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Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd

This Scientific Paper in Intended to Fulfill One of the Requirements

for Sarjana Degree in English Study Program

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NIDN. 1015018703 NIDN. 1003128103

The Head of English Study Program



NIDN. 1015018703

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd

Rahma Yuliana1), Batdal Niati2), Rivi Antoni3),,
English Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Pasir Pengaraian


This research aimed to know the Effect of Using Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy on Students‟
Writing Skill of Recount Text at the Eleventh Grade of MA Bahrul „Ulum Rambah Hilir. The design method
was quasi eksperimental design with pre-test and post-test. The data were taken written test. Test was given to
12 students in the experimental class and 11 students in the control class.The result of the research showed that
there was a significant result. The data analyzed by Independent T-test with t-values was 8.031 compared with t-
table 5% (0.05) = 2.079. The finding showed that t-value t-table. It meant the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. Thus, it could be concluded that there was a significant
effect of using Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy.After applying Transition-Action-Details strategy,
students‟ can express their ideas through three columns (TAD) on the Transition-Action-Details strategy.

Keywords: Writing Recount Text, Transition-Action-Details Strategy, Experimental Design

INTRODUCTION successful in English subject especially in writing

recount text. First, many students do not know how
English is the most important language in the to write or they have no enough time to write.
world. English is one of tools used for Second, in writing, many students are confuse to
communication. According Niati (2019:108) express and develop their ideas in writing recount
English language is an international language used text because they lack of organization of recount
by each country. English has many functions for text. Third, students are mistake in writing recount
human such as for communication, giving text, such as poorly content, tenses, vocabulary,
information, teaching and learning process. English grammatically, and use adverb, they are luck of
is one of the subject education in the school. There attention.
are four skills should be learned and mastering by According to Peha (2003:38) states
the students, such as reading, listening, speaking, Transition-Action-Details (TAD) strategy is very
and writing. These four skills must be understood useful because the chance to describe a sequence of
by the students. events come up all the time such as in narrative
According to Harmer (2004) says that writing fiction and non-fiction writing, in plot summaries
is the process to tell something that is not real or it for reading, in the step of solving a math problem,
could be our imagination and show cased in in social studies when students recount text an
writing, writing also express their ideas, opinion, historical event, and in science when studying
and organized them in simple sentence in short chemical processes. Using Transition-Action-
paragraph. Based on researcher interview to the Details strategy guides the students‟ repair one of
teacher at MA Bahrul „Ulum Rambah Hilir, there component the writing especially focuses on the
were some problems why the students were not organization and language use. Transition-Action-

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
Details chart consist of “T” mean Transition, “A” (2009:112) writing is an activity that can usefully
means Actions, and “D” means details that describe be prepared for by work in other skills of listening,
something as a sequence of event, and also improve speaking, and reading. T. Linse (2005:98) says
their writing skill. A recount text must be arranged writing as the act of picking up a pencil and
in a sequence of events in a correct chronological forming letters either by printing or writing them in
order (Peha, 2003:38). cursive. According to Kasyulita (2015:38) writing
The strategy above has been developed to is especially difficult for nonnative speakers
present writing materials in the class. The students because they are expected to create written
can make recount text more easily and many ideas. products that demonstrate mastery of all the
Based on the background above, the researcher is aboveelements in a new language. Based on the
interested in carry out a research entitled “The explanation above, it can be concluded that writing
Effect of Using Transition-Action-Details (TAD) is a process of showing or expressing or transfer
Strategy on Students‟ Writing Skill of Recount the idea, thinking, feelings, or information the mind
Text at the Eleventh Grade of MA Bahrul „Ulum of the writer in the writing form.
Rambah Hilir”
2). Definition of Transition-Action-Details

1. Definition of Writing Transition Action Details for writing is

Writing is a way to produce language and important for the student to make the writing

express ideas, feelings, and opinions. Harmer process become easier. According to Peha

(2004:31). He adds that writing is helping to (2003:38) states TAD (Transition-Action-Details)

express our thinking in the written form so that strategy is a writing strategy used TAD (Transition-

other people understand well. Harmer (2004:4) he Action-Details) chart which consist of columns and

add that writing is used for a wide variety of rows that shows a sequence of events. There are

purpose it is product in many different form. three columns that must be filled by participant,

There are many experts whom define writing. such as transition column, actions column, and

First, According to Taylor (2009:4) writing is details column. Then each column can be filled by

extremely difficult task if they are trying to grapple several rows. After filled each rows and columns

in their language with new ideas and new ways of with sentence, the students can move the sentence

looking at them. Second, According to Antoni that consist about transitional signal, sequence of

(2016:59) Writing is one of the important skills in events, and some details action into a new recount

language learning including English as a foreign paragraph. According to Lester (2006:61)

language and it becomes trouble activities to the Transition Action Details (TAD) is a strategy that

students in developing written of a paragraph. uses to make up a story or talk about the events in

Third, According to Harmer (2004:79) writing as a the writer life. Peha (2003:40) says that teaching

skill, by far the most important reason for teaching writing recount text is teaching how to write or

writing. Fourth According to Donal (2015:100) telling a sequence of events. It means that this

writing should be mastered by the students in strategy can make student become easier to write

language learning. Fifth, According to Nation recount text.

