ENG RC 2 Discipleship

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Ceremony of Reception of a Disciple

Teaching of Christ - The Law of Moses - Key of Life – History of the
Doctrine of the Hebrew, Egyptian, Persian, and Greek Religions. (To be

Ritual (Rite)
Ceremony of Reception of a Disciple: In the course of this Ceremony,
knowledge is given concerning all the R. C. symbols and Arcanes, as also the
meaning of all the objects, attires and equipment, their necessity and the purpose of
their use.
Second Ceremony: On the same night. The test (trial) of seduction and the test
of restriction of freedom. When the disciple has passed these tests, he acquires one
of the following particular titles: Guardian of the Temple, Keeper of the Wardrobe,
Sacristan, Guardian of the Vestry or Decorator of the Temple.
Confirmation (Consecration) of the Disciple: After the lapse of 7 days.
Reception in the Pronaos. Ritual and entrance into the Temple. Duration of
attendance: one and a half years.
Practical (Applied) Teaching: Manner of communication through ecstasy by
means of ….. and mechanical paths, exteriorization and astral disengagement. Study
of dreams (oneiromancy). First elements of the Sacred Language. Orphic Initiation.

Initiatic Teaching
What is a R. C.?”
A R. C. is the one who knows how to set in harmony the mystery of Wisdom
combined with that of Love within one’s self.
What is a Disciple?
A Disciple is one who prepares one’s self in the R. C. path through the complete
purification of one’s Spirit, Soul and Body.
How is the purification of the Body achieved?
After and 8-hour fast, the Disciple washes his hands, feet, head and private parts.
He anoints his chest and head with the perfume of the Rose, which was previously
consecrated to this end by his Master. Lastly, he burns male benzoin over his
underwear before starting the purification of the soul.
What procedure does the Disciple follow for the purification of his Soul?
After cleansing and purifying his body, the Disciple carefully prepares the Altar.
With a rose or basil dipped in water - previously consecrated by his Master to this
end - he sprinkles the Altar, burns male incense over it, and lights two candles. He
then proceeds to 10 ritual genuflections, after which he stands erect in a posture of
ritualistic Prayer. He then says the sacred words, “Jesus Christ conquers” (I.X.N.),
and repeats them 4 times as he turns towards the East, North, West and South. He
returns to his initial position and recites the following Prayer:
“Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
“Hallowed be Thy Name,
“Thy Kingdom come on Earth,
“ As it is in Heaven.

R.C. Discipleship

“Fill my soul with Love;

“This is my only wish
“And my ardent desire.
“Forgive me for all my trespasses,
“As I in turn, imitating Your example,
“Forgive all those who were unjust to me.
“I promise You that my soul
“Encompasses all my enemies
“With the Love with which
“You have wished to fill it.
“Eternal Father, hear my prayer
“And realize within me
“The Love that I have appealed for.
“Jesus Christ Conquers. (I.X.N.) ” (4 times)
He then kneels down, with his eyes closed, chest partly bare and arms stretched
towards the Labarum. He remains so until physical fatigue comes to discontinue his
Astral Meditation.
What procedure does the Disciple follow for the purification of his spirit?
When the purification of his soul is over, the disciple stands up, salutes the
Labarum, covers his face with his hands and, in this posture, starts concentrating so
as to bring to mind every evil thought or deed that took place during the time that
elapsed between his previous practice and the present moment. During this
contemplation, he must analyze his actions and evil thoughts; he becomes the
mental prosecutor of his own self and meditates on the possibility of some redress.
When this lengthy meditation is over, he proceeds to the following evocation:
“Jesus, Love and Wisdom incarnate, a humble servant paces towards repentance
and here, before this Altar, consecrated to Your worship, dares to appeal to You,
begging You to grant him an infinitesimal particle of Your Wisdom, so that Delusion
may have no hold whatsoever over his spirit, and so that Your Wisdom may open up
the horizons of Your Truth. Jesus Christ Conquers (I.X.N.)” (3 times)
After this threefold purification, the Disciple proceeds to his practice.
What is the profound meaning of the Teaching of the Disciple?
The Disciple initially starts getting to know himself.
How does the Disciple start getting to know himself?
The Disciple starts getting to know himself and learning about himself by
meditating on his thoughts, words and actions, both good and evil.
What is the duration of this preparation?
The duration of this preparation is 45 days. After this stage, his Master proceeds
to instruct him. During all this time (45 days), the Disciple is obliged daily to write a
short summary of his meditations about himself and his philosophical deductions on
his words, thoughts and actions, omitting all revelation of their causes.


