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Selling without Selling – The McKinsey Way Worry about the makings of a sale, not making the sale

Would you believe that the one firm that ought to know something McKinsey partners are not compensated based on the amount of
about consultative selling to clients is the very one that forbids its business they sell. Instead, their performance is assessed rigorously
senior executives (partners) from using the word “sell” in their on the factors that result in sales, for example: Is the partner serving
vocabulary? “Never sell anything! Do you know of even one the top 2-3 companies in his industry? Is the McKinsey work
salesman that you ever trusted?” asked one McKinsey veteran of a transformative and high impact? Is the partner “collegial,” building
class of aspiring junior partners. The primal goal of a McKinsey opportunities not only himself, but also other McKinsey partners to
partner is to become the trusted counselor to a handful of senior serve at his clients? Is his expertise recognized broadly in the
executives at the Fortune 500 companies and let the rest, namely industry? In reality, unless a McKinsey partner serves some of the
sales, follow. It is hardly surprising that partners often forget to bill premier companies in his focus industry with large engagements that
their clients in time, much to the chagrin of the bean counters at the cut across business units and functions, he is unlikely to score well on
firm. his personal performance factors. And if he does succeed on those
metrics, there is little doubt that he will bring in the requisite
Companies across industries, from manufacturing to professional revenues to the firm.
services, are finding that old school tactics of calling on customers
programmatically, “wining and dining” them and cutting “special” This approach should raise questions for even non-consulting
deals, are not working. This has led many to direct their frontline companies. Does your company understand exactly the 4-5 factors
sales staff to migrate from transactional to consultative selling. Yet, that drive success? Would it feel confident compensating its sales
most of these efforts quickly degenerate into a re-cycling canned reps on their performance on those factors rather than actual sales?
value selling courses, with little to show for it. Is any revenue and any client good enough or do some matter more
than others?
It is remarkable that McKinsey, which routinely sells $10 million plus
engagements to companies, in a good and bad economy, virtually Set a true north around customer impact
never pays for any meals for its clients, regularly raises its rates every
year and rarely cuts discounts. The McKinsey partners are trained to obsess over
same small project that cost $400,000 delivering measurable impact on the client’s
fifteen years back today may cost over performance. After all, even a small McKinsey team
$1.6 million. Yet, clients keep coming may cost clients, $500,000 per month or $25,000
back for more. per day. Hence, the one daily question that every
McKinsey partner must objectively answer to
How can McKinsey be so successful? himself is “So what value did we add today?”
What lessons can non-consulting
companies learn from McKinsey about In the world of corporate intrigue, senior executives
consultative selling? Here are some: come and go, but McKinsey usually stays. This is because McKinsey

