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. ~;
FORM TP 2006047 MAY/JUNE 200 7

Paper 01- General Proficiency


( 08 JUNE
2007(a.m.) )


I. In addition to this test book-let; you should have an answer sheet.

2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered {A), (8), (C), (D). Read each item you are
about to answer and decide which choice is best.

3. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following diseases is due to

a dietary deficiency? Sample Answer
I •@©@
(A) Anaemia
(B) Diabetes
(C) Influenza

(D) Malaria

The best answer to this item is "Anaemia", so answer space (A) has been blackened.

Ifyou want to change your answer, be sure to erase your old answer completely and fill in yournew

5. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you
cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can return to the omitted item later.
Your sco~e will be the total number of correct answers.

6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.

7. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 7 5 minutes to answer them.

8. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in
this test.


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-2- --
1. Leguminous plants can contribute to soil 4. The bush pig, which has been observed to
fertility because they feed on adietofplantroots as well as birds'
eggs, is
(A) remove toxic substances
(B) contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria (A) a herbivore
(C) add trace elements (B) a carnivore
(D) maintain the moisture content (C) an omnivore
(D) a detritovore

U!:mJ refers to the following information. Item S refers to the following diagram of a
food web found in leaflitter.
Two organisms were found in the same tree.
recorded as shown in the table below.

Characteristics x y
Hard exoskeleton



tI I /r~~ Springtall /

Win11:s 0 ..J

Segmented body .,j .,j

Snail ' \ /
' Millipede
3 pairs of legs ..J 0
""' Mushroom.

Key: Present V Absent 0

2. Which of the following statements is
supported by the information in the table? s. The number oftrophic levels illustrated in the
food web is
(A) Both X and Y are insects.
(B) BothXand Y arear1hropodsbutonly (A) 2
Xis an insect. (B) 3
(C) Xis an insect but Y is not. (C) 4
(D) Neither X nor Y is an insect. (D) 7

6. A plant which has reduced leaves with no

3. In an ecosystem, the organisms which make chlorophyll, lacks a proper root system, and
solar energy available to all other organisms flowers abundantly, is MOST likely to be
are the

primary consumers

- ..•• ,.

, in a habitat where water is scarce

living parasitically on another plant
growing in an area where there are
(D) secondary consumers few insects
(D) ~-•~mcnalwithother

. f.
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7. Which of the following cell structures are 11. Sodium hydroxide and weak copper sulphate
associated with energy transfer? solution will produce a violet colour with
molecules of
I. Chloroplast
I I. Mitochondrion (A) fat
lll. Nucleus (B) starch
IV. Cell membrane (C) sugar
(0) protein
(A) land II only
(B) I and Ill only 12. Which ofthe following is true of photosynthesis
(C) II and Ill only and respiration in green plants?
(D) II and IV only
(A) Photosynthesis occurs in thedaywhile
respiration occurs in the night
8. When a seedling loses water to the atmos- (B) Photosynthesis never occurs in the
phere faster than it can be obtained from the dark while respiration occurs only
soil, the turgidity of the cells in the dark.
(C) Photosynthesisoccursonly in the light
(A) decre~sesandtheseedlingwilts while respiration occurs both in the
(B) decreases and the seedling does not lightand in the dark.
wilt (D) Photosynthesis occurs only in the
( C) increases and the seedling wilts sunlight and respiration takes over
(D) increases and the seedling does not when photosynthesis ceases.
ttCms J3-14refertothe following diagram of
llem9 refers to the following diagram ofacel I. the human alimentary canal.

9. The structure labelled I is found in

(A) animals
(B) fungi ':::::=\'ll-U~- (D)
(C) bacteria
(D) green plants

10. Which of the following pairs of organisms

possesses the requirements for making car- In answering items 13 and each item
bohydrates from inorganic materials? with om ofthe labelled parts above. Each part
may beUSedonce, more than onceornotatall.
(A) Algaeandfloweringplants
(B) Bacteria and fungi 13. Secretes a substance to regulate sugar balance
(C) Fungi and flowering plants in the body
(D) Viruses and algae
14. The site for absorption ofdigested food
J w,,.L ::>.. 001
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15. The rate at which respiration is occurring in a 19. Which of the following sequences represents
mammal can be indicated by the rate of the route which a red blood cell must take to
travel from the lung to the kidney?
(A) sweat production
(B) urine excretion (A) Lung --+pulmonary vein --+ heart--+
(C) carbon dioxide elimination aorta-+ renal artery--+ kidney
(D) oxygen elimination (B) Lung --+ aorta--+ hepatic artery --+
liver-+ renal artery--+ kidney
(C) Lung--+ liver-.+ hepatic portal vein
16. The process which releases energy by --+ intestine -Jo renal artery --+
breaking down organic compounds is kidney
(D) l ,ung--+ pulmonary vein--+ hepatic
(A) excretion artery --+stomach -Jo renal vein --+
(B) respiration kidney
(C) photosynthesis
(D) deamination
20. Mineral salts are transported in plants mainly
through the
Item 17 refers to the following characteristics.
(A) sieve tubes
I. Thin-walled structures (B) cambium
IL Excellent blood supply (C) parenchyma
Ill. Always moist (D) xylem vessels
IV. Largesurfacearea