R.C. Discipleship

Fundamental Truths
Man is composed of three Substances: his spirit, his soul, and his body.
The spirit is an immortal, individual and personal substance; it does not generate
and does not vary. In its course on the path of evolution, it becomes purified through
knowledge, science and Wisdom. It is composed of a host of virtues that are relative
as compared with the virtues of the Spirit of God.
Essential Composition of the Spirit
Principles First (born) Derivatives Second (born) Derivatives
Imagination Thought Conception
Will Affirmation Determination
Power Action Execution
The soul is a universal substance that the spirit borrows for its expression on
Matter. The soul is the lever of the spirit and at the same time it is the spirit’s
luminous guide in Matter. The soul (psyche) is a heavenly and divine gift. It is derived
from the Centre of all centres and is diffused and poured throughout the universe. It
is through the psyche that Man communes with God, and it is through the psyche
that God is always present everywhere and fills everything.
The psyche is an extremely subtle substance and has sympathetic virtues. The
slightest impetus makes it vibrate strongly, and it is through the psyche’s action that
our prayer is transmitted to God the Father.
It follows that our soul is not in the least a possession of ours; it is not limited and
individual. As was mentioned above, it is a substance that is diffused in the Universe,
and we absorb it as we breathe air; we fill it with our impressions and cast it back
over-saturated into infinity, so that it may be purified once more.
Because the psyche is pre-eminently a sensitive substance, it serves as a means
of our feelings. Thus, pleasure, joy, sadness, bitterness, pain, the thrills of pleasure
and aches are all brought to the spirit’s perception by means of the soul. Our soul
also serves as a link between our body and our spirit.
Our every action is impressed on our soul. This is to say that it is registered on it,
down to the smallest detail. Due to its continuous renewal, our soul, saturated with
the registrations of our actions, is diffused into the universe and reaches God our
Father. He thus perceives all our actions, even our most hidden ones.
The re-purification of our soul – or rather, of that part of the Universal Psyche that
we borrowed and impressed our actions on – takes place at the time of our death.
This proves that the older we grow during our terrestrial life, the greater the capacity
of our soul becomes around us. This is the reason why our mistakes are said to
punish us and our good acts to recompense us, since they are impressed on our soul
and continuously encompass us. They burden us with guilt or relieve us with
(pleasant) memories.
When we dream of scenes that took place early in our life or of persons that we
knew, loved or hated, it is due to the fact that during our sleep we move freely in our
encompassing soul and see recordings of our actions of old.
Our material body is also a universal substance. It is temporarily individualized
and personified so as to house our spiritual entity in our course through life. It is our
densest and most concentrated substance. Through its virtues of condensation, it
allows the spirit to become manifest, and through its service it allows the spirit to act
and develop all the virtues and powers that it (the spirit) has for its own evolution.

