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Submitted to English Education Study Program
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for Bachelor Degree in English Education

BY :
Student Registration Number : 2116001





Fitria Indah Rahayu

Student’s Registration Number: 2116001

This thesis has been passed in the examination by the team of examiners
English Education Study Program STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau
on August, 28th 2021


Sastika Seli,S.Pd., M.A.


Ayu Oktaviani,S.Pd., M.A., M.Pd.


Maria Ramasari, M.Pd.


Agus Triyogo, M.Pd.


Lubuklinggau, September 2021

Head of English Education Study Program

Agus Triyogo, M.Pd.





Student Registration Number: 2116001

This thesis has been passed in the examination by the team of examiners
English Education Study Program STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau
on August, 28th 2021


Sastika Seli, S.Pd., M.A.


Ayu Oktaviani, S.Pd., M.A., M.Pd.


Maria Ramasari, M.Pd.


Agus Triyogo, M.Pd.


Lubuklinggau, September 2021

Head of Institute of Teacher Training and Education
Teacher Association of the Republic of Indonesia Lubuklinggau
STKIP-PGRI Lubuklinggau,

Dr. Rudi Erwandi, M.Pd.

Research by Fitria Indah Rahayu, SRN 2116001 entitled “Analysis Of Teachers
Strategies in Teaching English Subject Through E-Learning During Covid-19 at
Supervisor Sastika Seli,S.Pd.,M.A and Ayu Oktaviani,S.Pd.,M.A.,M.Pd.


Objectives of this research were to describe the teachers strategies in teaching

English subject through e-learning at Vocational High School Yadika
Lubuklinggau and to described the dominance teaching strategies used by
teachers. Therefore, the formulations of the problem in this research what were
teachers strategies in teaching English subject through e-Learning during at
Vocational High School Yadika Lubuklinggau and how does the teachers apply
the strategies in teaching English subject through e-learning at Vocational High
School Yadika Lubuklinggau. The subject is English teachers at Vocational High
School Yadika Lubuklinggau. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method
and the data were collected through observation and interview. Based on the result
of the data analysis, it could be concluded that the teacher were used seven
strategies: Lecturer or Presentation, Discussion, Problem Solving, Project Based
Learning, Roleplay, Cooperative Learning, Questions and Answer. And the way
teacher applied strategies that explained by lesson plan and media’s supporting the
teaching is social media : Google Meet, Whatsapp,Youtube And Telegram.

Keywords: analysis, teachers strategies, e-Learning.


I, the undersigned

Name : Fitria Indah Rahayu

Student’s Registration Number : 2116001
Departement : Language And Art Education Program
Study Program : English Education Study Program
Thesis Title :“Analysis Of Teachers Strategies In
Teaching English Subject Through E-
Learning During Covid-19 At Vocational
High School Yadika Lubuklinggau”

I here with declare that the thesis I write as partial fullfilment of the requirements
for the undergraduate degree from STKIP-PGRI Lubuklinggau is my own work.
As for the other people’s works whose ideas were quoted in thesis had been
referred to appropriately in accordance to prevalling legal and intelectual ethic in
the world of scientific writing tradition.

However, if the originally of this thesis either partially or wholly is, later
on,proved or it falls under convincing plagiarism, I would be prepared to receive
any consequences in the form of any saction such as loosing my related academic
degree obtained from the instituion as well as other rules prevalling in indonesia.

Lubuklinggau, September 2021

The Researcher

Fitria Indah Rahayu



“They plan, and Allah (God) plans. Surely, Allah (God) is the best of planners”.
- Quran 8:30

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The
other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein

This thesis was dedicated to :

1. Allah SWT, the one almighty god and give me blessing and mercy, so I

remain healthy and could finish this thesis.

2. My Amazing Heroes, my father (Masturi) and my mother (Sari) thanks for

your love, prayer and always supporting me in good or bad situation.

3. My brother ( Agung Fadillah P.W) thanks for your support.

4. All of the lecturer at English Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI

Lubuklinggau,especially thanks for my great advisor Miss Sastika

Seli,S.Pd.,M.A. and Mrs. Ayu Oktaviani,S.Pd.,M.A.,M.Pd.Who have

guided and supported me, thanks for giving support, attention, and prayer in

finishing this thesis.

5. My Lecturers English Study Program (Hamdan, M.Pd, Agus Triyogo,

M.Pd, Syaprizal, M.Pd, Maria Ramasari, Sastika Seli,S.Pd.,M.A. Ayu

Oktaviani, S.Pd., M.A., M.Pd, Ardayati, M.Pd and Yulfi,M.Pd.) thanks for

your prayer and support.

6. Mrs. Lidya Sumirah,S.Pd. Mrs Siti Fatonah,S.Pd and Mrs Siti

Hamidah,S.Pd who has helped on my thesis.

7. My classmates in the academic year of 2016 especially A Class, who can

not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for our wonderful friendship, and for

every moments that we did together. I will never forget.

8. My lovely bestie Novita Dwi Anggraeni,S.Pd and Khairunnisa, thank you so

much for being my big support system.

9. My best friend Sisilia indrawati and Nadila valencia, thanks for your

support and for every moments we have done both colleges and others.

10. My Friends in PPL at SMKN 1 Lubuklinggau (Putri Mela Sari, Mila Diana

Sari, Intan Putri Herizka, Anton Sujarwadi, Syroyudin and Hera Setiawan).

11. Cemara squad (Tuginah, Rohani Afrianti,Rika Rahim,Rezi Putra Kusuma,

Juliantoro and Novriansyah) I will never forget our friendship.

12. Last but not least, I wanna thank me for believing in me,I wanna thank me

for doing all this hard work, I wanna thank me for having no days off,I

wanna thank me for never quitting.


Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin is a good expression that the researcher

would say to express thanks to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala because I was
finished my thesis entitled”Analysis Of Teachers’ Strategies In Teaching
English Subject Through E-Learning During Covid-19 at Vocational High
School Yadika Lubuklinggau”. It was written to fulfill one of requirements
for the undergraduate degree examination at the English Education Study
Program, Language, and Art Education Department, Institute of Teaching
Training and Education, STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau.

Futhermore, the researcher would like to express her great

gratitude to her advisors, Sastika Seli,S.Pd.,M.A. and Ayu
Oktaviani,S.Pd.,M.A.,M.Pd. who is for their encouragement and guidance
in writing this thesis. The Head of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau, Dr. Rudi
Erwandi, M.Pd. In addition, the reseacher would like to express her
deepest appreciation for all of the lecturers who had taught her at STKIP
PGRI Lubuklinggau, her parents, brother, her best friends, and her

Finally, there should be some revision for this thesis result,

comments, criticsm,suggestion are needed for further research. Overall,
the researcher hopes that their will be benefits for university students and
lecturers at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau and others.

Lubuklinggau, 2021
The Researcher,

Fitria Indah Rahayu


COVER................................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ ii
VALIDATION PAGE ........................................................................................ iii
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... iv
LETTER OF STATEMENT.............................................................................. v
MOTTO AND DEDICATION............................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................... viii
LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................... xi

A. Background........................................................................................ 1
B. Formulation of the Problem............................................................... 4
C. The Scope of the Research................................................................. 4
D. Objective of the Research.................................................................. 4
E. Significances of the Research............................................................ 5
F. Operational Definition...................................................................... 5


A. Theoritical Description....................................................................... 7
1. Definition Teaching Strategies........................................................... 7
2. Definition E-Learning........................................................................ 10
3. The use Social Media as Learning Resources to Support
the Teaching...................................................................................... 11
4. Definitions of E-Learning as Medium for Teaching English..... 13
5. Challenges In Using E-Learning In The Pandemic Period........... 14
B. Related Previous Study....................................................................... 15


A. Research Design................................................................................. 17
B. Place and Time................................................................................... 18
C. Subject of The Research..................................................................... 18
D. Instrument of The Data...................................................................... 18
E. Technique for Collecting the Data................................................... 19
F. Technique for Analyzing the Data................................................... 20
G. Accountability of the Research........................................................ 21
1. Credebility......................................................................................... 21
2. Transferability................................................................................... 22

3. Dependability..................................................................................... 22


A. Finding................................................................................................ 23
B. Discussion...........................................................................................


A. Conclusion........................................................................................ 40
B. Suggestion........................................................................................ 43

REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 44



Appendix A

1. Transcript of Interview.............................................................................. 39
2. Result of Field Note.................................................................................... 42
Appendix B

1. Lesson plan (RPP).......................................................................................... 46

2. Documentation................................................................................................ 50



A. Background

During pandemic covid-19 all countries in different parts of the world

affected because this virus and all factors affected such as economic, social and

education. In Indonesia education field changed using Daring or online method,

in accordance from Minister Of Education And Culture RI Nadiem Makariem

issued several policies for a pandemic. This was issued through circular Number 4

years 2020 regarding the implementation of education policy in the emergency

period spread Corona virus Diseases 2019 (covid-19). The 6 severals of minister

education and culture :1.National Exams 2.School exams 3.Grade promotion

4.New students admission 5.School operational assistance funds6.The learning

process from home.

Electronic Learning (E-learning) is as one of modern methods for learning

beside offline method because e-learning using technology for information and

communication between teacher and students. In industry 4.0 learning is not only

when teacher and students learning in classroom but now learner can learning

everywhere and anytime, the aims is such that make learners can be easier, like

example when teaching and learning English in electronic tools (via zoom,

whatsapp, and google classroom).


E-learning is an efficient way to get in touch with students and give them

valuable information in shorter time at the greater distances. Self studying via e-

learning provides immediate feedback. E-learning 4.0 can also be directly

tecnologically supported platform of collective intelligence. A different approach

than e-learning versions is offered by various concepts, such as education

networks, knowledge systems,interactive media and multimedia virtual and

augmented reality (Kovacova & Vackova, 2015).

