7 Well Known Theories

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Panspermia - The panspermia theory has was organized chemical reactions, not

origins in Egypt's Old Kingdom, as well as early replication

Hinduism, the philosophy of Greek pre-Socratic - Alexander Oparin proposed the
philosopher Anaxagoras, and Jewish and "Metabolism First" hypothesis to define the
Christian Gnostics. start of life during the first half of the
- According to the panspermia theory, microbial twentieth century, emphasizing the main
life exists in space or on bodies such as role of cells as little amounts of
comets and asteroids, and it may be safely coacervates.
delivered to Earth and begin life there. - Simple molecules like acetate, a two-carbon
- The idea of panspermia is that life on earth chemical generated from carbon dioxide
did not originate on earth but it came from and water, are formed spontaneously in the
somewhere else early processes.
- could be interstellar or interplanetary
 The term "interstellar panspermia" Chilly start - Because the sun was three times
refers to the movement of life among star less bright than it is now, ice may have filled
the oceans 3 billion years ago. This coating of
 The transportation of life through
ice, which may have been hundreds of feet
surrounding stars and planets is known
thick, could have insulated the water's fragile
as interplanetary panspermia.
organic molecules from ultraviolet radiation and
- The idea's origins can be traced back to the
cosmic impacts.
Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Anaxagoras
of Clazomenae (500 to 428 BCE). The Pre- - Some scientists believe life evolved inside
Socratics were more scientists than hundreds of feet of ice that reportedly
philosophers, and they attempted to discover blanketed the early oceans, rather than
reasonable explanations for the world around super-hot hydrothermal vents.
them. Anaxagoras cites ‘seeds' (in Greek, - Ice cracks could have provided a secure
spermata) as part of the cosmos twice in his environment for the first life on Earth to
cosmological thoughts, however he does not replicate and evolve, similar to a cell.
define the term. - In 1994, scientists postulated that repeated
cycles of freezing and thawing could help
RNA World - The basic concept behind a "RNA speed up some of the chemical reactions
World" is that during the first stages of life on required for life.
Earth, RNA replication ensured hereditary
stability, and genetically imprinted proteins were Deep-sea vents - When seawater circulates
not used as catalysts. through heated volcanic rocks on the ocean
- Because it has a structure that is extremely floor, a vent forms, which is commonly found
comparable to DNA, RNA may perform the where new oceanic crust is forming.
same role as DNA in terms of storing and - According to a new theory, the primordial
transmitting genetic data. life-forms that gave birth to all life on Earth
- Carl Woese, Francis Crick, and Leslie Orgel deserted deep-sea vents because they
came up with the RNA World Hypothesis in "invented" a tiny pump. Life-giving chemical
the 1960s. It is hypothesized that early reactions would have been fueled by these
living forms stored genetic information primitive cellular pumps.
solely in RNA. - In 1977, scientists discovered surprising
- According to the RNA world, a self- biological populations living near oceanic
replicating RNA evolved billions of decades hydrothermal vents, distant from sunlight
ago in certain primordial mix of chemicals. and flourishing on a chemical soup rich in
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sulfur
“Metabolism-first” model - that the quality of emitted by the geysers. Scientists then
the original formulation that led to “life” and the argued that hydrothermal vents provided an
interconnected networks of chemical processes excellent habitat for microbial life to
that increased in development through time originate on early Earth, based on these
Community clay - Clay produces a hydrogel,
which is a mass of small gaps capable of
absorbing liquids like a sponge, in replicated
ancient seawater. Chemicals contained in tiny
niches may have carried out the complicated
processes that resulted in the formation of
proteins, DNA, and finally all of the machinery
that makes a living cell function over billions of
- Clay is a viable candidate because
biomolecules adhere to its surface, and
theorists have demonstrated that
cytoplasm, a cell's internal environment,
functions similarly to a hydrogel.
- Community Clay proposes that life began
and was ultimately created within the
Earth's layers of clay.
- Clay idea of life genesis was proposed by
A. Graham Cairns-Smith (Cairns-Smith
1982). He based his theory on the idea that
the original structure for information transfer
could have been a clay-like inorganic
substance rather than an organic complex.

Electric spark - The Electric Spark Theory

proposes that life began with the creation of
amino acids by electricity.

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