R.C. Discipleship

On the Composition of Man

On the analogy between Man and lower or superior Beings
Throughout the ages, the Masters of Occult Sciences – from Rabbi Symon up to
our days, and even long before him, and long after us – these Masters, I say, in their
doctrines, were engaged in studying Man’s structure from his component principles.
In this manner they revealed, or rather they brought out in relief, the unique law that
is pre-eminent in Universal Creation.
The existence of this law is incontestable, and both ancient and contemporary
sciences tend to prove it to us. But what is this law?
A law indicates a conception implemented for a purpose. A law implies a
legislator, and a legislator who enacts laws is proof of a principle with imagination
with which to conceive, with will with which to direct this conception, and with power
with which to set this will into action and implement the execution of his concept.
What is Imagination? What is Will? What is Power? What is Activity or Action?
These in brief are what I shall try to distinguish. I shall make use of my weak ‘will’,
which, by means of my very poor ‘power’, will ‘direct’ the series of my ‘thoughts’,
always in the path of transcendental and positive logic. In this manner, I shall try to
sort out this group of questions that are constantly set by Man’s spirit to himself in its
quest for Truth.
I wonder if I shall achieve my purpose. I do not believe I shall. The road of abstract
meanings is harsh and thorny. To desire to turn something abstract into something
concrete is indeed bold.
By recording my positive-philosophical thoughts on this subject, I have no
expectation to either gain or benefit. I gather my many and various thoughts together,
thoughts that pour out during my meditation. I think, and then classify my thoughts so
as to compare and gradually assemble them to one single purpose. And this purpose
is to make the majesty of the Law of the Monad, this absolute Law, shine in all its
glory. This is my gain: the ability to carry out my task, which in turn will be of service
to my education. I shall then be the Disciple of my own Creation, the Disciple of my
own Work!
“And the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the Waters.”
What is the Spirit of God? What is God Himself? By general definition, the Spirit is
Force. This is incontestable. But ‘Force’ is an abstract noun devoid of meaning; it is a
word that symbolizes something and expresses something, and it is consequently
manifested. We must seek the basic divisions and, in turn, those parts that are
subject to no further subdivision. We shall then take these last as points of
determination (definition) and form the theorem of the thing symbolized by the word
‘Spirit’. In order to construct our theorem on stable foundations consistent with logic,
we shall examine this abstract thing chemically. This is not nonsense, dear listener.
When a chemist cannot analyse something by active means, he judges it by its
phenomena and its effects. We shall therefore examine (judge) the spirit by the
quality and by the phenomena of its manifestations.
What are the manifestations of the Sprit?
Imagination, Thought, Conception, Will, Affirmation, Determination, Power, Action,
Execution – these are its manifestations. Among these, some are simple, which we
shall name basic Principles. These are immovable principles of a molecular
fundamental Essence, and they constitute the Spirit. They are followed by the
manifesting principles, which are Thought, Affirmation, and Action. And lastly, there
are the manifested principles, which are Conception, Determination and Execution.

R.C. Discipleship

The first are found in the Law of the Infinite (with no beginning or end); the second
are found in the Law of Eternity (they start from the activity of the previous ones and
are perpetuated just like them in Infinity; the third are found in the Law of
Implementation, for they dissociate themselves from their derivatives (?) to follow a
future existence, based on the laws that conceived, determined and executed them.

Ritual of the Trials (tests) during the Discipleship of the R. C.

The setting of the room and the attire worn are as usual.
The aspirant knocks on the door. The door opens and the Master asks:
“Where do you come from?” Answer.
“Who are you?” Answer.
“What do you want?” Answer.
“Where are you going?” Answer.
They then face one another.
“Have you seen the Master?” Answer.
“How did he greet you?” Answer.
“What does this salute mean?” Answer.
“When you met the Master, how did you greet him?” Answer.
“What does this salute mean?” Answer.
The Master then asks the Aspirant about his work during his Initiation in the Grade
of Aspirant, and about his progress.
Second Stage of Initiation
a) The Master’s Aspirant b) Definition of the future c) the Master’s leniency.
Answer: a) The Aspirant’s defence (apology) b) The Aspirant’s promise for the
future c) The Aspirant’s repentance.
The first two stages take place at the door of the Temple.
Third Stage of Initiation
The Master: “Stranger, you have come, filled with desire, will, and repentance.
You have confirmed to me your yearning for the knowledge of superior things, for
idealism. By this desire you have incarnated the Initiate, one who is powerful in all
things. Therefore come, Stranger, and witness our mysterious practices. If you are
able to understand them, you will in turn become wise on things divine. If you are not,
you will laugh at these childish practices, and this laugh will be considered by us not
as an insult – for are sages ever insulted? – but as a seal (mark) of a moral and
terrestrial friendship, a secular (profane) friendship.
“Stranger, pay attention, an Arcane is hidden in your every action. Observe
carefully! If you are really capable of understanding, then you will miss nothing from
what I do or say, and all these things will be explained to you upon your request.”
Then, taking the Aspirant by the hand, the Master leads him to a seat next to
the table.

