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Module 2: Activities

Activity 1: MY MEDIA AMORE

1. Cellphones 6. Books
2. Television 7. Video Games
3. Radio 8. Magazines
4. The Internet 9. Newspapers
5. Movies 10. Letters/ Mails

Activity 2: ONCE UPON A TIME…

In changing the course of events in the Philippine history, Media and

Information Literacy helped in:

 Triggering Philippine Revolution during the Spanish

Colonization: According to Rosario-Braid and Tuazon (1999),

Philippine free press has its roots in nationalistic newspapers aimed

to raise consciousness about the oppression experienced by Filipinos

at the hands of the Spaniards. Ilustrados (Filipino middle class) like

Dr. Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, and Graciano Lopez Jaena, to

name a few, used journalism to wage a campaign on independence

which triggered the Philippine revolution. Also, historians agree that

the Katipunan’s growth from 300 to 30,000 was the publication of

their official newspaper, Kalayaan, which published Andres

Bonifacio’s two famous, revolutionary poems.

 The Revolution against American Colonization: According to Deyro

(2019), Sakdal Movement led by Benigno Ramos demanded immediate

independence of the Philippines from the United States through its

official newspaper, Sakdal. The publication became a hit with the

masses for attacking American imposed taxes and abusive capitalists

and landlords (Rosario-Braid and Tuzaon, 1999). Readers were

encouraged to share their copies with others. In the provinces, it was

said that one copy was read by more or less 10 individuals. In

communities with illiterate citizens, groups of 10 to 20 people would

listen to the pages read aloud. An estimate of around 200,000 to

400,000 readers was recorded. (Deyro, 2019) Sakdal eventually

became a political party called Sakdalista Party and won national and

local seats in the 1934 elections (Rosario-Braid and Tuazon, 1999).

 The Revolution against Estrada's Presidency: The popular

mobilization that led to the downfall of President Joseph Estrada in

January 2001 was facilitated by the use of new communication

technologies. An initially small group of activists and opposition

politicians began a campaign to expose the wrongdoings of the

Estrada presidency (Coronel, S., 2001). Media back then had been a

powerful tool that led to another successful revolution in the

Philippine history.

Activity 3: COM-CON CHECK

Comparison Contrast
Media literacy is the ability
to critically evaluate media
These are competencies content and how media functions
that emphasize the are performed and to rationally
development of enquiry- engage with media for self-
Media Literacy vs based skills and the ability expression. On the other hand,
Information to engage meaningfully with Information Literacy focuses on
Literacy media and information content analysis; the ability to
channels in whatever form know when there is a need for
and technologies they are information, and be able to
used. identify, locate, critically evaluate
and ethically use such
information for personal needs.
Distinct from the former,
These are competencies Technology Literacy is the
that are essential for ability of an individual, working
Media Literacy vs individuals to function and independently and with others, to
Technology succeed especially in use technology tools in accessing,
Literacy today’s society when media managing, integrating, evaluating,
ecosystem shifts with the creating and communicating
advancement of technology. information responsibly,
appropriately and effectively.

Whereas, Information Literacy

is the ability to know when there
is a need for information, to be
able to identify, locate, evaluate,
These are the two and effectively use such
competencies that information for issues or problems
Literacy vs
contribute to the promotion at hand, Technology Literacy is
of new literacies in the ability to use new media such
knowledge societies. as the Internet to access and
communicate information
effectively. In fact. Information
literate individuals necessarily
develop some technology skills.

Activity 4: WHAT IF?… WHICH IS?...

1. Technology Literacy
2. Media Literacy
3. Media Literacy
4. Technology Literacy
5. Information Literacy

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