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I. Complete these dialogues using expressions of offering help and the responses!

Dialog 1:
Sania : Hi, Melly. Your face is so pale. What happen?
Melly : I have stomachache. I did not have breakfast this morning.
Sania : . . . .
Melly : . . . .
Sania : Ok. Wait a minute.

Dialog 2:
Farid : where are you going, Fandy?
Fandy : . . . .
Farid : . . . .
Fandy : OK if you don’t need anything.

Dialog 3 :
Nelly : You look upset, Mer.
Merry : I just lost my money. Now, I’m confused how to go home.
Nelly : . . . . .
Merry : . . . . I will return it to you tomorrow.
Dialog 4 :
Tia : What are you doing Nia?
Nia : I’m trying to fix this toaster but I can’t find the problem.
Tia : . . . .
Nia : . . . .
Tia : I think that’s better.
Dialog 5 :
Young man : Excuse me, ma’am. What do you want to do?
Old woman : I want to cross the street but the traffic is very busy.
Young man : . . . .
Old woman : . . . .
II. Make up a short dialogue based on the following pictures using expressions of
offering help and the responses like in Part I ! Make sure that your dialogues really
represent the pictures!






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