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 Jeimy Katherine Naizaque Galindo 2274314

 Yennifer Lorena Sierra Sora 2273372

1. Political theology arises from a problem of a religious or political model, which generated
a lot of conflict between Catholics, Romans and Protestants in the 20th century.
2. Due to the closure of the Vatican Council, the solutions proposed to the cultural crisis
ceased to be important because none of the dominant theologies satisfied the needs to be
able to end the disputes of the religions. Mainly affecting Europe and North America.
3. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche marked a great influence, due to their investigation of
the invasion of new cultures produced that in 1960 different Christian theologies were
introduced on nihilism and the death of God.
4. For Marx, hermeneutics should be something more than just interpretation, for this
reason he proposed that it be changed to practice, generating doubts as to whether
theology was an intellectual theory or a practical theory.
5. Between 1960 and 1970 there was a stage of spiritual decline controlled by the state in
the east and in the west by monopolies, while in developing countries dissatisfaction
spread on a large scale, which led to theology changing the hermeneutics to end the
cultural differences, which are called political or liberation theologies.
6. Theology loses credit for bourgeois notions of "development" in favor of overlapping such
as "dependency" and "national security state" in which they again employ Lenin's ideas
on imperialism.
7. Liberation theology tends to flatten towards Marxism.
8. Leninist and Maoist strategies to diagnose and remedy structural sin, which placed
liberation theologians under a double restriction since, on the one hand, genuine
evangelical experience of God and faith in Jesus Christ the Liberator is for them the
source and motive for social criticism and action in a way that neither Marx nor Lenin
could imagine.
9. European political theology as well as Latin American liberation theology have the
Marxist orientation towards overcoming specifically bourgeois biases.
10. Lonergan, by requiring that the criteria authentic performance in science, scholarship,
and ordinary life reconnects with the criteria for being authentically human.
11. The fate of political theology as we know it, its reintegration of earlier forms of theology
emphasizes the recovery of past meaning and doctrinal and systematic reformulation.

The situation of humanity and the whole world is not the best. Obviously, there are serious,
complex and seemingly unsolvable problems. Both the legal and political systems seem to be
mired in a crisis from which they cannot get out, it is here that a political theology should be
applied that unifies religion and politics, in order to solve many disagreements with which
they do not agree the society where it is seen at first glance that humanity is not happy, is not
calm, does not have the needs of a good life resolved.

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