Phone: +1 (855) CERENTi ©Cerenti QuickShot, Vol 15, August 5, 2013


relationships are not based on pressing flesh. When others are vying simply a trusted confidante to a trusted counselor. A more
to become golf buddies with their clients, McKinsey partners are philosophical minded McKinsey partner once mused, “Ultimately, this
locking themselves in little dark rooms with their teams, figuring out is all about how you will stay interesting in life, about why anyone,
new ways to add value for their client’s business. So even when anywhere will care to listen to what you have to say.” Behind the
executives churn, McKinsey can point to the history of the value it has scenes, McKinsey as an institution does a lot of research into
added and its roadmap for adding more in the future. What new CEO industries and clients in order to stay one step ahead of the emerging
would not want “shovel ready” projects for delivering results early? issues. But ultimately, the test of remaining intellectually interesting
The focus on client impact is real. As part of what are known as “Ten is non-formulaic and many fail at it.
Thousand Mile Checkups,” a McKinsey partner from Client X will be
invited to audit the work done by another partner’s teams at Client Y. In your company, how many customers pick up the phone and call you
This ensures that the team is not living in a dream but adding first when they have an issue – whether or not it relates to your
verifiable value. products? When was the last time that you told your client
something that made them think differently about their business?
So as you read this article today, ask yourself, what value did your What investments are you making in understanding the challenges
sales team add for your customers today? How often do you have an that your clients face ahead of time?
account leader for one customer objectively audit the performance of
another account at a different customer? Such cross-team Hunt in packs
performance audits are not the same as lame and gamed customer
satisfaction surveys. They are conducted by the pros in your business, For every client of interest, and not all are, McKinsey partners
who can smoke out what is working and not. institute a Client Service Team (CST). Consultants in the CST commit
to serving the target client with missionary zeal. In turn, partners in
Be seriously interesting the CST commit to shepherding those consultants through their
careers. The CST meets regularly, researching opportunities to add
McKinsey partners routinely dispense advice under circumstances value through new projects and assigning individual consultants to
where the client knows more about its own business and industry. develop close-in relationships with specific managers. In major client
The essence of being a great consultant is to have something meeting, expect to see the senior leaders of the pack. This is in
thoughtful to say in every meeting with the client. This involves marked contrast to other service firms where lone wolf partners, not
looking asymmetrically across industries, being serious minded packs, guard their turfs.
contrarians, confronting the improbable, etc. “If I didn’t make the
client feel just a little uncomfortable, I am probably not pushing the To learn how pack hunters work, flip to the Discovery channel. Some
thinking enough,” says one seasoned hand. parts of the pack lay the ground in advance of the hunt; some listen,
some deflect, some probe, some engage and some simply learn to
As a counselor, you want to get to a point where the client when hunt. Having multiple partners in the room with the client
faced with a challenging issue says, “I wonder what my McKinsey accomplishes a lot – two people with differing expertise can identify a
friend would make of this.” That is when you transition from being broader spectrum of opportunities and are more credible. After all

Phone: +1 (855) CERENTi ©Cerenti QuickShot, Vol 15, August 5, 2013


how can one person be both a branding guru and an operations wiz? without compensation, in spirit of professional kinship. “I knew my
More chances at engagements and more relationships at work, client was going to be taken to task by the CEO for missing his
equate with durable and high impact client partnerships. quarterly numbers, so I yanked my team off their regular engagement
to quickly build some contingency plans. The client survived and was
In your company, do your field reps hunt in packs or as lone wolfs? forever grateful.” Another partner cited an instance when his client
Who does what in the pack, before, during and after customer was interviewing for a leadership position at another company and he
meetings? Does the pack protect its own? Do team members make a arranged for him to receive personal coaching from several of his
social contract to help each other? Are your client relationships colleagues at McKinsey that served that company or were otherwise
enmeshed across multiple decision makers at the customer? experts in that industry. “Here’s the thing though. You must pick
clients that you really like, because you can’t fake this for long.”
Wear your values on your sleeve
How do sales executives at your company think of “professional
You cannot establish deep trust with your client without having clearly kinship” with the customer executives they serve? How do they seek
defined values and sharing them with your clients. Do you trust out opportunities to help their customers outside of the tour of duty?
anyone whose values you do not know? McKinsey partners have What resources does your company offer to help its customers
values that are on display and communicated all of the time to their succeed?
clients. Among them are a credo of living up to “a duty to dissent,”
putting client interests ahead of McKinsey’s interests, and never lying ***
to a client or ever betraying their confidentiality. McKinsey often
faces difficult choices, when say a client’s pet project is a bad idea The McKinsey way was architected over years of self-reflection on
that must be cancelled, or a client offers a lucrative project that what works and does not. This introspective is institutionalized with
McKinsey knows would be better pursued internally by the client. On training programs, apprenticeship and a celebration of professional
such occasions, the best partners use this values compass to arbitrate values. For companies, that wish to become the premier counselors
the right course of actions. In the long term, it makes for building to their customers, building their own system is the key.
strong relationships.
If you would like to discuss how your company can build intense
What would field reps say are the values of your company? How do customer relationships, please reach out directly to our managing
these values tie explicitly into building customer relationships? What director at
stories can you tell? What would customers say are the values of your

Care about your client (really)

The best McKinsey partners have a passion for personally seeing their
clients succeed professionally. This is real work, performed often

Phone: +1 (855) CERENTi ©Cerenti QuickShot, Vol 15, August 5, 2013

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