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Second unit project: Public relations

Subject: Concierge and public relations

Teacher: Iván José Ocampo Rodríguez

Student : Mirna Llaquelin Perez

Group : Tu51


Nickelodeon…………….. 4


Press releases……………………..5

Press conferences………………………7


Product presentation……………………….9

Flow chart………………..10

Prices / costs…………………..11 and 12

Information sources……………..13


This project is based on the realization of the opening of the nickelodeon hotel and
all the following elements it carries Sponsorships, press releases, press
conferences, inaugurations, revivals, lobbying product presentation, Justification
(description of the company), Content (must include a flowchart with the
organization process), Gantt Media Plan Diagram, Prices /costs (corroborable) and
Sources of information.
All these elements were necessary for the development of this project since
sponsorships are based on the company Karisma which made the hotel. The press
release and dam conference is intended to communicate everything about the
opening and information about your facilities and more.
We also talked about the inauguration of how the event would be and what it would
entail as well as the presentation of the hotel. A justification was also made which
describes the hotel and a flowchart about the activities to be carried out and what it
would take, in the media plan were added local guests such as Ana Mary Irabien
director of public relations of Karisma, governor, Mario Mathieu General director of
Karisma , Antonio Chaves one of the partners , reporters and Journalists as Diario
Cambio 22, the universal, the economist and external guests such as Henry
Jimenez Professional photographer and Youtuber is known for taking photographs
of many famous people of Mexico and Scott traveling a Youtuber known for his
travels around the world.
All for the purpose of the nickelodeon opening.


 El concepto Nickelodeon llegó a la Riviera Maya con la apertura de sus

instalaciones bajo la temática del canal y de los diversos personajes de
caricaturas, recibiendo este domingo a sus primeros huéspedes a quienes
ofrecerá una experiencia única en su tipo.

El hotel contará con 280 suites con piscina y vista al mar, cada suite puede alojar
a familias de hasta cinco personas, quienes se encontrarán con decoraciones,
piezas de arte y elementos de diseño lúdicos con los personajes favoritos del
canal, que los transportarán al mundo de fantasía de Nickelodeon. Contará con
cuatro suites exclusivas ubicadas en el penthouse, entre ellas la Suite de Piña y la
Suite Guarida de las Tortugas Ninja.

Servicios del establecimiento

Estacionamiento gratis
Internet de alta velocidad gratuito (WiFi)
Gimnasio / Sala de entrenamiento
Desayuno gratis
Sala de juegos
Libros, DVD, música para niños


Mario Mathieu, Vicepresidente Senior de Desarrollo de Negocios, Diseño y

Construcción de Karisma Hotels & Resorts

Press releases

Press conferences


Hotel Nickelodeon Riviera Maya and its


PLAYA DEL CARMEN, August 15.- The Nickelodeon concept arrived in the Riviera
Maya with the opening of its facilities under the theme of the channel and the
various cartoon characters, receiving this Monday its special guests for the event
to whom it will offer a unique experience of its kind.

After announcing months ago the opening of this themed hotel, it was until this
Monday when it made its opening official to the public, receiving its special guests
who were received with the musical piece of the SpongeBob cartoon, all in order to
give them a warm welcome.
Ana Mary Irabien, director of public relations at Karisma Hotels, said they are
proud of the opening of the hotel.
He indicated that, although the hotel is planned for families, they currently already
have reservations of young and not so young people who want to come and live
the experience, which shows that this concept is multigenerational.
The event was held at 5:00 p.m., where special guests and the press came to the
facility. The event was first a cocktail for all its guests, then there were words by
Mario Mathieu, Senior Vice President of Business Development, Design and
Construction of Karisma Hotels & Resorts about the presentation of the hotel and
its facilities and then congratulate karisma and nickelodeon for seeing come here
and finish the hotel for the opening of its facilities to future guests.
The journalists and press were always attentive to take photographs of any news
of the event, to the special guests.
To end the event, Vice President Mario Mathieu was in charge for the end of the

Product presentation

The hotel is a new complex -the only one of its kind in Mexico-, has a total of 280
rooms, each of which is themed, and with furniture that are made specifically with
the entire history of Nickelodeon. All rooms have an ocean view and have an
infinity pool on the terrace.
This hotel is designed for the national and Latin American market, so that they no
longer have to travel to the United States to live an experience of a hotel and a
themed park.
The hotel is a total investment in Nickelodeon's products, with the most endearing
characters like SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, the Ninja Turtles,
Rugrats and Garfield, just to name a few.
In addition, it has new applications to take care of health standards, such as the
"Piece of Mind" program, which is established by Karisma, in which all health
protocols are taken care of and applied, in addition to having all the local, national
and international certifications.
Reservations are now available, where families can secure their accommodation at
Mexico's first Nickelodeon Resort, which will also have one of the largest water
attractions in the country, where they can enjoy the best Nickelodeon themed
vacation experience.

Flow chart

List of Make Sending

invitations invitations invitations

Day event Press Press

conferences releases



Diario cambio 22
Fraction Costs Additional Total to pay

For once $583.00 $90.00 MXN $673.00


For two $1165.00 $180.00 $1345.00


For tree $1748.00 $270.00 $2018.00

times MXN MXN

Information sources

22, C. (2021, 2 agosto). Hotel Nickelodeon Riviera Maya Recibe a sus Primeros
Huéspedes Tras su Apertura Oficial. Cambio 22 - Noticias al momento.

Álvarez, M. (2020, 17 septiembre). Tarifario. El universal.

Jesús Vázquez 01 de agosto de 2021, 22:15. (2021, 2 agosto). Hotel Nickelodeon

inicia operaciones en la Riviera Maya. El Economista.

Redacción, L. (2021, 12 febrero). Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts llega a Riviera

Maya. Travel Times.


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