Quarter 1 Week 6: Media and Information Literacy

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Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”



Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit


QUARTER 1 WEEK 6 DAY __________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL G-12 dd/mm/yyyy
TOPIC Types of Media
Compare and contrast how one particular issue of news is
presented through the different types of media (print,
LEARNING broadcast, online).
COMPETENCY a. Describe the types of media.
b. Identify the different types of media.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Topic Title: Types of Media

The word media was derived from the Latin word medius, which means “middle.” It is the
plural of medium, which refers to the tool people use to mediate or facilitate the transfer of
communication between a sender and a receiver.

In the previous lessons, you have been acquainted with the history of media development and
the importance of being media and information literate. In this lesson, you will learn the different
types of media. In the modern world, technological developments go as far as combining all
traditional media into one, and utilizing computer and internet in almost every aspect of people‟s lives
especially in the urban areas. Study the different types of media discussed below.

Print media is one of the oldest forms of advertising. It remains to be one of the most popular
forms because it can reach a wide target audience. These are materials that are written and are
physically distributed. They enrich the souls and bring people to the world beyond imagination. Print
media include those media of communication, which are controlled by time, can be read at any
available time and can be kept for record.
There are various types of print media, which help advertisers to target a particular segment of
consumers. These are the following:
They are the most popular form of print media. They are generally delivered at home, or are
available at newsstands. It is the most inexpensive way to reach a huge mass of people quickly. It is
most effective and important media of mass communication. It gives information to the people in the
printed form. There are ddifferent types of newspapers that cater to various audiences.
They provide detailed articles on various topics, like food, fashion, sports, finance, lifestyle, and
so on. Magazines are published weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, and many of them are sold
all over the world. It is most important print media of mass communication that gives information to
the people. In magazines people show their talent in the form of anything. It is the predecessor of the
daily newspaper.
They are the most effective mass media and the best source of education. Actually they are the
best and cheapest means of storing and transmitting to others the records. By books people easily get
information and knowledge.

It is a publication that mostly covers one main topic. Sometimes, people have to subscribe for the
newsletters. Newsletters are generally used as information sources for neighbourhood, communities,
and groups having an interest about a particular topic, or event. They are also used for promotional
purpose, political campaigns, or for causes.

The term 'broadcast media cover a wide range of different communication methods
that include television, radio, podcasts, blogs, advertising, websites, online streaming and
digital journalism. Broadcast media provide valuable information that can inform and educate
people. It includes public service announcements, daily news, weather forecasts, interviews,
and documentaries. Broadcast media are also recreational and include reality television,
situation and sketch comedies, movies, sports and advertising.
This type is considered “household media”. Historically, broadcast media has been a
public service, as with public radio which is funded by the government. Broad cast media can
also be private and includes advertising. Global TV and CTV are examples of commercial


The name "film” originates from the fact that photographic film has historically been
the medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist for an individual
motion-picture, including picture, picture show, moving picture, photo play, and flick. The most
common term in the United States is movie, while in Europe film is preferred. Common terms for the
field in general include the big screen, the silver screen, the movies, and cinema. Film, also
called movie, motion picture or moving picture, is a visual art-form used to simulate experiences that
communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving
images. These images are generally accompanied by sound, and other sensory stimulations. The word
"cinema," short for cinematography, is often used to refer to filmmaking and the film industry.
VIDEO GAME (Digital Games)
The easy answer is that a video game is interactive digital entertainment that is played via a
computer, a game console (like the Xbox or PlayStation) or a phone or tablet. The label “video game”
casts an absurdly large net over a whole lot of different things. There are a million different kinds of
video games, and each of them sorts a function as its own form of entertainment media.

New media refer to those digital media that are interactive, incorporate two-way communication
and involve some form of computing. They are products and services that provide information or
entertainment using computers or the internet, and not by traditional methods such as television and
newspapers. New media are very easily processed, stored, transformed, retrieved, hyperlinked,
searched and accessed. Digital technologies that take advantage of computers and the Internet have
led to products and services that provide information or entertainment. Social media, blogs, video
games and online news outlets are typically referred to as new media. These channels of
communication have far-reaching implications for society, including in business and politics.
However, older forms of media, such as radio, television and vinyl records, were once new.

