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ME1052 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

ME1052 - Fundamentals of Thermodynamics


Q1. a) Is iced water a pure substance? Why?

b) What is the difference between saturated liquid and compressed liquid?

Q2. a) Is it possible to have water vapor at -10°C? Explain.

b) A househusband is cooking potatoes for his family in a pan that is (i) uncovered, (ii) covered
with a light lid, and (iii) covered with a heavy lid. For which case will the cooking time be
the shortest? Why?

Q3. a) Which process requires more energy: completely vaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water
at 1 atm pressure or completely vaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 8 atm pressure?
b) What is the physical significance of hfg? Does hfg change with pressure? Explain?

Q4. Three kilograms of water in a container have a pressure of 100 kPa and temperature of 1500C.
What is the volume of this container?

Q5. A 1.8 m3 rigid tank contains steam at 220°C. One third of the volume is in the liquid phase
and the rest is in the vapor form. Determine (a) the pressure of the steam, (b) the quality of
the saturated mixture, and (c) the density of the mixture
ME1052 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

Q6. A cooking pan in which the inner diameter is 20 cm is filled with water and covered with a 4
kg lid. If the local atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, determine the temperature at which the
water starts boiling when it is heated.

Q7. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 50 L of liquid water at 40 0C and 200 kPa. Heat is
transferred to the water at constant pressure until the entire liquid is vaporized.
(a) What is the mass of the water?
(b) What is the final temperature?
(c) Determine the total enthalpy change.
(d) Show the process on a T-v diagram with respect to saturation lines

Q8. Water initially at 200 kPa and 300 0C is contained in a piston-cylinder device fitted with stops.
The water is allowed to cool at constant pressure until it exists as a saturated vapor and the
piston rests on the stops. Then the water continues to cool until the pressure is 100 kPa. On
the T-v diagrams sketch, with respect to the saturation lines, the process curves passing
through both the initial, intermediate, and final states of the water. Label the T, P and v values
for end states on the process curves. Find the overall change in internal energy between the
initial and final states per unit mass of water.
ME1052 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

Q9. Radial tire company has a fire tube boiler to generate steam for their tire production. Steam is
used as the heat supplying method for tire curing process in order to maintain constant curing
temperature. If the operating pressure of boiler is 10 bar, what is the curing temperature of the
tire. If the curing time of a tire is 40 min and 20 L of condensed water has been collected, how
much heat is required for the tire curing process?

Q10. A piston–cylinder device contains 0.005 m3 of liquid water and 0.9 m3 of water vapor in
equilibrium at 600 kPa. Heat is transferred at constant pressure until the temperature reaches
200 0C.

(a) What is the initial temperature of the water?

(b) Determine the total mass of the water.
(c) Calculate the final volume.
(d) Show the process on a P-v diagram with respect to saturation lines.

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