Anh Van 4+ta2-Unit 1

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Subject & Verbs 1. Words Functioning as Subjects 2. Subject-Verb Agreement Weee(sy, Letters that can function as t Maes ecm MUN ire Acker een mle Neon OAC RA lary, arid reading comprehensior Goals + PART 5. + Try to recognize common parts of speech that can function as the subject in a sentence + Identify sibject-verb agreement in tenses and numbers. + PART 6 + Familiarize yourself with the format and typical content of letters commonly found in this part of the test. * Practice answering questions on grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. ‘A noun/noun phrase, a pronoun, a to-infinitive, a gerund, or a noun clause can come in the position of the subject in a sentence, 4 Announ/noun phrase or a pronoun as the subject: These are the most common parts of speech that can function as the subject in a sentence. Anounas | Applications should be received no later than this Monday. the subject Apronoun | You are not supposed to use a cell phone during the meeting, asthe | They are trying to contact the airline office. subject Anoun | A protective helmet should be worn at all times. (adjective + noun) piirase as | The people in the lobby are visiting from Celta Consulting Group. (noun + the subject | prepositional phrase) «= A noun phrase is @ group of words having more than two words and functions as @ noun, e.g the people inthe lobby, a protective helmet 2 Ato-intntve ora gerund as the subject: An infritve with to (to + ver) or a gerund (erb-ng) can also function as the subjct ina sentence and is followed bya singular ver form, Ato‘ninitive To promote a nw ln of shoes is our main goa as the subject Agorund as Dealing wth customer complaints is my main duty. the subject 3 Avnoun clause as the subject: A noun clause (conjunction/question word + subject + verb) can function as the subject in a sentence, too. The most common words starting a noun clause are that and what, Arnoun clause | What you said cannot be true. starting with | What we discussed at the sales meeting will be passed onto the board of whatas the | directors. (what + subject + verb) subject Anoun clause | That you read the instructions carefully is necessary. starting with | = It is necessary that you read the instructions carefully. thatasthe | +A noun clause which stands at the beginning of the sentence is used in a formal way. It subject 1s more natural to putit after a clause starting withthe false subject It. =D A Underline the subject in each sentence below. fl Some candidates were not qualified for the position. To reduce the number of customer complaints is the goal of the month. A Q&A session will follow the presentation. What our clients like about our service is our promptness. The initial plan for the project will be made sooner than we expect. The company’s new president has not been selected yet. Providing hotel guests with good service is our priority. The development of new business fac ies will let us hire more employees. B Decide which of the options - (A), (8), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence. 1 The date of the warranty is on the back of the product. (A) expire (8) expiration (© expires (0) expired Your active appreciated. in this project will be (A) participate (©) participating (© participated (0) participation 3 a new system will require your patience and effort. (A) Implement (®) Implementing (© Implemented (0) Implementation _____ most customers want are lower prices and good quality (A) That (8) What (©) Which () When adSubject-Verb Agreement + In a complete sentence, the verb form must agree with its subject in number , voice (active, passive) and tenses. {| Agreement in number: A singular subject takes a singular verb and a plural subject goes with a plural verb. A to-infntve, a gerund, or the false subject It functioning as the subject in a sentence is also followed bya singular verb, Singular subject | Mr. Yamamoto’s proposal is going to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting. +singular verb | ott Plural subject + | Technicians are scheduled to take a look at the computers. plural verb | Some people at the reception are not pleased with the service, | The ver form must gre withthe ube atthe nunin the modiyingprepstona | pase a — = Gerund/To- Having a good understanding of marketing strategies is crucial to become a infnitive/The | marketing director. (Gerund + singur vert) false subject It + | {tis difficult to adjust to a completely different environment, (The false subject singular verb | It+ singular ver) 2 Agreement in voice: The verb form must agree with the subject as the doer (active) or the recelver (passive) of the action, ] Subject satve The company deed to raster Mr. Day to arther part ofthe curry ver Subject + pase, Your monthly rent must be pad by he endo he mnt, veth 3. Agreement in tense: The verb form must agree with the expression of time in a sentence. Past simple They informe us ofthe schedule change a ew days ago, Future Next yea, the company is going to setup anew branch in the cout, s=D ‘A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form to complete the sentence. 