Thelogy 3: Sacraments and Liturgy ASSESSMNTS: Identification

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Ma. Christine S.

Roque BSP 2


ASSESSMNTS: Identification
1. Liturgy
2. Paschal Mystery
3. Baptism
4. Old Law
5. Eucharist
6. New Law
7. Sacraments
8. Sensible Signs
9. Matter of a Sacrament
10.Form of Sacrament
11.Sacramental Grace
12.Sacramental Character
13.Conventional Symbols
14.Accidental Symbols
15.Universal Symbols
16.Efficacious Symbols
17.Original/Primordial Sacrament
18.Foundational Sacrament
20.ex opera operato

Trinitarian- Trinitarian is a Christian belief that there is One God, who is Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. In Catholic Church, the Holy Trinity which is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; plays a
vital role in Liturgy and of course in Christians Day to day lives, as we begin our day with the
Sign of the cross. The Holy Trinity is composed of three persons; The Father, as the source of
our life. The Son, which is our savior and the Holy Spirit, prepares the church to encounter God.
In my own understanding I choose Trinitarian as one of the Church qualities because the one
who perform the trinity is the Church, the people of God we, the Church, to the extent that we
work for unity and love among all of us, we become signs that points to the union between God
and us. The Holy Trinity also serves us our guiding shield and guidance as we go and walk with
our journey in life. As a Christian I understand that the Trinitarian is one of the qualities of
God’s people in the Churches, it is where we begin our day and profess our faith.

2. Ethically Oriented- Filipinos had/ have a unique and a strong personality in every endeavor
that we encountered. In ethically oriented, the Liturgy moves us into a deeper relationship
with God and with one another. It is the source of grace for all of us, purifying our mind, soul
and hearts as we carry out our day-to-day endeavors. One as aspects is expected from us to
live a moral life, moral in the sense that we do everything in accordance with God’s Holy will.
The Church or the people always have the qualities of positivity despite of the circumstances
and struggles of life. Because of our belief and faith in Liturgy, Liturgy helps us to deepen our
understanding the will of God in us, and to live with dignity and morality. I must say, that
ethically oriented is one of many qualities of the people in the church. A quality of being strong,
understandable, knowledgeable, helpful, and a caring heart for the poor and the needy and
most of all, our relationship with God that help us to live with dignity.

Eternal Life in Christ ( Romans 16:19-23)

The church is made up of ordinary, diverse people who know the Lord, are
growing in Him, serve Him, and love one another.

The spiritual aspect of humanity is an enrichment giving sense and purpose to life.
That does not mean that there is not a spiritual aspect to the life of every human
being that needs to be nurtured. In reflection with the bible verse above, God
says “I want you to be wise as what is good and innocent as to what is evil”.
Through liturgy and sacraments we have an opportunity to thank and talk to God
intimately. Also the main purpose of Liturgy is to quicken the mind, energize the
body, and awaken the soul. The sacraments are sacred rituals, instituted by Jesus,
in which God’s grace is instilled by the Holy Spirit. In general the liturgy and
sacraments help me to grow as a Human person, it helps me to strengthen my
faith in midst of my misfortune in life and It helps me to manage many problems
in life. In some aspect of life, especially in spiritual life and with my relationships
towards community and other people, liturgy and sacraments help me to improve
every single day, to understand what are my life purpose, what is the purpose of
life and to live in happiness, peace and spirituality. It gives me an amazing light in
my journey towards my community and other people. According to them, to live
in sacramental life also means to be immersed in the life and prayer of the
church. The church’s liturgy is where this is most profoundly done. Full and active
participation in the Mass is the key. This means being there both in body and in
spirit. We must understand where we are, what we are doing and what is really
going on in the Mass. The graces of the Mass are then supposed to be lived out
throughout one’s life, as are the graces of all the other sacraments, for
sacraments give us God’s life, and in their turn, call for response. So, I think for
me, that’s how liturgy and sacraments enriched, nourished/strengthened me in
my spiritual life and my relationship towards community and other people.

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