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THERAPY IN PRACTICE CNS Drugs 2002; 16 (8): 517-526


© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management
Rene L. Olvera
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, The University of Texas Health Science Center at
San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
1. Neuropathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
2. Diagnostic Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
3. Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
4. Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
5. Psychopharmacological Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
5.1 Mood Stabilisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
5.2 Phenytoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
5.3 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
5.4 β-Blockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
5.5 α2-Agonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
5.6 Antipsychotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
6. Behavioural Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
7. Recommendations and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524

Abstract Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterised by discrete episodes of

aggressive impulses that result in serious assaultive acts towards people or de-
struction of property. IED causes severe impairments in daily function. The
diagnosis of IED should be made only after a thorough medical work-up. A
structured or semi-structured diagnostic interview is helpful to ensure that com-
orbid and pre-existing conditions are considered.
There is a lack of controlled trials of agents for the treatment of patients with
IED, but there is evidence that mood stabilisers, antipsychotics, β-blockers, α2-
agonists, phenytoin and antidepressants may be useful. Behavioural interventions
may be valuable as part of the overall treatment of IED.

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is charac- ing impulsive aggressive behaviour in children, ad-
terised by discrete episodes of aggressive impulses, olescents and adults,[2-5] there are few studies of
which are grossly out of proportion to the precipi- patients who have been rigorously diagnosed as
tating psychosocial stressor, that result in serious having IED. Nevertheless, many physicians are
assaultive acts towards people or destruction of faced with the task of treating these impulsively
property.[1] Despite substantial evidence identify- aggressive patients. The purpose of this article is
518 Olvera

to aid physicians in assessing these patients and in development of research tools and the acceptance
making the diagnosis, as well as in the pharmaco- of the diagnosis in the field. Furthermore, it is hard
logical management of IED. to ascertain from the literature how many patients
identified as having ‘impulsive aggression’ meet
1. Neuropathophysiology the current DSM-IV definition of IED. Many stud-
Based on animal models, impulsive aggression ies of aggressive individuals either do not specify
is thought to be primarily defensive in nature, diagnoses or use non-DSM definitions such as
driven by fear, anger and cognitive distortion of ‘rage attacks’ and ‘episodic dyscontrol’.[18,19]
environmental circumstances, with high levels of The DSM-IV notes that neurological conditions
autonomic arousal.[4] Adults with IED consistently may be present (i.e. head injury, loss of conscious-
describe their aggression as defensive, as an ‘adren- ness, seizures) with IED, but if the clinician judges
aline rush’ and as having a high affective compo- that the aggressive acts are direct effects of these
nent.[6] conditions, a ‘personality change due to a general
Neurobiological studies of aggression suggest
medical condition’ diagnosis should be used. Ad-
that numerous neurotransmitters are involved. The
ditionally the DSM-III[21] and DSM-III-R[22] ver-
most consistent findings suggest disruption in the
sions excluded individuals with signs of generalised
serotonergic system. In particular, low CSF levels
of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), a seroto- impulsive aggression between episodes as well as
nin metabolite, have been reported in impulsive, those who met criteria for borderline personality
violent patients.[2,7-10] Studies of the catecholamine disorder and antisocial personality disorder. The
system in aggressive patients have been inconclu- current criteria allow for other disorders with the
sive, largely because of the complexity of the sys- caveat that their aggressive acts are ‘not better ac-
tem.[11,12] In addition, elevated levels of testoster- counted for by another mental disorder’.[1] For ex-
one have been associated with aggression in adults ample, aggression in incarcerated adolescents and
and postpubertal adolescents.[13-15] adults has been classified as either proactive (pred-
The interactions between neurotransmitters un- atory) or reactive (impulsive).[23,24] Barratt et al.[24]
derscore the difficulty in understanding behaviour differentiated impulsive from nonimpulsive anti-
based on neurotransmitter systems. For example, social incarcerated adults using event-related po-
serotonergic neurons project throughout the brain,
tentials (ERPs), treatment response to phenytoin
including to areas rich in dopaminergic neurons
and neuropsychological measures. The additional
(ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra), where
diagnosis of IED could therefore give a much
serotonin has a largely inhibitory effect on dopa-
mine and noradrenaline (norepinephrine). These neu- clearer picture of the patients’ needs.
rons also project through the limbic system, the
spinal cord intermediolateral cell column, which Table I. DSM-IV criteria for intermittent explosive disorder[20] (re-
printed with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
controls sympathetic outflow, and the hypothala-
of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, copyright 2000
mus, which modulates numerous hormonal releas- American Psychiatric Association)
ing factors.[11] Anatomical evidence suggests that A. Several discrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive
the prefrontal cortex and amygdala are associated impulses that result in serious assaultive acts or
with impulsive aggression.[16] destruction of property
B. The degree of aggressiveness expressed during the
episodes is grossly out of proportion to any
2. Diagnostic Criteria psychosocial stressor
C. The aggressive behaviours are not better accounted for
The current DSM criteria for IED are outlined by another mental disorder and are not the direct
in table I. Throughout the years, the DSM defini- physiological effect of a substance or general medical
tion of IED has changed,[17] which has hindered the condition