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
Transition Action Details (TAD) strategy uses Transition Action Details strategy is good for
a chart to help students brainstorm their ideas. the teacher when do the teaching learning process.
According to Lester (2006:62) states that structure According to Nui (2013:48) describes the
of Transition Action Details (TAD) has three parts. procedure of using the TAD strategy as follows:
First, Transition: these are short words or phrases, First, introducing a sequence of events in relation
such as “Then,” “After a while,” or “All of a to the Transition-Action-Details (TAD) organizer.
sudden,” they help introduce each new action in the Second, write that happened in the box of the
sequence. You do not to have a transition for each “Action” column. Add a few notes about what
action, but transition can help your writing flow happened first in the “details” column, continue
more smoothly from section to section. Second, filling in the “action” and “details” colimns. Third,
Action: these are the actual events, or things that go back to the first box of the transition column and
happened, listed in the order in which they write a simple transition to introduce the first
occurred. Third, Details: this is additional action, continue adding transitions for each action.
information about each action. For example, for Fourth, read the completed TAD organizer as a
each thing that happens in a story, your readers completed draft. Make sure that ideas and details
may have two or three important questions they are presented in the best order. Fifth, transfer the
need like you to answer. These answer are your information from the TAD organizer into a final
details. According to Peha (2003:38) Transition draft. Then Peha (2003:38) states that there six
Action Details (TAD) strategy is very useful. By steps of applying Transition Action Details
using Transition Action Details (TAD) strategy, Strategy as followed: First, fill in the first „Action
students can organize and manage their ideas to box‟. Second, fill in the last „Action‟ box. Third,
write a recount text because this strategy uses a Fill in the middle of events sequence. Fourth, read
table that consist of three columns to manage over from the top to bottom of the „Action‟ box.
students‟ ideas. Fifth, fill in details (at least two per box). Sixth, fill
Transition Action Details very important for in the Transition (Optional). In this research, the
students to makes good paragraph. According to procedure of Transition Action Details (TAD)
Nui (2013:48) states Transition-Action-Details strategy can make students easy to writing recount
(TAD) strategy refer to a drafting strategy that text.
helps students to organize a sequence of events into The Effect Transition-Action-Details-Strategy
a paragraph. It is by Transition Action Details (TAD) Strategy on Writing
(TAD) strategy can help students easy to make a There are many effect of Transition Action
paragraph. Based on the explanation above, it can Details (TAD) strategy in do writing activity.
be concluded that Transition Action Details (TAD) According to Nui (2013:43) states Transition
strategy is one of strategy can help students to Action Details (TAD) strategy has some effect in
make a recount text by three columns to manage the writing process. They include: First, ideas-TAD
students ideas. strategy encourages students to develop multiple
The Procedure of Transition Action Details details related to one event in a sequence and to
(TAD) Strategy make the content of their writing more interesting
and engaging. TAD will help students to put the

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
main ideas on “action” column and develop Recount text is one of common text types that
multiple ideas on “details” column. Then, students used in writing. According to Knapp (2005:224)
may produce ideas with more supporting details Recount text, basically it is written out to make a
and descriptions. Second, organization-TAD helps report about an experience of a series of related
students learning how to structure a sequence of event. According to Hyland (2004:29) said that
events and use transition consistently. Since recount text is a kind of genre that has social
students do not only concern on the appropriateness function to retell event for the purpose of informing
and correctness of language used grammar, they or entertaining. The tense that used in recount text
need to concern with the way how sentences and is past tense. According to Warner (2009:25)
paragraph connect each other. In this way, the TAD Recount text is tells the reader about something that
encourage students to create an organized piece of has happened. According to Wardiman (2008:61)
writing through its application. Third, voice- Recount text is a text that telling the reader about
students develop their voice by showing their one story, action or activity.
awareness of the power of their words to impact The Generic Structure of Recount Text
their readers. With the TAD strategy, students The recount text have generic structure, it
demonstrate audience awareness by arranging same with other genre. According to Warner
events in different ways. It also encourages the (2009:25), the generic structure of recount text
students to show their personalities and authenticity consist of orientation, events, and conclusion. Then
of their story through writing. Therefore, their Hyland (2004:135) says that the common
writing become expressive, engaging, unique, and grammatical features of recount text is Orientation,
communicative. Fourth, word choice-students According to Wardiman (2008:61) states the
develop their word choice when they experiment generic structure of Recount text consist of
with word gathered from conversation or other orientation, events (event 1 and event 2) and
authors to craft their sentence. The TAD organizer reorientation.
can support students as they learn to use precise
and accurate words because the organizer provides
a space for students to develop details, transition,
This research is quasi-experimental design
and actions. Then, According to Peha (2003:38)
pre-test and post-test design. According to Howard
Transition Acton Details (TAD) strategy has some
(2014:1) quasi-experimental research design like
effect in the writing process as follows: First,
experimental design, test causal hypotheses.
Transition Action Details (TAD) strategy is useful
Sugiono (2013:77) shay that quasi-experimental is
for writing recount text. Second, TAD strategy will
a development of true experimental design, has a
help students learn to be specific. Third, Transition
control group but can not fully function to control
Action Details (TAD) strategy uses a chart to help
the external variables that affect the experimental
students brainstorm or ideas. Fourth, opportunities
implementation. This research design there are two
to describe a sequence of events come up all the
groups. They are experimental group and control
time in school.
group. The experimental group gives treatment and
3. Defenition of Recount Text
the control group is no treatment. Both of the
groups are given pre-test and post-test, post-test

