Marking Rubbric

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Marking Criteria for a Complete Report – SUMMARY

Typed laboratory reports must be prepared, and will be assessed, using the topics presented
1. Introduction [1 marks]

1.1 Aim [0.5 marks]

State clearly the purpose of the experiment in one or two sentences.
1.2 Assumptions [0.5 marks]
List any assumptions that were used in developing the theory (equations and laws)
related to the laboratory experiment.

2. Apparatus and Materials [0.5 marks]

List the apparatus and materials and sketch the experimental set-up of equipment.
Photographs of the experimental setup can also be used.

3. Procedure [0.5 marks]

List the steps that were taken to setup and perform the experiment. A complete
procedure must also include how experimental data was measured and analyzed.

4. Results [5 marks]
Carefully measure and record the relevant experimental data (observations) in well-
prepared tables, spaces and graphs.

5. Analysis of Results [15 marks]

Perform relevant calculations and present your findings in tables, graphs, figures.
Comment on or discuss whether the experimental results agree with relevant theory
and on why your results may be different from the expected. Your theoretical
assumptions, the condition of equipment, procedures used and the measurement of
results may influence the quality of your results.

6. Conclusion [5 marks]
State whether the aim of the experiment was satisfied. Summarize the main
experimental findings and explain new insights you discovered from the experiment.

7. References and Bibliography [2 marks]

List the text books, journals, websites and manuals from which experimental
procedures, graphs, images and theories were sourced.

8. Appendices [1 marks]
Attached excess experimental data, images, calculations that support your
experimental work.

9. Layout [1 marks]
Organization of report is neat, logical, correct spelling and use of grammar.
Marking Criteria for a Complete Report – COMPLETE DETAILS

Aspects Criteria Mark

1 Aims/
Aim is not stated or wrong, no introduction. 0
Aim is vaguely stated, introduction fails to describe the background/
outline of work undertaken.
Aim is accurate and clearly stated adequate description of
background / outlines of work undertaken.
Exceptional/ clear comprehensive description of aims,
background and outlines of work undertaken. Assumptions.
2& 3 Apparatus,
Materials and No mention of apparatus/methods/ materials used. 0
Some mention of apparatus/ methods/ materials used. 0.5
Apparatus/ methods and materials are almost complete and mostly
Accurate and complete account of apparatus, methods, materials
4&5 Results &
No analysis and results given or totally incorrect. 0
Incorrect analysis of data, results are incomplete and vaguely
Adequate analysis of data, results are accurate, some discussion of
results is attempted.
Analysis of data, results, and discussions are accurate and complete. 10
Analysis of data, results, and discussion are accurate and complete,
with suitable illustrations.
Method and logic of analysis, results and discussion are accurate and
complete, with suitable illustrations.
6 Conclusion No conclusion is attempted or conclusion is wrong. 0
Conclusion is partly correct but incomplete. 1
Conclusion is correct and almost complete. 2.5
Conclusion is correct, complete, related to the aim of the research
and suggestions for improvement of research are given.
7 References References are not given. 0
References are incomplete and not arranged according to
References are complete, properly written and arranged according
to convention.
8 Glossary No glossary list is given. 0
A suitable glossary list is given. 1
Late submission. -13.5
Layout Organization of report is not logical with untidy presentation. 0
9 Organization is logical with fair use of grammar but presentation is
Organization of report is neat and logical with good use of grammar 1

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