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In Partial Fulfilment for the

Requirement in Practical Research 2
A.Y. 2021-2022

Cabahug, Clyde Danna M.

Cerezo, Pearl John Marie C.
Gozon, Eanna V.
Ong, Jen Ashley C.

Grade 12- HUMMS

October 2021

Preliminaries Content Page

Title page i

Table of Contents ii

List of Figures iii

List of Tables iv

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 3

Chapter 2 Review of Literature 4

Related Literature and Studies 4

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study 7

Statement of Hypothesis 9

Definition of Terms 9

Chapter 3 Methodology 10

Research Design 10

Research Environment 11

Research Respondents and Sampling Procedure 11

Research Instruments 11

Data Collection Procedure 14

Data Analysis Procedure 15

References 17

Appendices 20

APPENDIX A Research Instrument 20

APPENDIX B Permit to Conduct the Study 25

APPENDIX C Location Map 26

Curriculum Vitae 28


Figure No. Description Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 12


Table No. Description Page

1 Table of Subjects in the Test 18

2 Rubrics for Scoring 19

3 Grading System 19

 Use SHORT SIZE bond paper
 Font: Times New Roman
 Font size: 12
 Margin is inch all over
 The contents of the research paper must be DOUBLE SPACE (2.0) with line spacing
options (Before: 0 pt. and After: 0 pt.)
 However, use SINGLE SPACING in the references.
 Use GRAMMARLY and PLAGIARISM CHECKER. I will accept 2% grammatical
errors and 5% plagiarize only.
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

 There has to be continuity of thoughts in the whole paragraph.

 To write a paragraph, you should organize your ideas. Your ideas must be consistent.

The FIRST PARAGRAPH answers the question “What is your topic all about?” Hence, this
paragraph must contain the following:
 The first SENTENCE is about your topic of interest.
 The second SENTENCE is about trends and issues concerning your topic of interest.
 The third SENTENCE is about the trends and issues mentioned above.
 The fourth SENTENCE is your reason for conducting such study.
 Generally, the FIRST PARAGRAPH contains FOUR TO FIVE SENTENCES only.

The SECOND PARAGRAPH answers the question “What do other authors say?” Thus, it must
contain the following:
 A TOTAL OF FIVE LITERATURE or studies of some authors concerning the variables
of your study.
 These literature or studies must be SUMMARIZED presenting only their results in ONE
OR TWO SENTENCES for each literature or studies. Do not forget to cite the author and
its published year.
 Search these literature or studies in Google Scholar.
 The reference ranges between 2015- 2021.

The THIRD PARAGRAPH answers the question “What motivates you to conduct this study?”
Hence, you must write the scenario/situation that encourage you to conduct this study.

The FOURTH PARAGRAPH answers the question “What is the gap of the study?” and “How
will you address this gap?” Therefore, you must discuss it here.
 Open the link ( for a better understanding and application on
how to write the gap.

The FIFTH PARAGRAPH answers the question “What is the claim of the study?” Hence, you
must state the claim of your study in TWO or THREE SENTENCES only.
Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to determine the degree to which the profile of the

students influences their competence in physics problem-solving from a home school setting in

the senior high school STEM students of SLSU-Laboratory High school.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the individualities of the students in terms of:

1.1 aggressiveness;

1.2 time management; and

1.3 attention?

2. What is the degree of the students’ level of problem-solving competence in physics?

For SOP #1 and #2, choose any of the following STARTING PHRASES stated herein:
 How many …?
 How often …?
 How frequently …?
 How much …?
 What percentage …?
 What proportion …?
 To what extent …?
 What is …?
 What are…?

For SOP #3 and/or SOP #4, choose any of the following STARTING PHRASES stated herein:
 What is the difference in?
 What are the differences in?
Example: What are the differences in perceptions towards Internet banking security
between adolescents and pensioners?
 What is the relationship between …?
 What are the relationships of …?
 Is there a significant relationship between …?
 Is there a significant difference between …?
Significance of the Study (arrange based on the level of significance)

The findings in this study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This research will assist students in identifying what underlying factors prevent

them from attaining their desired goals of increased educational excellence.