It is a form of electronic communication such as web sites, which people create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc. Social media is a computer-based
technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of
virtual networks and communities. By design, social media is internet-based and gives users quick
electronic communication of content. Content includes personal information, documents, videos, and
photos. Users engage with social media via computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or
web application, often utilizing it for messaging.
Social media may take the form of a variety of tech-enabled activities. These activities include
photo sharing, blogging, social gaming, social networks, video sharing, business networks, virtual
worlds, reviews and much more. Social media originated as a way to interact with friends and family
but was later adopted by businesses which wanted to take advantage of a popular new communication
method to reach out to customers. The power of social media is the ability to connect and share
information with anyone on Earth or with many people simultaneously.



SAQ 1-(Self-Assessment Question)

Can you differentiate the types of media?

SAQ 2-(Self-Assessment Question)

What is the role of media in our society?

Let’s Practice! (Write your answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Identify the following according to types of media. Write only the letter of your choice.
A- print media B- broadcast media C- film D- new media
_____1. ABS- CBN TV Patrol aired on channel 2
_____2. Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection
_____3. Promotional poster uploaded in Facebook
_____4. Media and Information Literacy textbook
_____5. Don‟t Let Me Down by The Chain smokers in Spotify
_____6. 24- Oras news program uploaded on YouTube
_____7. One Punch-man manga uploaded in My Manga website
_____8. Jason Bourne movie shown in theaters
_____9. Philippine Daily Inquirer news paper
_____10. 7 Years by Lukas Graham played on 90.7 Love Radio.

Key Points

The original types of media were print-magazines, journals, and newspapers Soon after, radio and
televisions were added. All these means of communication in which writers borrowed the term
“media” from advertising people, and used it since then to accommodate.

If a person becomes media literate, he/she will possess some control over the media and
information messages that have initially described as powerful.

Information is everywhere. It is a powerful and essential element in decision making. People rely
on different information sources in making choices, crafting solutions to problems and more. That is
why different types of media are employed.

 Print media, the industry of printing and distributing information, is the oldest form of the
media. The print medium has different forms; it can be a book, a newspaper, a magazine, and
 Broadcast Media is commonly associated with two forms: the radio and the television.
Broadcasting is a form of mass communication that utilizes radio and television to transmit
messages and programs via the airspace. Airspace means the part of atmosphere where
frequency bands are available to transmit messages to and from broadcast devices.
 New Media refers to digital media that are interactive, incorporating two-way communication,
and involving a form of computing. These include computers, internet, satellite televisions,
compact disks and e-books readers.

Let‟s see how much have you learned today!

Directions: Read and understand the given questions. Choose only the letter of your choice

(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)


_________1. It refers to the very first mass medium B. Directions: Identify which of the following
in human history. examples are under the Types of Media. Write
a. Paper c. Newspaper PM for Print Media, FC for Film/Cinema,
b. Book d. Clay Tablet BM for Broadcast Media and VG for Video
_________2. This type of media refers to materials Games. Write your answer on the space
that are written and physically provided before each number.
distributed. _________1. Philippine Daily Inquirer
a. Broadcast Media c. Video Game
_________2. TV Patrol
b. Press d. Traditional Media
_________3. It was the first electronic mass _________3. Pokemon Go
medium and the precursor of
_________4. “The Super Parental Guardian”
a. Radio c. Telephone _________5. iFM
b. Telegraph d. Cable
_________6. Clash of Clans
_________4. The following are Mass Media Form,
EXCEPT _________7. School Publication
a. Radio c. Internet
_________8. “Barcelona: A Love Untold”
b. Mobile d. Video
_________5. Like every resource, there are _________9. Dateline Zamboanga
challenges as well as opportunities
_________10. “Fast and the Furious”
presented to you in your daily dealing
with media and information. One of
them is the special interest in the
World Wide Web and Social Media.
Which of the following is an example
of Social Media?
a. Google c. Facebook
b. Wikipedia d. Blog

Boots C Liquigan, Media and Information Literacy: DIWA Learning System
Inc.. 2016, 30-36

Source: “Globalization101: Types of Media”, Accessed July 8, 2020,

Source: „What are the different forms of print media?‟, Accessed July 8, 2020,

Source: “What is broadcast media?”, Accessed July 7, 2020,


Source: “What is film media?”, July 14, 2019, Accessed July 7,

2020, (UTC).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film

Source: “What is a video game?”, March 9, 2016, Accessed July

6, 2020, https://www.thewrap.com/what-is-a-video-game-a-short-

Source: “What is new media?”, February 15, 2016, Accessed July 6,

2020, https://online.seu.edu/articles/what-is-new-media/

Source: Maya E. Dollarhide, “Social Media Definition”, May 2, 2019,

Accessed July 5, 2020, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-


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