Zero and First Conditional Workshop NAME: Luis Rafael Vicent Echeverria FICHA: 1941756

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NAME: Luis Rafael Vicent Echeverria FICHA: 1941756

1. Think about things that are always true in your life. Write 5 sentences telling them.

Example: If I wear perfume, I start sneezing. (25


a. If I have vacations, I travel to my grandmother's.

b. If I play football for a long time, my knee hurts.

c. If I'm in a cold place for a long time, my nose is covered.

d. If I don't put my glasses, my eyes burn.

e. If I eat at the wrong time, I get gastritis.

2. Imagine you have just got a promotion in your job. This means you will be earning the
double from what you are earning right now, you will have two assistants under your
control, and you will have the opportunity to select your working schedule. Write five
sentences about a good job you have always wanted. In those sentences you need to write
the kind of promotion you’ve got and some of the activities you could do if you got that

Example: If I get a good job, I will always arrive on time. (25


a. If I’m promoted to business manager, I could arrange my office for my liking.

b. If I’m promoted to business manager, I could organize tasks for my assistants.

c. If I’m promoted to business manager, I could be on boards of directors

d. If I’m promoted to business manager, I could have communication with clients.

e. If I’m promoted to business manager, I could travel to do business with other companies

3. Watch the following pictures and decide if it is zero or first conditional. Then, write the
sentences (Remember, one picture relates to the condition clause and the other to the result
clause). (50

Zero conditional
If the weathers is hot, the ice cream can

First conditional
If it’s winters, I can make a snowman

Zero conditional.

If the water boils, it evaporates.

First conditional
If it rains, she could watch tv
Zero conditional

If you don't water the plant, it dies

First conditional
If he runs on time, he will take the

= school bus.

First conditional
If she studies, she will pass the exam.
First conditional

If he doesn't arrive to work on time, his

= boss will be angry.

Zero conditional

+ = If you mix blue and yellow, you get


First conditional

If I go on travel, I will go on to the

= Eiffel Tower

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