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Which of the following nursing advocates elevated the status of nursing to a

respected occupation, improved the quality of nursing care, and founded modern
nursing education?
~ Jane Addams ~ Clara Barton
~ Dorothea Dix = Florence Nightingale

Which of the following statements is an accurate description of nursing's role,

according to the American Nurses Association (ANA)?
~Nursing is a profession dependent upon the medical community as a whole.
~ It is the role of the physician, not the nurse, to assist clients in
understanding their health problems.
=It is the role of nursing to provide a caring relationship that facilitates health
and healing.
~ The essential components of professional nursing care are strength, endurance,
and cure.

Which of the following is used by the nurse to identify the client's healthcare
needs and strengths and to establish and carry out a plan of care to meet those
~ Nursing standards ~ Nursing orders
~ Nurse practice acts = Nursing process

In which of the following historical eras in nursing did the emphasis on what
course a nursing student should take to be a professional nurse happened?
~Research era =Curriculum era
~Theory Utilization ~Graduate education era

Which of the following era focused more on scientific studies and knowledge?
=Research era ~Curriculum era
~Theory Utilization ~Graduate education era

Which of the following eras did Doctoral programs in nursing arise?

~Research era ~Curriculum era
=Theory Utilization ~Graduate education era

Which of the following statements is TRUE about theory utilization?

=Theories are needed to produce evidence for quality care
~Focus on nursing research
~Doctoral program
~All of the Above

Which of the following does NOT speak of the significance of theory as a

~University baccalaureate and master programs were developed.
~Theoretical works were published to guide nursing concepts and research
~Works begin to recognize for their theoretical nature
=Enhance autonomy of nursing through defining its own independent functions.

Which of the following refers to a specialized field of practice, founded on the

theoretical structure of the science or knowledge of that discipline and the
accompanying practice abilities?
{ ~Occupation ~Discipline
=Profession ~None of the Above

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the significance of theory in

nursing profession?
~Assist nurses to describe, explain, and predict everyday experiences.
~Help to describe criteria to measure the quality of nursing care.
~Help build a common terminology to use in communicating with other health
=All of the Above

Which of the following is the unique characteristic of nursing as a profession?

~Education ~Theory =Caring

In what period of nursing does people believe in TREPHINING to drive evil forces
~Dark Period =Intuitive Period ~Contemporary
Period ~Educative Period

Which of the following period when nursing is perceived as "untaught" and

=Intuitive Period ~Apprentice Period ~Contemporary
Period ~Educative Period

Which of the following refers to a systematized knowledge derived from

observations, critical thinking, study and research?
~Nursing care plan =Nursing Science
~Nursing Diagnosis ~Assessment

An empirical view based on the scientific knowledge that can be derived thru
observation is referred to as which of the following?
~Rationalism ~Theory-then-research strategy
=Empiricism ~None of the Above

Which of the following statements most clearly defines the role of the nurse in the
early Christian period?
~ The nurse was viewed as a slave, carrying out menial tasks based on the orders of
the priest- physician.
= Women called deaconesses made the first organized visits to the sick, and members
of male religious groups gave nursing care and buried the dead.
~ The nurse was usually the mother who cared for her family during sickness by
providing physical care and herbal remedies.
~ Women who had committed crimes were recruited into nursing in lieu of serving
jail sentences.

Which of the following method of discovering a scientific truth is achieved by

collecting facts to formulate a generalization?
=Inductive Method ~Deductive Method
~Collection Method ~All of the Above

Which of the following method of generating a scientific knowledge utilizes

reasoning from the cause to an effect or from a generalization to a particular
~Inductive Method =Deductive Method
~Collection Method ~All of the Above

The following structure of nursing knowledge which describes an encapsulation of

theories Methodologies & beliefs:
~Concepts =Nursing Metaparadigm
~Theory ~Conceptual models

Which of the following nursing metaparadigm refers to the recipient of nursing

~Health =Person
~Environment ~Nursing

Which of the following nursing metaparadigm refers to the external and internal
factors that could affect client's recovery or illness?
~Health ~Person
=Environment ~Nursing

Which of the following nursing metaparadigm pertains to the person's state of well-
=Health ~Person
~Environment ~Nursing

Mrs. X admitted at ER due to Diarrhea and diagnosed with Acute Gastro Enteritis.
The nurse started history taking and administered prescribed medicine afterwards.
Which of the following concept is demonstrated in the said situation?
~Health ~Person
~Environment =Nursing

Which of the following pertains to a statement that declares the nurse's beliefs,
values, and ethics regarding their care and treatment of client s while they are
in the nursing profession?
~Concepts =Philosophy
~Theory ~Conceptual models

Which of the following best describes a conceptual Models?

