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Name: John Marc C.


Course & Year: BSBA 1


1. What art form/artwork has changed something in your life? Why? Account for the

Ans. The artworks that come immediately to my mind as having changed something in
my life is visual art particularly in drawings. Well, to be honest I'm not a kind of a person
who likes drawings before, but I realized it until such time when I was taking up
Computer Animation as my specialization subject in my Junior High school days. In our
major time we're not only operating in computer but also we operate using our own
hands by making different kinds of drawings. After that day, I staring to like drawings
which have an impact into my life. That's why everytime I saw an artworks especially in
terms of drawings that made from a different kind of people, I felt like I experience joy
and happiness and I was also motivated at the same time. Because through drawings it
has enhanced my imagination skills and most especially my confidence in showing my
artwork to a different people. Although I'm not as good as other people do.

2. Does art always have a function? Why? Support your response. Provide your own

Ans. We have different kind of perception about this matter, but for me art always have
a function because I truly believe that art that exist and created in this world by an artist
has their own functions and purposes. I think they made it, so that is serves us to have
motivation and inspiration to make a contribution also to our society where we belong.
Just like for example, painting and architecture these two is a form of an art / artworks,
where it can gives an entertainment to the eyes of individuals, just like in a certain place
where we can see buildings, park that consist of playgrounds, things like chairs and
tables and others, that have a unique design and decorations. That can also help to the
individual to improve human life.

3. If an artwork ceased to have a function, will it remain an art? Why?

Ans. For me, it's yes because in my own opinion artworks is still considered as an art
even though it has no function at all, as long as it is acknowledge and consider as a
valuable to other people and appreciates the beauty inside of it.

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