Teachers. The information obtained will assist educators in providing senior high school

students with a high-quality educational experience conducive to long-term growth through

online learning.
Chapter 2


Related Literature and Studies

 Write as many literature and studies as you can.

 Categorize your related literature and studies through subheadings in bold letters
 Do not forget to cite the author and the year of publication.
 Use APA format 7th edition for in-text citation and referencing
 All the names of the cited authors must be found in the references.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study

 In the FIRST PARAGRAPH, write the theory where you anchor your study. Cite the
author and the publication’s year. Then, write how the author explains the theory.

 Remember, do not write the title of the journal here. All I need is the THEORY. Then
followed with the concepts.

 In the SECOND PARAGRAPH, search for literature or studies in Google Scholar that
tackles the variables of your study and write the SUMMARY in three (3) SENTENCES
ONLY. Cite the author and the year it was published both in the references and in-text.

 In the THIRD PARAGRAPH, write another study about the second variable of your
study which are consistent with your adopted theory.

 You can also search for a study in combination with any VARIABLES mentioned by the
author of the theory.

 Lastly, show the schematic diagram of your concepts using ARROWS AND
RECTANGLE OF THE SAME SIZES. A schematic diagram must show the flow of your

Statement of Hypothesis
 State your hypothesis here
Definition of Terms
 The terms should be in alphabetical order.
 The terms should be conceptually and operationally defined for better understanding of
the study.
 Be consistent in using terms such as youth, students, respondents, participants…

For example:

Attitude. In this study, it refers to the youth’s emotions toward utilizing the instrument in

online learning.

Behavior. This study refers to the youth’s actions on using the technology in

maintaining appropriate behavior.

Chapter 3


Introduce the methodology in TWO OR THREE SENTENCES ONLY using your own words.

Research Design
 Indicate the research design you intend to use in your study.
 The research design should be consistent with the theoretical framework you adopted and
align to the major Statement of the Problem (SOP).
 Write your reason for using the design or approach in ONE OR TWO SENTENCES.
 Next, support it with literature. Do not forget to cite the author and year of publication.

Research Environment
 Write the environment of your study here. Describe the environment in detail, but the
description must be related to the study.
 Do not attach here the map of the locale of the study, but it should be in the appendices.

Research Respondents and Sampling Procedure

 Indicate the number of respondents you intend to employ in this study.

 Write the bases of choosing your sample size. It should reflect the population.
 Write the sampling technique used.
 Explain why you are using such sampling technique in ONE OR TWO SENTENCES
using your own words. Support it with literature.
 Cite the author as well as the year of publication.
 If you intend to use a table to present your distribution of the respondents, then apply the
APA format.
 A table in APA format has no vertical lines. The lines of the table is horizontal only. The
Title is in italics, but the Table Number is not. Also note the space between the title and
the top of the table.

Research Instrument
 Mention the instruments to be used in your study such as survey questionnaire.
 Describe if it is a ready-made or researcher-made questionnaire.
 If it is a ready-made questionnaire, cite the author whom you adapt/adopt the
questionnaire. Otherwise, write how you intend to conduct the pilot testing of your
 Describe the survey questionnaire in detail such as mentioning the contents of part 1, part
II, and so on.
 If you are going to use online in sending your questionnaire, describe the form or format
you are using.

 Then, write your questionnaire and put it in the appendices.

Data Collection Procedure

 Write your DETAILED data collection procedure.
 Do not forget to organize your sentences to achieve coherence of ideas.

Data Analysis Procedure

 Write the data analysis procedure comprehensively.
 Include the descriptive and inferential statistical tools.

 Use SINGLE SPACE in your references.
 It should be in alphabetical order based on the surname of the author/s.
 Read the APA 7th edition for references and follow its format.

 APPENDIX A: Research Instrument
 APPENDIX B: Permit to Conduct the Study
 APPENDIX C: Location Map

Curriculum Vitae
 Attach 2x2 pic (attire must be formal; with plain background)

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