=Concepts and their relationship to produce evidence to the discipline.
~Based on observed facts.
~Supported by past researches

Theories that are limited in scope, but general enough to encourage research is
known as which of the following?
~Metatheories ~Grand Theories
=Middle-range theories ~Descriptive theory

A theory about theory is which of the following?

=Metatheories ~Grand Theories
~Middle-range theories ~Descriptive theory

The first level of theory development which explains, relate and predicts nursing
phenomena pertains to which of the following?
~Metatheories ~Grand Theories
~Middle-range theories =Descriptive theory

Which of the following types of theory that is focus on broad and general areas?
~Prescriptive theory =Grand Theories
~Middle-range theories ~Descriptive theory

Which of the following best describes what a stimulus is according to Roy's

Adaptation Model?
= Can be positive if it supports system integrity
~ A product of the external environment
~ Always negative
~ Detrimental if it provokes a reaction in a client system

Which is NOT a concept explained in Dorothy Johnson's Behavioral Systems Model?

= Energy fields
~ Achievement
~ Dependency
~ Affiliation

Which of the following is NOT a concept related to Nightingale theory?

~ "Poor or difficult environments led to poor health and disease".

~ "Environment could be altered to improve conditions so that the natural

laws would allow healing to occur".
~ The goal of nursing is "to put the client in the best condition for
nature to act upon him" .
= "Human beings are open systems in constant interaction with the
environment ".

According to Peplau's interpersonal model, during which phase of nursing process,

the client participates in goal setting and has a feeling of belonging and
selectively responds to those who can meet his or her needs?
~ Orientation ~ Exploitation

~ Resolution = Identification

Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not was written by which of the following
~ Virginia Henderson ~ Betty Neuman

~ Imogene King = Florence Nightingale


"The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in
the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to
peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength,
will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence
as rapidly as possible". This definition of nursing was given by which of the
following Nursing Theorist?
= Virginia Henderson ~ Florence Nightingale
~ Imogene King ~ Betty Neuman

Which of the following would be an example of a flexible line of defense according

to Neuman's model?
= The fight or flight response
~ Daily meditation practice
~ The decision to quit smoking
~ Skipping meals to lose weight more quickly

"Each human being perceives the world as a total person in making transactions
with individuals and things in environment". Which of the following nursing
theorists stated this assumption?
~ Neuman's system model
~ Nightingale's theory
~ Peplau's Interpersonal Relations model
= Imogene King's conceptual framework

Which theory defines nursing as the science and practice that expands adaptive
abilities and enhances person and environment transformation?
= Roy's adaptation model
~ Faye Glen Abdelah's theory
~ Henderson's definition of nursing
~ Goal attainment theory

"Nursing is a therapeutic interpersonal process". Which of the following stated

this definition of nursing?
= Hildegard Peplau
~ Jean watson
~ Faye Glen Abdelah
~ M. Rogers

Which of the following statements is related to Florence Nightingale?

= The role of nursing is to facilitate "the body ís reparative processes" by
manipulating client's environment.
~ Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process.
~ Nursing is the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and
enhances person and environment transformation
~ Nursing care becomes necessary when client is unable to fulfill
biological, psychological, developmental, or social needs.

According to Patricia Benner, the novice nurse does which of the following?
= Performs at a minimal level in real situations.

~ Discerns recurring, meaningful patterns in situations

~ Rigidly applies rules in all situations
~ Creates guidelines to determine actions.

Although similarities exist in the different nursing theories, key elements

distinguish one from another. Which of the following is the emphasis of Jean
Watsonís conceptual model?
= Caring is central to the essence of nursing.
~ Subsystems exist in dynamic stability.
~ Stimuli disrupt an adaptive system.
~ Self-care maintains wholeness.

Virginia Henderson's Philosophy would be useful for a nurse in which of the

following situations?
= Aiding a nurse in describing or explaining everyday activities that a
client is experiencing.
~ Determining which medication would be the right choice to bring down a
high fever.
~ Assisting a nurse in selecting specific interventions that would assist a
client in meeting a goal.
~ None of the above

"Caring consists of Carative Factors that result in the satisfaction of certain

human needs". This explanation was stated by which of the following Theorist?

