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Name : Võ Hồng Quỳnh Nhi

Code: 1922202010758

Exercise 34:

1. “ I am sorry I cannot find your book right now.”

The utterance presupposes that you have a book and you have lent it to me.

2. “ On the occasion of my friend’s birthday, I intend to buy her a new vase.”

The utterance presupposes that I have a friend, soon comes her birthday and she has
had a vase.

3. “ The exam is not so difficult.”

The utterance presupposes that there is an exam.

4. “ She is not happy about the chemistry course she’s taking.”

The utterance presupposes that she is taking a chemistry course.

5. “ We haven’t heard anything from Barbara.”

The utterance presupposes we knew who Barbara is.

6. “ They were rich.”

The utterance presupposes that the hearer already knows who they are.

7. “ Can you stop playing with your cat?”

The utterance presupposes that you have a cat and you are playing with your cat.

8. “ She was not aware that her son had an accident”

The utterance presupposes that she had a son and her son had an accident.

9. “ The explosion was so loud that it could be heard from miles away.”

The utterance presupposes that there was an explosion which could be heard from
miles away.
10. “ I wish I had not booked the tickets.”

The utterance presupposes that I booked the tickets.

11. “ Tom might find the chocolate cake in the kitchen.”

The utterance presupposes that there is a chocolate cake in the kitchen.

12. “ You will be amzed when you see the view.”

The utterance presupposes that you see the view.

13. “ I am so sorry, I am in a hurry and I can’t answer your question right now.”

The utterance presupposes that you have asked me a question.

14. “ She was not aware that it would hurt her so much.”

The utterance presupposes that it would hurt her so much.

16 “ Could you drive me to the airport?”

The utterance presupposes that I needed to go to the airport.

17. “ It took us two days to come back from Hanoi by train.”

The utterance presupposes that we once went to Hanoi.

18. “ It is going to rain for a long time.”

The utterance presupposes that it is raining now or it has been raining.

19. “ I am going to have a final examination in Semantics.”

The utterance presupposes that I have not had a final examination in Semantics yet.

20. “ We are going to be teachers of English.”

The utterance presupposes that we have not been teachers of English yet.

21. “ I think I will pass the exam.”

The utterance presupposes that there was an exam, and I have taken it.

22. “ I hope to have a good result for this exam.”

The utterance presupposes that there will be an exam soon, and I am going to take it.

23. “ But before your encouragement, we would have given up.”

The utterance presupposes that you encouraged us.

24. “ I got an excellent mark for my essay last time.”

The utterance presupposes that I tried to write an essay.

25. “ I missed my class on Monday because I overslept.”

The utterance presupposes that I had a class on Monday.

26. “ My sister is going to graduate from university.”

The utterance presupposes that I have a sister, and she has not graduated from
university yet.

27. “ I’ve got a good mark for the exam in American Literature.”

The utterance presupposes that there was an exam in American Literature, and I have
taken it.

28. “ I am going to have a new grammar book.”

The utterance presupposes that I had a new grammar book.

29. “When did you give up teaching?”

The utterance presupposes that you gave up teaching.

30. “ When did you stop beating your wife?”

The utterance presupposes that you stopped beating your wife.

31. “Fred continued/didn’t continue speaking.”

The utterance presupposes that Fred was speaking before.

32. “ I cleaned/didn’t clean the room.”

The utterance presupposes that the room was dirty.

33. “ He killed/ didn’t kill the bird.”

The utterance presupposes that the bird was dead.

34. “ What was John worried about?”

The utterance presupposes that John was worried.

35. “ Bill drank another glass of beer?”

The utterance presupposes that Bill had drunk many glass of beer.”

36. “ Could you lend me the novel when you finish it?”

The utterance presupposes that you have not finished the novel yet.

37. “ I can’t guess when the rain stops?”

The utterance presupposes that it is raining now.

38. “ Please take me to the circus again.”

The utterance presupposes that you has been to the circus before.

39. “ He pretended to be pleased with the gift.”

The utterance presupposes that he was not pleased with the gift.

40. “ If only you had taken his offer.”

The utterance presupposes that you did not take his offer.

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