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
score are compared to determine the effectiveness students for experimental group. the sample of this
of the treatment. research consist of all classes, experimental class
Experimental and quasi-experimental research and control class.
designs examine whether there is a casual The research instrument in this research is
relationship between independent and dependent written test. According to Sugiyono (2013:102)
variables. Simply defined, the independent variable states research instrument is a tool used to measure
is the variable of influence and the dependent natural and social phenomena that are specifically
variable is the variable that is being influenced observed, all phenomena are called research
(Loewen & Plonsky, 2016). The independent variables. In this research, the researcher wants to
variable is expected to bring about some variation measure students‟ writing skill through Transition-
or change in the dependent variable. This research Action-Details strategy. The instrument is writing
consist of two variables, there are: independent test. The test consist of pre-test and post-test. the
variable “X” and dependent variable “Y”. pre-test not use strategy. in this research, for pre-
Independent variable is using Transition-Action- test is give same topic to students and the topic are
Details strategy and dependent variable is students‟ Holiday, Happy Sunday, and My Wonderful Trip.
writing recount text. The students wrote recount text that consist of
Population is all of the subject of the research. 3 paragraph, first paragraph is orientation, second
“population is generalization area that consist of paragraph is events and the last paragraph is
object or subject that have certain qualities and reorientation. The post-test use to find out the
characteristic”(Sugiono:2013). The population of students writing skill after treatment given teaching
this research is all of the eleventh grade of MA with Transition-Action-Details strategy. In control
Bahrul „Ulum Rambah Hilir. The total of the class, students only did test with out the treatment.
population are two classes, they are XI.A and XI.B. The Procedure of Research for Control Class
So, in this research the total of the population were 1) Pre-Test
23 students. 2) No Treatment (Conventional)
Sample is more specific than population. 3) Post-Test
According to Sugiyono (2013:81) “sample is part
The Procedure of Research for Experiment Class
of the characteristic number possessed by the
population”. Sampling is the process of selecting a 1) Pre-Test
number of individuals for a study in such a way 2)Treatment (Transition-Action-Details Strategy)
that individuals represent the large group which 3) Post-Test
they were selected. In this research, the researcher Technique of Data Analysis
is use total sampling because the population of this 1) Normality Data
research is limit. According to Sugiyono (2013:85) 2) Homogeneity Data
states total sampling is when all members of the 3) T-test
population are used as samples and is carried out Finally, the researcher computed the
when the population is relatively small, less than 30 hyphothesis significant. It is for knowing wether
people. So, in this research the sample are 23 the H1 is accepted or not. To measuring the data,
students, 11 students for control groups, and 12 the researcher used SPSS application.

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
The researcher indicated the description of post-test data. The data was collected by students‟ post-test
scores both of two classes; experiment and control. There were 11 students in control class and there were 12
students in experimental class which explained in the table 1.
Table 1. Post-test Scores in Experiment Class and Control Class

No Control class Post-test score Experiment class Post-test score

1 S1 44,33 S1 73,33
2 S2 44,00 S2 72,00
3 S3 66,33 S3 75,33
4 S4 54,67 S4 75,33
5 S5 49,67 S5 68,33
6 S6 49,67 S6 69,33
7 S7 43,00 S7 72,00
8 S8 54,00 S8 72,33
9 S9 49,33 S9 79,67
10 S10 48,67 S10 66,00
11 S11 58,67 S11 63,00
12 S12 65,33
 562,33  852,00
Mean 51,12 Mean 71,00

The mean score in control class was 51,12 and in mean score in experimental class was higher than
experimental class was 71,00. It meant that the in control class.