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Intermittent Explosive Disorder 519

3. Epidemiology 4. Assessment

The DSM-IV notes, ‘IED is apparently rare’. How- The diagnosis of IED should be made only after
a thorough medical work-up has been completed,
ever, because the definition of IED has changed
including a physical/neurological examination and
through the years, estimates from past studies are
a careful review of the patient’s history and medi-
difficult to compare. Monopolis and Lion[25] used cal record. Consultation with a neurologist is help-
a chart review of 830 hospitalised patients to esti- ful in many cases to assist with exclusionary diag-
mate the incidence of IED. They found that 2.4% noses such as histories of head injury, memory loss
of patients were given the diagnosis of IED; how- and seizures, as well as findings on neurological
ever, upon closer review, only 1.1% of these pa- examinations.[6,19] An EEG, computed tomography
tients fulfilled the documented diagnostic criteria (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans
outlined in the DSM-III. Felthous et al.[26] system- and neuropsychological testing should be ordered
atically evaluated 433 men with histories of ag- when indicated.
gression. Of these men, only 1.8% met full DSM- A structured or semi-structured diagnostic in-
terview is helpful to ensure that comorbid and pre-
III criteria for IED. Coccaro et al.[27] assessed 188
existing conditions are considered. Robins and
patients with comorbid personality disorders and
Novaco[33] note that individuals with severe anger
histories of aggression using a structured inter- may not be objective informants of their behavi-
view and found that 25% met DSM-IV criteria for our. We recommend the use of multiple inform-
IED. ants, especially family members, to accurately re-
Using the Minnesota Impulsive Disorders Inter- port the precipitants, duration and quality of the
view, Lejoyeux et al.[28] noted that 24% of 79 in- outbursts.
patients who met criteria for alcohol dependence As there is a high degree of psychiatric com-
also met DSM-IV criteria for IED. Zimmerman orbidity with IED,[6] the greatest challenge facing
and Mattia[29] reported a prevalence of 4.5% for a clinician is determining whether the aggression
IED using the Structured Clinical Interview for is not better accounted for by another mental dis-
order. The DSM has many diagnoses associated
DSM-IV (SCID) in 400 psychiatric outpatients.
with aggression. Pabis and Stanislav[34] list 24
Coccaro[17] examined a data set by Zimmerman et
DSM-IV diagnoses that have aggression as a pri-
al.[30] of 748 psychiatric outpatients. He estimated mary diagnostic criterion or an associated feature,
a diagnosis of IED in 6.5% of this sample, with a including such disorders as mental retardation, au-
community rate of approximately 1 to 2% for the tism and dissociative disorders where aggression
disorder. Zimmerman and Posternak[31] noted that may be an associated syndrome. We have nar-
of 1300 psychiatric outpatients interviewed using rowed this list to those where aggression may be a
the SCID, 40 were diagnosed as currently having core diagnostic symptom (table II). In addition,
IED, yielding a point prevalence of 3.1%. mood disorders and psychotic disorders can have
In a literature review of impulse control disor- irritability and aggression as manifestations of the
primary disorder.
ders, McElroy et al.[32] noted that IED or episodic
We recommend the use of a graphic timeline for
aggressive outbursts often begin in childhood, ad-
the onset of aggression and comorbid psychiatric
olescence or early adulthood and follow a chronic diagnoses. As described by Post et al.,[35] the time-
course. In 27 patients who met DSM-IV criteria for line includes a patient’s major psychiatric distur-
IED, 75% reported that their explosive behaviour bances, as well as significant life events, listed on
began in adolescence, with a mean age of onset of the horizontal axis. The severity of each illness is
14 years and a mean duration of 20 years.[6] rated on the vertical axis and a parallel line notes