When the teacher using media to give materials with students. The media

can ussually used by the teacher is application zoom and applicatioon whatsapp

for supporting teaching and learning process. Teacher using video call to explain

materials and give exercise, tasks for students and the students discuss with

teacher when doing virtual class.

In the opinion of (Jethro et al.,2012) “ There have been two common e-

learning modes, firstly is distance learning and secondly is computer assisted

instuction. Distance uses information tecnologies to deliver instruction to learners

who are at remote locations from a central site. While computer assisted

instruction (also called and computer based learning and based learning) uses

computer aid in the delivery of stand-alone multimedia packages for learning and


This research relates to teacher strategies. Strategies ussually requires

some sort of planning. A strategy is a process of determining a plan that focusses

on long term goals, accompanied by the preparation of a way or effort on how to

achieve these goals or result.all people need strategy, include teacher.Strategy can

be interpreted as an arrangement, approach or rules for achieving a goal by using

energy, and ease optimally. Teaching and learning strategies consist of all.

Based on (Fajriah, 2017) There are some types of teacher strategies such

as expository strategies, cooperative learning, inquiry, contextual teaching and

learning and problem based learning. All of those strategies are not fit for all the

material. It depended on the context. One strategy might fit to one particular topic

but it does not certainly fit to the other topic so that the teacher has to have ability

to choose the best one.

The reason why the researcher were conducted this research because the

system of the learning is currently during pandemic covid-19 has been shifted

from offline learning or face to face to e-learning. How the teacher apply different

strategies during online.

Based on the observation, at Vocational High School of Yadika

Lubuklinggau especially with the teachers, it was found that an English teacher

used video media in teaching speaking skills. She was stated that the purpose of

using videos is to help students express their ideas in English, to build their

confidence to communicate in English, and to motivate them in learning speaking

skills. For this phenomenon, the researcher wishes to conducted research in this

school to found the teacher's strategy of using roleplay as one of the strategies

used even in online learning. and because of a phenomenon like this, students and

teachers must be able to work well together so that learning objectives can be

carried out well too.


Based on the explanations above,the researcher was interested in conducting

a reseach entitled “ Analysis of Teachers Strategies in Teaching English Subject

through E-Learning during Covid-19 at Vocational High School YADIKA


B. Formulation of the Problem

From the background of the research above, the researcher formulated the

problems as follow :

1. What were teachers strategies in teaching English subject through e-Learning

during covid-19 at Vocational High School Yadika Lubuklinggau?

2. How did the teachers applied the strategies in teaching English subject through

e-learning during covid-19 at Vocational High School Yadika Lubuklinggau?

C. The Scopes of the Research

In this reseach, the researcher were analyzed on the problems in some


1. The researcher were analyzed the teacher strategies in teaching English subject

through e-Learning.

2. The researcher were analyzed how the way teachers applied the strategies in

teaching English through e-learning.

3. The subject of the research is English teachers at Vocational High School

Yadika Lubuklinggau.

D. Objectives of the Research

Considering to the problem of the research, the objectives of the research,as

follow :

1. To describe the teachers strategies in teaching english subject through e-

Learning during covid-19 at Vocational High School Yadika Lubuklinggau.

2. To describe the way the teachers applied the strategies in teaching English

subject through e-Learning during covid-19 at Vocational High School Yadika


E. The Significances of the Research

Hopefully, the theoritical implication in this research will give some

benefits to improve the understanding of teachers’ strategy in teaching

English subject through e-Learning, and practical implication of the

research is expect to give some advantages, they are follow :

1. For the teachers

This research is expected to provide an additional knowledge for teachers to

developing students’ comprehension in teaching English subject through e-


2. For the researcher

This research can improve the researcher knowledge especially in teaching

English subject through e-Learning.

3. For the other researchers

The reseach hopefully can give early information and reference who want to

continue or conduct a reseach on the similar topic especially about e-learning.

F. Operational Definition

To avoid missunderstanding about this topic, it is important to define

several terms used in this reseach as follow:


1. Analysis

Analysis is process an explanation or description that results from considering

something carefully. Analysis this research will be analyze the teacher strategies

in teaching English subject through e-learning.

2. Teacher Strategy

Teacher strategy is a procedure or methods in a basic directional

decisions for a learning, the aims is to achieve goals and solving problem

to get the information of strategy in e-learning in English subject.

3. E-Learning

E-Learning is as one of modern methods for learning, and for

supporting in all of subjects. E-learning using technology for get

information and can be share to the students. E-Learning will be use to

analyze teachers’ strategy in teaching English subject.



A. Theoretical Description

1. Definition of Teacher Strategies

In the study of educational technology, the strategy included in the realm of

learning design. The development of strategy as a science has developed starting

from the military world and then used in education. strategy is needed to obtain

victory. Likewise with the learning process, educators must identify all those

related to the learning process will be carried out.

In line with this opinion (David,1976 as quoted in Abdul majid, 2017) stated

strategy is a method, plan, or series of activities designed to achieve a particular

educational goals. Whereas teaching is a series of events experienced by a teacher

to present and want change in a students’ behavior. It brings changes in thinking,

feeling and students actions. This helps them to adapt to their environment.

According to Brown (2000 as quoted in utami, 2020) stated that the teaching

means guiding and facilitating learning,enabling the learner to learn, setting the

condition of learning. teaching be done without the teacher. They can use

anything such as nature, books, teaching machines.

Which can act as teacher. Based on Smith (1963 as quoted in utami, 2020),

consider teaching as tripolar process which involves :

1) An agent, a source, human or material that tries produce the learning.

2) The objectives to be archieved through the teaching process.


3) Interviening variables consisting of teaching and learning situations.

This may involve physical or human material conditions and teaching


2. Kinds of Teacher Strategies.

The most widely spread teaching and learning as well as their definitions are

given below. A teacher should choose the proper according to the create aim and

problem. The thirty one method of teaching according of Amadioha (2017: 21-

41) are mentioned and explained as follows :

1. Teacher Strategies Based on Lecture or Presentation.

as it involves the teacher talking most of the time, explaining a point, expressing an

opinion or giving learner new ideas and occasionally writing on the white board while

learners merely listen and sparingly jot down points. It is a telling method that has

dominated the instructional scene for many centuries now. Primarily, didactic

presentation of information, usually to a large group could often make use of

audiovisual aids to transmit information sometimes.

2. Teacher Strategies Based on Discussion.

Discussion is based upon active participation of every member of the class in

a collective exploration and public evaluation of ideas. Usually, there is no

restraint to self expression as members pool ideas in co-operative task of

understanding an issue and learning from each other. Discussion could serve as a

mid-course examination of ideas ora recapitulation session.

c. Teacher Strategies Based on Field Trip/Education Visit

Field trip therefore entails visits to places of subject matter interest. It is an

educational visit which is an extended lesson, when the pupils accompanied by


their teachers go to places of interest to broaden and deepen their understanding

of a topic on the syllabus.

3. Teacher Strategies Based on Dramazation.

This is activity related story telling. In it, only a small group of pupils are

actively involved while the remaining members of the classare observers. The

participants are completely absorbed, while others remain passive except as they

think about and discuss the performance. However not all stories and easyto


4. Teacher Strategies Based on e-Learning

E-learning iimplies using the internet and multimedia means. It comprise of

all the components of the teaching process (aims, content, methods, means etc)

and the realization of these components takes place through specific means.

5. Teacher Strategies Based on Brainstorming.

Implies forming and presenting as many different ideas and opinions are

given topic as possible. Brainstorming sets conditions for developing a creative

approach towards a problem. This is effective ideas /options in which judgement

is suspended untill a maximum number of ideas has been generated.

6. Teacher Strategies Based on Demonstration.

This is a practical of teaching. It involves showing, doing and telling

something. Hence the teacher needs to display the steps in the process and

explain them accurately and clearly, while students are expected to practice by

repeating exactly the things the teacher has done. In order in help prepare learner

to transfer theory to practical application.


7. Teacher Strategies Based on Problem Solving/ Discovery.

Problem solving can be a viewed as a particular form of learning because

many of the teaching activities are applicable when helping pupilsto solve

problems. It is like scientific method which involves problem identification,

definition or analysis of problems data collection, formulation of hypothesis ,

testing of hypothesis, acceptance or rejection of hypothesis. A problem is thrown

open to the students to find sollution new values within a spesific period of time.

8. Teacher Strategies Based on Simulation/ Game.

Simulation and games are used at all levels of educational systems, especially

at the lower level. For instance, ludo is a game commonly used in primary

schools to learn counting. It is used to bring competition, participation, drills,

and feedback into the learning experience as a motivator and opportunity for

application of participles.

9. Teacher Strategies Based on Story Telling.

This is closely related toplay the way method except that it uses more of

verbal presentation and lecturer modes. Hence, the teacher may talk. Address

and use any others type of verbal presentation to the pupils who are generally

passive. The pupils are expected to listen, receive and assimilate infromation.

10. Teacher Strategies Based on Dalton

The classroom is seen as an educational workshop equipped with books,

maps, drawings* photographs and other materials that will enable each pupil

with little assistance to complete the work which it is suggested that he/she


11. Teacher Strategies Based on Project Based Learning.

A project is a natural, life-like activity involving the investigation and solving

of problems by an individual or small group. It is a purposeful activating which

proceeds in a social environment. It promotes both individualized and small

group instruction. The problem to be solved are the learning experiences which

maybe theoretical or practical.

12. Teacher Strategies Based on Roleplay.

One of more participants adopt a specified role and try to behave in ways

characteristicof a person in that role. In medical education, often revolves around

a spesificified clinical education.

