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T-TS-09-001 Technical Schedules
400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 1 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021


A.1 All standard accessories, including those not indicated in this Specification, shall be furnished.

A.2 The detailed work to be performed by Employer or Contractor shall be as follows:

Employer Contractor
Design Yes
Fabrication & Manufacture per Specifications Yes
Factory Tests (Design, Routine and Quality Conformance) Yes
Packing and Delivery to Port of Loading Yes
Delivery from Port of Loading (FOB) to Port of Entry (CIF Port of Entry)

Unloading and Loading at Port of Entry Yes

Delivery from Port of Entry to Site or Stockyard Yes
Unloading at Site or Stockyard Yes
Storage, Moving * and Care of Goods Yes Yes
Checking all parts at Site or Stockyard Yes
Unpacking (at Site) Yes
Tools and Equipment for Installation and/or Testing Yes
Field Testing * Yes Yes
Installation/Erection Yes
Quality Assurance Control Yes Yes
* To be witnessed by both Employer and Contractor or their representatives.

A.3 The services of a competent field service engineer or technician is required under this contract.
(is, is not)

B. TECHNICAL DATA Contractor's Data

Note: The Contractor is required to provide all the information required

under the column "Contractor's Data". Although not given by the
Employer, the Contractor’s data shall be based on international standard.
B.1 Site Conditions and Environment
B.1.1 The expected environmental and meteorological conditions for the
location of the conductor installation are as follows:
a) Elevation above sea level (m) < 1000
b) Ambient conditions at equipment location
1. Temperature range °C 5-45
2. Relative Humidity %, at 35oC 95
c) Maximum outdoor daily average Temperature, °C 40
d) Outdoor Air Conditions:
1. Tropical (Yes, No) Yes
2. Dust Laden (Yes, No) Yes
3. Salt Laden (Yes, No) Yes
e) Degree of Contamination (Specify light, medium, heavy, very heavy
Heavy to Very Heavy
according to IEC )

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________
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400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 2 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021

Design Wind Velocity:

a) Maximum design wind, 3s gust, factored according to IEC 60826 40m/s
f) b) Exceptional design
wind, 3s gust, factored according to IEC 60826
Terrain category: "B", according to IEC 60826
g) Anticipated Contamination Sources During transport and storage Sea Salt
h) Other outdoor abnormal conditions: (Yes, No) Yes
1. Chemical pollution sources Sea Salt
2. H2S gas No
3. Other (Ionisation of air during bus fires, some places) Yes
B.1.2 Equipment shall be protected for outdoor storage for a period of: year 2
(specify one, other)

B.2 Quantities
B.2.1 The quantities of conductors and its accessories required under this
contract are indicated in the Schedule of Quantities

B.3 Technical Characteristics and Requirements

The Employer requirements are indicated below. The Contractor shall
indicate his data corresponding to the said Employer's requirements to
facilitate evaluation and to compare Contractor's compliance to the
B.3.1 Ground Rods
a. Length of Rods (m) 2 (min)
b. Diameter of Rod (mm) min. 40
c. Weight of Rod (kg)
d. Minimum Weight of Zinc Coating (gm/m2) 410
B.3.2 Counterpoise wire
a. Type GSW
b. Diameter (mm) 11.5
c. Zinc coat thickness (microm) min. 70
B.3.3 Miscellaneous Materials
a. Contractor shall provide the following accessory materials for the
complete installation of type grounding:
1. Terminal connectors to connect grounding wire to tower/pole Yes
2. Clamp to connect grounding wire to earth rod and suitable to the
grounding wire to be used
3. Vinyl tape Yes
4. Installation Instructions Yes

B.4 Tests and Experience Requirements

B.4.1 Test Requirements
a. Mechanical test on the material used required (Yes, No) Yes
b. Galvanizing test to be performed (Yes, No) Yes

c. Embrittlement tests required (Yes, No) Yes

d. Factory Acceptance Tests to be witnessed by Employer’s representatives

(Yes, No)
e. Required no. of Employer’s personnel to witness test

B.4.2 Additional Tests

If additional tests are required, these shall be as follows:

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________
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400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 3 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________
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400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 4 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021

B.4.3 Material and Manufacturer’s Experience

a. The manufacturer should have been in the business of manufacturing
grounding materials for transmission lines with a rated voltage of 66 kV 10
and above for not less than : (years)
b. The material offered should have been in the actual service for not less
than: (years)