17. These characteristics are true for a tissue 21. A greenhouse plant which is usually kept at a
MOST likely found in the temperature of 25°C is subjected to a
temperatureof30°Cfor24hours. TheMOST
(A) liver likely effect of this change is that the plant
(B) lungs
(C) mouth (A) absorbs less water
(D) skin (B) abso1bsmorewater
(C) loses less water
(D) loses more water
18. Whichofthe following statements BEST de-
scribes the function ofATP?
22. The structureofthered blood cell allows itto
(/\.) lt is a means ofenergy transfer.
I. squeeze through tiny blood vessels
(B) Large quantities of energy can be-
II. release large quantities of oxygen
come available.
III. absorb carbon dioxide
It speeds up chemical reactions in the
IV. absorb large quantities ofoxygen
(D) It stores food. I and II only .._.,..
~ Ill and IV only
(C) , I and III only
(D) land IV only
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23. WhichofthefollowingdoesNOTrepresenta 24. Which of the following statements about
step in the formation ofa blood clot? excretory products in plants are correct?
Excretory products
(A) Thromboplastin reacts with
prothrombin. L are stored in leaves and bark
(B) Thrombin reacts with fibrinogen. IL are converted into insoluble crystals
(C) Whitebloodcellsengulfbacteriaand and tannins
digest them. Ill. are removed during transpiration
(D) Blood cells and platelets become N. result in the formation ofstorage organs
trapped in fibres.
(A) I and II only
(B) I and IV only
(C) II and Ill only
(D) !Iand!Vonly

llems25 -26 r.,ferto the simplified drawing

ofa renal tubule (nephron) below.

25. The name ofthe process which occurs in Q is

(A) secretion
(B) reabsmption
(C) osmosis
(D) filtration

26. One component present in the fl1*! in P but
NOT in the fluid in Q is ,

(A) glucose
(B) blood proteins
(D) bloodpluma
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27. Which ofthe following is NOT a distinguish- 32. A seedling illuminated side, bends
ing feature ofthe nervous system? towards the light source because the
concentration ofauxins becomes
(A) Rapid response
(B) Localised reaction (A) greateron the side away from the light
(C) Long-lasting effect (B) greateron the side towards the light
(D) Temporary and reversible response (C) the same on both sides
(D) greatest at the tip ofthe shoot

28. Which of the following statements would

describe ligaments? 33. Whichofthefollowingpartsoftheeyefunctions
as a receptor?
I. They hold bones together.
II. They are tough and fibrous. (A) Iris
Ill. They reduce friction between bones. (B) Lens
(C) Retina
(A) I and II only (D) Optic nerve
(B) · I and III only
(C) !I and III only
34. Which region of the brain is MOST likely to
(D) I, II and III
be used in solving a mathematical problem?

(A) Cerebellum
29. Which ofthe following is NOT a component
(B) Cerebrum
of joints?
(C) Medullaoblongata
(D) Hypothalamus
(A) Ligament
(B) Cartilage
(C) Tendon
(D) Synovialfluid
35. ·When someone sees appetizing food saliva
is often produced. Which ofthe following is
the correct sequence for this reflex action?
30. The MOST important of the minerals stored
(A) Receptor organ ~ spinal cord ~
by bones in the body are
calcium and phosphorus (B) Receptor organ --+salivary gland~
(B) calcium and potassium
(C) Receptor organ~ brain--+ salivary
(C) phosphorus and sodium
(D) sodium and potassium gland
(D) Receptor organ ~ spinal cord ~
salivary gland
31. The presence of sugar in the urine often
indicates a deficiency of
36. Carbohydrate stored in the muscles of a
marathon runner i~ened to available
(A) adrenalin
~cose during a race. This conversion is
(B) insulin
(C) secretin

(D) thyroxin
(A) adrenalin
(B) insulin
.J~~ (C) ~
(D) testosterone
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' -7-
ltem 37 refers to the following diagram which Item 41 refers to the following diagram which
illustrates the structure ofa flower. illustrates pollination.

( 4-----'"<-----(A)
;...+----1--- (B)
" " " " - " - - - - - - (C)

41. Pollination involves the transfer of pollen

from anther to stigma. Which ofthe arrows
in the diagram above may be illustrating the
37. In which part of this flower is pollen produced? movement ofpollen in cross-pollination?