13. Teacher Strategies Based on Laboratory.

In a laboratory, a student learns how to conduct experiment. The skills

acquired at experimental training laboratories help to better comprehend the

theoritical materials studied at the lecture.

14. Teacher Strategies Based on Role modeling.

This is an intentional teaching strategy in whichlearners listen to and

observe role model performing regular duties of the profession and or thingking

out laud’. It is used to introduce learners to clinical skills and problem solving

and help them develop appropriate ethical behaviours, habits and attitude.

15. Teacher Strategies Based on One-to-one Precepting.

Instruction is provided by direct personal interaction between teacher and

learner and may involve giving information, demonstrating, questioning,

problems-solving, directing learner’s performance and providing feedback.


16. Teacher Strategies Based on Play Way.

This is more of learning than teaching methodology because it is a case of

the child learning from his own experiences and the teacher staying in the

background laying on the resources for his learning.

17. Teacher Strategies Based on Cooperative Learning.

It is a teaching which each member of a group not only has to learn the

subject himself, but also to help his fellow-student to learn it better. Each

member of the group works at the problem until all of them master the issue.

18. Teacher Strategies Based on Collaborative Work.

Collaborative implies dividing learners into separate groups and each group

its own task. The group members work at their issues individually and at the

same time share their opinions with the rest of the group.

19. Teacher Strategies Based on Heuristic.

This is based on the step by step solving of problem. It is realized by means

of independent fixing of the facts in the teaching process and determining the

ties among them.

20. Teacher Strategies Based on Synthetic.

Sythetic implies forming one issue from several separate ones. It helps the

learners to develop the ability of seeing the problem as a whole.

22. Teacher Strategies Based on Inductive.

Inductive determines such a form of conveying any kind of knowledge

when in the process of learning the train of thought is oriented from facts

towards generalization, that is, while presenting the material, the process goes

from concrete to general.

23. Teacher Strategies Based on Deductive.

Deductive determines such a form of conveying any kind of knowledge

which presents a logical process of discovering new knowledge on the basis of

general knowledge, that is, the process goes from general to concrete.

24. Teacher Strategies Based on Analytical.

Analytical helps us to divide the whole teaching materials into constituent

parts. In this way, the detailed interpretation of separate issues which the given

complex problem is simplified.

25. Teacher Strategies Based on Independent Study.

Designed to enhance arid support other instructional activities. Learning

activity is typically done entirely by the individual learner (or group of learners)

using resource materials. May be done using computer/web-based technology.

26. Teacher Strategies Based on Questions and Answer.

Employs the art of seeking information and stimulating thinking arid

elaboration at all levels of human reasoning to achieve a given objective.

27. Teacher Strategies Based on Computer Simulation.

In the Medical context, used to teach specific examination, procedural, and

data interpretation skills and the effects of drugs and interventions in a realistic

situation without endangering patients. May use highly realistic computerized


28. Teacher Strategies Based on Standarized Patients.


Use of actors trained to portray a specific patient role in a consistent and

accurate manner to act as a "real" patient would, react differentially depending

on behaviour of the health professional in training, and to assess learners and

provide appropriate feedback.

29. Teacher Strategies Based on Direct Patient Contact.

Practicing patient care and communication skills, along with clinical

problem-solving, through direct contact with patients.

30. Teacher Strategies Based on Case Based Small Group.

Small groups of 5-10 address case-based tasks, exchanging point of new

while working through a problem-solving process.

31. Teacher Strategies Based on Self Awareness Exercise Test.

Provide insight into how the learner thinks, acts, reacts, or "scores"

regarding a particular topic.

3. Definition E-Learning

According to opinion from (Suyanto, 2005) This is one of model of learning

in education based through information and technology, e-learning as forms of

distance education that use as internet media. There are differences between

traditional and e-learning, if teachers as person that all knowing and have

assigned to distribute their knowledge with the students. E-learning basic focus

is students, and atsmosphere of learning that will “ force” and students play the

role more be active in learning. There are 4 characteristic of e-learning based on

(Suyanto, 2005) :

1) Take advantage of electronic of services.

2) Take advantage of computer advantages.

3) Using self learning materials

4) Take advantages of lesson schedules, curicullum, learning progress

results and other related with administration of education.

But different with (Mahieu and Wolming, 2013) he said that ”Distant learning

takes an imperative part in this,even though distant learning had been common

long before the introduction of the internet, technological development has

enabled ICT to become a more main device for other forms of learning. In

education the web www (world-wide-web) has ussually been used as a source of

information or even as a learning”.

According to (Sara,2018) “Technologies have helped inteliggent

interconnection around the globe. Everyone is contributing and everyone is heard

everywhere. E- learning (electronic learning) is which maening is not precisely

assesed among reseachers and practitioners, which refers basically to getting

access to education using tecnology and internet, its advantages to differ

fromdeveloped to developing countries, its reperesents basically a strategic tool

for continuos and ongoing education.

4. Types of E-Learning

1. E-learning based web

Learning management system (LMS) was created 1999 as a web based e-

learning application. Learning management system is a software for purposes

admnistration, documentation, reports of an activity, learning teaching and


activities online (connected to the internet), e-learning and training materials and

they are done online (Ryann, 2009).

Learning management system is a software used to create web-based-

learning or online lecture materials manage activities and their results. Inside

learning management system also has features that can fulfill all the needs of the

user in terms of learning. for example, e-learning moodle, edmodo, google

classroom. Web based learning is educational alternatives that are often used by

educators and learners in today’s world. Much education has been carried out or

done this web with the aim distance education. The forms of learning also vary,

some are they is form of books, videos, web or blogs, social networks and other

that make easier people to use it.

2. E-Learning Lesson Plan

As stated by (Nasution 2017) e-Learning Lesson Plan is systematic approach

that includes analysis learning needs, formulation of learning objectives,

development of teaching materials and development evaluation tools, in an effort

to achieve expected to learning goals.

For the statements above, it can be concluded that it is difficult to identify a

common definitions for learning. Some of the authors refers to e-learning as

providing complete on-line courses only whereas comprise web-suplemented and

web-dependent services for the provison of educational and support process.

5. The Use of Social Media as Learning Resources to Support the Teaching

Social media has changed the traditional teaching methdology especially

traditional classroom intruction. In addition, Students can make studying more


collaborative and efficient. Social media can, therefore, help students to create and

manage their study, make the best of their study time, find new resources to help

them learn and and retain knowledge (Tantarangsee et all, 2017).

During teaching and learning activities were learned at home, the teacher has

been moved to social media as supporting learning, and it can be one of tools of

communication for both of them. The social media most used by teacher is

whatsapp, telegram, youtube and facebook.

6. Definitions of E-Learning as Medium for Teaching English

In pandemic era e-learning become one of effective way inlanguage learning

especially in english, in e-learning there are menus to offered that can be support

system for teachers to teaching, and this menus is web-pages. Web-pages have

been grouped according to their domains, such as grammar, vocabulary, phonetics

and four skills in english, this is speaking,writing, reading, listening. For skills

reading and writing, the teachers and also lecturer can apply this web to download

textbook or teaching modules either free or pay. And for listening skill they can

acces English videos as well and both of teacher and students can discuss it

withusing media.Last in speaking skill, teacher can use web centric pages, this

pages can support learning in explain the materials and to make communication

between both of them is well. They can acces with the apllications, like zoom,

google and whatsapp.

7. Challenges In Using E-Learning In The Pandemic Period

Based on (Mardiah 2020) there are the advantages in e-learning mode of

facilitate to English learning, and the challenges in e-learning such as


a) The unvailbility of internet acess or wifi, electricity, computer, PC, and other

infrastuctures that support the e-learning process.

b) The lack of cheaper software.

c) Learner’s don’t feel motivated enough because the student may end up

feeling isolated and emotionally disconnect.

d) Poor levels of student’s engangement, its difficult to focus on a pixelated

video screen when they hear some distractions such as noises, and feedback

rustling,papers, motorcycles, cars, horns, kettles, wind and so forth.

e) Lack of classroom like teacher presence.

f) The problem of skill and knowledge, some lecturers and students are

unskillful and iliterate in using digital technology.

g) Attitude towards ICT (information comunication and technology)

understanding the importance of ICT in learning including E-learning needs

to be encouraged persistently.

B. The Previous Research

In analyzing this research, some previous studies were used as related

previous study. The first is research Utami (2020) entitled “ An Analysis of

Teachers’ Strategies on English E-Learning Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic at

MTS Sudirman Getasan in the Academic Year 2019/2020” English Education

Department of Faculty Teacher Training and Education of State Institute For

Islamic Centre Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 2020. The second research is Nabilah

(2020) entitled “ The Teachers’ Implementation of Distance Learning During


Covid-19 Pandemic at SMPN 3 Bringin” in the Academic Year 2019/2020”

English Education Department of Faculty Teacher Training and Education of

State Institute For Islamic Centre Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 2020.

Both of the research have similarity and difference. The similarity of the

research was investigating about how the teacher implementation with their

strategies in teaching English in online learning. And They focussed on the

teacher as the subject of the research. Both of research Utami (2020) and Nabilah

(2020) is conducted in junior high school grade.

The results of both researcher showed that the teachers have each strategies in

teaching their student especially in teaching english, because in each skills have

differents strategy in teaching. In contrast, in this research, the researcher will

conduct the research which focused on teacher strategies in teaching english

through E-learning will be use by the researcher.




A. Research Design

In this research, the reseacher conducted a qualitative research. Qualitative

research is also used to conduct the research where the problem is unclear. It is

proper to address a research problem in which you do not know the variables and

need to explore (creswell, 2009).

Case study is an intensive analysis of an individual unit such as an person,

or community stressing developmental factors in relation of developmental factors

in relation to environment. According to (Ranjit 2019) A case study can be an

individual or a group, the case study design is based upon the asumption that the

case being studied as typical of cases of certain type and therefore a single case

can provide insight into the events and situations prevalent in a group from where

the case has been drawn.