1 Most of them 2. The participants at yesterday's seminar 3. Tomorrow at noon, the board of directors will 4 Your package will be 5 The issue must be 6 Last week, the engineers circuit. (conclude) 7 To improve the quality of all our products how satisfied with the test results. (be) free samples. (give) who is going to be the next CEO. (decide) {5 soon as your payment is complete. (deliver) a soon as possible. (discuss) that the malfunction was caused by an electrical short ‘our current goal. (be) B Decide which of the options ~ (A), (8) (C), or (0) ~ best completes the sentence. 1 It___ important to give employees proper training opportunities. (A) be (Bis Oare (0) is being Installing new software longer than we expected, (Ais taken (B)is taking (© take (O) taking 3) Mr. Johnson working as an accountant at this firm a few years ago. (A)is started (B) starting ©Ostarted (0) starts 4 The office building __ by alot of trees and grass. (A) surrounds (B) surrounding (© s surrounded (0) are surrounded Practice with actual questions Decide which of the options ~ (A), (8) (C), or (D) ~ best completes the sentence. 1. The of a new highway will definitely 5. Information about vacation plans will attract more tourists from other parts of the country. (A) construct (B) constructing (©) constructive (D) construction 2. The company’s new director totey off more than a hundred employees. W decide: (B) has decided © Ie decided! (©) to aeciae 3. Conducting @ customer survey useful If you want to find out what wis (@) are @bve ©) were 4 clients like about this product are its quality and low price. That (@ Which «© What (O) Where _____on the company bulletin board. (A) post (B) be posted © posts (0) posting enough experience in the field enable you fo find a better job, Have «@) Having: © Had (©) Be hae 2 The of the new president will be finalized next Monday. A appoint (®) appoints © appointment (©) appointing 8 coupons are enclosed in the ‘envelope we sent yesterday. (A) Discount (®) Discounts (©) Discounting (©) Discounted Decide which of the optlons - (A). (8) (©), er (©) ~ Best completes the sentences in the ‘Questions 9-12 refer to the following letter. Mr. James Brown World Travel Agency 2341 Seaside Avenue Honolulu, HI 86822 Dear Mr. Brown, ‘Thank you for taking the time to review my résumé and have an interview with me. 1 {your offering me a chance to work as a secretary at your company. Unfortunately, | have to d ine your offer at this time, Actually, |_____ offered a job as 2 {cavel agent from one of the biggest travel agencies in the country. And working as a travel ‘agent ‘what Ihave wanted to do for a long time. os Nevertheless, | am truly disappeinted that ! won't be working with you. Tray, Deborah Higgins 9. (A) apologize 1. Adis (8) appreciate (are CO regret (© have been (O) contribute (0) had been 10, (A) have been 12. (A) | hope you will understand my decision, (8) has been @) It was a great pleasure working with you. © have (©) I hope to hear from you soon. (0) has (0) | would like an opportunity to work at your ‘company, More Practice A Choose the correct option in brackets to complete each phrase. (Clattempt / Daim) to hire a new manager (Clapply / afford) to a company (Cicause / 0 result) from a schedule change (account / 0 adjust) for the cause of the accident (dispose / 0 care) of credit cards (Gadhere / 3 commit) to the initial plans (prevent / Cinterfere) with the team’s work en ene on = (contribute / 0 attribute) the success to hard work 9 (Slcome / 1 look) over the documents 10 (Cllead / © guide) to the stabil jon of the region B Choose the correct option in brackets to complete the sentence. 14 The management (has/have) decided to adhere to ‘Mr. Taylor's plans. 2. She (claims/claimed) she needed some more time to look over the documents. 3. Assigning more work (is/are) going to interfere with the team’s project. C Decide which of the options ~ (A), (B), (C), or (0) ~ best completes the sentence. 1. Please make sure you of 2 After ___ over the documents, ‘your personal documents before Mr. Lee concluded that the team you leave the office. was not capable of assuming more (A) take. responsibility. (B) dispose (A) leading (C) throw (B) searching (D) empty (C) looking (D) having

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