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On June 26, 2020, I shadowed Susie Siddens position as a ministry assistant.

I arrived to

shadow her at 8:00 and stayed till 5:00. The first task we had to complete was to print the

bulletins for the upcoming service on Sunday. I learned how to use Publisher and printed the

outside, the inserts, and the prayer list. We made 100 copies and had to stuff all the bulletins!

After we completed this, Susie showed me how to update the Pastors Calendar. I was to

make sure all the birthdays and anniversaries of the deacons and other staff members were

accurate. Then it was time to file the mail, receipts, and other miscellaneous paperwork the

church had. By the time we did all this work, it was time for lunch so we took a break to eat.

Once we arrived back I was given smaller tasks as in filling up the mini-fridge with

waters, checking the mail, and cleaning up the youth room. Next, Susie taught me how to check

emails and answer the phone. The phone was very complicated to use but I’m glad I did learn

because someone did call the church and asked about someone on the prayer list.

After shadowing Miss Sidden I learned that being a secretary would be an excellent job

for me. My organizational skills and proficiency in computers enhanced my work ethic.

Although I did like the job, it seemed a bit boring. If there was no work to do, I would only

answer the phone; I would be better suited for a more challenging administrative job that

incorporates my STEM skills. As an outgoing person, I think an office field that would allow me

to improve the lives and work environment of others would allow me to succeed in life. I

thoroughly enjoy learning how to be a ministry assistant and would definitely consider working

in an office atmosphere for a future career.

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