This method were used by the reseacher because the researcher is intend to

decribe the data systematically and the researcher want to analyze the teacher

strategies in teaching english through E-learning as detail as possible.The steps

were taken in doing the research are :

a. Formulating the objective of the research

b. Designing the method of the research

c. Selecting the subject

d. Collecting the data


e. Analyzing the data

f. f. Drawing the conclusion

B. Place and Time

The researcher were conducted this research is around of 7 - 31st May

2021 and place at Vocational High School Yadika Lubuklinggau.

C. Subject of The Research

Subject in this research was all of the teachers who teach English at

Vocational High School Yadika Lubuklinggau.There were 3 of English teachers

at the school.

D. Instrument of the Data

In this research, the instrument were used in this study:

1. Interview List

In this research, the researcher used unstructured interview for collecting the

data. According to (Sugiyono, 2016) Unstructured interview is independent

interview where researchers do not use interview that have been structured

systematically and completly for data collection. The interview used was only an

outline of the problem to be asked. In addition (Esterberg cited in (Sugiyono,

2016) Interview is a meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea

through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint construction

of meaning about a particular topic. It mean that interview is action of two

persons do the communication to get the information and to get the answer of the

question from the other. For the interview session, researcher give the teacher

some questions that was prepared by the researcher, the aims is to get more

the information accurately.

2. Field Note

In this research, the researcher were used field note to did observed and

were analyzed inteaching and learning activities. According to (Phillippi and

Lauderdale ,2018) Field notes are widely recommended in qualitative research as

a means of documenting needed contextual information. With growing use of data

sharing, secondary analysis, and metasynthesis, field notes ensure rich context

persists beyond the original research team.

E. Techniques For Collecting The Data

1. Observation

Based on (Sugiyono, 2016) observation is a complex process that is organized

into various biological and psikological procesess, two of most important are the

processes of observation and memory. The type of observation used in this study

is systematic observation using guideliness as an observation instrument. In this

research, observation was conducted by using Google Meet and the researcher

was joined the online class with teacher and also with the students.

2. Interview

For a study, interview or question and answer session one of the best ways to

learn or explore profound informationfrom someone. An interview is a

conversation that aims to gather information in a description of the life of the

person being interviewed in connection with interpretation of the meaning of the

‘described phenomena’(kvale, 1994). Futhermore, (Schostak, 2006) adds that


interviews are extended conversations to get in-depth information about a

particular topics or subject, and through which phenomena can occur and be

interpreted in the sense of meaning carried by the person being interviewed.

3. Documentation

In this research, the researcher were used documentation as technique for

collecting the data. And The researcher were conducted using mobile phone and

record by screen video. According to (Guba and Lincoln, 1981) stated there are

difference definition between document and record, record is any written

statement prepared by a person or institution for the purpose of testing an event or

presenting accounting. In other hand, document is any written materials or film

that was not prepared at the request of an investigator.

F. Techniques For Analyzing Data

In analyzing the data, some steps or procedures had been used by researcher,

they were as follow :

1. Identification

After the data was collected, the researcher identified the data from the

teacher based on observation and from video recording. Thus,the researcher

identify the data from result obversation checklist and interview list.

2. Classification

After that the researcher classified on whether what this research showed the

result of the data from the observation checklist and interview list. Then, classify

the result of observations, interviews and documentation by providing classify

teacher strategies through e-learning.


3. Description

The researcher describes the data in observation checklist which consists of

analysis teacher strategies through e-learning. Then, the researcher described the

data from interview list and explain it.

4. Conclusion

The researcher concluded the result of the study after analyzing the data. The

researcher summarized the teacher strategies through e-learning in teaching and

learning English process.

G. Accountability of the Research

1. Credibility

According to (Throchim and Donelly 2007)“ credibility involves estabilishing

that the results of qualitative research are credible or believable from perspective

of the participant in the research”. In this research, the results of this research is to

find out the teacher strategies as the objectives of the research.

2. Dependability

As stated by (Bitsch 2005) Dependability refers to the consistency of

result of findings over time to make the data of this research consistended,

the researcher used in the interview, observation and documentation. And

this dependability is used to make sure whether the result of the research is

the same.

3. Transferability

As stated by (Bitsch 2005) transferbility refers to determining the extent to

which finding can be applied in other contexts or with other respondents.


Transferability of this research showed that the data of this research can be

applied to the other aspects and contents with different strategies.



A. Findings
After the reseacher conducted this research around of May by

observation. Teacher strategies in teaching english e-learning according to

the result of observation and interview that have been conducted with

English teacher.

1. Teacher Strategies Through E-learning

According to (Amadioha, 2017) There are thirty one different types of

strategy in teaching. Based on the result from research conducted at vocational

High School Yadika Lubuklinggau that used interview and field note. The

researcher explained, there are seven strategies used by teachers in teaching and

learning activities :

a. Lecturer Method

The lecture method is the oldest teaching method. This method refers to the

explanation of the topic to students, the emphasis is on presenting the content.

The teacher clarifies content material to students by using gestures, simple

devices, by changing voices, changing positions and facial expressions. Teachers

are more active and students are passive but teachers also ask questions to keep

students' attention. Usually this learning is often used together with discussion

because it is almost the same between the two. Especially in online learning,

teachers also still use it even though it is a different way when in class. together

with discussion because it is almost the same between the two. Especially in


online learning, teachers also still use it even though it is a different way when in


b. Discussion Method

The discussion method is a learning method that confronts students with a

problem. The main purpose of this method is to solve problems, answer

questions and understand the knowledge of students, as well as to make a

decision. in this method the teacher can also find out students' understanding of

the material discussed, and the teacher can also assess the responsiveness of

students in answering and asking questions about a problem and then from the

problem later clarified with the correct answers in accordance with the


c. Problem Solving.

Problem solving is a method that makes a problem a part of learning. In

learning using problem solving students are required to find a problem

point and after that find a solution to the problem. In this method the

teacher is only a facilitator and a motivator for students, because students

must be more active

in finding solutions to problems that must be solved but still within their

capabilities. In this step, students must try to solve the problem so that it really

match. To test the correctness of the answer, other methods such as discussion and

demonstration are needed.


d. Project Based Learning

Project based learning is an alternative method that is applied with small

groups for online learning, because the learning uses projects as a medium,

students explore, interpret to get information from students. The learning

focuses on activities carried out by students to understand a simple concept

about a problem and find solutions by making projects.

e. Roleplay

Roleplay is one of the learning methods in the form of speaking. In this

method, students are asked to play a drama, spontaneously to demonstrate their

roles in interacting. The roleplay is related to problems and challenges and

their relationship with humans. In this method, students can imagine freely and

can practice their speaking skills in learning English and also students can learn

to solve every problem they are playing.

f. Cooperative Learning.

Cooperative learning comes from the word cooperative means maximizing

students learning to improve academic and understanding both individuals and

groups as well as helping one another, cooperative learning models is one of

supportive learning in a groups to achieve the learning objectives that have

been set. Cooperative learning accommodates how students can work together

in groups, group goals are common goals. cooperative situation is part of

students to achieve common goals.


g. Questions and Answer

Question and answer is a method used by teachers in offline and online

learning, the question and answer method is a practical and easy to implement,

because teachers can assess the extent to which students understand the

material and how they can apply the material well. teachers can also evaluate

the results of their performance according to whether or not a strategy in

teaching and can be an experience if the material is not in accordance with

needs students. for the types of questions in the question and answer method

can use memory questions and mind questions. Memory questions are

questions where the teacher can find out the extent of students' knowledge

during learning. While the mind question is a question that aims to find out the

extent to which students think critically in solving a problem.

2. The Most Strategy Used by Teacher

Based on the results of interview with the teachers, there are several

strategies that are most often used by teachers in learning through e-learning :

a) Lecture or presentation.

In addition to discussion, lectures are also one of the methods that are often

used by teachers, because this learning is only for students listened to what the

teacher said. And the teacher conveys the material by speaking using

expressions, gestures and grammar that must be considered. One of the

advantages of using this method is that it can save time during online learning

and the only way to convey material easily is by using lectures. While studying

at home, the teacher uses the Google Meet application, because the duration is

very short, the lecture method is very appropriate.

b) Discussion.

Discussion method same as with the role play, discussion is also often used

by teachers because learning using this method is very easy and effective even

though learning in e-learning or online, this learning only asks for student

activity to communicate well and to train students to be able to express their


c) Roleplay

Roleplay is often used by teachers for learning, because this method can

help teachers to be able to see students' abilities, especially in speaking skills,

because students directly practice the material that has been discussed and then

the teacher can find out the extent of students' abilities to the material.

Especially in online learning, where everything is limited so only rely on a tool

to keepcommunicating smoothly and material can also be conveyed properly.

Therefore teachers continue to use this method as an effective learning


3. The Way to Apply the Strategy

After the researcher mentioned what strategies are used by the teacher in

teaching English through e-learning , the next step is how the teacher applied the


a. The Way Apply Lecturer in Teaching

Based the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by teacher :

1. Students See, hear, and watch the teacher explain and ask students'

identities in English correctly according to reality, so that students can get

to know them more closely.

2. The teacher repeats it many times, and interactively invites students to

observe clearly, sentence by sentence, the content of the message and the

linguistic elements used in explaining and asking for identity.

3. Students imitate the teacher saying each sentence.

4. Students compare the expressions for describing and asking themselves

that have been collected from the various sources mentioned above.

5. Students compare the expressions for describing and asking themselves

that have been studied above with those in other sources, or with those

used in other languages.