R.C. Discipleship

He pours water for the Aspirant to wash his hands and face, and while doing so,
the Master speaks to him about the purification of Matter by means of Matter, and
about the corresponding purification of spiritual Essence by means of spiritual
Essence. He explains to him what, by analogy, is spiritually unclean and the law of
restoring Essence to its proper component elements, for the unclean is the alien
substance which, in the form of parasites, feeds on our Matter as well as on our Spirit
and hinders their generation within us. This purification can be effectuated only by
themselves and in themselves (by and in Matter and the Spirit).
Why is celibacy imposed? (Why is the relation of man and woman forbidden?)
Because then there is communion on all three substances, on Matter, on the Soul,
and on the Spirit, and when opposite things blend, they hinder generation and
obstruct the pure activity of evolution.
During this teaching, the Initiator takes water from a vase and washes the
Aspirant’s feet, while explaining to him that this action is symbolic of the humility that
every Initiator has mastered. Moreover, it is symbolic of the fact that the Master is
aware of the importance of the act of purification and adapts and controls it himself,
so that this purification of both Matter and Spirit may be perfect.
After the procedure of cleansing, the Master undresses the Aspirant and dresses
him with the attire consecrated for Initiation, while explaining to him that this
consecrated attire is very beneficial for the maintenance and concentration of the
emanations of the pure astral, (protecting it) from all contacts that could adulterate
the character, the powers, and the intensity of these emanations. He also explains to
him that the pure and consecrated attire protects the body from all stains that could
be reflected on the astral that he himself emits, a reflection that would have an
impact on the power of the spirit.
Having dressed the Aspirant, the Master leads him to a table on which there is a
cake made of herbs, …….., and minerals, as well as a hot infusion made of lime-
leaves, camomile and tea, and asks him to partake of them, while he too helps
himself to both.
During this meal he points out to him the symbolism of one’s need of nourishment.
It regenerates the body by assimilation and when it is accompanied by spiritual
nourishment, the latter also regenerates the spirit by assimilation. He points out to
the Aspirant the law of material assimilation which, by analogy, is also found in the
spirit. From both these kinds of assimilation the Master shows him the ensuing
assimilation in the soul, which is carried out by the coupling of the two former kinds of
assimilation. And here he says, “Disciple, this is the Great Arcane of Alchemy!”
He then tells him that the assimilation of the regenerated soul, (acting) as a
mediator, becomes the main factor of the spirit’s evolution, and that the sacrifice of
Matter is complete. He informs him that when two opposites are involved one must
sacrifice itself for the sake of the other so as to give it life and evolution. If this does
not take place, the Initiate cannot attain anything. (This is a Great Arcane.) As
regards Good and Evil, Man is the mediator - that is the soul - of these principles. He
makes use of one of them in order to nourish the other and develop the one that he
has come to know and so keep it unstained.
He then goes on to explain that just as Matter uses all four elements
(…………………..) for its nourishment, so too should the Spirit learn how to nourish
itself on the very elements of the spirit which it will draw from meditation, prayer,
study and spiritual activity.
Materially, the Initiate should engage in entertainment, recreation and rest.
Nourishment brings on some fatigue, which ends when transformed into energy
during sleep. In much the same way, spiritual nourishment through study, meditation

R.C. Discipleship

and activity needs recreation and rest by engaging in material things. Then the
spiritual fatigue felt during the above-mentioned stimulations ends and is transformed
into spiritual power (Knowledge).
Fourth Stage: The Disciple’s Trial
“Come then, oh Aspirant, before the incarnate hexagram. Let us become humble
and modest, like children. Let us forget the passions of our adult male lives and expel
our imperfections and malice. Let us strip ourselves of the man full of ugliness and let
us incarnate one full of beauty. Let us proceed with zeal towards the steps of the
Temple, where Truth is adored. Come!”
- The Aspirant’s prayer, according to the ritual.
- Ceremonial Prayer of the Disciple made by the Master in the presence of the
- This is followed by the oral transmission of the manner of exaltation,
concentration, and astral ecstasy, as well as the keys to astral projection.
- The results of respiration.


