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UNIVERSITY College of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta


QUESTION: Do a quick search on the internet about the global and national health situation in the
Philippines. From the readings what can you conclude about the Philippine health situations? Share
your views in 3-5 sentences.
1. Copy and paste the readings you had searched.
2. Copy the source and date
3. Write your answer on clean sheet of bond paper (short). Written or encoded. Make sure you have a
personal copy before submission/sending it to the email address I provided.
4. Submit/send this activity on the scheduled date below or anytime at your own convenience
however a points deduction will be given for late submission unless circumstances seems unavoidable.
MW – September 23, 2020 / on or before 5pm
FS – September 25, 2020 / on or before 5pm
5. Should you have any questions just post your message in our GC/fb page or you can email me.


1. Define the following terms
a. Public health
b. Community health
c. Public Health Nursing
d. Community Health Nursing
2. What is the focus of public health and community health?
3. What is the difference between a community health nursing and public health nursing?
4. List the standards of public health nursing?
5. Trace the history of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines.
6. Enumerate the roles and responsibilities of a public health nurse.

Instructions: assignment
1. Answer the above questions utilizing all the resources related to CHN.
2. Write or encode your answers in a clean short bond paper.
3. Submit/send anytime at your own convenience or if you are done with it but not later than
September 28, 2020 @8am-9am only.
4. Expect that in every assignment a pre-quiz will be given or might be a post quiz only after I send
you the copy of the topic.
5. It is your responsibility to read and do a research whatever is given to as your activity.
6. Should you have any questions or clarifications just send me a message in the GC, fb page or you
can email me.
7. Take note all activities and assignments will be posted in our fb page and GC or if not I will send a
soft copy with the email address you provided.
8. A copy of the Study Guide will only be given after assignment has been submitted.
8. Please see the next slide for the sample format for the assignment.
Format: assignment

Format: Assignment
Name: Date:
Course and Year Level: Subject:
Block/Section: Code:

Chapter and Title
3. And so on and so forth…..

Criteria in giving points to an assignment

Please follow the link.

End of course orientation.

Prepared by

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Your bright future starts here |

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