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Why did violence break out at Carnegie’s Homestead factory?

Questions to Consider Response

- When was this document written?  This text was a part of newspaper interview in the
Pittsburgh Post on July 8, 1892, Frick explains his
H: Historical - What was happening at the time? opposition to the union’s demands.
“At the time this document was created...”
- Who was this document created for?
- Did the author intend for the public
or a specific group or person to read
this document? This document was created for Frick explains his
- Could the author’s message change opposition to the union’s demands. This
I: Intended
based on their audience? document locked intends to let people who say
- HINT: The answer will NEVER be they are concerned about this incident read this
you! file, no matter which class or camp you are in.

“This document was originally addressed

The author wants Henry Frick to express his
views and views on the result from the point of
- Why or for what reason was view of him as one of the parties.
this source produced?  The author wrote this because the newspaper
P: Author’s - What was the author’s goal? wants to keep report information about this
Purpose important fact.
“The author wanted to...”
“The author wrote this because...”

- Can you identify an important aspect

of WHO the author is and HOW this
might have impacted what they
This is an interview with Henry Frick by a
wrote (i.e. family, job, religious
newspaper. The information is more official and
views, political views)?
P: Point of credible. The newspaper will not modify his
- Can you identify something
View statements in the interview for no reason.
that influenced the author or
Therefore, the author is from the perspective of a
source and how this may impact
neutral outsider, relaying Henry Frick's words.
the content?
“Because this author was influenced by…
the document portrays…”

Why did violence break out at Carnegie’s Homestead factory? (Use one element of HIPP in your answer)
Because Henry Frick reduced the wages of the workers, but did not reduce their workload, the two sides could not
agree on the interests, which led to the occurrence of violence. I think the main responsibility lies with Henry Frick
and Carnegie, because according to Henry Flick: Carnegie spends a lot of money on new machines, allowing workers
to increase daily output, thereby increasing Income, but this income belongs to the company, not to the workers.
Workers have not benefited from it and their wages have been lowered. No one will be satisfied.

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