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Also, we have chosen to condense and imply much W Q U J ~ dredge up ~i they searched comprehensively for

hard dormation, such as NPC and monster gats. W h i l e loot. It would have been tedious and 5 1me-consuming, to
usehi, smh information also takes up space, and we list every single minor magic item or gc:rnstone at some,of
.JL 1-.-1” --3.
wanted to devote as much as we could to including more these locations, so we stuck to major CUIII I ~ W L W ~~ U
, I L1he -
locations, more information about flavor and ambience, most important personal items and magic irems. Feel firee
and more $toryhooks. The Appendix will giw YOU appro- to tailor these lists and f d in the details in such a way a5
priate guidance for producing a f d l set of stats for any works best with your campaign. It’s a big and wealthy city
NPC. For ;1more detailed explanation of how we organize with some wry wealthy people in it.
key dormation in this book, read on. Finally, the category “Activity” describes typical goin
on a t the location, and/or how the residents are likely
I N E O K M A T I O N YOU’LL E I N D HFRF, react to the PCs’ presence.
AND I N E O R M A T I O N Y O U WON’T The conclusion of each chapter describes one or mt,re
Sixteen chapters -one for each of the city’s administra- meta-plots covering goings-on within the district and p OS- -
tive distrirts - form the core of The World’s Largest C~ty. sib17 connecting it with events and NPCs in other paR S
Each chapter begins with an ovemiew of The district and of the city. In keeping with the non-sequential nature of
discussior! of general concerns connected to mme than the book as a whole, they do not necessarily script out a
one location within the district. A list of important ot strict series of events for your PCs to follow; instead, tt‘eY
particularlv interesting locations within the dirrnct then descnbe opportunities for the PCs to involve themsel?le5
,, ..-
follows. E d location reveals some important aspect of more intimately in the life of the city, along with the p os- .. -.
, .,:.: -...I
^. .. ,
the political, social, religious or economic dynamics of the sibIe comequences of doing so. YOU will also find at I I1F
city; or it acts as a center of an activity that could draw PCs end of each chapter a random events table for that disrrict. ..
into an adventure; or ir is simply an intriguing place $0 As DM, you should feel free to use it a5 often or as iihie
visit, a flash of color in the vast canvas of your campaign. as you M e , or ignore it all together. We include Them ro
Each location listing begins with a map number and provide some flavor for each district, and voii should take
name, followed by a n overview of that location. Boxed them no more - less -seriously than that.
text provides a physical description - information that
you,as Dhl, can use to describe the place to your pjavers.
This information may be ftlnctional in nature, or it may DFTRILS, D F T A I L S , DETAILS
set the mood of the pIace, or it may serve both of these For additional ideas on how to bring this city to life
purposes. A brief description covering what happens in your gaming sessions, you could do worse than
there and who does it follows the boxed W X ~ . to consult AEG’s Toolbox d20 supplement, which
The caregory “Residents:” lists the NPCs that beIong contains page after page o f handy charts and tables
ro the location. We call them residents even if it’s a place for use in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. In
of businez5 and no one actuauy lives there. If an NPC is particular, the tables in Chapter 3, which deal with
likely to he .found at this Xocation when the PCs go there, cities, are entirety appropriate for use with The
he or she IS a resident. World’x Largest City.
We do not provide stat blocks for every single NPC.
Given the sheer number of NPCs both great and small in
this book, we felt that doing so would prove cumbersome. HOW ‘1‘0 U S E ’rHE WORLD’S LARGEST
Instead, below “Residents,”YOU w i l find each major NPC CITY I N YOUR C A M P A I q N
and each rategory of minor NPC with a key to a generic How you incorporate ?&e \vorld’s Largest City into your
set of information that ptovides an apptoxirnacton of an campaign is prerty up much to you. You can drop it into
appropriate stat block. That key consists of the standard your campaign world whole, potentially utilizing every
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 class and level abbreviations bit of information on these pages, and also using rhe ciry
(including rhe NPC classes described in the Dungeon as a framework for creating locations and NPCs of your
Master> Grrtde), and is linked to generic stat blocks found own. Many o f the adventure huoks set out here are meant
to connect the city with the outside world, and they are
in the Appendix.
Boxed text below the Gst of NPCs describes any mea- framed in terms vague enorrgh so that YOU may adapt
sure of note at the location, including magic items them to the particulars of your world simply by adding in
the person of the NPCs. In most caws, you as DM may relevanr details.
assume that NPCs have minor personal possessions and Similarly, you will notice that the vast majority of
pocket change on their persons, even if that is not buildings on the maps have no l ~ a t i o nnumber. They --
a r e blank slates, waiting fm you to fill them in according (
specified here. You wxll also note that certain large and/or
particularly wealrhy locations, such as major temples to your needs and wants as DM.They also leave open the
and the residences of venerabie noble families leave you possibility of allowing your PCs to buy real estate in the
considerahle leeway as to the fulI extent o f w h a t your PC5 city, in case they want to establish a safe house where

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