The Oratory of the Temple is lit; the consecrated carpet is spread out and the
disciple wears the consecrated attire. He places his foot on the carpet and utters the
sacred phrase “ I.X.N.” repeating it with every step he takes as he approaches the
Alter. There, he kneels and says:
1) “Like smoke that comes out of a burning brazier, I emanated from the Centre of
all centres, bearing the faculties (qualities) of Perpetual Fire in my reflection.”
2) “Smoke – Flame. I am an unclean individual (atom) of the divine Infinite and
have penetrated into the vast chasms of the agent that will purify me - an
individual without death, an individual with perpetual life, an orphan in its
isolation, a deluded child of God.”
3) “The slave of a single desire, subject to one Will.
“Does the flame not seek the light?
“Does the light not incarnate Truth?
“This is my one aim, my one and only desire, my Will.
4) And when, full of knowledge, full of the virtues of the soul, I see the Rose in full
bloom, drawn in precipitous elevation towards His Throne, restored in my
Essence, in the Essence of Essences,
“I shall cry out in full conviction of faith
Jesus Christ Conquers.
It is to Him that I owe this.
Jesus Christ Conquers. ”

R.C. Discipleship

The Pater
Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done on Earth,
As it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.


The Credo

I believe in one God,

The Father Almighty,
.ker of Heaven and Earth,
And of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
The only begotten Son of God,
Begotten of the Father before all ages.
Light of Light, very God of very God,
Begotten, not made,
Being of one substance with the Father,
By whom all things were made.
Who for us Men and for our salvation
Came down from Heaven,
And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost
And the Virgin Mary,
And was made Man;
And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.
He suffered and was buried;
And the third day He rose again
According to the Scriptures,
And ascended into Heaven,
And sitteth on the right hand of the Father.
And He shall come again, with glory,
To judge both the quick and the dead;
Whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, and Giver of Life,
Who proceedeth from the Father;
Who with the Father and the Son together
Is worshipped and glorified;
Who spake by the Prophets.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins;
And I await the resurrection of the dead,
And the life of the age to come.


R.C. Discipleship

Psalms of David

Psalm 13

1. How long, O Lord? Wilt thou forget me for ever?

How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

2. How long must I bear pain in my soul,

And have sorrow in my heat all the day?
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

3. Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;

Lighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;

4. Lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him”;

Lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.

5. But I have trusted in thy steadfast love.

My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

6. I will sing to the Lord,

Because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 43

3. Oh send out thy light and thy truth;

Let them lead me,
Let them bring me to thy holy hill
And to thy dwelling!

4. Then I will go to the altar of God,

To God my exceeding joy;
And I will praise thee with the lyre,
O God, my God.

5. Why are you cast down, O my soul,

And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God;
For I shall again praise him,
My help and my God.

Psalm 133

1. Behold, how good and pleasant it is

When brothers dwell in unity!

3. It is like the dew of Hermon,

Which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
Live for evermore.

R.C. Discipleship


Chapter 40

6. Then God answered Job out of the whirlwind:

7. “Gird up your loins like a man;

I will question you and you declare to me.

8. Will you even put me in the wrong?

Will you condemn me that you may be justified?

9. Have you an arm like God,

And can you thunder with a voice like his?

10. Deck yourself with majesty and dignity;

Clothe yourself with glory and splendour.

11. Pour forth the overflowings of your anger,

And look on everyone that is proud, and abase him.

12. Look on everyone that is proud, and bring him low;

And tread down the wicked where they stand.

13. Hide them all in the dust together;

Bind their faces in the world below.

14. Then will I also acknowledge to you,

That your own right hand can give you victory.

15. Behold, Behemoth,

Which I made as I made you;
He eats grass like an ox.

16. Behold, his strength in his loins,

And his power in the muscles of his belly.

17. He makes his tail stiff like a cedar;

The sinews of his thighs are knit together.

18. His bones are tubes of bronze,

His limbs like bars of iron.

19. He is the first of the works of God;

Let him who made him bring near his sword!

20. For the mountains yield food for him

Where all the wild beasts play.

21. Under the lotus plants he lies,

In the covert of the reeds and in the marsh.