= Jean Watson
~ Sister Calista Roy
~ Dorothea Orem
~ Florence Nightingale

Which of the following is a basic human need according to Jean Watson?

= All of the above.
~ To connect with another human being.
~ To receive care.
~ To give care.

Which of the following requires an interaction that involves transpersonal caring?

= All of the above.
~ The nurse's ability to remain in the moment.
~ The nurse's focus on the uniqueness of his or her client.
~ The nurse's focus on his or her own uniqueness.

According to Watson's theory, which of the following is included in every nurse-

client exchange?
= The shared energy of everyone present.
~ The dominant energy of the client.
~ The end goal of accomplishing the treatment plan.
~ The client's expectation that healing will occur.

According to Behavior System Model, ìpredisposition to act with reference to the

goal, in certain ways rather than the other waysî refers to as which of the
= Set
~ Scope of action.
~ Goal
~ Drive

Imogene King's "goal attainment theory" is a type of which of the following

= Interaction theories
~ Need theories
~ Outcome theories
~ Humanistic theories

Which of the following best describes Watson's "Carative Factors"?

= They encompass subjective inner healing processes.
~ They take "curative factors" to the next level.
~ They are directly based on Nightingale's environmental theory.

~ They require the nurse to rethink previous ideas of nursing's definition.

Watson's Carative Factors include all EXCEPT which of the following?

= Strengthening flexible lines of defense.
~ Cultivating sensitivity to self and others.
~ Forming humanistic-altruistic value system.
~ Instilling faith-hope.

Who among the following Nursing Theorist explained the Typology of twenty one
Nursing Problems?
= Faye G. Abedellah
~ Lydia E. Hall
~ Imogene King
~ Virginia Henderson

According to Neuman Systems Model, the increase in energy that occurs in relation
to the degree of reaction to the stressor is termed as:
= Reconstitution
~ Lines of resistance
~ Primary prevention
~ Secondary Prevention

How does modern medical technology fit within the practice of culturally competent
= Different technologies are integrated into the client plan of care as
~ Technologies are used whenever the nurse or physician determines they
are the best option for the client.
~ Medical technology does not have a place within culturally competent
~ It is only considered upon the request of the client.

Self-care deficit theory was proposed by:

= Dorothea Orem
~ Imogene King
~ Betty Neuman
~ Virginia Henderson
Which of the following is NOT included in the Eleven Nursing Skills based on Faye
Abdellahís Theory?
= Use of Client's resources.
~ Therapeutic use of the self.
~ Skills of communication.
~ Use of personnel resources.

Who described 5 levels of nursing experience in her theory on nursing?

= Patricia Benner

~ B. F. Skinner
~ Sister Callista Roy
~ Madeleine Leininger

Ethnonursing research method was developed by which of the following nursing

~ Patricia Benner

~ B. F. Skinner
~ Sister Callista Roy
= Madeleine Leininger

Which of the following theorists states that, "Nursing is a helping profession"?

= Abdellahís 21 Nursing Problems
~ Hildegard Peplau's Interpersonal Theory
~ Theory of Goal Attainment
~ Roy's Adaptation Model

Which of the following is the most accurate description of a person's normal line
of defense? According to Neuman, it is possible to measure all clients against a
universal, normal line of defense to determine health deviation.

= It continues to evolve over time as a person manages different types of

~ Its main job is to serve as a buffer between an individual and stressors.

~ It is mainly based on the physiologic factors that affect the individual.

~ All of the above


Which of the following is included in the Sustenal Care Need of client by Faye
= All of the above.
~ Facilitate the maintenance of regulatory mechanisms and functions.
~ Facilitate the maintenance of nutrition of all body cells.
~ Facilitate the maintenance of elimination.

Maslow's Hierarchy of basic human needs is useful when planning and implementing
nursing care as it provides a structure for :
~Making accurate nursing diagnoses
=Establishing priorities of care
~Communicating concerns more concisely
~Integrating science into nursing care

Careful hand-washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet
which basic human need?
=Safety & Security
~Love & belonging

Of the following statements, which one is true of self-actualization?

~Humans are born with fully developed self- actualization
~Self- actualization needs are met by having confidence and independence
=The self- actualization process continues throughout life
~Loneliness and isolation occur when self- actualization needs are unmet

Sullivan's belief in the therapeutic power of an intimate relationship:

~Was based on his scientific observations of children and adolescents.
~Is true of male but not female relationships.
~Grew out of his psychiatric work with male schizophrenics.
=Appeared to grow out of his own childhood experiences.

