell, at which point the Prime will unleash and unweave.
· Phlogiston Phlux - Matter 2 + Force 1 + Occult - change the amount of phlogiston in an
object allowing it to burn longer or shorter. + Prime 2 - add or remove phlogiston from an
object, making fireproof things burn like paper or paper be fireproof. Doesn't work on living
things, obviously.
· Analyze Enchanted Item - Int + Occ + Prime - discern the powers of an enchanted item.
· Smoker's Timing - Time 2 + Occ - relies upon the well-established urban legend that any
time a smoker waits for something, he need only start a new cigarette and it'll arrive. Could
be waiting for a bus, for a meal to arrive, for traffic to move - all you need to do is light up
and take a drag. The phenomenon almost always happens immediately after.
· Two prayers and a wish - Force 2 + Occ - There's an old saying that two prayers and a wish
(two taps to the dashboard and a snap) will get you through an intersection without being
stopped by red lights.
 Paranormal Activity - Forces 3 + Occ - Otherwise known as "coincidental telekinesis".
Chandeliers shaking, portraits creaking, gates clanging open and shut. Anything remotely
"paranormal" in nature or feel can be affected from afar for the purposes of distracting or
unsettling people nearby.

 Curse of the Electrical Rebellion - Forces 3 + Occ - Causes an item’s electrical components
to short out, malfunction, and otherwise stop working in the owner’s presence.

 Instill Shock - Forces 3 + Occ - Enchants an item so that unauthorized users receive a
powerful shock.

 Haimokinesis - Forces 2/3 + Occ - Summon smoke. Bend/shape smoke. Make smoke hot.
Make smoke cold.

 Shape Clouds - Forces 3 + Occ - Change the shape, split, or move a cloud.

 Summon Energy from the Sky - Forces 3 + Occ - Call upon the forces of wind and sky and
weather and transmute those forces into primal energy.

 Quintessential Storage - Matter 2 Prime 2 + Occ - Store Q in consecrated objects and save
for later.
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

 Karmic Clothes - Matter 2 + Occ - causes the subject’s clothing to animate and move in such
a way as to inhibit the subject’s actions - shoelaces tie together, belts bind together or come
loose, shirt tails tie to nearby objects, etc.

 Crawling Darkness - Forces 2 + Prime 2 + Occ - enchant the shadows so that they appear to
writhe and twist for short durations of time.

 Summon Shadow Spiders - Forces 3 Prime 2 + Occ - shape shadows into spider form and
let the phantoms run scurrying from their shadowy wombs to freak and frighten.

 Cursed Candles - Forces 3 + Occ - enchant a light source (candles, flickering bulb, etc) to
throw strange looking shadows on the walls.

 Cold spots - Forces 3 + Occ - creates areas of cold that are immune to heating.

 Ghostly sounds - Forces 3 + Occ - create an inhuman sound that emerges from the

Basic Skills
· Alter Conductivity - Matter 1 - Alter how well an object conducts electricity.
· Basic Transmutation - Matter 2 - Transmute one substance into another without changing its
shape, temperature, or basic state (liquid, solid, gas).
· Transmute Water - Matter 2 - Turn one common liquid into another.
· Consecrate - Prime 1 - allow ether to suffuse your aura, so that your unique pattern of
psychic resonance bleeds over and into an object, forging an etheric bond.
· Control Heat - Force 2 - Increase or decrease the temperature of an area.
· Control Light - Force 2 - Create or extinguish light. (Caught a blackout or light a cave with a
glowing finger.)
· Control Sound - Force 2 - Amplify or diminish the volume of sound in an entire area.
· Influence electricity - Force 2 - Alter the path of an electric current.
· Influence Fire - Force 2 - Alter the direction or flow of an existing fire.
 Telekinesis - Forces 3 - alter directions of forces or objects. Turn body heat, shout, or light
into a push that controls or moves an object.

 Invocation of negation - Forces 3- light becomes darkness, positive current into negative
current. Neutralization of forces destroys sensitive machinery.

 Lines of magnetic force - Force 3 Prime 2 - creates a strong directed magnetic field which
can move objects made of magnetic metal.

 Controlled reaction - Force 3 Prime 2 - limit, cancel, or direct the release of energy during
chemical reactions, can effectively negate or expand any reaction she chooses.

 Create Virtual Object - Forces 3 Prime 2 - create virtual objects for use in the digital web.
This object is permanent and mages can carry them throughout the net. Objects work the
same way they work in the physical world up to the limits of the effects of Forces 3.
Rotes for Mage: the Awakening - Force 3 Matter 2 Prime 2 Time 3

 Pocketful of Sun - Forces 3 Prime 2 - Follows the same premise of a basic "Receptacle of
Lesser Forces" rote, with the exception that the forces contained can be of greater

 Call Lightening - Forces 3 - Call lightening from the sky to strike at targets.

 Control Electricity - Forces 3 - Control electrical currents in the area.

 Control Fire - Forces 3 -

 Light Mastery - Forces 3 - Create light from nothing or completely silences an existing

 Personal Invisibility - Forces 3 - Weave a field of invisibility around yourself.

 Sound Mastery - Forces 3 - Creates sound from nothing or completely silences an existing

 Stop the Wind - Forces 3 - Will the wind to stop in a small area.

 Lighten Burden - Matter 2 - changes the pattern of objects so that they’ll weigh less.

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