22. For his shade the lotus trees cover him;

The willows of the brook surround him.

R.C. Discipleship

23. Behold, if the river is turbulent, he is not frightened;

He is confident though Jordan rushes against his mouth.

24. Can one take him with hooks

Or pierce his nose with a snare?”

Chapter 41

1. “Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook,

Or press down his tongue with a cord?

2. Can you put a rope in his nose,

Or pierce his jaw with a hook?

3. Will he make many supplications to you?

Will he speak to you soft words?

4. Will he make a covenant with you

To take him for your servant forever?

5. Will you play with him as with a bird,

Or will you put him on leash for your maidens?

6. Will traders bargain over him?

Will they divide him up among the merchants?

7. Can you fill his skin with harpoons,

Or his head with fishing spears?

8. Lay hands on him;

Think of the battle; you will not do it again!

9. Behold, the hope of a man is disappointed;

He is laid low even at the sight of him.”


R.C. Discipleship


Chapter 9 (On Wisdom and Foolishness)

1. Wisdom has built her house,

She has set up her seven pillars.

2. She has slaughtered her beasts,

She has mixed her wine,
She has also set her table.

3. She has sent out her maids

To call from the highest places in the town,

4. “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”

To him who is without sense she says,

5. “Come, eat of my bread

And drink of the wine I have mixed.

6. Leave simpleness,
And live and walk in the way of insight.”

7. He who corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse,

And he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.

8. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you;

Reprove a wise man, and he will love you.

9. Give instruction to a wise man

And he will be still wiser;
Teach a righteous man
And he will increase in learning.

10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,

And the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

11. For by me your days will be multiplied,

And years will be added to your life.

12. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself;

If you scoff, you alone will bear it.

13. A foolish woman is noisy;

She is wanton and knows no shame.

14. She sits at the door of her house,

She takes a seat on the high places of the town,

15. Calling to those who pass by,

Who are going straight on their way,

16. “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”

And to him who is without sense she says,

R.C. Discipleship

17. “Stolen water is sweet,

And bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”

18. But he does not know that the dead are there,
That her guests are in the depths of Sheol.

God of the , I bless Thy Work

God of the , I glorify Thy Name.
Jesus Christ Conquers


Discipleship – Ceremony

1) Who are you ? I am a being wandering in the darkness, one who has lost his
way and no longer knows his bearings.
2) Where have you come from? I have come from the regions of darkness. My
eyes open to the light of the Masters, and I have come, drawn to this light.
3) What do you want? I want what my soul yearns for. I want what the Masters
4) Where are you going? I always proceed upwards to the centre of my
emanation, to the sublime Centre.
In this grade, the Disciple seeks to learn the Astral worlds. Man’s Power is
developed in this Grade.
1) Authority of one’s self over others.
2) Mastery of thoughts or ideas over others or over those of others.
3) To appear to be last but to be the first.
4) By practicing the Word, to strengthen one’s self in its occult functions.
5) Practice of gesture, which prepares one for the grade of Mastery (a Master).
In order to attain this result, one must read a page from a text aloud or speak by
supporting this speech with spiritualized (?) gesture. Reading, gesture, and finally
action, all of which prepare the Initiate for future dealings.
1) A reasonable gesture = a Word.
A reasonable action = word and gesture
Action acts in the Astral
Effort to carry out the survival of thought in the action.
Will is balanced (action).
Prudence, Will, Reality.
Man’s Will is developed in this Grade.
2) Two candlesticks.

R.C. Discipleship

Sign: Bring two fingers (the index and middle finger) to the lips (right hand, palm
inwards). Bring the left hand to the heart and then salute with the right hand (the
palm of the hand turned outwards). (Answer in the opposite way).
Exercises: Imbue an object with magnetic fluid. To this end, set your hand (index,
middle and ring finger = positive; the little finger = negative); (the index is neutral, but
when turned downward it is negative, and when turned upward it is positive. Energize
the Astral fluid from a distance. Hold hands together and then (for example) impose
your Will on someone to feel pain in the elbow, etc.
Meditation with reflection on all three planes.
First Influence = when greeting someone, “Follow me.”
To repel influence, “I do not follow anyone.”



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