Where do individuals learn their health beliefs and values?

=In the family
~In school
~From school nurses
~From peers

Which of the following underlying concepts should a nurse associate with

interpersonal theory when assessing clients?
=The effects of social processes on personality development
~The effects of unconscious processes and personality structures
~The effects on thoughts and perceptual processes
~The effects of chemical and genetic influences

A client has flashbacks of sexual abuse by her uncle. She had not been aware of
these memories until recently, when she became sexually active with her boyfriend.
A nurse should identify this experience as which part of Sullivan's concept of the
self- system?
~The "good me"
~The "bad me"
=The "not me"
~The "bad you"

According to Sullivan, during infancy children acquire three "me" personifications:

~"acceptable me", "unacceptable bad me", "not me"
="good me", "bad me", "not me"
~"positive me", "negative me", "neutral me"
~"very good me", "very bad me", "very not me"

According to Sullivan, this "me" personification results from experiences with

reward and approval:
~"bad me"
~"not me"
="good me"
~None of the above

According to Sullivan, this me personification allows a person to dissociate or

selectively not attend to the experiences related to anxiety:
~"good me"
="not me"
~"bad me"
~None of the above

According to Sullivan, this is a conjunctive dynamism marked by a close personal

relationship between two people of equal status:

According to Sullivan, this dynamism is an isolating dynamism, it is a self

centered need that can be satisfied in the absence of an intimate interpersonal
relationship. Based solely on sexual gratification and requires no other person for
its satisfaction.

A nurse is using general systems theory to describe the role of nursing to provide
health promotion and client teaching. Which of the following statements reflect key
points of this theory?
A. A system is a set of individual elements that rarely interact with each
B. The whole system is always greater than its parts.
C. Boundaries separate systems from each other and their environments.
D. A change in one subsystem will not affect other subsystems.
E. To survive, open systems maintain balance through feedback.
~ A, B, C
= B, C, E
~ A, C, E
~ B, D, E

A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a new mother regarding the

psychosocial development of the newborn infant. Using Erikson's psychosocial
development theory, the nurse would instruct the mother to
=Allow the newborn infant to signal a need
~Anticipate all of the needs of the newborn infant
~Avoid the newborn infant during the first 10 minutes of crying
~Attend to the newborn infant immediately when crying

Which of the following psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of

confidence or inadequacy?
~Trust vs. mistrust
=Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
~Intimacy vs. isolation
~Industry vs. inferiority

Why is the successful completion of the trust versus mistrust stage important?
~Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will become
anxious and insecure.
~Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will not be
=Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will not
understand the concept of trust.
~Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will become a

Which of the following Stages of Development is most unstable and challenging

regarding development of personal identity?
~Toddler hood

A 16 year old child is hospitalized, according to Erik Erikson, what is an

appropriate intervention?
=tell the friends to visit the child
~encourage client to help child learn lessons missed
~call the priest to intervene
~tell the child's girlfriend to visit the child.

Which of the following statements by the mother demonstrates her child is ready for
toilet training?
= "She is waking up dry from a nap for about a couple of weeks now."
~ "I'm still changing a wet diaper every 2 hours."
~ "She fusses when I sit her on the potty. What can I do?"
~ None of the options are correct

The practice of knowing persons as whole with the use of varying technologies is
~Authentic intention.
=Technological competency as caring in nursing.
~Nursing technologies.
~Machine technologies

"PREPARE ME" Interventions and the Quality of Life Advance Progressive Cancer
clients is a theory conceptualized by which of the following filipino nursing
~Carolina S. Agravante
=Carmencita M. Abaquin
~Carmelita Divinagracia
~Letty G. Kuan

According to Abaquin's theory, nurses should be seen as which of the following?

~Nurses must be seen as an educator by giving health teachings to clients.
=Nurses must be seen not as mere caregivers but facilitators of peaceful acceptance
of condition.
~Nurses must be seen as a part of the family of the client .
~Nurses must be seen as a role model to his clients and his colleagues.