(A) rands
38. Which ofthe following shows the route taken
(B) sand t
by a sperm cell when it leaves the testis?
(C) sonly
(D) tonly
(A) Epididymis-+spermduct-+urethra
(B) Sperrnduct-+urethra-+epididymis
(C) Epididymis-+urethra-+ sperrnduct
Items 42-43 refer to the following options.
(D) Urethra-+sperrnduct-+epididymis
(A) Diploid
39. In the human female, ferti liz.ation ofthe ovum (B) Recessive
takes place in the (C} Heterozygote
(D) Clone
(A) ovary
(B) oviduct In answering items42-43, match each ofthe
(C) uterus items with one ofthe options above. Each
(D) vagina option may be used once, more than once or
not at all.
Item 40 refers to the following diagrams of
42. The descendants of a plant produced by
certain fruits. asexual reproduction from a singieorganism

43. An allele not expressed in the zygote

Which of these fruits is MOST likely to be
dispersed by animals?

.... ..*

J""-""- µ;"'7
(C) w
(D) rv f

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44. Between the ages of3 and 5, boys and girls 48. Which ofthe following statements BEST de-
show a reduction in their growth rate S<.'libcsgeneticengineering? ··
(A) Changing the traits of one organism
(A) they do not eat a lot of protein by inc01porating genes from another
(B) the~ are suffering from worms organism
(C) their body cells divide by reduction (B) Changing the traits of one organism
division by incorporating a rew chromosomes
(D) the rate ofdivision of the body cells from a different organism
is slower (C) Changing the traits of one organism
by crossing it with a closely related
Items 45 - 46 refer to the following (D) Changing the traits of one organism
information. by inducing mutation in its sex organs

A cross between red and white flowered

plants ofthe same species produces plants 49. Which of the following statements about
with pink flowers. asexual reproduction is true?

45. What would be the expected phenotypic (A) Asexual reproduction is canied out by
ratio iftwo ofthe pink flowers are crossed? humans.
(B) Asexual reproduction involves
(A) I red : I white meiosis.
(B) 1 red: I pink: I white (C) The whole organism is produced by
(C) I red : 3 pink : I white mitotic divisions.
(D) I red: 2 pink: I white (D) The organisms are produced under
the same conditions.

46. lfone ofthe pink flowered plants is crossed

with the red parent, what percentage ofthe 50. Which ofthe following characteristics are ex-
offspring would be expected to have pink amples ofdiscontinuous variation in humans?
I. Height
(A) 0 II. Tongue-rolling
(B) 25 III. Blood groups
(C) 50 rv. Foot length
(D) 100
(A) I and II only
(B) II and Ill only
47. W.hich ofthe following processes could give (C) I and IV only
rise to nev.:.plant varieties? (D) I, II, III and IV

I. Mutations
II. Mitosis ...----.
J f.t.'-"-l
... _...
III. Breeding

(A) 1only
(B) II only
(C) I and Ill only
(0) II and Ill only
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51. Through which of the following can natural SS. At which stage in the life histo.ry of the
immunity be obtained? mosquito is control easiest?

I. Blood transfusion (A) &!g

II. Breast milk (B) Larva
Ill. The placenta (C) Pupa
IV. Vaccines (D) Imago

(A) I and II only

(B) II and III only 56. Whichofthefollowingmethodscan BEST be
(C) land IV only used to collect data about the distribution of
(D) Ill and IV only organisms in a savannah or pasture?

(A) Quadrat
52. Humans c;an easily overcome the adverse (B) Line transect
effects of all of the following constraints on (C) Collection
their population growth EXCEPT (D) Sweep net

(A) natural disasters

(B) shortfoodsupply 57. Which ofthe following factors contribute to
(C) insufficienthousing increased population size?
(D) natural predators
I. Ability to resist disease
II. Inadequate water supplies
Items 53 - 54 refer to following types of III. Too much or too little light
diseases. rv. Small number ofpredators

(A) · Palhogenic (A) . I and II only

(B) Deficicn.-y (B) II and III only
(C) Hen:ditmy (C) land IV only
(D) Physiological (D) I, II, III and IV

In answering items 53- 54, match each item

with one ofthe options above. Each option
may be used once, more than once, ornot at

53. The type of disease to which sickle-cell

.!lflllClTlia belongs

54. A diseas~ that can be prevented with


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- 10 -
!tems58-59 refertothe following graph. 59. Which ofthe following graphs represents
what may happen ifa large number of prey
Number of came to live in the habitat at time X?
oraauisms / .... (A) Number of

Key ---Prey
x Time
58. Whichofthefollowinginfurencescanbemade
from the graph? (B) Number of
I. The maximum number ofpredators predators

never exceeds the maximum

number ofprey.
II. Predation has caused the loss of the
entire prey population.
III. Thepopulationsofpredatorandprey
decrease simultaneously. x Time

(A) I only (C) Number of

(B) I and !!only predators
(C) II and Ill only
(D) I, II and Ill


(D) Number of

x Time

60. Which of the following statements is true ofinorganic ·

... ........
(A) They help to hold water in the\oil.
(B) 'I 'hey improve the crumb structure of soil.
(C) They make nutrients available more quickly.
I (I)) 'nMlydonotaffectthesoil pH.

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