6. Get feedback from teachers and friends about social functions and

linguistic elements used

7. Students can use English to explain their identities to each other so that

they get to know each other more closely.


8. Students try to speak fluently with speech, word stress, correct intonation

and write with correct spelling and punctuation, as well as clear and neat


9. Students discuss the problems experienced in describing their identity in

English and write them in a simple learning journal in Indonesian.

10. Students review and conclude the results of the work done.

11. The teacher provides reinforcement on the students' conclusions .

b. The Way Apply Discussion in Teaching.

Based on the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by

teacher :

1. Students see, hear and watch the teacher explain and ask students identities

in English correctly according to reality, so that students can get to know

more closely.

2. The teacher repeats it many time, and interactively invites students to

observe clearly, sentence by sentence the content of the message and the

linguistic elements used by explaining and asking for identity.

3. Students compare the expressions for describing and asking themselves that

have been studied above with those in other sources, or with those used in

other languages.

4. Get feedback from teachers and friends about social functions and linguistic

elements used

c. The Way Apply problem Solving/Discovery in Teaching.

Based on the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by

teacher :

1. Students watch a sample video shared by the teacher through the telegram


2. The teacher gives the topic of the problem that will be discussed by the


3. Students form small groups, then prepare several strategies to find a solution

and answer. After completion, the assignments are collected in the form of a

short video

4. students do their homework at home and submit their assignments online.

5. The teacher evaluates, gives rewards and strengthens explanations related to

materials and assignments.

d. The Way Apply Project Based Learning in Teaching.

Based the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by teacher :

1. Students watch an example of a video speech shared by the teacher through

the telegram group.

2. Students make a short speech text

3. Students make short speech/speech videos

4. Students do their homework at home and submit their assignments online.

5. The teacher evaluates, gives rewards and reinforces explanations related to

the material and assignments.


e. The Way Apply Roleplay in Teaching.

Based on the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by

teacher :

a. Students are given the task of listening or watching sample videos about

advice and suggestion through the telegram group.

b. Students make dialogue of advice and suggestions

c. Students make videos using advice and suggestion

d. Students do their homework at home and submit their assignments online

e. The teacher evaluates, gives rewards and reinforced explanations related to

the material and assignments.

f. The Way Apply Cooperative Learning.

Based the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by teacher :

1. The teacher asks students to work in groups

2. Students observe some pictures/events/events

3. Students read several texts about events/activities/events that have occurred

in the past contained in textbooks or other sources in groups, then each

group member reads the text that has been read.

4. Students carry out this observing process based on the guide prepared by the


5. Students imitate examples of vocabulary pronunciation in sentences in these

activities/events/events with the guidance of the teacher


6. With the guidance and direction of the teacher, students ask, among other

things, the differences between various texts that have been read in

English, especially about social functions, text structure, and linguistic


7. Students report the results of group discussions at the observing stage and

are responded to by other groups

8. Students in pairs find detailed information regarding any conflicts that

occur and the social function of a reading

9. Students group texts according to social functions and linguistic elements.

10. Students try to design or convey the results of group work they have done

with teacher guidance in the form of stories such as fairy tales (fables),

legends (legends), folklore (folk tales).

11. Students review the results of the groups that have been done

12. The teacher provides reinforcement on the students' conclusions

g. The Way to Questions and Answer in Teaching.

Based the result from lesson plan, there are some of steps used by teacher :

1. teacher gives an example of an announcement text

2. The teacher asks students to work in groups

3. Students read several announcement texts contained in textbooks or other

sources in groups, then each group member reads their respective


4. With the guidance and direction of the teacher, students ask, among other

things, the differences between various announcement texts, especially about

social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements.

5. Students ask the main idea, detailed information, and certain information

from the announcement text.

6. Students report the results of group discussions at the observing stage and are

responded to by other groups

7. Students in pairs find certain information and social functions from the

announcement text that is read/heard

8. Students group simple announcement texts according to their social


9. Students arrange the announcement text based on the function, text structure

and linguistic elements

10. Students present the results of group work that they have discussed in

accordance with the guidelines prepared by the Participant teacher.

11. Students report the results of the discussion in doing the text exercises.

12. Students review and conclude the results of the work done.

13. The teacher provides reinforcement on the students' conclusions.


4. The media’s supporting apply in teaching

a. Social Media
There were several kinds of social media were used by teachers :
a) Google Meet

Google Meet is one of the supporting media used by teachers at SMK

YADIKA Lubuklinggau, this application connected by interacting via video

call. The teacherwere used this application make to easier for teacher interact

with students, so that the teacher can explain the material to be discussed, and

have conversation with students like when studying in class.

b) WhatsApp

WhatsApp makes it easy for everyone to communicate even from a

distance. this is also the reason why whatsapp is often used by several people,

one of which is teachers and students, because whatsapp allows teachers to

interact with students through groups that have been provided by teachers, so

students can find out information related to learning, and teachers also very

quickly to provide that information.

c) Youtube

Youtube is a platform that is widely used by everyone, almost every day

people access YouTube to find out about various things. including for

astudent who can access various kinds of learning materials easily as well as

many various kinds of channels that can be watched in order to increase their

knowledge. For a teacher, YouTube is one of the interactive and innovative

learning media, because it can create a new innovation for teachers


d) Power point (PPT)

Now learning is not only from books but along with technological

developments, learning can be done through electronics. That is by

usingpower point by Microsoft Office. Power point or PPT is a slide show

type application that is used to present a concept or something to be

conveyed, for example subject matter and so on. Power point is widely used

because of how easy it is to operate and everyone can make interesting power

points.This can be a way to get rid of students' boredom in learning and they

can digest the material well. A picture in power point will be more effective

than just using words and the absence of real evidence examples.Using power

point media for electronic learning is an effective way, because power point is

considered possible so that learning objectives are still achieved. The thing

that makes power point media very interesting is that it lies in writing

effective content, variations in the use of various images and animations, so

that it can become something that attracts the attention of students

e) Video Lesson.

There are several advantages that can be utilized from the media in the form

of videos, namely: more effective, accelerate the learning process and

improve the quality of learning.The teacher's creativity in designing learning

videos is a way so that the material presented can be understood by students.

The resulting display design is expected to motivate students to learn in the


current situation. Growing virtual learning motivation is one of the efforts

that must be made by teachers through these media.

f) Google Form

During learning through e-learning, Google form is one of the effective

media. Google Forms is a free-to-pay Google application whose main

function is to createforms for both information collection and online

quizzes.For teaching and learning activities it can helped the teachers in

giving assignments or examination to students by shared the link on whatsapp

groups and their can used them by via gadgets or laptops.

B. Discussion

According to the result of observation conducted with an english teacher,

strategy is important in learning as a way or method that make easier to learn. In

line with the opinion from David (1976 as quoted in Sanjaya, 2006), strategy is a

method, plan, or series of several of activities designed to archieve a particular

educational goals. There are many e-learning features contents that usually use

by the teacher, starting from the beginning of the learning process, making

competency standards, learning implementation plan (RPP), learning materials,

processing daily assesments.

This study focussed on what teacher strategies through e-learning in English

subject through e-learning. The reseacher interviewed three subjects who were

interviewed to more deeply. They are teachers at SMK YADIKA Lubuklinggau.


1. Lecturer Method

This method replies on a good speaker so that the goals can be conveyed well

too. To use this method, the teacher must be able to explain in detail how the

material can be delivered and the learning objectives can be achieved.

2. Discussion

The teacher uses this learning method so that it can involve students to be more

active in expressing opinions about the material discussed, and students can also

increase their knowledge by exchanging ideas.

3. Problem Solving

In this method the teacher gives a problem to students, so that students can

independently understand and learn to solve a problem and find solutions and

answers to these problems. And will usually be presented with student work, the

teacher only evaluated and assesses each student's results.

4. Roleplay

For roleplay in learning the teacher usually given assignments in the form of

students practicing a learning material that has been learned by role playing and

overall students are the ones who play an active role and the teacher only saw and

evaluated student work.

5. Cooperative Learning

In cooperative learning, teachers as facilitators serve a bridge to higher

understanding, with student records of themselves. The teacher not only gives

knowledge to the students, but must build their mind. Students have the

opportunity to gain finish and kniowledge in applying their ideas. This is an


opportunity for students discover and apply heir own ideas. opportunity to gain

finish and kniowledge in applying their ideas. This is an opportunity for students

discover and apply heir own ideas.

6. Questions and Answers

This method of communicating which is two traffic way, between students and

teacher. At this learning is done with a teacher asking a student or a student asking

and the teacher asnwer. Questions and answer method is intended to stimulate a

student’s thinking and guided in achieving or acquiring direct knowledge between

teacher and students.

7. Project Based Learning

Almost the same as the previous method, if the previous method uses

problems to see students' thinking skills, and this method uses a student's

creativity in completing the tasks the teacher gives. This method given changed

for students to be able to understand the material through a performance that the

teacher given and then present it through a device or supporting media.




A. Conclusion

From the findings of the research that had been founding and discussed in

Chapter IV. It can be concluded that teacher strategies through e-learning,

especially in English subjects result. Strategy was a method, plan, or series of

several of activities designed to archieve a particular educational goals. Before the

teacher taught their students, the students must be have preparation, there were

some features in teaching through e-learning, firstly was the beginning of the

learning process, secondly was making competency standards, thirdly was

learning implementation plan (RPP), next is learning materials, and the last was

processing daily assesments.