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520 Olvera

Table II. DSM-IV diagnoses where aggression is an explicit crite- classified with IED had significantly more docu-
rion (reproduced from Pabis and Stanislav,[34] with permission)
mented episodes of physical aggression while in
Intoxication with alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine, inhalants, residential treatment and reported more lifetime
phencyclidine, sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics
aggression compared with psychiatric control indi-
Antisocial personality disorder
viduals. In addition, these patients reported more
Borderline personality disorder
lifetime aggression and scored higher on measures
Conduct disorder
of oppositionality, inattention and hyperactivity/
Dementia (Alzheimer’s type or other aetiology) with behavioural
disturbance impulsivity compared with community control in-
Intermittent explosive disorder dividuals. These patients exhibited a significantly
Oppositional defiant disorder higher number of DSM-IV IED symptoms.
Personality change caused by a general medical condition,
aggressive type 5. Psychopharmacological Intervention
Post-traumatic stress disorder
There is a lack of controlled trials concerning
the pharmacological treatment of patients with
treatment modalities and medications. The signif- IED. However, the literature on the treatment of
aggressive behaviour provides some evidence for
icant life events can be modified depending on the
the use of mood stabilisers, phenytoin, selective
particular person (i.e. to include when substance
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), β-blockers,
abuse began, and when incarcerations, deaths, etc.
α2-agonists and antipsychotics in curbing im-
occurred). This graph aids in clarifying when ag-
pulsivity and aggression.[34,37,38]
gressive events occurred and whether they could
be attributed to something other than IED. 5.1 Mood Stabilisers
The interview module for IED (IED-M)[27] at-
tempts to empirically study IED and refine the di- Lithium has been shown to reduce aggression in
agnosis based on inclusionary and exclusionary a wide range of patient populations, including in-
criteria focusing on frequency of outbursts, level mates and patients with psychosis, mental retarda-
of aggression and level of social impairment. The tion and brain injury.[34,39] In McElroy’s[40] open
IED-M requires a minimum number of episodes study, ten patients with IED and comorbid manic
over time (twice a week for 1 month). The episodes or mixed bipolar symptoms were started on either
lithium (two patients) or valproate semisodium
must be impulsive and clearly excessive to the
(divalproex sodium) [eight patients]. ‘Responders’
given provocation. The IED-M also requires the
were defined as having a greater than 50% reduc-
specific presence of distress associated with the
tion in IED symptoms. One of two patients (50%)
aggressive behaviour.
responded to lithium and six of eight patients
In their study of IED in adults with personality (75%) responded to valproate semisodium.
disorders, Coccaro et al.[27] used ‘revised criteria’, In a double-blind study, Sheard et al.[41] found
whereby episodes of severe verbal aggression were lithium to be superior to placebo in reducing ag-
included for meeting criteria for the diagnosis. In gressive outbursts in 66 older adolescent and young
this study, the patients with IED had higher scores adult prisoners (mean age 19.4 years, mean dosage
on measurements of aggression and impulsivity 1514 mg/day, mean plasma concentration 0.78
than individuals with personality disorders who mmol/L). In two double-blind, placebo-controlled
did not meet criteria for IED. In addition, these studies of hospitalised children (aged 5 to 12 years)
patients had more current Axis I diagnoses, espe- with treatment-resistant aggressive conduct disor-
cially depression and dysthymia.[27] We adminis- der, Campbell et al.[42,43] found lithium carbonate
tered the IED-M to children and adolescents (be- to be superior to placebo for reducing problematic
tween the ages of 10 and 17 years).[36] Patients behaviours. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind

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Intermittent Explosive Disorder 521

study, Malone et al.[44] found that, in 28 children Carbamazepine has been reported to decrease
and adolescents (mean age 12.69 years), treatment aggression in patients with numerous psychiatric
response to lithium was associated with a more diagnoses.[50] Open studies report decreased ag-
‘affective’ and less predatory subtype of aggres- gression in assaultive patients with underlying or-
sion (45% were considered responders). In a fur- ganicity.[51] Mattes[52] and Mattes et al.[53] reported
ther study, Malone et al.[45] administered lithium decreased aggression in patients receiving carba-
(mean dosage 1425 mg/day, mean plasma concen- mazepine in two open studies. Although these
tration 1.07 mmol/L), in a double-blind, 6-week, studies included a variety of patients, 19 of 34 and
placebo-controlled trial, to adolescents with con- 12 of 28 patients, respectively, were classified as
duct disorder. They noted a significant decrease in having IED.
aggression as well as general clinical improvement In an open trial reported by Hakola and Lau-
in patients receiving lithium compared with those lumaa,[54] carbamazepine decreased aggression in
receiving placebo. eight women with violent episodic outbursts.
Despite few controlled studies, valproate semi- Neppe[55] found improved behaviour in 9 of 13 pa-
sodium has been used to decrease aggression in tients receiving carbamazepine in a double-blind,
adults with dementia, borderline personality disor- randomised, within-subject study. Patients receiv-
der, schizophrenia, brain injury and mental retar- ing placebo had overt aggression rated as twice as
dation.[46] A double-blind, controlled comparison severe and 1.5 times as common. In both of these
of lithium, valproic acid (sodium valproate) and reports, the patients had abnormal findings on
placebo examined hostile, impulsive and aggres- EEGs but did not have epilepsy.
sive behaviours in 179 adults with bipolar disor- A small, double-blind study (n = 4) found de-
der. Valproic acid was superior to lithium and pla- creased aggression and improved cognitive func-
cebo in reducing these behaviours in patients in the tion in patients with frontal lobe dysfunction while
receiving carbamazepine.[56] In an open pilot study,
manic phase.[47]
Kafantaris et al.[57] reported significant improve-
Donovan et al.[48] reported a decreased number
ment – in terms of fighting, temper outbursts and
of outbursts and lability in ten disruptive adoles-
temper tantrums – using carbamazepine in patients
cents when they were treated with valproate semi-
with conduct disorders described as highly aggres-
sodium in an open trial. In this study, all of the
sive and explosive. However, these results were
patients had had temper outbursts on a chronic ba-
not replicated in a controlled trial by Cueva et
sis for more than 2 years and a diagnosis of either
al.,[58] which showed no significant effect on a rat-
oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) or conduct
ing of aggression in patients receiving carbamaze-
disorder. These findings were replicated in a double- pine versus those receiving placebo.
blind, parallel-group, placebo-crossover study[49]
of 20 outpatient adolescents without bipolar disor-
5.2 Phenytoin
der but with ODD or conduct disorder and prob-
lematic temper and mood lability. These patients Phenytoin has been used in a double-blind,
were placed on valproate semisodium (dosage range placebo-controlled, crossover study[59] of 60 in-
750 to 1500 mg/day, mean blood concentration mates who displayed aggressive behaviour. Only
82.2 mg/L). The authors reported significant im- those classified as having impulsive aggression re-
provement from baseline measures of aggression sponded to a fixed dose regimen of phenytoin
and hostility in over 80% of the drug-treated group 200mg every morning and 100mg every evening,
compared with 25% of the placebo group. All of with a threshold of improvement at blood concen-
the placebo responders had finished a 6-week trial trations over 4 to 5 μg/L.
on valproate semisodium, suggesting possible ex- Stanford et al.[60] used phenytoin in a double-
tended effects of the drug. blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study that in-