Table 2. Normality Test Data of Experiment and Control Class in Post-test

Statistic Df Sig.

Post-test Experiment Class .976 12 .962

Post-test Control .913 11 .266

Table 2. shows that sig. Post-test scores in rejected. It means that sig. 0.962 ≥ 0.05, the data
experiment class was 0.962. if sig ≥ 0.05, then the were normally distributed. Post-test scores in
data were normal and H0 was accepted. But, if sig ≤ control class was 0.266. if sig ≥ 0.05, then the data
0.05, then the data were not normal and H0 was

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
were normal and H0 was accepted. But, if sig ≤ rejected. It meant that sig. 0.266 ≥ 0.05, the data
0.05, then the data were not normal and H0 was was normally distributed.

Table 3. Homogeneity Test of Post-test Score in Experiment Class and Control Class

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.036 1 21 .320

After analyzing the data, table 4.8 shows that Details (TAD) strategy on students‟ writing skill of
sig. post-test experiment class and control class was recount text at the eleventh grade of MA Bahrul
0.320. It meant that if sig ≥ 0.05, then the data „Ulum Rambah Hilir.
homogenous and H0 was accepted. To analyze the The Null Hypothesis (H0) = There is no
result of post-test between experiment class and significant effect of Using Transition-Action-
control class, the researcher used independent Details (TAD) strategy on students‟ writing skill of
sample T-test. The result could be seen on table 4. recount text at the eleventh grade of MA Bahrul
The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) = There is „Ulum Rambah Hilir.
significant effect of Using Transition-Action-

Table 4. The Result of Post-test Scores between Experiment Class and Control Class

Post-test scores Group Mean N SD Df t-value p-

Experiment 70.9983 12 4.79518 21 7.901 0.000
Control 51.1218 11 6.96698
After analyzing the data by using Independent Sample T-test, table 4.10 shows that the mean of post-test
score in experimental class was 70.99 along with the standar deviation is 4.975. Meanwhile in control class, the
mean of post-test score was 51.12 along with standard deviation is 6.966. Then, df both of classes are 21, and t-
value was 8.031 with sig. p-value 0.000 compare with table 5% (0.05) = 2.079. the data showed that t-value
8.031 ≥ t-table 5% (0.05) = 2.079. In conclusion, H a was accepted and H0 was rejected. Because t-value ≥ t-
table. In short, Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy had effect on students‟ writing recount text
First, according to Peha (2003:38) stated Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy is a writing strategy
used TAD chart which consist of columns and rows that shows a sequence of events. Second, Lester (2006:61)
stated that Transition-Action-Details (TAD) strategy is a strategy that uses to make up a story or talk about the
events in the writer life. Third Nui (2013:48) Transition-Action-Details strategy refer to a drafting strategy that
helps students to organize a sequence of events into a paragraph. based on the explanation above, it can be

Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd
concluded that Transition-Action-Details strategy is one of strategy can help students to make a recount text by
three columns to manage students ideas.
Based on the result of the data analysis and of content, organization, vocabulary, language use
discussion, the researcher concluded that the use of and mechanic.
Transition-Action-Details strategy had significantly In short, there was significant effect of using
effects of students‟ writing recount text, since the Transition-Action-Details (TAD) strategy on
score of students who were taught by TAD strategy students‟ writing skill of recount text at the
is higher than using conventional method at the eleventh grade of MA Bahrul „Ulum Rambah Hilir.
eleventh grade of MA Bahrul „Ulum Rambah Hilir. The students‟ activeness increased during
From the t-test calculation, the resracher performing the Transition-Action-Details Strategy
found that the t-value was higher than t-table. from the first meeting until the last meeting. After
Therefore, t-value was 8.031 and t-table was 2.079 applying Transition-Action-Details strategy,
(t-value > t-table, 8.031 > 2.079. It meant that Ha students‟ can express their ideas through three
and H0 was rejected. There were slightly columns (TAD) on the Transition-Action-Details
differences between students‟ writing skill of pre- strategy.
test and post-test in experiment class, such the use
ACKNOWLEDGMENT the time, suggestion, guidance, motivation, support,
so that I can finish this paper. The researcher hopes
Praise to Almighty God for his blessing and that this paper can be useful for all the readers and
guidance. So that, this research paper can be hopefully this paper can be the reference for the
finished. The researcher would like to say thank next researchers who are interested to do research
you to my advisors Batdal Niati, M.Pd, and Rivi in the same field.
Antoni, M.Pd. Thank you very much for


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Student : Rahma Yuliana

Advisor 1 : Batdal Niati, M.Pd
Advisor 2 : Rivi Antoni, M.Pd

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