Content: Lesson Iii: Human Person and Values Development

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Human person is the subject of education: he is a human person learning and being taught. The
human person is also the object of education: the human person is at the center of the curriculum
and the entire program

The human person is multidimensional: a distinction between the person as self and the
person in community. The human person is an individual, a self-conscious being of
incalculable value in himself. His physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, socioeconomic,
and political well-being is recognized by the state.
A. Important Realities of the Human Person
1. The Self-Image
o Self-image refers to a person’s understanding of himself/herself.
o It is responsible in influencing people’s way of living. The formation of self-
image is derived from two sources: others and the experiences of the self.
o There are three kinds of self-image:
- Negative self-image - Delves on limitations and
differences rather than assets.
- Overrated self-image – stresses on the positive traits.
- Realistic self-image – based on the real self.
1. The Others
These are persons or groups that one consider as important and thus are given the
right to influence one’s self.
3. The being
a. It is the mainspring or a motivating force in the human person.
b. It is the wellspring, a fountainhead of one’s identify, one’s essential course of
action, and one’s essential bonds.
c. There are seven approaches to get in touch with the Being:
1.) Approach by way of the self-image
2.) Approach by way of important choices
3.) Approach by way of action
4.) Approach by way of what is “natural” and stress less
5.) Approach by way of people who had the greatest impact on you
6.) Approach to self through severe trials
7.) Approach by way of deep and not yet fulfilled
National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service
4. THE “I”
The “I” has three (3) different aspects. These are the intellect, the
freedom, and the will.
5. The sensibility and the Body
These are the important realities of the human person.
B. Five Pivotal Centers as the Components of the Human Person
1. The Being – This is the fundamentally positive reality which can be sensed in
the very depths of the human person.
2. The “I” – This is the reality felt at the level of the head.
3. The sensibility – It carries messages from the “I”, from the being, ad from the
in-depth conscience.
4. The body – It is the biological reality and has its own laws.
5. In-depth Conscience – This reality is a place where the other four pivotal
center can be perceived in a synthesis. This is the place of the person in the
process of growth; a place where what is good can be sensed.
Behavior – It is the manner of conducting oneself. It is the response of an individual,
group or species to its environment. It is a manner in which a person behaves.
Attitude – It is a position assumed for a specific purpose.
 It is an organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristics
 Human attitude affects much of a person’s behavior and human behavior
depends on the kind of environment he or she is interacting with. The attitude
can be readily changed depending on the kind of stimulus, concept, or
situations that will greatly affect the human person.
C. Ten Commandments of Human Relations

1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of

2. Smile at people. It takes 65 muscles to frown and only 15 to smile.
3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyone’s ear is the sound of his/her own
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you would have friends, be friendly
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do were a genuine
6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can like everybody if you try.
7. Be generous with praise. Take caution against criticizing others.
8. Be considerate with the feelings of others. It will be appreciated
9. Be thoughtful of the opinion of others. There are three sides to a
controversy – yours, the other fellow’s, and the right one.
10. Be alert to give service. What counts most in life is what we do for others.

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A. Mission Possible Team (I can Win)

a. Successful people have a positive mental attitude.

b. Successful people are courageous people who take risks.
c. Successful people choose well.
d. Successful people persist.
e. Successful people adhere to the power of prayer.
f. Successful people know how to pace themselves and journey through life with
g. Successful people govern themselves with discipline.
h. Successful people give the best to whatever they do.
i. Successful people align their sense of purpose with the common good.
j. Successful people keep a positive count by responding positively to any person or
k. Successful people harmonize with encouragement.
l. Successful people are decisive people who make things happen.
National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service

Activity 2.4

Direction: Personal Growth Assessment and Refections- Guidelines for personal Analysis
(GPA)-Alituntunin sa Pag-analisa sa Sarili. Write your answers/reactions on the space provided
or indicate in each item. (50 points)
1. Approach by Way of Self-Image/ Self-inventory (Pag-aanalisa sa Sarili)
A. How do I see myself? (Paano ko tinitingnan ang aking sarili?)

Positive (Positibo) Negative (Negatibo) Limitations (Limitasyon)

B. What do people say me? (Ano ang sinasabi ng ibang tao tungkol sa akin?)
Who? (Sino?) Says What? Do I experience Myself
(Ano’ng Sinasabi?) To Be Like That? Why?
(Ganito Ba Talaga
Ako? Bakit?)

National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service


A. What can I say about myself in the following categories? (Ano ang masasabi ko
sa aking sarili sa mga sumusunod na kategorya?)
Categories Explanation (Paliwanag)
( Kategorya)
My Heart
(Ang aking puso)

My Sensitivity/

(Kakayahan sa

My Will


(Pakikitungo sa

Relationship with
God (Relasyon sa
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B. Positive traits which I sense are really part of me ( Positibong Kaugalian na talagang
parte ng aking pagkatao): Rate 0-5, with 0 as the lowest and 5 as the highest.

1. Perseverance (Pagtitiis)

2. Forgiveness and Tolerance (Pagpapatawad at Pagpapasensya)

3. Optimism

4. Helpfulness and Empathy (Pagiging Matulungin at Pakikiramay)

5. Self-Confidence (Paniniwala sa Sariling Kakayahan)

National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service

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