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. CNS Drugs 2002; 16 (8)
522 Olvera

volved 23 patients who met criteria A and B for perienced some form of brain damage (head trauma,
IED (see table I). Patients receiving phenytoin had meningitis). In controlled studies,[65,66] proprano-
significantly fewer aggressive outbursts per week lol and pindolol have been effective in decreasing
compared with their baseline and with individuals aggression in patients with brain damage. How-
receiving placebo. In addition, drug-treated patients ever, many of these patients would not meet cur-
had significantly lower scores on tension/anxiety, rent criteria for IED as they would be classified by
depression/dejection and anger/hostility sections the DSM-IV as having ‘changes due to a general
of the Profile of Mood Status. This study did not medical condition’.
provide a DSM-IV Axis I diagnosis, but noted that
all patients met criteria for a DSM-IV personality 5.5 α2-Agonists
Kemph et al.[67] showed a significant decrease
5.3 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
in aggression against people and property in 17
adolescents in an open trial of the α2-agonist
Given the high degree of overlap between IED clonidine. Dosages began at 0.005 mg/day and in-
and affective symptoms, and the data suggesting creased to an effective dose using twice daily ad-
dysregulation of the serotonin system in IED (see ministration. The mean effective dosage was 0.4
section 1), it is not surprising that SSRIs have been mg/day. However, there has been increased con-
used in the treatment of this disorder.[27,40,61] cern over the use of clonidine because of reports of
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of sudden death in children receiving the drug when
fluoxetine in 40 patients with personality disor- combined with other medications.[68,69] Its use has
ders, Coccaro and Kavoussi[62] report reduced also been limited by the adverse effects of sedation,
scores on the irritability and aggressive subscales low blood pressure and worsening depression; in
of the Overt Aggression Scale-Modified for Out- addition, its short half-life can cause rebound, and
patients (OAS-M) and improved scores on the therefore multiple daily doses are required.
Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale rating of There has been increased interest in guanfacine
improvement. Coccaro[17] noted that all patients in for reducing target symptoms in adolescents with
the fluoxetine study met criteria for IED using ‘re- attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; however,
search criteria’, which included episodes of verbal these studies were open.[70,71] Compared with
aggression as part of the diagnosis.[27] clonidine, guanfacine seems preferable as it is less
Feder[63] described effective treatment of three sedating, has a longer half-life (usually only twice
patients who had IED with sertraline; dosages daily administration is necessary) and is more se-
ranged from 50 to 100 mg/day, with positive ef- lective for the α2-receptor. However, it has not
fects noted after 2 to 6 weeks of treatment. In an been adequately studied in aggression.
open trial involving 27 patients with IED, 10 re-
ceived an antidepressant.[40] Of these patients, 50% 5.6 Antipsychotics
were considered responders [one to sertraline (n =
Antipsychotics have been used for the short-
3) and four to venlafaxine (n = 5)]. The remaining
term treatment of aggression.[34,72] However, their
two patients, who received fluoxetine, showed no
use in patients with IED, a chronic condition, has
been limited by risks such as dystonia, akathisia,
tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syn-
5.4 β-Blockers
drome, cognitive dulling and sedation.[72]
In a number of case studies, propranolol has There has been recent evidence of the useful-
been reported to help patients who met DSM-III ness of atypical antipsychotics in treating aggres-
criteria for IED.[52,64] Further inspection of these sion. These agents may prove useful in the long-
papers reveals that many of these patients had ex- term treatment of patients with IED, as their unique

