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REVIEW SHEET FOR Newton’s Laws and Gravity Quiz

blue highlighted questions = 1 (all), 2 (b,c) 3 (a,c) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (a-d)

1) What is meant by each of the following types of forces:

a. Applied
b. Friction
c. Normal
d. Net
2) Draw a force diagram for each of the following:
a. A puppy sitting on the floor
b. A student in a chair being pushed faster and faster through the CID
c. A student in a chair rolling at a constant velocity through the CID
d. An apple falling from a tree (Aha! Isaac Newton’s observation and pondering)
e. You going down a water slide
f. A disco ball hanging motionless from the ceiling

3) Solve the following problems. Be sure to show all work and include units on the
a. While a force of 45 N is applied to a cart, it moves at a constant velocity.
How many Newtons is the force due to friction?
b. When a force of 500 N is applied to a 250 Kg vehicle, it moves at a constant
speed to the west. What force of friction is acting on the vehicle?
c. If the same vehicle is given a greater force and now accelerates at 4 m/s/s to
the west, what is the magnitude and the direction of this new applied force?
d. A force of 350 N is applied to a cart which masses 20 Kg. The resulting
acceleration is 10 m/s/s. What is the force due to friction?

4) “Compare and Contrast” mass and weight. (That means to be able state similarities and
also differences between the two terms.)
5) How does the mass of an object change in going from earth to the moon where gravity is
only 1/6 as strong?
6) How does the weight of an object change in going from earth to the moon, where gravity
is only 1/6 as strong?

7) Sketch an arrow pointing to the right, to indicate a force of 10 Newtons. Then sketch an
arrow pointing downward that indicates 5 Newtons. Draw them to scale. Now draw a
sketch showing those two arrows as well as the resultant arrow drawn to the proper scale.

8) Given the following pairs of vectors, redraw them to show how vectors are added, and
then draw the resultant vector:

A) B) c)
9) Be able to predict how the force would change if the variables in the equation changed.
For practice, do each of the following. Use the Law of Universal Gravitation and explain what
would result if that change occurred.

A) Doubled the distance.

B) Doubled mass 1.
C) Doubled Mass 1 and Tripled Mass 2
D) Divided the distance by 2 (So cut it in half)
E) Cut Mass 1 in half.
F) Both masses were cut in half.
G) Doubled both masses and also doubled the distance.
H) Doubled both masses and cut the distance in half.
I) Tripled Mass 1, Doubled Mass 2, and cut the distance in half.
J) Tripled Mass 1, Doubled Mass 2, and doubled the distance.

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