Does God Really Create Humans or Humans Created The Concept of God

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Does God really create humans or humans created the concept of God?

God created the humans according to the Bible, but the Bible was written by humans and maybe it was
just an idea out of humans’ mind. According to scientific studies, the evolution of humans started
several million years ago and our universe began with an explosion of space itself – the Big Bang, but
before that things remained unknown, so that we can conclude that God created it Himself and guide
this process. There is a lot of things that was unknown to humans before that they can’t find answer so I
think people created ideas out of their mind and conceptualize the idea of God in different form or
things. Also, maybe some of ideas come up due to lost of hope and to cope up so people that time
created the concept of someone who can hear their prayers and sufferings. There are also ideas in my
mind that maybe someone just using the concept of God or religion to take advantage and used it as a
tool to oppression and used to kill and enslave people for centuries, even today a lot of people put their
faith in this concept. There is also an idea of discrimination, that if you are not a religious person or you
don’t believe in God, you are an evil person or you are inhumane. You cannot be saved and you will be
burn in Hell of you don’t know God. So that sometimes, I think is it me that I lack of faith in God
existence if I feel lost or I started to questioned it myself if does God really exist or does God created
human? Just trust the words of God and have faith it in? But still I don’t know what should I believe in.
And I think the existence of both ideas is considered as valid based on the beliefs the we want to believe
and yet nobody can really confirm if what is the truth because the both sides claiming to be true.

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