What approach must be applied and used with clients who are terminally- ill or
those with incurable diseases as with cancer? Why?
=client's who are terminally- ill or those with incurable diseases must be
approached in multifaceted care to improve their quality of life.
~client's who are terminally ill or those with incurable diseases must be
approached as a whole, not only physically but to consider clients mental,
emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects as well.
~client's who are terminally ill or those with incurable diseases must be
approached spiritually since the client s condition is in the terminal stage.
~client's who are terminally ill or those with incurable diseases must be
approached with tender loving care since this client s are very sensitive
regarding their health conditions.

This is defined as a multifaceted construct that encompasses the individual's

capabilities and abilities of enriching life when it can no longer be prolonged.
This includes proper care and maintaining integrity of the body, mind and spirit
despite the limitations brought about by the present condition.
~Life cycle
~Circle of Life
~Improvement of Life
=Quality of life

Which of the following is the theory of Carmelita Divinagracia?

~Prepare Me theory
~Functional Health Performance Outcomes of Compliance to Home Instruction Program
After Infarction
=Composure Behavior and clients' Wellness Outcome
~CASAGRA Transformative Leadership

According to Carmencita Abaquin, being with another person during the times of need
refers to which of the following?
~Reminisce therapy

According to Carmencita Abaquin, the recall of past experiences, feelings and

thoughts refers to which of the following?
=Reminisce therapy

According to Abaquin, techniques that encourages and elicit a form of relaxation

for the purpose of altering client's level of awareness by focusing on an image or
thought refers to which of the following?
~Reminisce therapy

Which of the following is the theory conceptualized by Sr. Letty G. Kuan?

~Functional Health Performance Outcomes of Compliance to Home Instruction Program
After Infarction
~Composure Behavior and clients' Wellness Outcome
~CASAGRA Transformative Leadership
=Retirement and Role Discontinuities

Which of the following is a key concept of Prepare Me theory?

=Holistic Care to improve quality of life
~Determine the relationship between and among the following variables: age, type of
myocardial infarction etc.
~Treating the person as a means but also an end
~Psychospiritual model leader & leadership behavior

According to Carmelita Divinagracia, these are set of behaviors or nursing measures

that the nurse demonstrates to selected cardiac clients:
~Rational behaviors
~Overt behaviors
=Composure behaviors
~Covert behaviors

According to Carolina Agravante, those who are basically caring persons with a
paranomic vision of nursing refers to:
~Democratic Nursing Leaders
=Transformative Nursing Leaders
~Autocratic Nursing Leaders
~Servant Nursing Leaders

Which of the following is not included in the 3 Basic Transformations of Sr.

Carolina Agravante's theory?
~Servant- Learder Spiritually
~Self- Mastery
=Self- Motivational
~Special- Nursing Expertise

According to Sr. Carolina Agravante, this is demonstrated by a vibrant Care Complex

possesed to a certain degree by all who have been through formal studies in a care
giving profession such as nursing?
~Servant- Learder Spiritually
=Self- Mastery
~Self- Motivational
~Special- Nursing Expertise

Which of the following is Carmelita Divinagracias definition of being an open-

minded person in her "Composure Behavior"?
~Being receptive/open to new ideas or reason
~Considering the client's preferences and opinions related to his or her current
health condition
~Flexibility of the nurse to accommodate client's views
=All of the above.

According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and
Concept refers to the period between near retirement and post retirement years. In
medico- physiological terms, this adequates with the climatic period of adjustment
and readjustment to another tempo of life?
~Physiological Age
=Change of Life
~Role of Discontinuity

According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and
Concept refers to an individual who has left the position occupied for the past
years of productive life because he/she has reached the prescribed retirement age
or has completed required years of service?
~Physiological Age
~Change of Life
~Role of Discontinuity

According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and
Concept refers to the interventions or measures applied to solve a problematic
situation or state in order to restore or maintain equilibrium and normal
~Physiological Age
=Coping Approaches
~Change of Life
~Role of Discontinuity

According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and
Concept refers to the endurance of cells and tissues to withstand the wear- to-
tear phenomenon of the human body. Some individuals are gifted with the strong
genetic affinity to stay young for a long period of time?
=Physiological Age
~Coping Approaches
~Change of Life
~Role of Discontinuity

Which of the following Principles of the Synchronicity Theory refers to a

principle of justice and fairness in human caring across healthcare systems. It
revolves around the value- based concept of equity implying fairness in access to
health care related to the situated context despite differences in methods,
utilization, and outcomes?
~Human Transcendence

What is the theory of Elsie Tee?

= Caring behavior in nursing education
~ Theory of Human caring
~ Environmental Theory
~ Nursing nees theory

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