Based on the result of interview and field note, there are seven strategies used

by the teachers in teaching and learning activities : :

1. Lecturer Method

2. Discussion

3. Problem Solving

4 Roleplay

5. Cooperative Learning.

6. Questions and Answer

7. Project Based Learning


And the way teachers applied this strategy that were explained from lesson

plan,then the teacher were used some media’s to supporting the teaching and

learning activities. One of example the most strategies used by the teacher is

roleplay, Roleplay is one of the learning methods in the form of speaking. In this

method, students are asked to play a drama, spontaneously to demonstrate their

roles in interacting. The roleplay is related to problems and challenges and their

relationship with humans. In this method, students can imagine freely and can

practice their speaking skills in learning English and also students can learn to

solve every problem they are playing. And this method become one of the most

strategies used by the teacher, because because this method can help teachers to

be able to see students' abilities, especially in speaking skills, because students

directly practice the material that has been discussed and then the teacher can find

out the extent of students' abilities to the material. Especially in online learning,

where everything is limited so only rely on a tool to keep communicating

smoothly and material can also be conveyed properly. Therefore teachers continue

to use this method as an effective learning strategy. And how the way teacher

apllied roleplay, such as : after the teacher explained the material then the teacher

given a sample of video from youtube, and the students watch this video, after

this they made a dialogue from the material advice and suggestions ,next the

students made videos using their mobile phone in material is advice and

suggestion, Students do their homework at home and submit their assignments


For the media’s supporting used by the teacher, there were some media’s,

firstly from social media : Goole Meet, whatssap, youtube, telegram. Secondly

from apllication : google form and microsoft word ( power point). And last is

from the teacher, this is video lessson to supporting the teaching and learning


From the conclusion, the researcher hope that this research can provide

scope for learning so that in the future students and teachers will support each

other more so that learning is more effective and time efficient. Hopefully the

pandemic will end soon andlearning can be done face-to-face so that students can

better recognize their school environment and the people around them.

B. Sugesstion

From the result of this research, the researcher gives some suggestion as

follows :

1. For the teacher

This research provides theories, examples, strategies and media related to

learning methods used to solve problems in teaching and learning. the teacher

can use this research as reference material to complete the learning material


2. For the other researcher

The reseacher suggests the next reseacher to conduct study case concerning

this research in order to get deeper information about teacher strategies in

teaching english subject throigh e-learning if they are looking for references.

Hopefully, this research is able to give inspiration and guidance for further

researcher to be more carefull while doing similar research, especially while


analyzing the data. Therefore, for further research will perform a better

comprehension than this research.

3. For the reader

The reader have to study more about the teacher strategies in teaching

english subject through e-learning during COVID 19 . This researach provided

sufficient information to the reader who need to understand about teacher

strategies through e-learning.

4. For the institution

For institution, this research may contribute in providing teacher and other

researcher because the result of the research revelals interisting phenomenon in


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50 47


RESPONDENT IDENTITY (Identitas Responden)

Teacher Name / Nama guru : Lidya Sumirah,S.Pd.
Teacher address / Alamat guru :-
Date / Tanggal : Tuesday, 11st May 2021

No Interviewer Teacher

1. Assalammulaikum wr wb, Good Good afternoon.

afternoon miss ?

2. Ok I would like introduce my My name is lidya sumirah, I am

self, My name is Fitria Indah english teacher in Vocational
Rahayu, I am student of STKIP- High School of Yadika
PGRI of Lubuklinggau and now Lubuklinggau.
let me interview you. Now I will
ask you some of questions about
my thesis because I am doing
research thesis. Ok for the first,
what is your name ?

3. Ok for miss lidya, I want to asked No, I taught e-learning during

you about E-learning. so, did you corona pandemic.
ever teach E-learning before ?

4. Ok, So how many classes taught I taught 9 classes, a long 60

by you ? minutes during e-learning

5. How is teaching and learning System e-learning in yadika is

system used e-learning in yadika teacher must be made PPT or
school ? power point, video lesson, google
form, google meet and many
media’s we used in teaching

. Oh so you have must be prepare Yes. Before the taught we must

the media ? prepare the material.

7. How was e-learning implemented E-learning implemented caused of

for the first time in yadika ? corona pandemic, its for the first
is maybe difficult yeah, because
the student is new,new for
highlight, So the students did not
lack of the material.

8. And what kinds of strategies that I used questions and answer,

you were used in online discussion, role play in online
learning ? class.

9. Can you explained one ? Question and answer is a teaching

method that allows direct
communication that is two way
traffic because at the same time
there is a dialogue between the
teacher and students.

10. In this offline class yeah ? Yes offline and online class

11. And for the learning during while online, I always shared link
online, what is activities you did or lesson material to students
before in teaching ? whatsapp grup, telegram, google
meet and sometimes used the

12. can you mention one material that for the example the material I was
you shared? shared is memo and many lesson.
For the example memo.

13. relate the strategies that you used, we always used handphone,
what is media that you use for notebook or google for to
learning be optimall ? and why optimally the lesson.
the reason apply this media?

14. And how to give students I given the exams or evaluation by

evaluation in teaching and google form, students project. The
learning process ? last semester we given project with
the students, for example in english
lesson the students made drama
(short drama or short movie) as
their evaluation.

15. And you given this project ? I hmm, drama is so difficult but we
mean drama is so difficult. given students group maybe is
group consists of ten students and
their discuss in their home and their
searching in about of topic of
drama and then they made video
and the last at the time they
submited the video to the teacher.

16. Ok, and how you given score ? I given the score by their
pronounciation, their expression
and their grammar.

17. And so long one semester ? yes long one semester

18. And are there any significance yes there are many significance
changes ? changes along e-learning for
example, the students can improve
the skill in using sosial media and
high tecnology.

19. Ok thank you so much for the ok miss fitria succes for you.
questions and answer, I hope that
I can one day become good
teacher like you.
20. Thank you so much, thank you You are wellcome. 53
for helping me.
Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.
Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.


RESPONDENT IDENTITY (Identitas Responden)

Teacher Name / Nama guru : Siti Hamidah, S.Pd
Teacher address / Alamat guru : Lubuk Kupang
Date / Tanggal : Tuesday, 12th May 2021

No Interviewer Teacher

1. Assalammulaikum wr wb, Good Good afternoon.

afternoon miss ?

2. Ok I would like introduce my My name is Siti Hamidah, I am

self, My name is Fitria Indah English teacher in Vocational
Rahayu, I am student of STKIP- High School of Yadika
PGRI of Lubuklinggau and now Lubuklinggau.
let me interview you. Now I will
ask you some of questions about
my thesis because I am doing
research thesis. Ok for the first,
what is your name ?

3. Ok for miss siti hamidah, I want No, I never taught before.

to asked you about E-learning.
so, did you ever teach E-learning
before ?

4. Ok, So how many classes taught I taught 3 classes, the duration for
by you ? each class is 60 minutes.

5. How is teaching and learning In our school use daring system, the
system use e-learning in yadika teacher shared link to the students
school ? to joined in video conference and
then the teacher check students’
attendance and explained the
material, we also share our material
lesson in students’ whatsapp grup
or telegram.

6. Oh so you have must be prepare Yes of course we must have been a

the media ? media

7. How was e-learning implemented For the first time, e-learning

for the first time in yadika ? implemented in our scholl it’s so
difficult to explain the material and
also the students difficult to joined
in class.

8. And what kinds of strategies that In online learning we can used

you were used in online many kinds of strategies, likes role
learning ? play,discussion, project based
learning and sometimes lecturer

9. Can you explain one ? Well, roleplay is one of kinds of

strategies that almost were used by
teacher. Because this made a new
situation on e-learning, ropleplay
recreate a situation based on
problem so the students can
understood about the problem and
can found solved it.

10. In this offline class yeah ? Both of them.

11. And for the learning during Before the teaching started,I shared
online, what is activities you did link or materials to students
before teaching ? whatsapp grup, telegram, google
meet and sometimes used the

12. Can you mention one material For the example the material I was
that you shared? shared is advice and suggestion.

13. Relate the strategies that you The media that we used are HP or
used, what is media that you use Laptop caused by using that media

for learning be optimall ? and it madse easy to shared the

why the reason apply this media? material.

14. And how to give students I given the evaluation to the

evaluation in teaching and students by given the task and
learning process ? shared link google form to the
examination. Yes, there is a little
changed, because not all of students
have good provider or signal in
their place.

15. Ok, and how you give score ? I given the score by their
pronounciation, their expression
and their grammar.

16. Ok thank you so much for the You are wellcome miss fitria,
questions and answer, I hope that Aamin Allahuma Aamin.
I can one day become good
teacher like you.

17. Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb. Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.



RESPONDENT IDENTITY (Identitas Responden)

Teacher Name / Nama guru : Siti Fatonah, S.Pd
Teacher address / Alamat guru : B.Srikaton,Tugumulyo, Kab. Musi rawas
Date / Tanggal : Tuesday, 12th May 2021

No Interviewer Teacher

1. Assalammulaikum wr wb, Good Good afternoon.

afternoon miss ?

2. Ok I would like introduce my Hello,my name is Siti Fatonah, I

self, My name is Fitria Indah am one of English teacher in
Rahayu, I am student of STKIP- Vocational High School of Yadika
PGRI of Lubuklinggau and now Lubuklinggau.
let me interview you. Now I will
ask you some of questions about
my thesis because I am doing
research thesis. Ok for the first,
what is your name ?

3. Ok for miss siti hamidah, I want I never did.

to ask you about E-learning. so,
did you ever teach E-learning
before ?

4. Ok, So how many classes taught I taught 5 classes and I taught for
by you ? about 60 minutes for each class
during e-learning.

5. How is teaching and learning In this school used online,the

system use e-learning in yadika teacher shared the link of google
school ? meeting to did video converence
and checked the students’
attendance, explained the material
and given the task for the students.
Teaching and learning was also
continued in whatsapp group, the

students submitted their task in this


6. Oh so you have must be prepare Sure, we always have been

the media ? preparation.