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Intermittent Explosive Disorder 523

chemical properties of dopaminergic and sero- issues: antecedents, behavioural response dimen-
tonergic receptor antagonism may provide a de- sions, cognitive dimensions, physiological res-
creased risk of tardive dyskinesia and extra- ponses and the subjective experience of the emo-
pyramidal symptoms compared with the typical tion. A good example of such a treatment is social
agents.[73,74] relations intervention.[80-82] This treatment includes
Buitelaar et al.[75] used risperidone (mean dos-
social skills training with a cognitive-behavioural
age 2.9 mg/day) to control aggression in hospitalised
element using individual and small group sessions.
adolescents with low IQs. Using a 6-week, double-
blind, placebo-controlled design, they found sig- The sessions begin with a focus on social problem
nificant improvement on the CGI severity index in solving, such as identifying and articulating prob-
school and on the ward. Using the OAS-M, they lems. Patients are taught increased awareness of
noted significantly decreased aggression on the anger and physiological arousal as cues to begin
hospital ward. Findling et al.[76] randomly assigned problem solving. Further training focuses on inhib-
20 youths with conduct disorder to placebo or iting impulsive reactions, considering consequences
risperidone in a 10-week, double-blind study. and generating alternative behaviours. Cognitive
Risperidone significantly decreased aggression interventions include the use of self-statements
compared with baseline and was superior to pla-
and reframing interpretations of stressful situa-
cebo by week 7 as measured by the rating of ag-
tions. Additional training helps with body lan-
gression against people and property. Additional
studies with these compounds are warranted in pa- guage and negotiation skills.
tients with IED. The controlled studies of social relations inter-
vention in aggressive children have reported im-
6. Behavioural Interventions provement on a variety of measures,[80,81] but de-
creased aggression as an outcome variable was
Behaviour management therapy, social skills only found in aggressive, socially rejected chil-
training, cognitive behaviour therapy (with an em- dren.[82] It is therefore difficult to know how to
phasis on anger management), group therapy and extrapolate these findings to IED, which is a diag-
family therapy have been useful for controlling ag-
nosis defined by acts of aggression, not anger. Fur-
gressive behaviour.[77,78]
ther research is needed on patients with IED to
Edmondson and Conger[78] examined 18 con-
trolled studies of the treatment of anger published delineate the process that leads to aggression in
between 1970 and 1994. They noted the following these patients. These techniques have not been sys-
effect size (EF) for various treatments: relaxation tematically studied in patients with IED.
training (EF = 0.82), social skills training (EF = In the case report by McElroy et al.[6] involving
0.80), cognitive-relaxation techniques (EF = 0.76) patients with IED, three of four patients receiving
and cognitive behavioural treatment (EF = 0.64). insight-oriented psychotherapy reported it as help-
These values are considered medium to large.[79] ful, and behaviour therapy was reported as useful
The authors note, however, that these studies var- in reducing explosive symptoms in one of two pa-
ied in their designs, patients and measures. For ex-
tients. Four patients received other forms of therapy
ample only three of the studies assessed observed
(group, couple or family therapy) and none of these
aggression as an outcome, two studies using social
skills (EF = 1.08) and one study assessing cogni- patients reported these interventions as helpful.
tive therapy (EF = 0.34).[78] There is clearly a need for further studies con-
These authors discuss anger as a multidimen- cerning the interaction of client characteristics, es-
sional framework. They indicate that research and pecially specific DSM diagnoses, with treatment
treatment of anger should consider the following outcomes.

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524 Olvera

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Correspondence and offprints: Dr Rene L. Olvera, Division
individuals with anger problems: conceptual, assessment and of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, The University of
methodological issues. Clin Psychol Rev 1996; 16: 251-75 Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd
79. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284-7792, USA.
2nd ed. Hillsdale (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988: 25-6 E-mail:

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