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The treaty ruled on the conditions of the

billeting ("hospitatio") of the Imperial troops.

 Sources vary on whether Bogislaw XIV
obliged himself to the intake of eight[13][14][15] or
ten[16][17] regiments (approximately 24,000
soldiers).[15] According to Herbert Langer, twenty
multi-ethnic regiments with a total of 31,000
infantry and 7,540 cavalry were actually
counted.[1] To this number added military staff
and civilian baggage of unknown number.[1]
In general, all towns and villages were required
to quarter the troops, exempted were specified
domains of the House of Pomerania, estates
of knights, houses of clergy, councillors and
academics, as well as the ducal
residences Damm (now Szczecin-
Dąbie), Köslin (now Koszalin), Stettin (now
Szczecin) and Wolgast.[1]
The capitulation also included restrictions on
the army, in particular it forbade among others
the interference with trade, traffic and crafts;
holdups and robberies which would harm
towns, burghers, peasants or travellers; looting
and extortion; rape of decent women;[nb
 quartering of soldiers' families and servants;

and frivolous use of arms.[18]

Contributions, which were to pay to the imperial
forces by the duchy, were fixed at a weekly
407 Reichstalers per company and an
additional 2,580 Reichstalers per respective

Implementation and

Albrecht von Wallenstein

The towns
of Anklam, Demmin, Greifswald and Kolberg (n
ow Kolobrzeg) were made seats of a garrison
each, while in other towns, smaller units took
quarter.[19] Cavalry was stationed primarily in
villages due to both the easier handling of the
horses and the lower proportion
of desertion compared to infantry.[19]
Although not ruled out verbatim in the
capitulation's text, the conditions of quartering
in Pomerania followed established practice:
House and estate owners were to provide the
soldier with bed, vinegar and salt, and also
share kitchen and heatable living room at no
cost.[19] In theory, food had to be paid for; the
soldiers were to either compensate their hosts
or buy their victuals in special depots set up by
the military.[19]
Wallenstein had promised Ferdinand II, Holy
Roman Emperor to fund his army himself.[20] In
practice, this meant that the army was fed and
paid by contributions of the occupied territories
and war loot.[20] Since the higher ranks often
kept the already small fraction of war loot and
contributions thought to pay the lower ranks for
themselves, the soldiers satisfied their needs at
the expense of the local population instead
(bellum se ipsum alet).[19]
In addition to noncompliance with the
capitulation's provisions by the military,
hardship resulted from more frequent epidemics
caused by the quartering, and by shrinking
natural resources.[18] By 7 May 1628, Pomerania
had already paid 466,981 Reichstaler as
contributions – twice as much as the whole
Upper Saxon Circle’s annual output.[13] Suffering
in Pomerania was "undescribable and became
proverbial".[21] John George I, Elector of Saxony,
who still perceived the Upper Saxon Circle his
sphere of influence and anticipated imperial
occupation of his thitherto spared electorate,
sharply criticized Wallenstein’s practices, yet
without result.[21]

Alexander Leslie
Stralsund was the only town in the Duchy of
Pomerania to resist imperial occupation,
resulting in the Battle of Stralsund.[22] Unwilling
to surrender the considerable independence it
had long enjoyed as a Hanseatic town,
Stralsund ignored the duke's order to adhere to
the capitulation, instead turned
to Denmark and Sweden for support and was
aided in her defense by both.[23] Christian IV of
Denmark deployed a Scottish force raised
by Donald Mackay, and the Scots Alexander
Seaton and Alexander Leslie were in charge of
the defense when the former colonel, Holke,
retired to seek reinforcements.[24][nb 3] Wallenstein
laid siege to the town, and in July 1628
commanded several unsuccessful assaults in
person.[25] When Stralsund turned out to become
his first serious misfortune in the war, he lifted
the siege to win a last battle against Christian
IV near Wolgast.[25] Christian IV, who had
already destroyed Wallenstein's naval facilities
in Greifswald,[26] had intended to secure another
Pomeranian port besides Stralsund there, but
was utterly defeated and retreated to Denmark.
 Stralsund however signed an alliance
with Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, providing
him with a bridgehead on imperial territory
manned with a Swedish expeditionary force and
thus ultimately marking the Swedish entrance
into the Thirty Years' War.[25]
In February 1629, Bogislaw XIV pledged to
ease the occupation, and though Ferdinand
II re-assured the duke, he took no action.
 Instead the imperial Edict of Restitution of
March advertised the re-Catholization of the
empire’s Protestant states.[21] The Treaty of
Lübeck, which ended the hostilities between the
Danish king and the emperor in May, likewise
did not result in a relief or a lift of the
occupation,[21] even though the capitulation of
Franzburg had been justified with the emperor's
right to recruit military support from his subjects
to their own and the empire's protection.[1]
After France had mediated a truce between
the Swedish Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian
Commonwealth in September 1629, Sweden
was ready for an invasion of the Holy Roman
Empire.[25] The invasion was started when
Gustavus Adolphus' troops landed
on Usedom island in the spring of 1630, while
simultaneous assaults on Rügen and the
adjacent mainland by the Stralsund garrison
cleared his flank.[29] As a consequence, the
capitulation of Franzburg was replaced by a
Pomeranian-Swedish alliance confirmed in
the Treaty of Stettin.[30]

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