7. How was e-learning implemented Exactly the students and the teacher
for the first time in yadika ? found some constraint, the teacher
have difficulties to explained the
material and the students also have
difficulties to comprehend the

8. And what kinds of strategies that I used problem solving, discussion

you were used in online and question and answer in
learning ? teaching during online.

9. Can you explain one ? Problem solving it means learning

that involves students in an activity
(project) to produce a product.
Involvement starts from planning,
designing, implementing, and
reporting the results in the form of
products and reports on their

10. In this offline class yeah ? No, it can be for online also.

11. And for the learning during I shared link for material that were
online, what is activities you did discussed to students in whatsapp
before in teaching ? grup, telegram, google meet and
sometimes used the classroom.

12. Can you mention one material For the example the material I were
that you were shared? shared is speech.

13. Relate the strategies that you I used google meeting,whatsapp

used, what is media that you use media and power point media

for learning be optimall ? and because the media given the

why the reason apply this media? convenience for me to convey and
explain the material for students
and the media made the students
easy to comprehend the material.

14. And how to give students I used google form thats contains
evaluation in teaching and some questions, portfolio and
learning process ? project for giving evaluation in
teaching and learning process.

15. Ok, and how you given score ? I given the score by their project
and sometimes we took speaking
for look how their pronounce and
expression and forwriting skill we
writen some a stories for look how
their grammar.

16. Ok thank you so much for the Yes miss fitria you are wellcome. I
questions and answer, I hope that hope all best word back to you.
I can one day become good
teacher like you.

17. Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb. Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.


Field Note 01 # Fitria-X # LLG



Date : Tuesday,04th May 2021

Time : 09.00 – 10.00 WIB.
Teacher :1
Class : XI Accountant

Observation was conducted and facilitated by using application of google

meet, the teacher give link with the reseacher and after this the reseacher join and

follow the learning. The class begin at 09.00-10.00 WIB the reseacher follow

classes with the on camera and waiting the students to joined in meet class. After

all students ready to join the class, the teacher opening and checked attendance of


And then the teacher introduced the reseacher who was in online class

briefly. After that the teacher started to ask some question to the students in order

to remind the previous materials the students had learned before. After the teacher

asked some questions with students then the material about “Memo” that was

introduced by the teacher that were going to learn. The teacher asked with

students about what is the memo ? and kinds of memo?. Then the teacher translate

into english.

The teacher explain about definition of memo and kinds of memo such as :

schedule, sign, menu. And then teacher give some questions and asked to the

students to give the example. At the first difficult for the students to speak and

gives examples of the material although of them understood about the

explanation. But the teacher pointed out one of the students to give an example of

the material and followed by other students. And after the teacher explained the

material, asked and evaluated the students' understanding and gave some

assignments to the students, the learning ended. Before closing the lesson, the

teacher repeats the material that has been taught. Finally the teacher closed the

online class.

Field Note 02 # Fitria-X # LLG



Date : Wednesday, 05th May 2021

Time : 11.00 -12.00 WIB.
Teacher :1
Class : XI Accountant

In another day, The class begin at 11.00-12.00 WIB the reseacher follow

classes with the on camera and waiting the students to joined in meet class. After

all students ready to join the class, the teacher opening and checked attendance of

students. The material are still same this is memo and the teacher asked to

students for answer the questions to the teacher asks students to answer questions

by training students to learn to speak in english. The questions given are still

about memo, the teacher asks students to mention various types of memo, asks the

meaning of memo, signs, schedules and menus. besides asking about the purpose

of the sign. After the teacher asked all the questions to the students, the teacher

evaluated based on the answers from students and reviews the learning and

teaching and learning activities ended.


Field Note 03 # Fitria-XI # LLG



Date : Wednesday, 12th May 2021

Time : 13.00-14.00 WIB.
Teacher :2
Class : XI Network and Computer Engineering.

Observation were conducted with second teachers and class begin at 13.00 –

14.00, and the teacher were using google meet and the students ready to join the

class. Before teacher begin the class, the teacher introduce the reseacher first who

is a participant in a class. Then the teacher opening the class, check attendance,

after this greeting the students.

Next, the teacher explained to the students about the material to be

discussed. And the material is advice and suggestion, firstly the teacher ask with

students meaning of advice and suggestion and there are some students answer it,

then the teacher continued to explained it. The teacher explained what is benefit of

advice and suggetion, between advice and suggestion have differences, if advice is

an expression of giving advice to others but in a more formal form and usually if

advice people have more experience in a field. While suggestion is an expression

to give advice but seems a non-formal, suggestion does not require experience and

ability in a particular field, but only provides an ideas with a freedom. And the

teacher give example both of them in daily life.

After that the teacher wants to asked students to a discussion session

about the material that has been delivered, the teacher given a question and then

students are asked the meaning of advice and suggetion according to their opinion

and why both of them is needed.

Finally, the duration of the study showed that it was finished, so the

teacher gave a conclusion regarding the material that had been discussed and the

teacher gave the students a task to make a dialogue about advice or suggestion and

then recorded it by making a video conversation at their homes, which the

students collect by via telegram. And the teacher closed the class and the teaching

and learning activities was ended.


Field Note 04# Fitria-XI # LLG



Date : Friday,14th May 2021

Time : 10.00-11.00 WIB.
Teacher :3
Class : XI Office Administration

The class started at 10.00-11.00 on Friday, and the reseacher conducted

observed with the last teacher in different class, the class before in office

administration and this class is network and computer engineering. The teacher

waiting students prepare to joined the class, the teacher used the video converence

through google meet and all of students was ready to joined. The teacher

introduced the reseacher with students and the class is beggin, the teacher opening

the class with greeting the students then check who is students can not join or

attend the class.

The material want to discussed is about speech, before the teacher explained

the materials, firstly the teacher shared a learning video by via telegram and later

students are asked to watch the video as a reference for learning material. After

the video has been shared, then the teacher explained what is speech and how to

delivered a good and correct speech in english. The teacher given an example of a

speech made by the president at a state event between Indonesia and other

countries, the aim is to convey information that is given directly to others.The


teacher given examples of speech in everyday life, then the teacher explains the

meaning of the speech to be studied. Speech is an activity of speaking by

conveying the opinion or thoughts of the author. And whatever expressions are

used for speech, the first one can use "Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen or

also first of all” and how were delivered a speech in front of crowd.

After the teacher explained the material and the duration was finished, so the

teacher asked to the task for students to made a short speech text based on what

the issue on trending, then their practiced with took a video by their self on mobile

phone. Next the task submitted in telegram and the teacher given evaluation and

also score for this assignment. The class was finished and the teacher closing the

class with given conclusion about the materials.



Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Yadika Lubuklinggau

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021 / 2022
Alokasi Waktu : 3 pertemuan
Materi : Teks Khusus Dalam Bentuk Surat Pribadi

A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Tujuan pembelajaran:

Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

3.18. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur  Mengidentifikasi ungkapan

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa keakraban yang lazim digunakan
teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan dalam surat pribadi
memberi dan meminta informasi  Memahami struktur teks dari
terkait manual penggunaan teknologi surat pribadi
dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan  Memahami unsur kebahasaan
sederhana, sesuai dengan bidang surat pribadi
keahlian dan konteks penggunaannya  Menganalisis unsur-unsur
eksposisi surat pribadi
4.6 Teks surat pribadi
 Membaca surat pribadi dengan
4.6.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual suara lantang dan bermakna,
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata
unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam yang benar
bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan  Mengelompokkan dan
diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya menyusun kembali tiga surat
pribadi yang dicampur aduk
4.6.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk secara acak menjadi tiga surat
surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan pribadi yang koheren, seperti
orang sekitarnya, lisan dan tulis, dengan aslinya
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,  Membuat surat pribadi untuk
dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan satu orang teman di kelas
sesuai konteks tentang suatu hal yang relevan,
dan kemudian membalasnya

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran :
Pendahulua Kegiatan Inti

      Menginformasi  Siswa Melihat,    Memberikan

kan peserta didik mendengar, dan umpan balik
untuk mengikuti menyaksikan guru terhadap proses dan
proses PBM daring memaparkan dan hasil pembelajaran;
    Memberi menanyakan jati diri siswa     Melakukan
motivasi belajar dalam bahasa Inggris kegiatan tindak
dan memberi secara benar sesuai lanjut dalam
petunjuk kenyataan, untuk dapat bentukpenilaian
pemberian tugas dikenal siswa secara lebih     Menginformasika
via WA/stream di dekat. n rencana kegiatan
google classroom.  Guru pembelajaran untuk
mengulanginya berkali- PBM daring
kali, dan secara interaktif berikutnya
mengajak siswa untuk
mengamati secara jelas,
kalimat demi kalimat, isi
pesan dan unsur
kebahasaan yang
digunakan dalam
memaparkan dan
menanyakan jati diri.
 Siswa
membandingkan antara
ungkapan untuk
memaparkan dan
menanyakan diri yang
telah dipelajari tersebut di
atas dengan yang ada di
sumber-sumber lain, atau
dengan yang digunakan
dalam bahasa lain.
 Memperoleh
balikan (feedback) dari
guru dan teman tentang
fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan yang
 Siswa dapat
menggunakan bahasa
Inggris untuk saling
memaparkan jati diri agar
saling mengenal secara
lebih dekat.
 Siswa berupaya
berbicara secara lancar
dengan ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi yang benar

dan menulis dengan ejaan
dan tanda baca yang benar,
serta tulisan yang jelas dan
 Siswa
permasalahan yang
dialami dalam
memaparkan jati diri
dalam bahasa Inggris dan
menuliskannya dalam
jurnal belajar sederhana
dalam bahasa Indonesia.
 Guru memberikan
penguatan atas hasil
kesimpulan siswa.