B.5 Submittals
B.5.1 Contractor shall answer Yes, if documents are submitted with his
proposal. If yes, indicate what portion of the document proposed, i. e.
page no., volume no., etc.
a. Proposed time bar schedule to meet submission of drawings, delivery,
installation and commissioning schedules (Yes, No)
b. Certified Design Test Reports Yes
c. Reference Lists Yes

d. QA Program and ISO 9001 Certification or 9002 as appropriate. Yes

e. All other data requested in the Specifications Yes

B.6 Shipping and Packing

B.6.1 Shipping Limitations
a. Each individual crate, shipping unit, package, pallet or crate must not
exceed the following limits:
1. Length, m. *
2. Width, m *
3. Height, m *
4. Weight, kg *

* Note:

No shipping limitation will be imposed by the Employer on the Contractor.

The responsibility will lie on the Contractor whether the dimensions of his supplied equipment
and materials in crate or in box will be appropriate for loading, unloading and transported to the
Project Site.

The Contractor must at his own expense, conduct an ocular route survey of all roads, bridges,
overpasses, etc., from the Port of Entry to the Project Site and examine for himself the conditions
of all roads and bridges.

The Contractor shall check the capacity and availability of loading and unloading facilities which
will be utilized in connection with his transport operation, as well as its characteristics, taking
appropriate measures to avoid damaging the same, All costs related to the reinforcements of
roads, bridges and the like, if any, shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall
coordinate his own transport program and shall advise the proper authorities of the transit of the
heaviest items to be transported and shall comply with the instructions given by said authorities.
All damages caused to public roads, streets or public structures shall be compensated by the
Contractor at his own expense.

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________
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400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 5 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021

B.6.2 Packing
a. Each crate, box or package must have a packing list and in addition to the
usual and customary marks, the following identifying marks shall be

1. Client Name
2. Project name and ID
3. Destination
4. Case No.
5. Gross Weight (kg)
6. Net Weight (kg)
7. Dimension (L x W x H)

B.7 Spares and Spare Parts

B.7.1 Spares are already included in the schedule of requirements. It is
understood that these spares will be used only by the Employer in case of
damage or failure of the grounding materials outside of the warranty
period for the transmission line. The Contractor therefore is obliged to
provide sufficient quantities as replacements for failures or damages
during installation and during the duration of the warranty period.

B.8 Tools
B.8.1 No particular tools would be required for the supply of grounding materials. Tools and equipment
necessary for the installation of the grounding materials shall be the responsibility of the


C.1 The Contractor furnished data and information are included in this Specification to indicate the
guaranteed performance data, predicted performance, interface requirements and construction
features of all Contractor furnished equipment. The accuracy of such information and the
compatibility of such information with overall performance requirements specified by the
Employer are the sole responsibility of the Contractor.

C.2 Environmental Considerations

In accordance with the Design Basis, the operating environment for this installation
_______________(will, will not) affect the life expectancy of the components used in this
equipment. If there be an effect, the following components will be affected as follows:

Component: Effect:

C.3 Other Technical Data Contractor’s Data

C.3.1 Name of Manufacturer
1. Ground Rod
2. Terminal Connector
3. Ground Clamp
4. Counterpoise wire
C.3.2 Country of Origin
1. Ground Rod
2. Terminal Connector
3. Ground Clamp

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________
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400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 6 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021

4. Counterpoise wire

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________
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400kV s.c. Transmission Lines 4xACSR-Tern Page 7 of 7 Date: 10/26/2021

C.3.3 Weight of Crates (kg)

1. Ground Rod
2. Terminal Connector
3. Ground Clamp
4. Counterpoise wire
D.1 Exceptions
D.1.1 If Contractor's Submission contains any exception(s) to the requirements of this specification, he
shall state it (them) here or on a properly identified attached sheet. Any exceptions taken may
render Contractor's Submission as non-complying. Any exception(s) stated by the Contractor
anywhere else, except in this section, will be disregarded by Employer. If the Contractor has no
exceptions, state "NONE".

Contractor's Exception:

E.2 Clarifications
E.2.1 The Contractor may, but is not required to, provide clarification to his Submission in the space
provided or on a properly identified attached sheet.

Contractor's Clarification:

Date: __________________________
Contractor's Signature: __________________________

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