C. Penilaian Pembelajaran:
Adapun penilaian pembelajaran yang di lakukan meliputi:
1. Penilaian partisipasi/kehadiran dalam mengumpulkan tugas dan penilaian tugas
2. Tes Daring/google form

D. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Ceramah
2. Diskusi

Mengetahui Lubuklinggau, Januari 2021

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel

Inayati, S.Pd Lidya Sumirah, S.Pd



Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Yadika Lubuklinggau

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kompetensi Keahlian : Seluruh Kompetensi Keahlian
Kelas / Semester : X /I
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020 - 2021
Materi Pokok : Teks memberi ucapan selamat bersayap (extended)
Alokasi Waktu : 6JP

A. Kompetensi Inti:
K3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi
tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, operasional dasar, dan
metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian/kerja
Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan
kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,
budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks pengembangan potensi
diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga
masyarakat nasional, regional, dan internasional.
K4 Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat,
informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian/kerja
Bahasa Inggris.

Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan

kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja.

Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji

secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif,
komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu
melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru,

membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami dalam
ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang
dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas
spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

No Kompetensi Dasar

3.2 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap (extended), dan responnya,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi berbagai fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan tentang teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat
bersayap (extended), dan responnya, sesuai dengan konteks
3.2.2 Menjelaskan berbagai fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan tentang teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat
bersayap (extended), dan responnya, sesuai dengan konteks

3.2.3 Menganalisis berbagai fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan tentang ucapan selamat bersayap (extended) dalam
bentuk monolog

4.2 Menyusun teks `interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap
(extended), dan responnya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
4.2.1. Menanya teks dialog atau monolog tentang memberikan
ucapan selamat bersayap (extended)
4.2.2 Mencoba teks dialog atau monolog tentang memberikan ucapan
selamat bersayap (extended)
4.2.3 Menyusun/Merancang teks dialog atau monolog tentang
memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap (extended)

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengamati dan menggali informasi, siswa/peserta didik dapat:

1.Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan tentang

teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap (extended), dan responnya, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

2. Mengklasifikasi berbagai ekspresi, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
tentang teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap (extended), dan responnya, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3. Menganalisis berbagai fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
tentang teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap (extended), dan responnya, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4. Menyusun teks dialog atau monolog tentang ucapan selamat bersayap
(extended) tersebut dengan benar.
5. Mendemonstrasikan teks tersebut secara individual di tempat duduk
masing-masing.menyusun teks dialog atau monolog tentang memberikan
ucapan selamat bersayap (extended) tersebut dengan benar, peserta didik
mampu menyusun teks

D. Materi Pembelajaran
 Materi Pokok : Teks ucapan selamat bersayap (extended)

E. Model dan Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Saintifik
Model : Discovery Learning
Metode Pembelajaran : Tanya jawab, ceramah, diskusi, penugasan

Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
a. Pendahuluan
 Guru dan siswa memberi salam dan berdoa sebelum pembelajaran
 Guru mengkondisikan kelas dalam suasana kondusif untuk
berlangsungnya pembelajaran.
 Guru memberikan motivasi tentang pentingnya memahami teks
recount yang dihubungkan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai.
 Guru menginformasikan tentang proses pembelajaran yang akan
dilakukan termasuk aspek-aspek yang dinilai selama proses pembelajaran

b. Kegiatan inti
 Guru meminta siswa untuk kerja berkelompok.
 Siswa membaca beberapa teks memberikan ucapan selamat bersayap
(extended) sederhana dalam buku teks atau sumber lainnya secara
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa menanyakan antara lain
perbedaan antar berbagai kalimat dalam teks memberikan ucapan
selamat bersayap (extended) sederhana yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris
terutama tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.
 Siswa menanyakan informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dari teks
ucapan selamat bersayap (extended) sederhana tentang
 Guru meminta siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kosa kata baru.
 Dalam kerja kelompok terbimbing siswa  menganalisis dengan
membandingkan berbagai kalimat dalam teks yang menggambarkan
ucapan memberi selamat bersayap (extended) dengan fokus pada 
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.
 Siswa berkelompok menemukan dan informasi tertentu serta fungsi
sosial dari teks ucapan memberi selamat bersayap
(extended)sederhana yang dibaca/didengar
 Siswa mengelompokkan teks ucapan memberi selamat bersayap
(extended)sederhana sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya.
 Siswa menyusun teks ucapan memberi selamat bersayap (extended)
berdasarkan fungsi, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya
 Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok yang telah mereka baca
sesuai dengan panduan yang disiapkan guru.
 Peserta didik melaporkan hasil bacaan dalam mengerjakan latihan teks
Siswa mengkaji ulang dan menyimpulkan hasil dari pekerjaan yang
 Guru memberikan penguatan atas hasil kesimpulan siswa.
c. Penutup
 Siswa diminta menyimpulkan tentang pembelajaran teks ucapan
memberi selamat bersayap (extended) yang telah dipelajari.
 Guru memberi penguatan.

 Guru mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan menginformasikan materi

pertemuan selanjutnya, dan pesan untuk tetap belajar.

Mengetahui Lubuklinggau, Januari 2021

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel

Inayati, S.Pd Lidya Sumirah, S.Pd



Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Yadika Lubuklinggau

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022
Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP
Materi : Advice and Suggestion

A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Tujuan pembelajaran:

Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

• Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,struktur

3.13 Menganalisis fungsi
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
sosial,struktur teks, dan
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
unsur kebahasaan teks
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
interaksi transaksional
dan meminta informasi terkait saran
lisan dan tulis yang
dan tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks
melibatkan tindakan
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
memberi dan meminta
kebahasaan should, can).
informasi terkait saran
• Membuat teks interaksi transaksional,
dan tawaran, sesuai
lisan dan
dengan konteks
tulis,pendek dan sederhana,
yangmelibatkan tindakan memberidan
(Perhatikan unsur
meminta informasi terkaitsaran dan
kebahasaan should, can)
tawaran, denganmemperhatikan fungsi
4.13 Menyusun teks interaksi sosial,struktur teks, dan
transaksional, lisan dan unsurkebahasaan yang benar dansesuai
tulis,pendek dan konteks
sederhana, yang
melibatkan tindakan
memberidan meminta
informasi terkait saran dan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial,struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dansesuai konteks

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan Kegiatan
Kegiatan Inti
Pendahuluan Penutup

 Guru dan siswa  Siswa di beri tugas    Memberikan

melakukan vicon untuk umpan balik
melalui google menyimak/menonto terhadap proses dan
meeting, n contoh video hasil pembelajaran;
menyapa, cek tentang advice and     Melakukan
kehadiran, dan suggestion melalui kegiatan tindak
lain-lain. grup telegram. lanjut dalam
    Memberi  Siswa membuat bentukpenilaian
motivasi belajar video penggunaaan     Menginformasika
dan memberi advice and n rencana kegiatan
petunjuk suggestion pembelajaran untuk
pengiriman tugas  Siswa mengerjakan PBM daring
via WA/telegram. tugasnya di rumah berikutnya
masing-masing dan
tugasnya secara
 Guru mengevaluasi,
memberikan reward
dan penguatan
penjelasan terkait
materi dan tugas

C. Penilaian Pembelajaran:
Adapun penilaian pembelajaran yang di lakukan meliputi:
1. Penilaian partisipasi/kehadiran dalam mengumpulkan tugas dan penilaian
2. Tes Daring/google form
D. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Roleplay
2. Diskusi
3. Problem solving

Mengetahui Lubuklinggau, Mei 2021

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel

Inayati, S.Pd. Siti Hamidah, S.Pd


Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Yadika Lubuklinggau

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022
Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP
Materi : Speech

A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Tujuan pembelajaran:

Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

• Membuat speech text/tek pidato

3.14 Menganalisis fungsi
sesuai dengan structure isi nya
sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi
• Mempraktekan secara langsung
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
speech/pidato singkat
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait
pendapat dan pikiran, setuju dan
tidak setuju sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in
my opinion)

4.14. Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional, lisan dan
tulis,pendek dan sederhana,
yangmelibatkan tindakan
memberidan meminta informasi
terkaitpendapat dan pikiran, setuju
dan tidak setuju
denganmemperhatikan fungsi
sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan Kegiatan Kegiatan

Pendahuluan Inti Penutup

 Guru dan siswa  Siswa menonton   Memberikan umpan

melakukan vicon contoh vidio speech balik terhadap proses
melalui google yang di share oleh dan hasil
meeting, menyapa, cek guru melalui grup pembelajaran;
kehadiran, dan lain- telegram.   Melakukan kegiatan
lain.  Siswa membuat tex tindak lanjut dalam
 Guru memberi pidato singkat bentukpenilaian
motivasi belajar dan  Siswa membuat   Menginformasikan
memberi petunjuk video pidato/speech rencana kegiatan
pengiriman tugas via singkat pembelajaran untuk
WA/telegram.  Siswa mengerjakan PBM daring
tugasnya di rumah berikutnya
masing-masing dan
tugasnya secara
 Guru mengevaluasi,
memberikan reward
dan penguatan
penjelasan terkait
materi dan tugas

C. Penilaian Pembelajaran:
Adapun penilaian pembelajaran yang di lakukan meliputi:
1. Penilaian partisipasi/kehadiran dalam mengumpulkan tugas dan penilaian
2. Tes Daring/google form

D. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Problem solving
2. Roleplay
3. Tanya jawab

Mengetahui Lubuklinggau, Mei 2021

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel
Inayati, S.Pd. Siti Fatonah, S.Pd




Image 1. Observation with First English Teacher and

XI Accountant Class in Google Meet

Image 2. Observation with second English Teacher and Network Computer

Engineering class in Google Meet.

Image 3. Observation with Third Teacher and XI Office Administration in

Google Meet.

Image 4. Interview With First English Teachers At Her Home.

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